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HaPe Chic by Jenny Faye A boutique for all ages of BEAUTIFUL.
I’m a mom of four active teenagers and two crazy, yet sweet, boxer pups. Most of my working outside-the-home years included trying to climb the corporate ladder of the pharmaceutical world, which was really just plain exhausting (Let’s be honest . . . a mother’s job never ends). After marrying Jason three years ago, making the decision to stay home with our kiddos, and moving across town, I decided I needed to create something that was “mine.” My style has never been ordinary, and I don’t really love the word “trendy.” I do believe whatever you wear, you have to just own it! Whether its sneakers with Find us on Facebook a dress or a bright red blazer over a graphic tee, it’s all about CONFIDENCE. Just or BE YOU! I love empowering women to feel confident and beautiful in the skin/ body God has given them. I believe creating a unique look that a women can feel confident and comfortable in allows her to take on many roles throughout the day with more passion and enthusiasm, while being the best she can be. HaPe (happy) is representative of my two children, Peter and Harry, who truly are my heart. “Ha” for Harry, and “Pe” for Peter. Chic (sheik) means “elegantly and stylishly fashionable.” I carry all the brands the big boutiques do, but because there is no brick and mortar, we can offer the same quality and fashion at a better price. I hope you browse my boutique and feel free to share with me your own personal style. Remember, online shopping has benefits: 1 – You are too pretty to drive around looking for a parking spot. And of course, 2 – If you haven’t shopped sans makeup in your sweatpants with a glass of wine—you might just be doing it wrong.
L E T T E R F R O M THE EDITOR I love spring. The flowers start to bloom. It’s the season of gratitude as we focus on Jesus Christ taking the payment for our sins, dying on the cross in our place, and rising from the dead showing He conquered Satan’s plans to separate us forever from God. There is no doubt that Satan will lose the war. We know that. However, sometimes as Christians, we forget that Satan has time and a lot of souls he wants to collect on the way to that final battle. He enjoys every one of us that he can steal away. His game is to trap those of us who know God. Ensnare us into addictions, lifestyles and choices we feel we have no power left to overcome. He wants the same for those who don’t know him— except in that case, he’s out for your soul. The battle for our souls is on until we accept Christ as our savior or die before doing so. Then, the battle to make us ineffective Christians, incapable of living a life that would bring anyone else to Christ is still on the list. He still wants to drag us down. He wants us living as hypocrites sending everyone who watches us on a path away from a savior. We know we’re not perfect, but that pride will keep even the greatest of us pretending to be something we are not. Where are we seeing some of the greatest brokenness inside the church today? Pornography. Sadly, it is a breeding ground for pedophiles, general sex offenders (you know rapists and such), and a disease plaguing our men and women. That breeding ground contributes to the “demand” for trafficking. The need to meet needs that are unnatural, unavailable, and simply against the law (sex with minors for example), is fed by the pornography industry. By participating, we are supporting it. We’re actually creating a disease inside our own minds that changes everything about the way we think and operate. We’ve all heard preachers discuss that no one sets out one morning saying “Hey. I think I’d like to destroy my marriage, my family and lose everything. How can I start that process today?” Usually, the path is much gentler. With pornography, it might start with a friend at school pressuring you to watch their phone. It can start with a boy requesting a “nudie” from a girl he likes. Incidentally, did you know with just one text of one photo, that girl has just distributed child pornography. She can become a sex offender under arrest required to register on the sex offenders list for five years. Her boyfriend du jour? If he forwards it to friends, he’s now not only guilty of distributing child porn, but he’s starting a path for the girl’s 4 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
picture to transmit all over the world. Going viral can be catastrophic. Secrets become headlines. It can happen . . . THAT QUICK. Intentions don’t really matter to the law. The laws are there to protect kids from things they can’t undo. I know. You don’t want to think about it. I certainly don’t. But we actually need to do more than think on it. We’re going to have to admit there’s a problem and we’re actually the ones helping create it. We will cover trafficking for March/April, laying the foundation to dispel any belief you might have that pornography is natural and it doesn’t cause any harm to anyone but maybe you. You will hear from our friends at the “Demand Project,” who are dedicated to ridding the trafficking industry of the demand, which causes these little boys and girls to fall victim to the highly lucrative sex industry. We will then cover pornography in the church for May/June. We will talk to a church leader who fell. We’ll talk about how far he fell. We’ll talk about all the people he knowingly and maybe unknowingly took down with him. We’ll also talk to church members who suffer with porn addiction. I can tell you one thing: Not one of the folks we have spoken with say they wanted to walk this path of destruction. There is a silver lining. When we cover porn in the May/June issue, we will also share the many ways people suffering with this addiction can get help before it’s too late. We are never beyond God’s hand to redeem us. Never. That same Jesus who died on that horrible cross bore all of our sins, including this catastrophically dangerous addiction to pornography. You are not alone in your offense. You are also not alone in your defense. So stop avoiding this beast we need to tackle head on. As my dad likes to say to my husband in jest, “Suck it up buttercup.” Get on this journey with us. Let’s right this horrible wrong destroying men, women and children—ripping apart families and imprisoning these kids. No matter where you are in the mix, God loves you and He can heal you and restore you. From young boys and girls who feel trapped in this industry to men and women of God who have been ensnared by its addictive allure. Let the DEMAND end here and let the prisoners be free. In Jesus name, Amen. Teresa Goodnight Editor, Community Spirit Magazine
PUBLISHER & EDITOR Omega League Media Staff CONTRIBUTING MONTHLY WRITERS Ryan Goodnight, Teresa Goodnight, Mike Henry Sr., and Andrea Stephens DESIGNER Laura Carter COVER PHOTO Ryan Goodnight DISTRIBUTION Community Spirit Magazine is distributed to churches, schools, restaurants, businesses, and direct to home subscriptions. Email to deliver to your church or subscribe online for a copy sent directly to your home. Claims by advertisers, guest authors, authors, and the opinions of writers within this publication do not necessarily represent the views of Community Spirit Magazine or its publisher. Omega League Media is not responsible for the reliability, suitability, timeliness of content submitted although best effort is always made to accommodate all requests appropriately. Scriptures marked NLT are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW LIVING TRANSLATION (NLT): Scriptures taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW LIVING TRANSLATION, Copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
BIBLE VERSE Romans 15:5-6 “May the God of ENDURANCE and ENCOURAGEMENT grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that TOGETHER you may with ONE VOICE glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” #onevoice #together #ChurchwithaCapitalC OUR MISSION Go into the world. Jesus said Go. To all of us. Do Something. Get in the game. Be like Christ. Show His love.
Submission Deadline is the 1st of the month, prior to the issue. THOUGHTS/IDEAS/SUBMISSIONS Feel free to submit your feedback or ideas via the website If you want to have your work considered for publication, at the website click on “Submit Content.” COMMUNITY EXPERTS/SPECIALISTS If you are a field expert and would like to learn more about being a contributing author, contact us at 918.956.0700 or STUDENTS We would love to entertain your submissions, ideas and suggestions. Please hop on our website in the student stuff and submit! ADVERTISING Contact: Call 918-956-0700, or email
22 10
4 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR 6 CORE: Our “Core” is in Trouble 8 MAN2MAN: In the Image of God 10 FAMILY FUN: Princess Fun for Everyone 14 HEART2HEART: Taking Care 16 RISE & SHINE: Everyday Christian Obedience
18 COVER STORY: Inside The Demand Project Women and Men—Stop Creating the Demand 21 WINNERS’ WISDOM: Fact or Fiction? 22 STUDENT IMPACT: Protecting Your Child in the World of Human Trafficking A Mom Shares it All (But Not on Purpose!) 27 SENIOR MOMENTS: Seasons of Grief 29 APOLOGETICS ON FIRE: Apologetics Produces a Confident Christianity
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 5
Our “Core” is in Trouble
Written by Teresa Goodnight
want to look at our Core a little differently this month. The main reason? Statistically speaking the “Core” inside our church is in a bit of trouble. It’s not what you think. Stay with me and I’ll get there. Have you ever had those times when you feel like God is telling you something, but you just want to ignore it? The Demand Project came up in almost every conversation I had with readers, advertisers or anyone associated with the magazine or who knew that we did the magazine. Honestly? Human trafficking is a topic that is so horrible that my mind doesn’t want to acknowledge exists. I feel like it’s something that happens far away from here—something that wouldn’t happen right here in the middle of the buckle of the Bible belt. So, to think that we needed to talk to The Demand Project was just something I didn’t want to consider. I’m not saying I was Jonah. However, there did finally come a point where I felt like I’m either going to have to tackle this whale or the whale is going to swallow me. Truth? Sex trafficking is very real right here—right where we are. I watched groups of arrests around our area. I saw nine people from my hometown of Sapulpa, Oklahoma be arrested for human trafficking. The fact was this—no matter what I believed about it, it was real. It is real. There are little girls and little boys who are suffering every day. Some of them have been sold into trafficking by their parents. I can’t comprehend that concept, but I’ve never been addicted to drugs. Some of them are talked into sex slavery unknowingly online with what feel like very innocent conversations between them and 6 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
When the Jason and Kristin Weis of The Demand Project said— “If your child has a phone or if they have access to the Internet—they are already targeted.”
a random stranger on TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram or even Facebook. When the Jason and Kristin Weis of The Demand Project said—“If your child has a phone or if they have access to the Internet—they are already targeted.” I shuddered being the mother of a five-year-old with an iPad. To think that someone would want to defile her innocence—imagining the tragedy that horrible experience would have on her mentally was more than I could handle. This is the only interview I’ve done where I cried. Twice. I’m crying as I write this now. The thought of someone doing that to my baby breaks my heart. These are other people’s little babies. We have got to stop pretending it doesn’t exist and hoping to talk about more pleasant things. We have to stop assuming it would never happen to our kids. We have to support The Demand Project trying to restore these victims and teach how we can end the demand for this sexual product. I am as guilty as you are. It’s just not in my Christian upbringing to think about and talk about these things. Just the things
that The Demand Project folks said out loud to me made me uncomfortable. They made me realize that the kind of world our kids are growing up in isn’t the world I grew up in. It’s not as safe as it was. It’s just not. People have access to our children; however, we can’t just strip them of the Internet and strip them of their phones. But, we can become a very active part of what they are doing with them. So much of this issue is for those of you out there like me, who want to live in a bit of a fairytale land that just isn’t real. It’s a great place because it allows us to continue to be “happy.” In our apathy we don’t have to participate. We don’t have to get our hands dirty. We just ignore it and assume that it would never happen to our children. It doesn’t take much to fool a beautifully innocent child into believing that you, as a sex offender, are a friend and not a criminal. So only read this article if you want to wake up. If you’re wanting to continue on living out your 19??’s fantasies, then I would just put the magazine down. This isn’t for you. Do you want to know how to protect your kids? Do you care about helping victimized children suffering right here in our part of the world? Keep on reading.
Church-PornographyTrafficking Link Statistically speaking, if you look to your right and to the left in your pew at church—just over 6 out of 10 men and 1.5 out of 10 women are actively viewing pornography on a monthly basis. (Barna Group 2014) According to another survey by the Barna Group in 2016:1 in 5 youth pastors and 1 in 7 senior pastors use porn on a regular basis and are currently strug-
gling. To be clear, that is over 50,000 U.S. church leaders.
boys to be pulled from their homes into a life that they feel they can never escape.
Statistics show our “Core” is under attack. Part of the reason I had to go down this path was how many people I encounter inside the church who admit to pornography addiction destroying their marriage. Pornography addiction is seriously blowing up church families left and right.
Keep thinking it’s not you. Keep thinking what you’re doing is fine. Keep thinking I would never be that kind of person. Better yet, keep thinking it’s better to keep it a secret. Satan LOVES that line of thinking. I’m guessing King David didn’t think he’d fall to sexual temptation when he saw his great warrior’s wife taking a bath and continued to watch. I bet Uriah wished David had been a bit wiser about sexual temptations since it cost Uriah his life. I’m also guessing that the man I was just told about who keeps a bucket under his desk because he can’t leave his desk to go to the bathroom from his porn addiction didn’t set out for that life either. It is kinda safe to assume he wanted more at some point. I’m thinking he probably had bigger dreams, but that’s just me.
Truth is, if you are watching pornography, you are 100% participating in the realm of human trafficking. You just are. How far you will venture into that land? Well, that is a really good question. Chances are, it will be farther than you ever imagined you would go. Marriages and families are destroyed. Pedophiles are created. Sexual addicts, who cannot get their needs met at home, find ways to go outside of the marriage bed for sexual satisfaction. After all, those paid to perform acts just do as they are paid to do (although not likely along the same lines as the fake stuff in the shows). Porn is even attacking our children. Do you know most kids have seen pornography at school? If not on their phone, on someone else’s who pressures them to watch. If you think this stuff isn’t happening, Satan is really doing a better job than I’d care to admit. Participating in any way with pornography essentially supports the horrors of sex trafficking. It’s taking part in an industry that creates the demand for these girls and
The Church should not have these statistics for pornography addiction. As the Church, we can’t sit by and let this world of sexual sin and depravity continue to destroy our congregations. When an “innocent” viewing of porn invades the mind, it starts to unravel the barriers we have to protect us. It creates a new home where addiction brews in secret. Those “harmless addictions” become the focus of lives and the path towards destruction begins. Porn is just one way to create the demand
for human trafficking. They are definitely linked. There are also many others but together they are all the breeding grounds for sexual predators, broken marriages and broken families. It’s a realm where men and women can become something they never imagined. This stuff is real. What we’re getting ready to talk about lands on us, as the Church, to hold higher standards of living in alignment with the Bible. The indifference of Christians on all accounts is probably the worst reality of all. I’m guilty of ignoring it. You might be guilty with me. We don’t have to stay there. We have to get in this battle where Satan is taking prisoners in our homes. We have to offer help to bring them out of their addictions. We might even need to help them understand (as men, women, and youth) that it’s actually NOT ok. It actually DOES lead to bad things. As you follow along with Community Spirit, in our next issue, we will tackle porn in the church head on. We are going to be talking to a very well-known Pastor from Tulsa, who fell to the temptation of pornography himself. He’s going to get real with us. He has an incredible ministry to help those battling addiction. We are also going to talk to people who are in the midst of recovery. We want you to know it’s not just some crazy guy locked up by himself in the middle of small-town America. Trafficking, porn addiction, they are real and they are right here in our backyards.
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COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 7
MAN 2 MAN Written by R.A. Goodnight
In the Image of God (All verses from ESV unless otherwise noted.)
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image’ . . . So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26, 27)
ound in the opening statements of The Bible, these two verses have serious significance. It explains our origins and the origins of everything around us. It gives us clarity into God’s view of human sexuality when confusion seems to abound (I am not just referring to the “male and female” part of the verse). And, when these verses are understood in a more complete manner, it gives us insight into how we can have a satisfying and meaningful life. I believe that when considering the creation account, many only think of the natural image that God bestowed upon us. This is how they would define “made in the image of God,” that like God, we have head, shoulders, knees and toes. Physiologically and emotionally we are like God, as similar as flesh can be to spirit. And this is true, we were made in the natural image of God. But there is so much more truth in these verses than only this. Along with the natural image, we were also made in His moral image. What does this mean? In the beginning, prior to the corruption of sin, God gave us the 8 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
ability to see choices and decisions as He did—to know the difference between right and wrong. It was as if His standard of morality was part of our DNA, and through that, He gave us the ability to choose good and to do good because we were good. (Genesis 1:31) That was until the fall. This ties in closely with the third way that we are in the image of God.
God chose to make us in His political image and to use humans to be the means by which His current creation as well as future creation would receive His blessings. God also created us in His political image. No, we are not referring to Democrat vs. Republican or any other politicized human definition. What we are referring to would be the original reasons that God brought us into existence or, simply put, our original purpose. Further, we are referring to the abilities He gave us to fulfill that purpose (such as His moral image, to tie the two points together). Let’s unpack what it means to be made in His political image some more. The first truth that I find of interest is that God Himself chose life (our theme for 2020). Originally, there was nothing—we
were nothing. But God chose to bring forth life from nothingness. What does God do next, or more importantly, what does He NOT do next? Once His creative works were done, God could have chosen to be the primary means by which His creation would be taken care of and blessed. What do I mean? He could have named the animals Himself. He could have cultivated the Earth beyond Eden Himself. He could have chosen to directly create all future generations of mankind Himself. But that is not what He did. To the contrary, God chose to make us in His political image and to use humans to be the means by which His current creation as well as future creation would receive His blessings. The scriptures state that He blessed us, humans, and then commissioned us with a purpose. We are His representatives on Earth, the stewards of His creations. We were chosen to take care of the animal kingdom. We were chosen to take care of the Earth itself. We were chosen to be the method by which mankind would continue to grow, to bring into existence future generations of life and introduce them to God. The same as a political entity today would represent the government who sent him/her, we are God’s ambassadors. We are equipped to fulfill our original purpose with His natural image, His moral image and His political image. (Genesis 1:28-31; 2:5, 15, 19-20) Yes, God chose to bless and protect life through life—through me and you. And His purpose for us has not changed. (Numbers 23:19; Hebrews 13:8; James 1:17) That truth resonates through time and
helps us understand part of our purpose. The question becomes, how can we live up to the image in which we were made? How can we fulfill our original purpose, as we represent God, and choose life as He does? The first and foremost way is that we must choose the truth even when it is difficult. Why did I choose truth as the first way? Because the lie (the opposite of truth) was the first weapon used against life. Not a rock, not a sword, not a gun—a lie. (Genesis 3:4, 5) If we struggle to even side with truth, any other steps we attempt to take will be difficult. Remember what we discussed regarding being made in God’s moral image. It is true that we are currently under the influence of sin and have lost that perfect moral image. But, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, God has restored to all humans (not just those who follow Him) a measure of the moral image. (Romans 2:14, 15) He has given us, even in this life, what we need to side with truth and choose life. Beyond that, there are many practical
We are equipped to fulfill our original purpose with His natural image, His moral image and His political image.
ways that we can choose life. There are several good groups right here in Tulsa doing some great work to be ambassadors of God. Any of these groups would welcome help. In this edition of the magazine are several articles regarding The Demand Project. This is a group of folks, that in some of the rawest ways possible, are reflecting the image of God and choosing to protect life. If there is any cause that we could get behind, the combating of human trafficking should be an easy one. This group could use your training, your brain, your time or your financial support. (
Another group in Tulsa is Restore Hope. The principle ways Restore Hope supports life is: hunger reduction, homelessness prevention and emotional and spiritual healing. These are practical ways that our community is being impacted for good. Beyond financial support and food donations, this group is looking for fellow ambassadors of God to help with receptionist work, food pantry help, or even prayer volunteers. Check out their website for other ways that you can help (www. In conclusion, Paul reminds us, “For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) Do you see yourself and a worker alongside God? You should, but you should also see this as a great privilege to be able to work alongside The Creator of life itself, to be a means to bestow His blessings upon others. Let’s take our original commission seriously. As we move through 2020, I challenge each of you to pick one of the great charitable organizations in Tulsa and get involved. For God . . . for Christ . . . and for life!
It’s no secret that our world is increasingly interconnected and that graduates with the ability to communicate in different languages and across cultures have a significant advantage in this globally competitive environment. That’s why Metro Christian Academy is committed to a dual language immersion education as a way of teaching children promoting high academic achievement in English and Spanish. Imagine your child having the ability to speak more than just one language! Metro Christian Academy is the first Tulsa Christian school to offer a Spanish Immersion learning track beginning in Pre-K. At the forefront of Christian education, this innovative program is a proven method of educating children by immersing them in a second or “target” language, while embracing diversity and empathy for other languages and cultures. The Spanish immersion program’s goal is to produce bilingual, high academic achievers who are proficient in Spanish, and knowledgeable and appreciative of Spanish-speaking cultures. Metro Christian Academy equips our students to serve and share Christ-like love with and from speakers of other languages. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK @METROCHRISTIANACADEMY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ALL THE GREAT THINGS HAPPENING AT METRO. METRO CHRISTIAN ACADEMY
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 9
FAMILY FUN Written by Teresa Goodnight
Princess Fun for Everyone
id you know we have a host of lovely princesses right here in Tulsa? They are part of a wonderfully charming business called “My Little Dollhouse,” where parties and playdays are always on the menu. From spring break and summer camps to actually booking a princess (or princesses!) to come right into your home or party venue, this group offers some of the most amazing fun Tulsa has to offer. Plus, they have parties that handle different levels of service up to and including a full service blow out with mom never lifting a weary finger!
daughter’s starfish birthday (that’s talk down under the sea for 5 years old) on the horizon, I decided it was time to give them a call. When we walked through the doors—both of our jaws dropped in sheer delight at the playful venue. My little one exclaimed “I can’t wait for my party. I just can’t wait.” In hindsight, booking it earlier in the day could have stopped the incessant pleading from the time she woke up until the two p.m. party time we chose arrived!
For years, I drove by the location just west of 91st and Harvard. Why hadn’t I checked it out before? I wasn’t sure, but with my
Realtors use it for the right neighborhood to buy. But, of course, it is even MORE important for that special birthday event. Duh! The whole atmosphere is just pretty in pink. With costumes, a kitchen with tea sets and cakes, a nursery (pretend one of course!), and a cute little stage for the princesses to do their own fashion show once they have completed their equally darling little princess makeovers—it is just the perfect venue. To my surprise, they also had costumes for young princes (or superheroes of course!). Had I done a little more research, we could have invited the boys to join the fun.
Location. Location. Location!
Having been a head of events for many years—President’s Clubs from Monte Carlo to Maui, my expectations for a party are usually far beyond the event at hand. I was known for annoying attention to the finest details. So, when the staff from My Little Dollhouse offered me their option for planning and hosting the entire party—I was truthfully a little skeptical. I hadn’t been inside yet. However, I was also so busy I couldn’t see straight.
So, I gave in. My Little Dollhouse has a simple website. I clicked about 5 boxes. I wrote in a little of my daughter’s princess-style expectations. Then, I just turned it over to them. Exhaustion and opening a new business pushes a perfectionist to make different decisions. It wasn’t comfortable, but it was easy. Then? Their emails started to roll in.
Beautiful Surprise They reached out to confirm party details and to make sure they understood my little princess’s dreams for her party. The emails were fashioned in fairytale form, with playful wording. I read 10 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
each one to my daughter as we started building the excitement for her party. Just a few days before the big event, we received an email confirming details, and listing out all the details planned for the day. Honestly, I had been so overwhelmingly busy—I didn’t even realize all that would be taking place. I quickly texted the moms to let their daughters dress comfortably. They would be selecting princess attire, having their hair, nails and light make up done— and would end that part of the event in a little fashion show. The moms and I all delighted in the thought of how much fun our daughters were getting ready to have!
Party on Princesses! The party did NOT disappoint. The little fashionistas rocked their walks on stage. Opportunities for little girls to practice their special moments on a stage empower them to accomplish bigger goals at more serious events as they grow. It’s a confidence building exercise I just love. You should have seen them. They turned on their sparkle. Then, the princesses coronated my daughter with an official princess crown, a scepter, and a sash; she was so happy she could hardly stand it. All the little girls cheered. Then, the party got wild. The princesses led our little princesses in a rendition of “Let it Go,” where they did motions for the girls
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 11
to imitate as they sang. You might have thought they practiced for weeks when they belted out the chorus. It was just fun to watch (and record!). They were just delighted! We selected cupcakes with rainbow frosting, pepperoni and cheese pizza (the go-to faves for preschoolers!), and apple juice and water in the tea set when it was formal teatime! They can even have a photographer on site to take photos to share with families after the event. When it was time to leave, the princesses handed out goodie bags my daughter selected for the attending princesses. There was no question when looking at their sweet little faces, thanking us for inviting them—they had a magically fun day. My Little Dollhouse would be etched in their memory of fun for quite some time to come. The best part for me (other than not lifting a finger)? The delight on my daughter’s face over dinner that night when out of nowhere, she declared her thankfulness for the best birthday EVER!
Friday or Saturday Play Time Fun After talking to the cheerful manager, Samantha Cathey, I knew we would have to add some Friday mom and daughter play days at 11 to our schedule (or grandmas of course!). It’s an hour of fun with a little princess and mommy as they play or do a craft project. They offer free coffee or tea for moms while the little ones play. Other days, they offer princess play dates. I’m pretty sure my laptop and I could get some work done while the little one plays her heart out in the back. Better still, I’m betting I could dive into a book I’ve wanted to read and just can’t find the time to enjoy.
Summer and Spring Break Camps? Really!!! Samantha decided to drop the camp bomb on me. I couldn’t believe I had missed this too. They do their own camps in the
summer and spring break or they can send the princesses to help you host your own! After all, who wouldn’t want a day with a princess or two from nine until noon? Princesses can be dropped for a seriously fun morning at My Little Dollhouse, while mom heads to the spa! (Kidding.) (NOT KIDDING! Did you see Hand and Stone opens in May? Summer camps can be for everyone! Hello!) Churches or schools wanting another idea for summer camps can hire the princesses and promote their events to create fun times (or recruiting times for private schools!).
Have Princesses. Will Travel. These princess teams will come to your home or party venue and bring the same kinds of service right to your door. Rates vary from $75 on up, depending on the level of service you would like. It’s such a fun idea to think of having a princess right in your party spot (or event!) of choice just in case the venue doesn’t fit your specific needs at the time. My Little Dollhouse has a whole host of services. I just never realized all the ways they could partner with families or businesses. They can come to businesses for events from story time with princesses to a little tea party event on site. Business owners 12 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
it.” I couldn’t agree more. To have hearts to reach out to these children navigating such a tough journey are exactly the kind of hearts we love to support at Community Spirit.
The best part for me (other than not lifting a finger)? The delight on my daughter’s face over dinner that night when out of nowhere, she declared her thankfulness for the best birthday EVER! should seek out ideas on ways they can partner up. If you’re hoping to have an event for moms or even both parents? Invite the princess team to the event to entertain while you can gain the full attention (or moment of rest!) for the moms and dads. They have so many creatively fun ways to partner with you to make any kind of event a success.
Behind the Scenes My Little Dollhouse isn’t amazing by accident. The owner, Christi Rowland, bought it just over four years ago. She’s a former stockbroker turned teacher at Augustine Christian Academy. She loves teaching, but it was easy to see how much she also loves attending to every little detail of the parties for the girls. It’s really a family affair, as her daughters, Caroline and Emma, have been actively involved in
Put Your Dollars to Work
the parties and events from the beginning. They both attended Augustine Christian Academy as well (Emma is still there!). They have been Christi’s inspiration and her right arms in making little princess dreams come true over the years. My Little Dollhouse participates in charity events because they truly love giving back to their community. They sent their princesses and some princes to an event for foster children, who sadly don’t get to have many amazing birthday parties moving from home to home. Samantha said, “Those kids. To see their reactions to such a fun event. Wow. It’s just worth
As you know, at Community Spirit, we love to encourage readers to use their purchasing power to make an impact. Utilizing Christian owned businesses, who are using their gifts to make a living while also making an impact for Christ—it’s such a win-win. Families like the Rolands have amazing values they share in a playful environment with our children. Kindness, compassion, and love abound as you share in their wonderful world. So, we strongly urge you to turn into the parking lot. Take a peek inside and meet the Rolands or their staff. Try out a Friday or Saturday playtime. Then have them relieve you of the stress of your next party to plan. We couldn’t have been happier with ours!
SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU: Mention COMMUNITY SPIRIT and you will receive $25 a party booked by September 1st, 2020.
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 13
Taking Care H
ere we are getting to ready to welcome the coming of spring. After a few super cold winter days, we dare to focus on warmer weather and the first sight of yellow daffodils and purple crocus. Allow me to interrupt these dreamy thoughts and ask how are you doing with the resolutions and goals you set for yourself when you were courageously ringing in 2020? Remember those? Statistics show that a majority of people have given up on and even forgotten about the goals they set, the new habits they were determined to develop, the inspirational pictures and slogans on their vision board and the hopes they recorded on their resolution list just a few months ago. Along with a zillion other people, one of my goals for 2020 is to take better care of myself. My intention has been to eat healthier and increase my exercise. Eating healthier, which to me means cutting out sugar and empty carbs, is a daily challenge and an unrelenting battle. I argue with myself every Wednesday night at our church dinner about whether or not I’m going to eat that awesome looking bread pudding or cherry cobbler or fudgy chocolate cake. And this argument takes place after I have already told myself I cannot have one of the homemade dinner rolls. Ugh. Give a girl a break. I’m exhausted (and slightly depressed) by the time I finally sit down to eat. Yes, I’m making sure I eat some of the traditional superfoods like blueberries, avocados, dark leafy greens, almonds, and the cruciferous vegetables—I actually like roasted brussels sprouts and riced cauliflower these days. I have been somewhat diligent about protein shakes, green smoothies, and even a splash of lemon or apple cider vinegar in my water.
Working out is more challenging for me because I admit it, I don’t like to sweat. It makes me itch. It causes body odor. I don’t enjoy either of these things. So, I only put out enough effort to ensure that I burn off some calories. Yes, I know that sweating from exercise may help detox the body, improve mood (thank you endorphins and dopamine), reduce stress and build a healthier heart. But let me be honest. What I eat or don’t eat, what amount of exercise I do or don’t do, has been about maintaining a specific weight—not necessarily to feel more energetic, build muscle or strengthen my cardiovascular system. I, too, buy into the lie that I will appear healthy and all will be well in my world if I can just get my skinny jeans zipped and continue breathing at the same time. So, keeping a watchful eye on the scale has been my number one indicator of whether or not I thought I was healthy and taking care of myself. But the fallacy of that came crashing down hard recently when I had a surgical procedure on my foot. In the recovery room, through a fuzzy brain, I heard the doctor tell me that I had osteomalacia, which in layman’s terms means soft bones. What? Soft bones? I’ve heard of bones becoming brittle or weak, but soft? Naturally, I discussed this with Siri. Bottom line, it is a vitamin D issue— either not getting enough or not being able to absorb it properly. And this interferes with the body’s ability to absorb and utilize calcium and phosphorus which are needed to form the hard-outer layer of bone. Sunlight, supplements, eating foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, and weight bearing exercise are the basic remedy. One article recommended reducing salt, soda, caffeine and alcohol intake as they block calcium absorption.
14 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
Written by Andrea Stephens Here comes a little more honesty. I already knew that I should be taking vitamin D and calcium. And I have been— occasionally. Sometimes I forget, or I’m too hurried or too nonchalant. Well, not anymore! The why behind my nutritional plan and workouts have been totally messed up. No longer can it be about the scale. It’s about my bones, muscles, heart, and skin. My why needs to be about my health and quality of life. I need to see this body of mine the way the bible describes it—a temple or home of the Holy Spirit. It is gift from God. I have the responsibility to take care of it. The resolution of taking care of myself in 2020 has taken on a whole new level of seriousness and commitment. It prompts me to ask, not just how you are doing on your resolutions and goal, but are you taking care of yourself? Perhaps you work, have a family, are involved at your church or kid’s school, have to cook, clean, grocery shop, do laundry, make time for aging parents—the list is endless. I get it, we are busy. But being too busy to care for our health will reap a result we won’t like. So, whatever it looks like for you, will you commit to caring for the one and only body you have? I’ll be right there with you cheering you on. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV
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COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 15
Everyday Christian Obedience Written by Mike Henry Sr. - Follower of One
s Community Spirit Magazine draws attention to the problem of human trafficking, I wondered how to draw a parallel for marketplace Christians. Human trafficking is an extreme sin we must defeat at any cost. We must support The Demand Project and other organizations and pray for victims and any wrapped up in this horrible lifestyle. But is that all? What else can workplace believers do to cooperate with this effort? We’re often constrained by our commitments and our obligations. But are we limited to prayer and financial contribution? Can we do anything at work? Do our actions at work matter? FULL-TIME MINISTRY We can live our faith at work without leaving. Most ministry activities require us to get away from work. We leave work for a Bible study or a service project. Many donate their vacations to go on a mission trip. When we return, the ministry is over. But we can minister to others by living our faith at work, too. Once you decide to be a missionary to your workplace, your view of work changes. You become a full-time, funded missionary to your workplace. EXTREME COMPARISONS In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes several shocking parallels to attract our attention to the pervasiveness of sin. “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” Matthew 5:21-22 ESV In this two-sentence comparison, Jesus blows our mind. Do you remember the first time you read this? After a while,
Jesus’ words become just another statement. But he wants to give us an ice-cold shower about the evil in our own hearts. MANIPULATION AT WORK If Jesus gave that sermon today, to what would he compare to the abuse of porn and human trafficking? Might he start with little white lies and manipulation? Maybe Jesus would compare Hunan trafficking to gossip or a white lie? Would it be overstating our accomplishments or sucking up to our bosses? Could it be that “spinning” the facts to complete a deal equates to human trafficking the same way getting angry at someone equates to murder? Sure, this comparison is extreme. But what can we do about this problem at work? “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” John 15:12-14 ESV A SERVANT’S RESPONSE First, we can make others aware. Do anything you can to help others see this problem in our community. But beyond that, in our workplaces, what can we do? What of we commit to love and serve others at work instead of treating them as a “resource” or something we use. Jesus asks us to love people and use things, but we often use people and love things. What does loving others at work look like? Would we: • Stay late to help someone else rather than just saying we’ll pray for them? • Encourage and serve others instead of gossip? • Thank more than criticize? • Do an excellent job even if it means we have to work longer hours or miss some church functions? • Make time for others? • Learn more about our coworkers to pray for them better?
16 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
• Give our own time and money to a coworker in need? • Obey Jesus and trust him enough to wait until he prompts our coworkers to ask? What if we lived more intentionally around the people we work with every day? What if we commit to obey Jesus in whatever he calls us to do, at work or at home? If we obey Jesus more, will our actions at work make a dent in the human trafficking problem? We need to trust Jesus and obey him where we can. Where we can support the effort against Human Trafficking, we should. Where we can fight porn, we should. But even in our workplaces, we can’t give ourselves any slack. Every place we obey Jesus matters. Where do we make excuses for ourselves? Where do we let ourselves off the hook? GIVE OURSELVES AN A In a small group setting a friend said he was a “low empathy” person. His statement was genuine and transparent, but we all laughed because he made selfishness sound so good. We had quite a chuckle until we realized that the label fit us too. We can all raise our empathy bar. Do you have the guts to ask Jesus to show you where you grade your obedience to him on a curve? Then do you have the love for Jesus to act? ALL OBEDIENCE COUNTS Let’s support The Demand Project and every other person and organization in this battle. We need to fight evil in every setting. Often, the first battle is in our own heart and mind, and the second one is in our workplaces. Ask God to show you where you need to obey him today and do it. Even when we’re stuck at work, we can obey Jesus and our obedience matters. Mike Henry Sr. is a technology consultant and the CEO of Follower of One, Inc., a global ministry to encourage every workplace Christian to serve Jesus full-time and make him known daily. Check out their website at
INSIDE THE DEMAND PROJECT Written by Teresa Goodnight
Who The Demand Project Helps
ason and Kristin Weis of The Demand Project said, “The kids most at risk are those with a lot of trauma in their past somewhere. It’s usually a pattern of trauma that starts a cycle leading to their victimization. Soon, they are involved in criminal activities, but they are really a victim.” Kristin went on, “Sometimes we get girls needing help later in life, like in their 20s and 30s, but it happens usually around the ages of 12 to 14 or 15.” Kristin explained that these kids become trapped in a world that becomes their new norm. Some are chained to beds and drugged, but many also choose to stay.
The Real Stories of Trafficking
Jason and Kristin Weis
Jason Weis of The Demand Project focuses on catching the criminals, while his wife Kristin comes in on the crisis intervention and restoration side. Kristin said, “So I’ll give you an idea of their life. We had a girl at 27. Her trauma started when she was 14 at a party with no supervision. She gets raped. The rapist was identified; the person got arrested. So, she got justice to an extent, but then there really wasn’t any restoration.”
“So, she looks like the bad guy, but really she was just a victim being used. The authorities also were getting her on recruiting because they always have these girls recruit volunteers. Even in this horrible life, these girls recruit people all the time, because that’s what the business is. It’s not one and done. It’s one and then you go out and bring somebody back. So, they’re always recruiting. These girls have so many different job descriptions,” said Kristin.
Kristin continued, “So by the age of 15 going into 16, she meets a guy. He turns out to be a bad guy, who ends up pimping her out and getting her started in that whole life. Now, she’s in a scenario where she could get caught and be charged with criminal behavior, because of what these traffickers were having her do.”
Kristin shared, “I was telling this girl yesterday I think you should write a whole profile on your job descriptions as a trafficking victim. Then I want you to put on the other side why you did those things. Why you recruited. Why you watch the front desk of a massage parlor. Why you
18 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
took a person back there and had sex with them. Why you charge this amount. Write about what you did with your money. Write about how you marketed the massage parlor. Everything is just twisted and perverted for a person that’s running the whole business, which we call a trafficker.”
“Don’t kid yourselves, this is big business.” Jason and Kristin stressed, “There’s a consumer and that creates the demand. That’s why we call this The Demand Project. There’s a consumer consuming kids for their sexual perversion. Then, you have
a trafficker. Usually each person operates as a single predator on a single victim of sexual perversion. But some traffic sexual servitude to fill the demand.”
there’s travel, somewhere to stay, and he’s providing her with food and gets her nails done with the other girls.”
Jason said of the guys doing their own recruiting and pursuits, “Their intention might be one person, but then due to that one person (because of social media), they can make that one person they found turn into more and more people. They get access to her friends list. It’s a predator’s new network of potential targets. It’s like the perverted kid is in a candy store.” I’m on social media a lot. He’s not wrong. I constantly get suggestions of new friends based on my interests, my groups, or my friends. It’s an active linking system to like-minded people. It’s easy to see it’s quickly a massive play for the predator.
“What are They Thinking?” Understanding the Path to Restoration
Jason said, “On the criminal side, there are different types of offenders. You have the guy just going out and buying and consuming what he likes. Individually. So, he’s not building the relationship. He’s not recruiting and doing the grooming. He’s got the pimp—a trafficker is doing that for him. He’s just getting the product on his end.” Kristin added, “To end trafficking, we need to stop creating the consumers, because the consumers are the ones spending the money that drive this business. We also need to stop the traffickers, who spend time to build a relationship and make this more of a ‘Let’s meet. Let’s go run off ’ kind of affair. Some traffickers even hope they have babies as this gives them more girls to exploit. Don’t kid yourselves, this is big business.” Jason shared, “To build a case against a john, you have to have a willing victim that will “rat them out” or tell their story. Most won’t think of doing that. In our world we think they would want to identify who hurt them but in their world you’re a rat and you’re this or you’re that. From their vantage point, you could get killed for doing it. So, it’s difficult to find girls ready to take that step.” These girls get caught and they don’t leave. When they aren’t good for them anymore, the john will sometimes call her kind of a joke. Then, the john says ‘Well, you’re not worth much to me but you can do this for me.’ She agrees to stay and recruit because
Kristin shared, “Jud Wilhite, often touted a pastor dedicated to helping the broken, came to Church on the Move. He talked about addiction to things like pornography and drugs. He was trying to describe the way it made people feel. I’m paraphrasing, but he said something like, ‘Sometimes a familiar captivity feels more comfortable than an unfamiliar freedom.’” Kristin continued, “You wonder why these girls would stay when there’s not actual chains wrapped around them and they’re not necessarily chained to their beds. I’m not saying that some aren’t literally chained, but many are not. It’s just these invisible chains that by the time we get to them, they’re used to captivity. They’re used to somebody telling them what to do and telling them how to do it. They get this trauma bond and it becomes their dysfunctional perverted familiarity. They just forgot there was a better way.” Kristin went on, “The freedom and living in our world is extremely scary to them, but us living in their world is just as scary and dangerous to us. Could you imagine? It’s hard to even go there in your mind. But, to them, this way we live is dangerous. So, at The Demand Project, we’re focusing on the restoration side to help restore them to normal life.” The Demand Project has a non-residential program. Thanks to a large donation, they are now adding a residential facility in northeastern Oklahoma. Now, they are about to open the largest campus in the United States for minor victims of human trafficking. Kristin said, “We should open that within the next month. That’s where up to 60 minor girls will be able to live and go through restoration process in northeastern Oklahoma. Kristin shared, “The campus is called Mount Arukah, which is Hebrew for restoration and transformation. The program is called a journey to freedom. It’s a
two-year program to go through all of the six areas that we have—mental, physical, spiritual, financial, educational, and legal. Then they graduate once they complete life-skill training.” Kristin added, “We want to help them to be on their feet and stable. We know when you’re going through life, you still need life skills. The recovery can take so long, because you’ve got two different worlds coming together. It is really about trying to unravel the trauma that’s happened to them.”
What can YOU do? We ask Community Spirit readers to stand in prayer for The Demand Project. They need strength. I could barely write the articles to talk about the things they see and deal with on a regular basis. Trust me, they barely scratched the surface of what they experience—what these young people experience being sold. The Demand Project needs churches, Christians and our community funding their efforts to let them put their focus on what matters most—the restoration and rescue of these minors. They need people who have hearts to understand that these girls didn’t choose this life. And even worse, they are petrified where they stand to try to choose a better one. Right now, the best way to be involved is to help fund the project. There will be a need for life coaches, counselors, and mentors to step up and take on a role with these victims. They need to see what real love looks like—the kind that Jesus offers that wipes the mistakes as far as the East is from the West. The kind that offers them a new life—what I like to call “Love without strings.” Reach out to Kristin and Jason Weiss at or join them at their “Blue Tie Gala” March 27th at the Silo Event Center in west Tulsa to become an active participant and donor to their efforts. On their website, you can also sponsor a survivor with the Victim Advocate Support Team (VAST). There are many ways to help.
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 19
Women and Men— Stop Creating the Demand Jason continued, “Pornography is definitely a factor. There has been such a huge cultural shift in the last 30 years to where the walls are being re-defined. Males have to be more feminine and females more masculine. We’re losing our roles. Then, you’re stuck at 17 years old and are in 40 to 50-year old bodies and have no purpose.” Jason said, “I think when men don’t have a purpose, they get dangerous. They are even more dangerous to kids because they have nothing to lose. They have nothing to wake up for. No reason to contribute anything positive. So, they look for the weak and the vulnerable and the at risk to fulfill whatever in their soul and their spirit needs to be fixed. The men are being emasculated and they turn to pornography to meet what they need.” Jason communicated, “Everything these days revolves around the device; culturally speaking, people can’t even communicate face to face as well. Fathers are absent. There’s no one to say ‘Son that’s not what you say and that’s not how you do it. Women are a treasure.’ If you don’t have somebody out there giving that direction for these kids, the world is going to teach them something completely different.” “These guys will offer to coach and teach a child everything. They will offer to be my sex teacher. How many 14-year old’s really know how to do anything? When I confess that, they’re are more than willing to be the teacher.” Beyond this, Jason and Kristen shared that predators will also teach kids which apps to use and how to hide the conversations. The best way to counter this is to have real conversations with our kids. (Check out our Student Impact section for more details on protecting your kids.)
20 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
Fact or Fiction?
o date, I have written over 40 books. Approximately half of them are fiction and half are non-fiction. I’ve heard it said, “All autobiographies are fiction, and all fiction are autobiographies.” As I have continued to examine this thought, I believe it to be correct. When I write novels or movie scripts, they invariably come out of experiences I have had in my own life. While I may change the time, place, or people involved, I draw upon experiences I have had in the past. On the other hand, when I, or any other author, writes non-fiction, our best efforts to deliver facts, statistics, and reality are colored by our own perspective. It is vital for us to remember that whether we’re in an educational setting, reviewing the news of the day, or conversing with a friend, the information we are receiving is filtered through the source. Even indisputable facts can vary as one individual may think a specific detail is critical so they highlight it while another individual overlooks that same fact believing it to be insignificant. My late, great friend and colleague Paul Harvey was one of the most trusted voices for news here in America for several decades. His broadcast was called Paul Harvey News and Comment. While he endeavored to always separate the news
Written by Jim Stovall
of the day from his own opinions, he explained to me that simply by determining which stories to include in his newscast or which item he would present as the lead story, he was inevitably imposing his thoughts and opinions on his audience. Today there are so many sources from which we can receive information or news, it is vital that we evaluate not only what was said but who said it and why they might hold that perspective. As a blind person myself, I’ve often thought of the old fable of the three blind men touching an elephant. The man who felt the elephant’s leg thought it was a tree while the man holding the elephant’s trunk thought it was a thick rope, but the blind man feeling the side of the elephant thought it was a wall. All three men were giving their perspective of the same elephant at the same moment, but their individual perspectives totally alter their thoughts and ideas. We tend to want to think of facts as true and universal. In reality, they are constantly changing and must be evaluated based on the eye of the beholder. As you go through your day today, separate facts from fiction, but always look for the underlying truth.
Today’s the day! Jim Stovall is the president of Narrative Television Network as well as a published author of many books including The Ultimate Gift. He is also a columnist and motivational speaker. He may be reached at 5840 South Memorial Drive, Suite 312, Tulsa, OK 74145-9082; by email at Jim@; on Twitter at stovallauthor; or on Facebook at www.facebook. com/jimstovallauthor.
Come be a partner with Spirit. Advertise with Community Spirit. Email Pam Wyrrick,, to find out more. Or call, 918.956.0700.
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 21
Protecting Your Child in the World of Human Trafficking
22 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
Written by Teresa Goodnight
f we want to know how to protect our children, we are going to have to come out of our self-imposed prisons of propriety and get real. We all want to know how to protect our children, but many of us don’t want to have these conversations. We don’t want to talk with The Demand Project, much less our kids, about the realities they are facing. I’ve honestly never been so uncomfortable in an interview. My Baptist roots left me pretty secluded from discussions like I entered into with Jason and Kristin Weis of The Demand Project. I was visibly uncomfortable. I cried. Twice. When you have a child, you just don’t want to imagine it is REMOTELY possible these kinds of predators are out there looking to consume them. So, let’s start at the beginning together. It’s past time to get real and up close to this threat. Every time I bring up The Demand Project, the first question out of the mouths of all the moms around is “How can I protect my kids?” So, let’s get this on the table up front: Social media access needs an age limit. The Demand Project team suggests 15 as the earliest age. You pick the access . Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, Messenger, video game chat rooms like FortNite—they’re all the same. They are an open door to allow a predator to invade the personal space of your child. If you don’t think they are hanging out in video game chat rooms waiting to pounce every bit as much as they are perusing Instagram, then they already have an advantage over you and your child. How far that invasion can go depends largely on the parents. You might think that 15 sounds a bit restrictive. But honestly, would you let a 50-year old man into your child’s bedroom for a private conversation every night? Of course not. You really have to get yourself inside the scenario where good kids get trapped. You must keep the conversations open. You have to stay engaged with any of this activity. You also must help your kids know what to look for and involve them in the protection process.
Inside the Predator’s Moves So, let’s step inside the innerworkings of these predators for a minute. They are
Every time I bring up The Demand Project, the first question out of the mouths of all the moms around is “How can I protect my kids?” So, let’s get this on the table up front: Social media access needs an age limit.
smooth operators regardless of morality. I’ll frame this up for girls, to paint the picture better, as they are the biggest target. However, make no mistake, these exact things happen to young boys as well. Predators start their approach very innocently. They might ask the age of the girl. They send them a compliment. They crack the door open. They communicate back and forth with them very carefully. They build up trust and admiration. Then, they progress into “Can you send me a photo?” Then, “Can you send me MORE of a photo? Maybe pull your shirt up a little bit? Oh, come on.” The girls giggle. They find the attention flattering. In a moment of haste, they snap a photo that’s a little more revealing than the last. The compliments come. The door keeps opening. These hunters are so calculating in their moves. They know the art of manipulation. Our young girls might be looking for attention. Maybe they just had a bad breakup. Failed a big test. Didn’t make the cheer squad like they hoped. They might just find the attention a tiny bit flattering. They might not realize the “boy” breaking the law right now could instead be a calculating, perverse man breaking the law, who is a possibly more serious predatory threat. Jason Weiss of The Demand Project said, “There’s grooming going on. The guys I talk to say things like ‘Baby girl. You’re my honey/boyfriend/girlfriend.’ These kids have never felt this weird feeling before. Then the predator sees them naked for the first time and calls it such an honor. Then, he shares pictures of himself naked. He certainly considers it an equal honor to expose himself to a 12-13-14 year old innocent child. The relationship continues to develop into something meaningful to
a child. Then, the predator offers to help them. ‘I’ll coach you on how to hide the app and how to delete the chat so that your parents won’t see it.’” I just listened, as he continued “Pretty soon, the girls feel they’ve found whatever it is they wanted.” I could see where that kind of treatment could make girls feel pretty or popular. Right or wrong, whatever they feel they might be missing socially can start to feel met with this newfound “relationship.” As things develop, the children begin to cross lines until they’ve crossed the one they can’t take back—that one photo. The trap is sprung. Once the girls have transmitted a photo that could ruin their reputation, it can quickly become “sextortion” if the girl tries to end the communication. Girls fearing punishment from parents or humiliation at school if the photo gets out start to comply with this manipulative huntsman to self-protect; meanwhile, they are falling deeper and deeper into the clutches of the monster on the other side of that screen. Even if it doesn’t come to blackmail, the girl becomes comfortable sharing more and more until the relationship has escalated to a very serious threat to her and even her family. We must understand that these guys want what they want. It’s out of control at this point. So, to expect any sort of normal behavior is unrealistic. Here are just a few things children share not knowing the possible dangers: 7 Name of their school 7 Name of their parents 7 Their phone number 7 Their church 7 Names of the favorite places they like to go 7 Schedules of when they will be there
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 23
7 Where they take dance lessons 7 Their favorite place to eat 7 Their address The list can go on and on. Anyone with the internet can easily use any piece of that information to get exactly what is needed to get to that child if they wanted. The information isn’t always shared directly with the predator. We all tend to just not think about it. These hunters can read t-shirts with school names in photos. They can figure out schedules for the dance school you select when the girls (or parents) are tagged. You can create a pretty big collage of everything about a child with just a little bit of access. When the kids are hoping to get more and more followers—they often leave their social media sites wide open without a privacy screen allowing anyone to see whatever they want to find them. Predators can be completely well versed in anything they want to know about a child as they follow those posts, photos, videos and activities. They look for moments to sneak in and start their pursuit. The more they know, the easier it is to find that perfect point for sextortion. These predators know the language of the day. Whether it’s emoji’s or text lingo, they know how to disguise themselves. Jason said, “There are things we need to get the public to know, so that they can be smarter about what they’re doing with their kids to keep them safer.” We have to stay alert. I hope I have your attention. If not, maybe this will wake you up a bit.
Come on into My Daughter’s Room Sir Kristin Weis of The Demand Project shared, “I remember the first time I watched Jason in a case where he was talking to this guy. Jason knew it was a little bit different, but the guy was asking for bad pictures. Of course, he said he couldn’t send a pic. Then all of a sudden, this guy took over his computer and these things are popping up all over the place. There were threats of ‘If you don’t do this, I’m gonna hurt your family.’” Kristin went on, “This guy was talking to you over
here and now he says he has your home address. Someone older might not fall for that, but if you are young and freaked out? It can easily happen.” “Kids are unknowingly setting themselves up.” said Kristin. She said a bit cautiously, “Do you know who’s largely to blame? In many ways, it’s the fault of the parents and the kids. You read or hear about everyone wanting to know what the government is going to do to stop these predators, but what the heck does the government have to do with your day-to-day life? Nothing. They have nothing to do with our kids and what they’re doing. It’s our responsibility. We pay for these devices. We give
7 Keep communication open with your kids. 7 Let them know they can talk to you. 7 Have the sex talks. Have them more than once. Keep that door open. 7 Have the “predator” behavior discussions to make them aware who and what is out there. Knowing how they work sets your child up to know when someone is crossing lines and could be unsafe. 7 Have a safe word for your younger child no one could guess (in case someone tries to pick them up as “sent by their mom/relative.”) I’d tell them to run first and ask for the safe word later, but if the child is engaged in conversa-
When the kids are hoping to get more and more followers—they often leave their social media sites wide open without a privacy screen allowing anyone to see whatever they want to find them. them access to a world-wide platform where a 50-year-old guy, who maybe looks like he’s younger, can walk right into your daughter’s bedroom. He can be with her while she gets dressed and you didn’t check him out? Why would you do that? You might as well open the door and say ‘Come on in! Go have some fun with my daughter.’ Would you honestly let a 50-year-old man in your house to just sit with your daughter up in her room and talk? It’s essentially the same thing.” Kristin added, “Don’t misunderstand. You don’t stop giving the phone. Tech is so integral to the world these days. You have to teach them empowerment and how to be responsible. We have to talk to them. We can’t worry about saying penis and vagina. My gosh, who cares about that? If you don’t talk straight to these kids about it when they are ready, somebody else will.”
Education and Communication Education and communication between parents and children is critical. When it becomes broken, the doors open further for someone to become a victim.
24 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
tion make sure they know to listen for the safe word. 7 If your social media pages are public, then make sure what you put out there is information you are ok for that predator to know. 7 Engage in their video game worlds. Check out who is checking them out. 7 Follow their pages and their posts. It’s not about privacy. It’s about protection. The Demand Project hosts sessions where they can give much more detailed advice on how to be safe, but this list gives you a place to start. Start now. Really. Kristin said, “We will never end sexual perversion. So, as an organization, we go to the approach with prevention to empower and educate a kid on not becoming a victim.”
Caught off Guard Myself In January, my then 4-year old said, “Mom—can you download TikTok for me?” I had never heard of it until Jason and Kristin mentioned it in my interview as a great tool for predators. The look on my face sent the wrong message to my daughter. I was just so shocked she had heard of
it. We had a longer discussion about it to help her know it was ok she asked. Evidently a 6-year old in a class she is in was given an account by her parents and told her to get it. My radar went up. Before I spoke with this team, I might have thought it was harmless. I don’t know. Maybe I would have entertained the idea. Thankfully I’ll never have to know. I knew she didn’t need access to such a tool in the hands of these predators at her age. Sadly, the little girl who had access is in a broken home and expresses frustrations in the class causing disruption. She’s actually the exact kind of target these predators would be looking to find. Her parents were never at the class due to work and health reasons, but I spoke with her grandmother at the next event. I couldn’t just let her be vulnerable without saying something. We all have to come together to be a village for our kids. There is no room for fear of overstepping when it comes to protecting these little ones. The world is changing so rapidly, we can’t all be expected to keep up with everything. So, helping other parents be aware of potential problems is really important.
Let’s Get Even More Real— Your Kids and Porn According to Jason and Kristin, “Kids are some of the biggest victims of pornography these days that help generate the demand for trafficking. They don’t have to watch it on their phone. The other kid at school will show them. So, they feel we have to focus on empowering educated kids both to not become victims of predators or becoming a predator themselves.” “Honestly, we believe some of the biggest producers and distributors of child porn are actually the children themselves with their phones. First base is becoming a paycheck. Sexting in a picture doesn’t stay
“Honestly, we believe some of the biggest producers and distributors of child porn are actually the children themselves with their phones. First base is becoming a paycheck. Sexting in a picture doesn’t stay between two phones. If you’re underage and you take a naked selfie, you’ve just made child porn. If you send that picture to someone you just committed a federal crime,” said Jason.
between two phones. If you’re underage and you take a naked selfie, you’ve just made child porn. If you send that picture to someone you just committed a federal crime,” said Jason. “There are kids just sending pictures to a boyfriend or whomever and that it’s different, but yet it’s not. Once they are caught, they now will need to be on the sex offender registry as they are graduating and trying to get a job or hoping to get into a college. That’s really tough, but whatever it takes to get this message across—we have to do it.” Jason added.
Kids Requesting Nudes Kristin said, “Our son just turned 18. One reason he’s been popular in high school is because he never asked for nudes. He has a lot of girls who are just friends, because they know he’s not gonna ask for those. Pretty much all the guys around him— they ask.” Kristin expounded, “When we talk at the schools, we tell the kids ‘Tell someone. Don’t ask for nudes. Girls stop sending them.’” Jason added, “For one thing, everything they put on social media ends up everywhere. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to trace them and pull them all back once they have gone out.” Then Kristin chimed in, “Every kid, like it or not, is
making this history for a future employer, a future husband or wife. I mean it’s out there forever. If you think that stuff disappears, you’re an idiot. Snapchat—if it’s there for a minute and you take a picture of it out on your phone—guess what. It’s out there forever. It never goes away, because there’s always it a handprint on that social media for the rest of your life. So, the biggest distributors of child porn are actually the kids themselves.”
Summing Up the Threat Sex trafficking isn’t in just other countries. It is in THIS country. There’s only so much “coincidence” I’m able to swallow with a story like Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide in a cell where the cameras happened to be off, the guard happened to be gone and so on. Big players did not want to be named. We need to wake up to the possibility that all sorts of professional and wealthy men can be in the game. They can be consumers with big pocketbooks. Doctors, lawyers, politicians—haven’t we seen enough to know they are out there? It’s not just them. It’s also that nice gymnastics coach. That piano teacher. That church Sunday School teacher. Look it up. Keep your guard up parents. They certainly are.
COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 25
A Mom Shares it All (But Not on Purpose!) Do you even realize how much you are sharing on social media? I wanted to test out how much I could find about a child without being a friend to the parent on Facebook. I hopped on. Typed in Jenks. It listed a Jenks cheer group. I clicked on the group innocently advertising their squad and classes. My next click took me into the names of all the women and kids who had “liked” the posts. My next two clicks landed me on the page of someone I happen to know, but just am not friends with on Facebook. In about 20 seconds, I could read the name of her children. I knew what activities they participated in. I knew the names of aunts and uncles. I knew their ages and their schools. With another five minutes or less, I could have known the time and dates of their cheer practices. The woman’s page was public. So, everything she had was public. I know she would never want to expose her family like that. It caused me to look at my page really quick to make sure I had my privacy on. However, I found all sorts of pictures and stories that were inadvertently listed as public with my daughter. When I told my husband about my short little experiment, he reminded me that when you tag a friend, the friends of that friend can also see your post. Considering stories I have heard of porn addiction and bad decisions inside the Church, it’s safe to say that we might think we know our friends, but we certainly don’t know the friends of our friends. I just tagged a group last night. <FACE PALM>
It’s not to say that we need to shut ourselves or our kids out of every aspect of social media. That would backfire. However, I am saying—UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SHARING AND WITH WHOM. Then, make sure they understand the same.
Looking for a person who loves ministering to the homeless, wants to live with a small group of men, women and children who are housed and on a journey to follow Jesus to become His disciples. The pay is rewarding: free housing, free food and drink, money earned while leading a daily work crew making/ selling/delivering pizzas, doing clean up projects, and assisting a summer camp for disadvantaged kids. Must have love and a faith that God can overcome all obstacles in a person’s life. Need someone who isn’t afraid to love unconditionally. Please call 918-734-0471 if interested.
26 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
SENIOR MOMENTS Written by Kim Niles
Seasons of Grief Grief and loss throughout life are inevitable. In fact, it’s not uncommon for senior adults to have experienced multiple deaths of loved ones or even to be the only one remaining in their original immediate family. Events that bring about grief for aging adults can cross a broad spectrum of experiences beyond the normal scope you might attribute to grief: 7 Death of a loved one 7 Health issues or dementia/Alzheimers/ memory loss 7 Financial or job challenges 7 Anxiety, uncertainty, or fear over the future 7 Loss of a spouse, marriage, close companion, or a treasured pet 7 Loss of independence with diminished ability to do activities, chores, or self-care 7 Navigating a new residence (selling lifelong home for a more manageable residence, senior care center, nursing home, or assisted living) 7 Loss of feeling useful, needed, or loved 7 Guilt over life choices 7 Daily reminder of our finality on earth Currently, there is a lot of information to encourage and support those who suffer grief and loss; new strategies are continually being developed and implemented to assist senior communities with grief. However, even with new strategies, grief is never a predictable, cookie-cutter experience. No two people will deal with grief in the exact same way—even if they are going through the same grief event. Coping with grief and loss can be a true challenge for anyone, but especially for seniors. As a grief author, one of my favorite aspects of helping others through grief is partnering with them on their journey
with God. Having experienced multiple major grief events throughout life, I have found the spiritual aspect of grief recovery to be the most encouraging and hope filled. If you are going through a tough grief experience or challenging life event, I want to encourage you with this: You are not alone and God is not done with you.
“God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.” —Vance Havner
With God, there is hope! He never leaves us or forsakes us, and there is always purpose in our pain. God is the Wonderful Counselor who always draws beautifully close to us as we draw close to Him (James 4:8). Age can only do so much. It cannot touch the depths of your spirit or soul, for these are protected by God. In fact, there are limitations as to what age can and cannot change or hinder. I know of many who are concerned their best days are behind them, but nothing could be further from the truth. Your very best spiritual days may not have even happened yet. There are many examples in the Bible of those God chose to use in their golden years—like Moses. Life is a continuous series of stages. Being prepared for important times and taking advantage of precious years can make all of the difference in the world. When we consider that all throughout our life, we have adapted to change, we then
can properly and wisely view upcoming change and opportunities with both care and hope. What we focus on will direct the quality of our life. After all, where our treasure is, that’s where our heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). The good news is we can trade in our unwillingness to see what the Lord would want for us in each new season of life and replace it with a new treasured trust and focus. It is totally necessary at times to redirect our heart, focus, and treasure. What we may dread or even resent? Well, God can use that very thing to breathe fresh new life into us and create a new purpose for us. As we struggle to find a fresh, new perspective and purpose for life during major grief, loss, or transition, it becomes imperative to: 7 Ask God to show you His perfect will for your life, and to guide and direct you in each new stage and season. He’s not through with you . . . you have so much to still offer (Philippians 1:6). 7 Turn a negative focus into a positive focus. Years ago, one of my best friends became a quadriplegic due to a diving accident. I was blown away by his positive attitude and his deep love for God. He would continually say, “I don’t focus on Senior what I can’t do . . . I focus on what by Moments, sponsored I can do.” His life testimony of how he handled hardship made a lasting impact on many hearts and lives. You 918.609.5600 Tulsa or never know who you can inspire by 918.333.7400 Bartlesville turning a negative perspective into a positive one. what God is doing—and 7 Celebrate greencountry what He will be doing in your future. He has great plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). 7 Choose not to worry. God gives us discernment and wisdom to make good
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COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 27
decisions, but after we’ve done our part by obeying God, the responsibility for our life is ultimately turned over to Him (James 4). 7 Pray. Prayer is one of the most powerful gifts you can bestow on family, friends, and others. Prayer can change everything. Consider each morning who you can pray for. Ask God to direct your prayers and give you ideas of who and what to pray for each day. You can make an incredible impact through prayer. Plus, spending beautifully intense time with God will change you. Realize we have no time to waste; the days are evil (Ephesians 5:15-20). Life can make us believe we have more time than we actually do; assuming we have more time can actually be a punishment for such an unwise assumption. Use your time, prayers, love, and opportunities of ministering to others wisely. When going through challenges, it can be easy to forget our time is limited. A great quote (by Kelli Bressman-Horn) I have found encouraging is, “Even though I
am grieving, the clock is still ticking, and that’s why I keep living . . . purposefully.” No matter what we experience in life, it is imperative to redeem the time we are given in the wisest way possible. Focus on a heavenly/eternal perspective vs. a worldly perspective. When we look at life through a worldly perspective, we can become depressed, worried, and even despondent. When we focus on a heavenly/eternal perspective, we begin to understand that earth is merely a training ground for Heaven. We clearly see life is a mere vapor (James 4:13-17) and it helps us to focus our time, love, relationships, and efforts into what matters most. It is so very important to realize that some of our greatest contributions to the Kingdom can come from times of grief, change, transition, and loss. These are often the areas where God can use us most. With each grief event, God widens our ministry and gives us a larger capacity to be used by Him. As we grow older, we will continue to find our purpose. We will find greater hope and joy in the Lord. We can see that our lives , no matter what age
we are or what we go through, still hold great value to God. Kim Niles is the author of Getting Your Breath Back After Life Knocks It Out of You and is the co-founder of Grief Bites. She is a writer and partner for YouVersion and has several free reading plans available on the app. Mrs. Niles is a regular contributor for Biblical Leadership, a community leader at her church, and an inspirational speaker. After experiencing the deaths of her father, sister, grandparents, uncles, aunt, and other treasured family members and friends, and going through intense grief—especially with her son’s illness and tumors, Mrs. Niles became passionate about helping others through grief and counts it a privilege to encourage the grief community.
Senior Moments, sponsored by
Visiting Angels 918.609.5600 Tulsa or 918.333.7400 Bartlesville greencountry
Spring Cleaning: Let’s Get ’er Done. Karla Partridge has the gift of organization. Have you ever had one of those roomies in college? Their space was an example of what sorority life could look like. Some people just have it. Luckily, for those of us who JUST DON’T, Karla Partridge offers her services to bring our chaos under control. Karla did such an amazing job on our pantry that it has stayed that way for 3 months and counting. I don’t get it. I wonder how her mind works that she can think of the EXACT right place to put things. I did think about it before I put it in there. I really did. Whether it’s your pantry, your closet, or even your holiday décor needing put away in a more orderly fashion—if it’s on your list, but preventing you from getting to the things you want to do, bring Karla in and let her do what she does so amazingly well—organize! Karla Partridge, Personal Organizer 918.638.8110 | Instagram: Facebook: Totally Organized
28 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
The Impact of Christians Trained in Apologetics:
APOLOGETICS is commending and defending the Intellectual Case for the the Claims of Christ and the Christian Worldview in a context-sensitive and audience-specific manner.
1. Believers are strengthened in their faith; 2. Christians provide answers to non-Christian’s questions about God, Christ, and the Bible; 3. Culture is shaped and influenced.
The Battle for the Bible: Word of Man or Word of God? by James Burkett
The Christian Faith has been increasingly under attack from different segments of our culture: college professors, school teachers, cultural elites, media and business leaders. Their statements not only mock the Christian faith but indicate they are ill-informed and have misunderstood the basic message of Christianity. This dilemma can be seen with the increasing mistrust of the Bible as being a reliable historical document, let alone the Word of God.
As a pastor for over thirty-four years in major university communities. I was surprised that professors, graduate students, university students, and notable scientists would insist that the Bible could not be trusted. Although professors would be focused on facts within their particular academic discipline, I was amazed at their conclusions regarding the Bible. They spoke on the basis of unjustified assumptions, bias, or a simple ignorance of the facts. I am not making this last statement with a critical attitude. But, to argue against the facts is not exhibiting an investigative mind that follows the evidence to a rational and logical conclusion. Consider the following points about the trustworthiness of the Bible.
Fact One: MANUSCRIPT PRESERVATION The Bible is far more accurately preserved than any other text of ancient history. There are far more New Testament manuscripts copied with far greater accuracy and far earlier dating than for any secular classic from antiquity. The Old Testament was also preserved with its overall historical accuracy having been factually confirmed by scholarly works such as Walter C. Kaiser’s The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable and Relevant? or K.A. Kitchen’s On the Reliability of the Old Testament. How can the Bible be rejected as “unreliable” when its documentation is at least 100 times that of other ancient literature? No other literature has supplied historians and Biblical scholars with such an abundance of evidence. The manuscript data is so massive that scholars such as Westcott and Hort, Ezra, Abbott, Philip Schaff, A.T. Robertson, Norman Geisler and William Nix place the restoration of the original text at 99 percent plus! THERE IS NO OTHER DOCUMENT OF ANTIQUITY that is as accurately preserved as the New Testament.
Fact Two: ARCHAEOLOGY The declarations that the Bible is filled with mythological tribes and peoples have ALL been dramatically disproven. Over a century of meticulous and scientific archaeological excavations have failed to prove a single Biblical statement incorrect. But archaeology has confirmed thousands of historical and geographical details in the Bible. Former Director of the Australian Institute of Archaeology and author of the 17 volume Archaeology, the Bible, and Christ, Dr. Clifford Wilson states: “ . . . the Bible stands investigation in ways that are unique in all literature. Its superiority to attack, its capacity to withstand criticism, its amazing facility to be proved right after all are all staggering by any standards of scholarship. Seemingly assured results ‘disproving’ the Bible have a habit of backfiring. Over and over again the Bible has been vindicated. That is true from Genesis to Revelation. . . .” Historian and apologist Dr. John Warwick Montgomery expressed the conclusion of archaeologists and historians regarding the reliability of the archaeological data: “Modern archaeological research has confirmed again and again the reliability of New Testament geography, chronology, and general history.”
Fact Three: Scientific Prevision There are scores of biblical directives and statements which conform to the facts of modern science. These statements were made centuries before modern science and medicine. An excellent example is Dr. S.I. McMillen’s None of These Diseases: The Bible’s Health Secrets for the 21st Century or former ABC News Science Editor and Harvard University physics professor, Dr. Michael Guillen in his Amazing Truths: How Science and the Bible Agree. With three earned doctorates in science, the late Dr. Wilder-Smith, shared his assessment of the scientific accuracy of the Bible: “Many leading scientists and philosophers, past and present, accepted the entire Bible because they actually researched these matters.” PLEASE NOTE THE LAST PHRASE: “ . . . they actually researched these matters.” COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe 29
Mark Eastman, M.D., and computer specialist, Chuck Missler, concluded, “In the twentieth century, more than any time in history, it can be demonstrated that the Bible is a skillfully designed, integrated message system that evidences supernatural engineering in every detail.”
Fact Four: Certified and Accurately Fulfilled Prophecies Only the Bible has specific prophecies that have been fulfilled. No other religious “sacred book” has this component. Leading Old Testament scholar, Alfred Edersheim, stated that there were 456 prophecies concerning the first coming of the Jewish Messiah. He provided extensive confirmation that Jesus Christ fulfilled all of these prophecies. Math Professor Peter W. Stoner details in this book, Science Speaks, the astounding confirmations of fulfilled biblical prophecy. The statistical probabilities of the prophetical fulfillment is staggering! For example, Professor Stoner and 12 different classes of 600 college students calculated that the statistical probability of a man fulfilling just eight of the Messianic prophecies would be 1 in 1017 or 1 chance in 100,000 trillion. That number would allow you to cover the entire surface area of Texas with a two feet stack of silver dollars. As additional calculations are made, the probabilities are beyond the possibility of mere chance, but indicate a Divine direction.
Fact Five: Alleged Bible Errors and Contradictions are Answered Logically and Factually The great majority of alleged errors and contradictions in the Bible are the result of three issues: 1) A hasty examination of the Bible text; 2) Faulty assumptions and misunderstanding of translation procedures by the critics; 3) The selective use of data by the author. It is important to observe proper definitions especially with terms like “error” and “contradiction.” Dealing with alleged contradictions, scholars such as Dr. John W. Haley, William Arndt, and Gleason Archer collected over a thousand errors and contradictions, almost all of which were adequately resolved by careful attention to the relevant detail. Dr. John Warwick Montgomery commented: “I myself have never encountered an alleged contradiction in the Bible which could not be cleared up by the use of accepted principles of literary and historical interpretation.” Noted Old Testament scholar and one of the world’s leading linguists, Dr. Robert Dick Wilson stated: “I have made it an invariable habit never to accept an objection to a statement of the Old Testament without subjecting it to a most thorough investigation, linguistically and factually . . . I defy any man to make an attack upon the Old Testament on the grounds of evidence that I cannot investigate.” Dr. Wilson’s conclusion was that no critic has succeeded in proving an error in the Old Testament. Although we have only briefly touched on the subject, The Battle for the Bible: Word of Man or Word of God, we can readily ascertain that the evidences for the reliability of the Bible is overwhelming! Plus, the evidence can bring a person to the conclusion that the Bible is more than the Word of Man but is indeed the Word of God. There is an increasing number of professors, scientists, and scholars who have been “compelled” by the evidence that the Bible is more than just a human book: The Evidence indicates the supernatural element in it’s composition.
7 Reasonable Faith Chapter—Mark Goodnight ( Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month; 7 Reasons to Believe—Dr. Dominic Halsmer ( 7 Oklahoma School of Apologetics & Practical Theology—Dr. Jim Burkett (; text: 918-691-8756) Next Course: The Case for the Deity of Christ Dates: Tuesday evenings, March 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21, & 28 (Time: 6:30–8:30 PM) 7 Oklahoma Apologetics Alliance—Mark Tedford (
APOLOGETIC WEBSITES: (one of the best apologetics sites in our nation) (over 300 plus Christian scholars and apologists answer critical questions about Christianity in one to three minutes) (Ravi Zacherias ministries) (website for the Oklahoma Apologetics Alliance) 30 COMMUNITY SPIRIT — Connecting Christ’s Community #GoDoBe
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