CUPE 556 members are proud to provide excellent public services that residents rely on each and every day. Our members x roads, lead tness classes, keep recreation centres running smoothly, provide emergency care, connect residents with library resources, work at daycares, and maintain safe, clean, drinking water systems and wastewater treatment systems.
CUPE 556 represents municipal workers in the Comox Valley at the City of Courtenay; Town of Comox; Village of Cumberland; Comox Valley Regional District; and, Hornby Island Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association.
We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, including Sathloot, Sasitla, leeksun, Puntledge, Cha’chae, and Tat’poos Peoples.
SPRING INTO ACTION with activities for every age and every ability, found on the pages indicated below in your desired municipality!
“We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which we recreate is the traditional unceded territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.”
See page 7
Three Easy Ways To Register:
Spring program registration starts March 6 at 6:00 am
Online: www.comox.ca/recreation
Hands on Farm
See page 20
Welcome to an exciting new season of recreation, fitness, and leisure opportunities. Spring has a way of saying, “Let’s all get outside and try something new!”
Our recreation team has planned various programs and special events for you and your family. Participating in these recreational activities will provide you a variety of options and opportunities to make new friends, learn new skills, boost selfesteem, develop a healthier lifestyle, and have some fun! Check out Group Fitness Flex, a new program with access to 12 prime-time classes per week, like Yoga, Pilates, Spin and more. Come as often as you want. It’s perfect for those with busy and changing schedules. Youth Week returns May 1-7 with engaging events and activities, including the Youth Week Recognition Dinner. This event recognizes nominated youth who have progressed in particular endeavours and made outstanding contributions to our community.
Spring is also a time to explore the outdoors with a variety of programming and leisure pursuits. Check out the Hands-on-Farm with activities that expose little ones to cute animals while learning to appreciate nature, opening June 12. Also, dust off the racquets and head out to the outdoor tennis or pickleball courts. It will feel great to get in your first swings of the season!
Inside this guide, you will find terrific programs for yourself and your family to keep busy and active from now until the end of June. From all of us on Town Council, we look forward to seeing you around the centre and enjoying activities throughout our Town.
Nicole Minions Mayor, Town of ComoxLegend:
By Phone: 250-339-2255
In Person: 1855 Noel Avenue, Comox
To Pay by Visa or MasterCard please have the following information ready:
• Registrant’s information
• Course name, time & activity #
• Visa or MasterCard #, CVC and the expiry date.
Contact Us:
Comox Community Centre 1855 Noel Ave, Comox BC V9M 2H4 250-339-2255
Recreation Director
Ted Hagmeier Ext. 5682
Recreation Supervisor
Andrew Clements Ext. 5683
Recreation Programmers
Laura Weston Ext. 5837
Heather Bailey Ext. 5700
Facility & Field Bookings
Laura Kennell Ext. 5696
Follow Us: @comoxcommunitycentre
Fitness Studio Hours:
Monday to Friday: 6:00 am - 9:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Prices, conditions and schedules are subject to change without notice. Visit comox.ca/recreation for the latest info.
Adult: 19 - 59 years. | Senior: 60 years and older. | Students: 12 - 18 years. Access for youth 12 - 15 years: Students 12 - 15 years may access the Fitness Studio, when:
1. An ‘Ask A Trainer’ is present, student must identify themselves to Reception and the Fitness Studio attendant.
2. Accompanied by an adult 19 years or older who will supervise the student at all times and is responsible for the safety of the student and any damages incurred due to incorrect use of the machines.
3. After completing a Fitness Studio Orientation.
The Fitness Studio has equipment suitable for all levels of fitness.
Cardio: recumbent and upright bikes, treadmills, cross trainers, spin bikes and more.
Fitness Circuit: Precor equipment for a complete, effective and safe workout. Plus free weights, squat rack, multi-function station, core exercise accessories and more!
Quick Start: $65 + gst
QuickStart PAIR: $80 + gst
With this single 90 min session you will be able to safely & confidently use the Fitness Studio: complete orientation to the equipment and fitness studio etiquette. Includes a generic workout plan.
Quick Start Plus: $129 + gst
Quick Start Plus PAIR: $169 + gst
Build your confidence with a little more attention: 30min
verbal consult with a trainer to review your current status/goals followed by 2 x 1 hour training sessions. Includes a personalized workout plan.
Refresher: $65 + gst
Performance: $209 + gst
Move your fitness to the next level: 30 min verbal consult with a trainer to review your goals plus 4 x 1 hour training sessions and a personalized progressive workout plan - including workouts to do on your own.
Performance Plus: $399 + gst
As above with 8 x 1 hour sessions of training.
Specialized: $244 + gst
Take your first steps towards increased physical capacity and better quality of life: 30 min verbal consult with a trainer to review your health limitations and history plus 4 x 1 hour training sessions to start your fitness journey. Doctors referral required.
Specialized Plus: $459 + gst
As above with 8 x 1 hour sessions of training.
Add on a session to any of our packages for $42 + gst
Break through fitness plateau. Refresh motivation & your workout. Must have completed 4 sessions with a CCC trainer within 12 months: 15 min consult to discuss goals. 45 min session to review a new plan.
Meet our team of dedicated personal trainers:
Maintenance Packages: 10 x 1 hr sessions for $385 (PAIR $439). 5 x 1 hr sessions (PAIR $239) for ongoing clients. Must be a pre-existing client and/or have purchased a Quick Start Plus, Performance or Specialized package.
Personal Training questions? Contact Heather to discuss options: hbailey@comox.ca
To purchase your personal training package or for more information call us at 250-339-2255
16 years & up
Every week will be something different in this total body class. Incorporating strength training along with cardio conditioning using a variety of equipment and body weight exercises. Leave sweaty and energized for the day. Previous exercise experienced is recommended.
Instructor: Paula Dickie
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9:00 - 10:00 am Gym A
Apr 13 - Jun 15 #12596
$152 + gst
16 years & up
YOU choose your fitness schedule! Register for the Group Fitness Flex Class and have access to 12 classes per week during prime-time hours. Come as often as you want. No pre-booking, no hassle. Show up and work out! No sessions Apr 10 & May 22.
Apr 8 - Jun 29 #12598
$169 + gst
Even more classes added!
We want to build a great program. Classes and schedules subject to change based on attendance and feedback.
18 years & up
Movin’ and Groovin’ on a Monday to start your week right! Tick all the fitness ‘boxes’ with this one fabulous workout. Cardio for your heart, a variety of equipment for your muscles, mat work for your core, round this out with balance training and a full body relaxing stretch! Leave class energized for your day and your whole week! No session May 22.
Instructor: Glenny Whelan
10:30 - 11:30 am Gym B
Apr 17 - May 29 #12586
$48 + gst
14 years & up
Explore movement sequences within you through Gyrokinesis®. The Gyrokinesis® method addresses the entire body; opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. It is an original and unique method that coordinates movement, breath and mental focus. This method is practiced on a mat and stool without equipment.
Instructor: Bonnie McKerricher
$80 + gst
16 years & up
Increase strength and endurance using your stroller and bodyweight, while connecting with other likeminded parents. Tend to babies needs at any time, while taking care of your own! Bring your own stroller, mat or towel and dress for west coast weather!
Instructor: Laurel Dickson
9:30 - 10:30 am Marina Park
May 3 - Jun 28 #12636
$72 + gst
16 years & up
Improve your mobility and endurance for healthy independent, fullyfunctioning longevity. Develop strength, core strength, flexibility, agility, balance and coordination and recognize the mind body connection. No session May 22.
Instructor: Joyce Leong
9:15 - 10:15 am Gym A
Apr 17 - Jun 26 #12559
$80 + gst
Apr 12 - Jun 28 #12560
$96 + gst
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12561
$96 + gst
18 years & up
Learn the fundamentals of a good mobility program. Practices for the whole body including self-massage, stretches, active range of motion exercises and breathing techniques. Relax tight muscles while teaching how to move with greater ease and control. No experience required. Three BCRPA CEC’s for Fitness Leaders
Instructor: Ryan Murphy
5:00 - 8:00 pm MP Hall
Apr 5 #12749
12:00 - 3:00 pm MP Hall
May 13 #12750
$30 + gst
New mothers of any age
It is never too late to strengthen and repair your body after giving birth. Strengthen your postpartum body while improving your posture, heal your core & reconnect to your pelvic floor. You are welcome to bring your baby (pre-mobile for safety reasons). You should no longer have any postpartum bleeding; let fatigue be your guide. If baby was born via C-section please join us after week 6 postpartum.
Instructor: Laurel Dickson
10:30 - 11:30am MP Hall
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #13062
$96 + gst
& Fitness - C
19 years & up
Looking for a fitness class that utilizes our INCREDIBLE local green spaces instead of a traditional gym/studio space? Join coach Tina from Rise up Rooted to receive the health benefits that comes from movement in nature. Workouts focus on foundational movement patterns and total body strength. For more information please visit www.riseuprootedhealth.com.
Locations: Anderton Park, Filberg Park, Goose Spit, Kye Bay, Highland Park and more.
Instructor: Tina Wilson
Rising Strong
7:00 - 8:00 am
Apr 11 - May 16 #12633
May 23 - Jun 27 #12638
7:00 - 8:00 am
Apr 13 - May 18 #12634
May 25 - Jun 29 #12639
$84 + gst
Tuesdays & Thursdays
7:00 - 8:00 am
Apr 11 - May 18 #12632
May 23 - Jun 29 #12637
$168 + gst
Stronger Together
9:00 - 10:00 am
Apr 11 - May 16 #12642
May 23 - Jun 27 #12643
9:00 - 10:00 am
Apr 13 - May 18 #12644
May 25 - Jun 29 #12645
$84 + gst
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9:00 - 10:00 am
Apr 11 - May 18 #12640
May 23 - Jun 29 #12641
$168 + gst
16 years & up
RIP it up! Train like an athlete! Be ready for a challenge in the intense yet fun filed indoor/outdoor exercise program. Bring your fitness to a new level. Resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning, body weight exercises, partner drills, core strength and much more will be addressed in this well-developed Boot Camp. Please do not register for this class if you have unresolved back issues. No sessions Apr 7 & 10.
Instructor: Steve Thomson
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
5:15 - 6:15 pm Gym B
Apr 3 - May 17
1x week $126 + gst #12306
2x week $216 + gst #12308
3x week $306 + gst #12310
May 24 - Jun 30
1x week $108 + gst #12307
2x week $216 + gst #12309
3x week $289 + gst #12311
Early Riser Bootcamp - C
Tuesdays & Thursdays
6:15 - 7:15 am Gym B
Apr 4 - May 16 #12313
$234 + gst
May 23 - Jun 29 #12314
$216 + gst
16 years & up
A high intensity intermediate level class designed to tighten the abs and carve curves. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) combined with core work to leave you sweaty and sculpted! No session May 19.
Instructor: Steve Thomson
9:15 - 10:15 am Gym B
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12312
$165 + gst
50 years & up
Core and strength training with functional movement exercises. Prerequisite: must be able to get down and up from the floor. No session May 18.
Instructor: Steve Thomson
10:30 - 11:30 am Gym B
Apr 6 - Jun 29 #12305
$156 + gst
16 years & up
A perfect combination of abdominal exercises and lower extremity stretches. This class is designed to promote strength and stability in the musculature that supports the spine. Tighten the tummy, increase flexibility and possibly help that low back issue you may have. Intermediate level class.
Instructor: Steve Thomson
9:00 - 10:00 am Gym B
Apr 11 - Jun 27 #12997
$168 + gst
16 years & up
Instructed by the dynamic duo - Steve & Signi! Circuit Training - one of the most efficient ways to lose weight and tone the body. Strength, core, cardio, eccentrics, isometrics, and yoga postures.
Instructor: Steve Thomson & Signi Caine
6:15 - 7:15 am Gym B
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12315
$168 + gst
No withdrawals or refunds after the session start date(s), except for injury or illness for which a doctors note will be required.
14 years & up
Cover all your workout needs in one class! 25 minutes of high intensity spin followed by 25 min of muscular strength and endurance using the TRX suspension system. Finish up with a 10 min stretch. No session Apr 10.
Instructor: Glenn Hascarl
Mondays & Wednesdays
8:00 - 9:00 pm Annex
Apr 3 - May 17 #12616
May 24 - Jun 28 #12619
$104 + gst
Tuesdays & Thursdays
9:15 - 10:15 am Annex
Apr 4 - May 18 #12617
$112 + gst
May 23 - Jun 29 #12620
$96 + gst
Tuesdays & Thursdays
7:00 - 8:00 pm Annex
Apr 4 - May 18 #12618
May 23 - Jun 29 #12621
$112 + gst
Instructor: Glenny Whelan
5:30 - 6:30 pm Annex
Apr 11 - May 30 #12591
$64 + gst
5:30 - 6:30 pm Annex
Apr 13 - May 25 #12592
$56 + gst
Instructor: Leanne Gray
6:15 - 7:00 am Annex
Apr 17 - May 15 #12740
$42 + gst
May 29 - Jun 26 #12743
$40 + gst
9:15 - 10:15 am Annex
Apr 12 - May 17 #12741
May 24 - Jun 28 #12744
$48 + gst
10:30 - 11:30 am Annex
Apr 14 - May 19 #12742
May 26 - Jun 30 #12745
$48 + gst
14 years & up
Combine various cycling components’ and drills; long hill rides, short punchy climbs, flat cadence intervals, watt based drills and even some HIIT sets. Finish with a thorough lower body stretch. No session May 22.
Instructor: Michaela Jelen
6:30 - 7:15 pm Annex
Apr 17 - Jun 26 #12539
$70 + gst
6:15 - 7:00 am Annex
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12622
$83 + gst
14 years & up
Rise and shine ride. Kickstart the morning with a vigorous heart pumping workout. A variety of skills and drills accompanied with motivating music will help you push your fitness to the next level.
Instructor: Leanne Gray
6:15 - 7:00 am Annex
Apr 12 - May 17 #12734
May 24 - Jun 28 #12735
$42 + gst
14 years & up
Improve endurance, build strength and have FUN in this spin and core combo workout. Core work builds strength and stability in your abdominal and low back areas.
Instructor: Leanne Gray
9:15 - 10:15 am Annex
Apr 17 - May 15 #12736
May 29 - Jun 26 #12738
$40 + gst
9:15 - 10:15 am Annex
Apr 14 - May 19 #12737
May 26 - Jun 30 #12739
$48 + gst
12 - 18 years
This combo spin/strength & core class is a fun opportunity to workout to music you love in the company of your peers & classmates. Emphasis on FUN will be integrated throughout the whole class! No session May 22.
Instructor: Michaela Jelen
4:00 - 4:45 pm Annex
Apr 17 - Jun 26 #12540
$69 + gst
14 years & up
TRX Suspension training adds a new dimension to fitness training. Leverage body weight versus gravity to develop muscular strength and endurance, balance, stability and joint range of motion. An all levels class that will revolutionize the way you think about those “same old gym exercises!”.
Instructor: Leanne Gray
5:30 - 6:30 pm Annex
Apr 17 - May 15 #12746
$48 + gst
May 29 - Jun 26 #12747
$42 + gst
14 years & up
TRX is an effective way to combine strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility and balance exercise into your endurance training regime. Overall you will gain strength with this body weight workout. The benefits from this workout will transfer to biking posture, running posture and core/shoulder strength for swimming!
Instructor: Leanne Gray
6:45 - 7:30 pm Annex
Apr 12 - May 17 #12975
May 24 - Jun 28 #12976
$42 + gst
18 years & up
A fun no pressure approach for learning the smooth Foxtrot, the fun Jive, the elegant Waltz, the sexy Rumba and the energetic Cha Cha. Be prepared to laugh and dance your cares away. Partners are required. Fee is paid by each person.
Instructor: Robin Pearson
7:00 - 8:00 pm Gym B
Apr 13 - Jun 29 #12531
$121 + gst
18 years & up
For those of you wishing to advance from the beginners lessons. Learn fabulous new steps in the Foxtrot, Jive, Waltz, Rumba and Cha Cha Cha. More steps, more laughs, more fun. See you there! Partners are required. Fee is for each person.
Instructor: Robin Pearson
8:15 - 9:15 pm Gym B
Apr 13 - Jun 29 #12532
$121 + gst
14 years & up
This calorie-torching, strengthtraining dance fitness-party uses maraca-like toning sticks to sculpt arms, abs, glutes and thighs. This workout is perfect for rhythm makers and fitness enthusiasts who want to sculpt their bodies naturally while having a total blast.
Instructor: Gloria Grieve
Tuesdays & Fridays
9:15 - 10:15 am MP Hall
Apr 4 - Jun 30
14 years & up
Designed as a less intense workout for the active person with easy-tofollow Zumba choreography that focuses on range of motion and coordination. Be ready to sweat and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. It’s a zesty mix of all the elements of fitness: cardio, conditioning, flexibility and balance!
Instructor: Gloria Grieve
9:15 - 10:15 am MP Hall
Apr 5 - Jun 28
14 years & up
Fitness infused with Latin rhythms, international dance and popular music. The melodies will inspire you, the moves will spice up your fitness routine! Dance and sweat your way to a healthier, happier mind and body. The last 15 minutes of this class will be a stretch. Please bring a mat if you have one.
Instructor: Gloria Grieve
9:15 - 10:15 am MP Hall
Apr 6 - Jun 29
14 years & up
Fitness infused with Latin rhythms, international dance and popular music. The melodies will inspire you, the moves will spice up your fitness routine! Dance and sweat your way to a healthier, happier mind and body.
Instructor: Gloria Grieve
10:00 - 11:00 am MP Hall
Apr 8 - Jun 24
All Zumba classes are drop-in.
$6.85/Drop-in or 10 Visit Card (price varies by age).
Seniors Stretch & Strength
50 years & up
Fit seniors and beginner exercisers apply within! Get your energy flowing with a short cardio segment to increase heart rate and blood flow to the muscles. Move into joint friendly strength exercises using a variety of equipment and your own body. Finish with a thorough stretch to enhance flexibility while being guided through an uplifting visualization.
Instructor: Janice Bradford
10:45 - 11:45 am Gym A
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12542
$96 + gst
50 years & up
Prevent or even reverse the signs of aging. Protect your bone density, improve your strength, work on balance and increase joint range of motion in this fitness studio circuit training program. New participants see Glenn prior to program start during Ask A Trainer hours.
Instructor: Glenn Hascarl
Tuesdays & Thursdays
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Ft. Studio
Apr 4 - May 18 #12614
$112 + gst
May 23 - Jun 29 #12615
$96 + gst
65 years & up
Get active with your ABCs (agility, balance and coordination) to make daily living easier and help maintain your independence. Perfect for those who want to get and stay active in an engaging and social way. No session
Apr 10.
Instructor: Sharon Van Heyningen
Modays & Wednesdays
12:15 - 1:15 pm MP Hall
Apr 3 - May 17 #12593
$104 + gst
May 24 - Jun 28 #12594
$88 + gst
Spin & Stretch
19 years & up
Emerging research has indicated that cycling at higher cadences such as 75-85 RPM can help relieve Parkinson’s symptoms both acutely and chronically. Sharon is patient, supportive, encouraging and knowledgeable. Let her teach you how to use our spin bikes. Enjoy being social, getting a workout and managing your health.
Instructor: Sharon Van Heyningen
12:00 - 12:45 pm Annex
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12698
$83 + gst
19 years & up
Recover loss of function and strength from Parkinson’s Disease or if you have balance and/or mobility challenges. Researchbased NeuroFit BC exercises with high intensity and big movements activate muscles for daily activities. The repetition of these specific, exaggerated motions unlock muscle stiffness and restriction. You must be independently mobile. No sessions Apr 10 & May 22.
Instructor: Mary Jo White
Level 1
Level 1 is geared towards those who are walking without gait aids and are able to get up and down off the floor without assistance.
10:30 - 11:30 am Gym A
Apr 3 - Jun 26 #12694
$121 + gst
10:30 - 11:30 am Gym A
Apr 5 - Jun 28 #12695
$143 + gst
Level 2
Level 2 is geared towards those who may or may not have significant trouble with balance, and may need extra time or assistance to get up and down off the floor or need to perform exercises from a chair.
1:15 - 2:15 pm MP Hall
Apr 3 - Jun 26 #12696
$121 + gst
1:15 - 2:15 pm MP Hall
Apr 5 - Jun 28 #12697
$143 + gst
16 years & up
Barre is a fusion of Pilates, yoga and ballet. Barre engages muscles you would not normally target - the ones deep inside your body that squats, lunges and sit-ups alone just can’t reach. With high-reps and low-impact movements, barre challenges anyone looking to fine-tune their muscles - no ballet or experience required. Beginners welcome. Chairs used in place of a bar.
Instructor: Deborah Rogers
11:00 - 11:45 am Room C
Apr 12 - Jun 28 #12599
$83 + gst
16 years & up
Pilates is a low impact workout effective at strengthening, lengthening, and toning the muscles through repetitive and controlled movements. Pilates trains the body as an integrated whole while focusing on the core. Improve flexibility, posture and increase joint range of motion.
Instructor: Glenny Whelan
6:45 - 7:45 pm Room C
Apr 11 - May 30 #12588
$64 + gst
6:45 - 7:45 pm Room B
Apr 13 - May 25 #12587
$56 + gst
16 years & up
Build strength and tone your core muscles while improving flexibility and creating harmony in the body for stress reduction. This fusion is the best of both disciplines. Pilates exercises and yoga poses will give you a full body workout with focus on proper movement. Each class ends with soothing relaxation. All levels welcome. No session May 22.
Instructor: Glenny Whelan
9:00 - 10:15 am Room B
Apr 17 - May 29 #12590
$60 + gst
10:15 - 11:30 am Room C
Apr 8 - May 27 #12589
$80 + gst
16 years & up
Enjoy a pleasing sequence that incorporates key principles from both yoga and Pilates. Expect a full-body workout that challenges your core strength and increases your muscular endurance, flexibility and balance. Finish each class with a soothing stretch. You’ll leave feeling energized, yet relaxed.
Instructor: Suzy Williamson
9:30 - 10:30 am Room B
Apr 14 - May 19 #12651
May 26 - Jun 30 #12652
$70 + gst
16 years & up
Combining principles from both Yoga and Pilates, this class will focus on functional fitness to improve ease of movement in daily life. Exercises performed seated on chairs and standing (using the chair for support if desired). Expect increased strength, coordination, balance and flexibility. Modifications provided for those with mobility challenges/pain.
Instructor: Suzy Williamson
12:30 - 1:30 pm MP Hall
Apr 11 - May 16 #12647
May 23 - Jun 27 #12648
$70 + gst
16 years & up
Feel amazing with a class that blends the best of yoga and Pilates, resulting in a stronger core, improved balance and flexibility, and a deeper understanding of how to use your breath and movement to calm your mind and increase your well-being.
Instructor: Suzy Williamson
11:30 am - 12:30 pm Room C
Apr 13 - May 18 #12649
May 25 - Jun 29 #12650
$70 + gst
16 years & up
Enjoy a slow and gentle yoga flow combining basic yoga poses to feel stronger, more flexible, balanced and relaxed. This class is perfect for the beginner or those desiring a gentler practice.
Instructor: Gwen Frankowski
We encourage you to bring your own yoga props; however, we have mats, blocks and bolsters to borrow in most yoga classes.
10:45 - 11:45 am Room B
Apr 12 - Jun 28 #12680
$96 + gst
16 years & up
Blend breath with poses that provide insight into body awareness and alignment. Increase physical strength, balance, focus and flexibility while relieving stress and tension in the body. A relaxing way to end your week.
Instructor: Gwen Frankowski
12:00 - 1:00 pm Room B
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12681
$96 + gst
16 years & up
Flow through poses that unite breath with movement to improve overall strength, balance, flexibility, and focus. Regular practice will help to identify areas of tightness, muscle imbalance and provide a renewed awareness of body alignment. Leave energized, revitalized, refreshed, and relaxed.
Instructor: Gwen Frankowski
9:30 - 10:30 am Room B
Apr 12 - Jun 28 #12682
$96 + gst
10:30 - 11:30 am Room B
Apr 15 - Jun 24 #12683
$88 + gst
16 years & up
A fun combination of strength & core made even better with yoga! See improved balance, body awareness, alignment, flexibility, strength and a stress release in your whole body. Equipment use may include; weights, balls, rollers, sliders and bands.
Instructor: Gwen Frankowski
1:15 - 2:15 pm MP Hall
Apr 14 - Jun 30 #12684
$96 + gst
Yoga - C
16 years & up
A great place to begin for anyone who is new to yoga and/or those with physical limitations.
Instructor: Birgit Nilson
10:45 am - 12:00 pm MP Hall
Apr 11 - Jun 6 #12606
$113 + gst
Birgit’s Gentle Flow
Yoga - C
16 years & up
A gentler approach to a style of Yoga that encourages a lot of movement. We will attempt to accommodate any physical limitations you may have. Beginners are welcome.
Instructor: Birgit Nilson
10:45 am - 12:00 pm MP Hall
Apr 13 - Jun 8 #12608
$113 + gst
Birgit’s Hatha Flow
Yoga - C
16 years & up
If you enjoy lots of movement at a fast pace, this class if for you. Poses follow a sequence that finishes with relaxation and quiet time. Some experience necessary.
Instructor: Birgit Nilson
9:00 - 10:15 am Room C
Apr 13 - Jun 8 #12609
$113 + gst
Birgit’s Hatha Yoga - C
16 years & up
An ancient practice that teaches traditional yoga poses with a specific focus on alignment. Beginners are welcome. No session May 22.
Instructor: Birgit Nilson
8:45 - 10:00 am MP Hall
Apr 17 - Jun 5 #12610
$88 + gst
9:00 - 10:15 am Room C
Apr 12 - Jun 7 #12611
$113 + gst
Yoga drop-in pricing, when space permits.
Gwen - $10
Birgit - $13.50
Karen & Tanya - $15
16 years & up
A gentler approach to a style of yoga that encourages a lot of movement. We will attempt to accommodate any physical limitations you may have. Beginners welcome.
Instructor: Birgit Nilson
9:00 - 10:15 am Room B
Apr 11 - Jun 6 #12607
$113 + gst
50 years & up
Traditional yoga poses are modified to accommodate the older adult. Each practice intends to release joints, improve balance, strength and flexibility and finishes with relaxation and breathing exercises. Beginners welcome. No session May 22.
Instructor: Birgit Nilson
10:15 - 11:30 am MP Hall
Apr 17 - Jun 5 #12612
$88 + gst
10:45 am - 12:00 pm MP Hall
Apr 12 - Jun 7 #12613
$113 + gst
Level 1 - C
16 years & up
Iyengar yoga is dynamic, physical and rejuvenating. This practice focuses on precision and alignment to develop inner awareness, strength, flexibility and balance. Beginner welcome. No session May 22.
Instructor: Karen Gibson
5:30 - 7:00 pm Room C
Apr 17 - Jun 5 #12718
$98 + gst
9:00 - 10:30 am Room C
Apr 14 - Jun 2 #12717
$112 + gst
Karen’s Iyengar Yoga
Level 2 - C
16 years & up
Suitable for students with at least 6 months Iyengar yoga experience. We will further develop the basic poses, explore new postures and deepen your understanding of the practice of yoga.
Instructor: Karen Gibson
9:00 - 10:30 am Room C
Apr 11 - May 30 #12719
$112 + gst
Tanya’s Gentle Yoga - C
10 years & up
If you are new to yoga or prefer a gentler pace, this class is for you. Release stiff joints, improve circulation, relieve tension and release stress while increasing strength, stamina, and flexibility. Learn simple ways to relax in everyday life. Various options will be offered so you can work at a pace that suits you, accommodating health concerns or physical limitations.
Instructor: Tanya Sedunow
7:15 - 8:45 pm MP Hall
Apr 13 - Jun 22 #12552
$143 + gst
Tanya’s Hatha Yoga - C
10 years & up
This approachable Hatha class is for beginners and returning students. It is an active yoga class designed to increase strength and flexibility, while reducing everyday stress and tension from the body and mind. Various options will be given so that you can work at a level that suits you. However, the pace may not be appropriate for people seeking a gentle yoga practice.
Instructor: Tanya Sedunow
5:30 - 6:45 pm MP Hall
Apr 13 - Jun 22 #12553
$132 + gst
Youth Badminton
11 - 17 years
Learn and master the badminton basics! Practice footwork patterns, basic shots, learn about different grips and develop a wicked serve. Equipment provided or bring your own. No session May 22.
Instructor: Mario Guitard
3:40 - 4:55 pm Gym A
Apr 17 - Jun 26 #12626
$79 + gst
16 years & up
Benefits of badminton go far beyond the body! Enjoy this high energy and fast paced sport. Please wear nonmarking court shoes and bring your own racquet. Protective eye guards are strongly recommended. Register or drop-in. Shuttles provided.
12:30 - 2:30 pm Gym B
Apr 12 - Jun 28 #12627
$60 + gst
8 - 14 years
This series teaches new players of all ages how to have fun on the squash court. Rules, gameplay, and basic technical skills will be covered.
Instructor: Denys Laporte
8 - 10 years
4:00 - 4:50 pm Courts
Apr 18 - May 23 #12727
11 - 14 years
5:00 - 5:50 pm Courts
Apr 18 - May 23 #12728
8 years & up
Get on the court with players alike or teach and challenge your family members! Court bookings are free during this time and are a great opportunity to practice skills learned in lessons and a chance to hit the ball around weekly. Equipment available to borrow if needed.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Courts
Apr 2 - Jun 25 #12729 FREE!
8 - 15 years
In collaboration with Squash BC, this event series is focused on FUN where newer junior players can experience squash competition in a safe and welcoming environment using progressive equipment. The tournament will be structured as a round-robin tournament or as a series of timed match rotations. Pizza lunch included and prizes to be won!
Instructor: Denys Laporte
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Courts
May 6 #12730
16 years & up
Learn to excel at the game of pickleball! Lessons are built around skill development and court awareness to play your best match yet. Pickleball lessons are registered.
5:30 - 6:30 pm Gym B
Apr 13 - May 11 #12925
$50 + gst
16 years & up
Improve your pickleball game! Join up with some local players and a CVPA team leader for an action packed afternoon of warm up drills followed by a social tournament. Geared for players who are working towards intermediate level and up.
1:00 - 4:00 pm Gym A&B
Jun 10 #12851
$25 + gst
Clean non-marking shoes required. Racquets and eye guards are available for squash program participants.
16 years & up
Pickleball is a smash! It is a great exercise and a fantastic way to meet new friends. Contact reception about playing levels. Registration opens 5 days prior (to the hour) of the 4-week session. Go to comox.ca/racquetsports for a detailed schedule. No session Apr 15.
Apr 11 – May 8 Gym A & B
0 - 2.5
12:00 - 2:00 pm #12912
2:15 - 4:15 pm #12921
$16 + gst
2.5 - 3.5
Tuesdays 10:45 am - 12:45 pm #12915
Thursdays 12:15 - 2:15 pm #12922
$16 + gst
3.5 - 4.25
Tuesdays 1:00 - 2:45 pm #12916
Fridays 12:15 - 2:15 pm #12923
$16 + gst
4.25 - Above
Wednesdays 12:00 - 2:00 pm #12919
Thursdays 4:15 - 5:45 pm
$16 + gst
Saturdays 11:30 am - 1:30 pm #12920
$12 + gst
All Levels
6:45 - 8:45 pm #12917
6:45 - 8:45 pm #12918
$16 + gst
When spring arrives, get outside! Play on the outdoor pickleball courts at Highland Park. Visit comox.ca/community/facilities for the court schedule.
5 - 17 years
Through fun games and activities these programs are designed to help develop the skills required to play and enjoy the sport of Tennis.
Instructor: Simon Richards Beginner Red Ball - C 5 - 10 years
Tuesdays 3:15 - 4:15 pm Robb Rd Cts.
Apr 11 - 25 #12885
May 2 - 23 #12886
Jun 6 - 27 #12887
3:15 - 4:15 pm
Apr 14 - 28 #12888
May 5 - 26 #12889
Jun 9 - 30 #12890
Intermediate Orange Ball - C 7 - 15 years
4:30 - 5:45 pm Robb Rd Cts.
Apr 11 - 25 #12895
May 2 - 23 #12898
Jun 6 - 27 #12899
4:30 - 5:45 pm
Apr 14 - 28 #12892
May 5 - 26 #12893
Jun 9 - 30 #12894
Advanced Green Ball - C 9 - 17 years
Apr 13 - 27 #12882
May 4 - 25 #12884
Jun 8 - 29 #12883
18 years & up
Add Tennis into your weeknight routine and you’ll fall in love with it. Meet others, learn fundamental techniques and strategies and improve your game in a fun environment. Suitable for complete beginners to intermediate players.
Instructor: Simon Richards
6:00 - 7:30 pm Robb Rd Cts.
Apr 13 - 27 #12880
$39 + gst
May 4 - 25 #12881
Jun 8 - 29 #12879
$52 + gst
Tennis - Private Lesson - C
Improve your Tennis game with one-on-one instruction! Please go to simontennis.ca to see availability.
Instructor: Simon Richards
$60/hour + gst
10 - 18 years
Discover the word of table tennis, where you will learn everything from the basics to intermediate strokes to defeat your opponent. Your body and brain will be active in this fun and fast paced sport.
Instructor: Denys Laporte
3:45 - 4:45 pm Courts
Apr 20 - May 25 #12996
2 months - 5 years
Let us take care of your little ones while you take care of yourself! Guardian must stay in the building. No sessions Apr 7, 10 & May 22.
Instructors: Crystal Oelke & Genevieve Marshall
Monday - Friday
8:45 - 10:45 am Room A
Apr 6 - Jun 30
$3.25/visit or $32.50/10 punch card
2 children: $5.75/visit or $57.50/10 punch card
Birth - 5 years
Come and play, climb, run and have fun with your child on Sunday mornings! There are cars, balls, climbing toys and more! Parent supervision is required.
Instructor: Miss Genevieve
8:30 - 10:00 am Gym A
Apr 16 - Jun 18
1 - 3 years
A space to connect with other parents, caregivers and their children. Toys available to use. Unfacilitated drop-in program, no registration required.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Room A
Apr 11 - Jun 20
Circle Time
2 - 5 years
Shake our your sillies, move around and have fun! Laugh, sing, dance and play along with instruments while learning to follow directions, cooperate and move your body. Adult participation required.
Instructor: Miss Genevieve
10:30 - 11:30 am Room A
Apr 16 - May 21 #12720
May 28 - Jun 25 #12721
Holistic coach and doula Serena will guide and facilitate discussions to support new parents on pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Reflect, share, laugh and gain confidence to navigate the wonderful, and sometimes overwhelming world of motherhood/parenthood. After the discussion, we encourage you to stay and play with your little one. Discussion topics will be posted to our social media channels prior to the program start date.
Instructor: Serena Oliveira
1:00 - 2:30 pm MP Hall
Apr 13 - Jun 29
Join for an afternoon social to meet and connect with other mothers and expecting parents in a relaxed environment. Learn about the Baby & Me program and other parenting resources offered in the community.
Instructor: Serena Oliveira
1:00 - 2:30 pm MP Hall
May 18
Join Serena, an experienced doula and prenatal and postnatal educator to explore informed choice, fear and pain management, prenatal and postnatal self-care practices, breath work and holistic comfort measures. Design the roadmap for how you can feel best supported for your entire birthing process.
Instructor: Serena Oliveira
10:00 am - 12:00 pm MP Hall
Apr 23 - May 14 #12731
$185 + gst
4 - 6 years
Imaginative and fun classes introducing the basics of dance through music interpretation, free movement and play. Dress comfortably for dance and bare feet.
Instructor: Bonnie McKerricher
4:00 - 4:45 pm Room B
Apr 18 - Jun 6 #12768
6 - 8 years
This fun class incorporates elements of creative movement while teaching the basics of classical ballet technique. Little Dancers will be introduced to basic positions, movements, posture and use of the legs and feet. Dress in leotard, tights, and ballet slippers.
Instructor: Bonnie McKerricher
5:00 - 6:00 pm Room B
Apr 18 - Jun 6 #12770
9 years & up
Use graded washes, value scale and silhouettes to make vivid landscape paintings.
Apr 15 #12850
Flowers & Foliage Cards
Explore pen and watercolour washes to make whimsical designs. We will turn your prints into handmade cards.
May 13 #12876
Birds Head to the jungle and use pens and washes to make your songbirds come to life.
Jun 10 #12849
Instructor: Lisa Zervakis
1:00 - 3:00 pm Room A
7 - 11 years
Take a deep dive underwater and tour the depth of the ocean floor passing the giant creatures of the sea. Re-create what you see - whales, dolphins and more - with painting, drawing and needle felting.
Instructor: Alicia Lumb
3:45 - 5:15 pm Room A
Apr 17 - May 15 #12866
Woodland Creatures - C
7 - 11 years
Adventure into the woods to discover foxes, wolves, racoons, rabbits and other creatures that hide within! Take home several pieces of art while exploring techniques for drawing, painting and needle felting.
Instructor: Alicia Lumb
3:45 - 5:15 pm Room A
May 29 - Jun 26 #12867
All Ages
Take advantage of open gym times and drop into our facility to play a variety of sports. Equipment provided. Adult supervision required. No session May 22.
Mondays, Thursdays
10:30 - 11:30 am Gym A
Apr 13 - Jun 22
10:30 - 11:45 am Gym B
Apr 11 - Jun 27
8:00 - 10:00 am Gym B
Apr 13 - Jun 25
All Ages
Kick off your weekend by joining for an evening of family fun! Jump around in the bouncy castle, play large games and zoom around on the plasma cars. All activities are self-led.
Fridays 6:15 - 8:00 pm Gym A
Apr 14 - Jun 23
Upon completion of the watercolor art series, you will receive your own watercolour brush.
Opening Spring 2023!
Comox’s very own petting farm opens for children of all ages who want to walk and talk with the barn yard animals! Call 250-207-FARM (3276) starting June 1 to make reservations for your school group or birthday party.
Jun 12 - Aug 20
Everyday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park
$6 for 1-3 people
$10 for 4-6 people
$40 Summer Family Pass (up to 5 people)
Forest Fun!
Spring Break Camp
5 - 11 years
A camp for the adventurous, wild, and free! Join for games, crafts, nature exploration and various out trips! Children must have completed kindergarten or be currently in kindergarten to participate.
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm Gym A
Mar 27 - 31 #11785
Monday - Thursday Apr 3 - 6
$145 #11786
Spring Break Program - C
4 - 6 years
GO WILD this spring! This naturebased, child-led outdoor educational program offers a unique, early childhood learning experience. Your children will play, learn and connect in nature. Activities include nature inspired arts and crafts, songs, stories, games and more! Email jarrett@hand-in-handeducation.com for more information.
Tuesday - Thursday
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Baybrook
Mar 28 - 30 #12972
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Mack Laing
Apr 4 - 6 #12973
Too old to attend camp but still want in on ALL the fun?
Volunteer in our camps and provide campers the same awesome experiences you had as a camper! Registration in Volunteer Ready # 12865 is required.
3 - 14 years
Catch all the soccer excitement this spring with full day, half day & tot’s day camps. Soccertron is the established leader in providing superbly organized soccer experience. We never forget that fun is the most important part of FUNdamentals.
Instructor: Scott Metcalf
Monday - Friday
3 - 4 years
12:00 - 1:00 pm Village Park
Mar 27 - 31 #11765
4 - 5 years
1:00 - 2:00 pm Village Park
Mar 27 - 31 #11766
6 - 9 years
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Village Park
Mar 27 - 31 #11764
10 - 14 years
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Village Park
Mar 27 - 31 #11763
Full Day
7 - 14 years
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Village Park
Mar 27 - 31 #11762
6 - 9 years
Over hundreds of Lego Building Possibilities and that’s not including your imagination! LEGO Beyblades, RoboBot battles, Race Wars, Dinosaurs, the Batmobile. Tanks, R2-D2 from STAR WARS, Pirate Ships, Sharks, Crocodiles and so much more! For the science part complete daily experiments that are sure to WOW you. The best part - you get to to take one home each day!
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Room C
Apr 3 - 6 #12319
9 - 14 years
Ready for the next level of LEGO? There are hundreds of builds and the only limit is your imagination! Take your building and programming skills to the next level while you learn about gears, motors and sensors. Dive into the world of engineering using LEGO’s EV3 Mindstorms sets and Software. Program objects that move and make sound.
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Room B
Apr 3 - 6 #12318
Must register in Day Camp Registration Form #12177. No refunds for Soccertron Camps after March 20 & STEM Camps after March 27.
8 - 12 years
An OP Sword? Wait, why have all the entities stopped moving? Woah a STAR WARS mod? And so much more! Participants will transform the way they experience the game by learning how to mod by creating different custom objects. They will program and test each mod they create thus adding a new level of gameplay to their Minecraft experience. Participants should have experience with the world of Minecraft. No prior coding/programming experience necessary.
Monday - Thursday
5:00 - 6:30 pm Room B Apr 3 - 6 #12320
9 - 13 years
Finally its Friday! Come hang out and enjoy the vibe. Facilitated activities can include: dodgeball, basketball, gagaball, volleyball, Mario Cart video game tourney’s and more! Preteen night included in the Youth Activity Pass Membership.
6:30 - 8:00 pm Gym B
Apr 14 - Jun 23 #12870
11 - 18 years
Looking for Babysitting gigs? Come and get certified first! Upon completion of this course you will receive a Canadian Red Cross certification and leave feeling confident to deal with any challenging behaviors and emergencies that may arise while babysitting!
Saturdays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Room A
Apr 22 #12872
$89 + gst
11 years & up
Calling all local babysitters 11 years and older looking for babysitter gig$! Come meet and connect with parents/guardians who are looking for YOUR babysitting services. Please bring a copy of your resume and certifications if available (Babysitter Basics Course, First Aid, Food Safe etc). Babysitters and interested parents should register into this program.
Instructor: Laura Weston
Friday 6:30 - 7:30 pm Gym A
Apr 28 #12974
12 - 18 years
Your after school routine doesn’t have to be chaotic. Drop in and bring your homework upstairs to the dedicated after school homework space. Tables and chairs provided.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
2:45 - 5:00 pm Room C
Apr 12 - Jun 21
13 - 18 years
Enthusiastic, responsible and motivated? We’re looking for you! Gain invaluable experience and volunteer hours to strengthen your resume! Complete this volunteer orientation and you’ll be ready to give back to the community by assisting in a variety recreational programs and special events.
Instructor: Laura Weston
5:30 - 6:30 pm Room B
Apr 12 #12864
13 - 18 years
Complete your required volunteer hours towards graduation! Take your leadership to the next level and gain invaluable volunteer experience during our children’s spring break camp. Participation in this orientation is mandatory before helping in camp.
Instructor: Camp Leaders
Spring Break Camp Orientation
Thursday & Friday 5:00 - 6:30 pm Room A
Mar 23 & 24 #12865
Summer Camp Orientation
Wednesday & Thursday
4:00 - 5:30 pm Room B
Jun 28 & 29 #12874
Know outstanding youth in the community?
Nominate them to attend the Youth Recognition Dinner Fri, May 6. Application forms at at comox.ca/recreation/youthresources - deadline is Apr 8. See page 26 for info on the Dinner.
13 - 18 years
Passionate about making a difference within your community? Connect with other local youth and facilitate youth led initiatives that will create meaningful opportunities for community members to enjoy. Earn volunteer hours and credible references along the way too! For more information on this program contact Laura at lweston@comox.ca
Instructor: Laura Weston
Wednesdays 4:00 - 5:15 pm Room B
Apr 12 - Jun 21 #12863
15 - 17 years
Lead your best life. Resilient Leaders are introduced the concepts of resilience and mental wellness and will incorporate these skills into daily practice as leaders of their own lives and when helping others. Topics could include the power of perception and passion, the development of self-efficacy skills, network of support, finding content in discontent and taking care of our physical and psychological health. Leaders will utilize their training to help lead an onsite youth symposium in Fall of 2023.
Instructor: Jacqueline McAdam
4:00 - 5:30 pm Room A
Apr 20 - Jun 8 #12868
$80 + gst
8 - 12 years
Afterschool fun continues! Come run out those restless classroom legs! Sports N’ More is an after-school program designed to keep your child engaged in entertaining after school activities. Sports could be indoor and outdoor (weather dependent) and include anything from ball & racquet sports to disc golf.
Instructor: Adam Elcombe
3:00 - 4:00 pm Gym A
Apr 13 - Jun 15 #12659
10 - 18 years
Drop in after school to shot hoops, bump balls or swing a racquet. Bring your own equipment or borrow it from the front desk. This is a designated youth only gym time. No sessions Apr 15, May 22 & Jun 10.
Apr 8 - Jun 30
Tuesdays - Fridays
3:00 - 4:30 pm Gym B
8:00 - 9:30 pm Gym B
2:00 - 4:15 pm Gym B
12 - 18 years
This combo spin/strength & core class is a fun opportunity to workout to music you love in the company of your peers & classmates. Emphasis on FUN will be integrated throughout the whole class! No session May 22.
Instructor: Michaela Jelen
Mondays 4:00 - 4:45 pm Annex
Apr 17 - Jun 26 #12540
$69 + gst
10 - 13 years
Pre-requisite: Go Sailing Level 2 Summer program of CAT Card Level 2 or 3 equivalent. The entry level to the Compass Adventure Sailing Academy is a fun way to continue your sailing journey building on our learn to sail summer programs. Build confidence sailing in our ocean environment in teams of 2-3 with a focus on team work and intermediate sailing skills set. Further details on our full SLP: Sailors Learning progression can be found on the Compass Adventure website. No session May 22.
Instructor: Compass Adventure
Modays & Wednesdays
3:30 - 6:00 pm Marina
Apr 12 - Jun 28 #12685
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Apr 11 - Jun 29 #12686
11 - 13 years
Pre-requisite: Sailing Academy Level 1 complete. Continuing from our Sailing Academy 1, this after school program covers: sailing in pairs, learning to handle stronger winds, sailing a racing course, intermediate double handed sailing skills set and further ocean confidence building to prepare for Levels 3, 4. Further details on our full SLP: Sailors Learning progression can be found on the Compass Adventure website.
Instructor: Compass Adventure
Mondays & Wednesdays
3:30 - 6:00 pm Marina
Apr 12 - Jun 28 #12688
$660 + gst
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Apr 11 - Jun 29 #12687
$720 + gst
11 - 16 years
Extreme Rec Night is back! Cruise through some of our local rec centres and participate in archery tag, dodgeball, rock climbing, swimming! Transportation included from the LINC, pick up at the CV Aquatic Centre at 10:30 pm. Activity Schedule:
$10 ($15/drop in if space permits)
** Call the Lewis Centre to register at 250-338-5371
Explore Fencing
10 - 14 years
Dive into one of the original European martial arts. Fence for fun and fitness, and develop your skills. This dynamic form of ancient combat teaches skill, strategy and improves fitness. All equipment is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/electronic weapons and scoring systems.
Instructor: Bill Harrower
6:45 - 7:45 pm Gym B
Apr 12 - Jun 14 #12705
14 years & up
Attack the European martial art of Fencing! Take a lunge and learn how to fence for fun and fitness. For those individuals who have already fenced, improve and practice your fencing skills and techniques with fellow fencers and instructors each week. All equipment is provided including fencing masks, protective jackets, practice/electronic weapons and scoring systems.
Instructor: Rowan Presly
8:00 - 9:00 pm Gym B
Apr 12 - Jun 14 #12706
$89 + gst
Woo Kim Intro to Taekwondo - C
5 - 9 years
If you have never done Taekwondo before this class is for you. This class is designed to teach kids the basic foundational skills like kicking, blocking, punching, and life skills: courtesy, confidence and perseverance. Kids 10 years of age please join the Junior class directly. Sanctioned by BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federation. Instructor permission required to progress to the Tigers/Juniors Classes.
Instructor: Richard Dobbs
5:00 - 5:30 pm MP Hall
Apr 14 - Jun 9 #12841
5:45 - 6:15 pm MP Hall
Apr 14 - Jun 9 #12842
En garde! Can’t commit to weekly fencing practice?
Don’t fear - drop in to Fencing Workout whenever it works for your schedule.
$10 + gst/session
7 years & up
Taekwondo for the homeschoolers and individuals seeking adapted recreation opportunities. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport known for its dynamic kicks. Taekwondo offers students a combination of physical training and character development. Students will learn exciting kicks, dynamic hand strikes and self defense in a supportive and inclusive and structured learning environment. No session May 22.
Instructor: Richard Dobbs
10:15 - 11:15 am Room C
Apr 17 - Jun 12 #12844
$96 + gst
8 - 13 years
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport known for its dynamic kicks, Taekwondo offers students a combination of physical and mental development. Starting at white belt, students will progress through the coloured belt system while learning exciting kicks, dynamic hand strikes and self defense all in a supportive, inclusive and structured learning environment. Students will build confidence, strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility, and reflex reactions. Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federations. No session May 22.
Instructor: Richard Dobbs
White Stripe to Green belt
Mondays & Wednesdays
4:20 - 5:10 pm MP Hall
Apr 12 - Jun 21 #12840
Blue Stripe to Black belt
Mondays & Wednesdays
5:15 - 6:05 pm MP Hall
Apr 12 - Jun 21 #12839
5 - 8 years
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport. Students learn Taekwondo with an emphasis on fun! Physical skills such as balance, coordination and flexibility are coupled with building mental and social skills like confidence, cooperation and focus. Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federation. No session May 22.
Instructor: Richard Dobbs
Mondays & Wednesdays
3:30 - 4:15 pm MP Hall
Apr 12 - Jun 21 #12845
13 years & up
This fast-paced program provides a great workout while learning exciting new skills. Whether starting at white belt or moving up from the Juniors classes, students will train with a wide range of belt levels. Curriculum includes: kicking, punching, blocking, self defense and patterns. Classes blend traditional and sport Taekwondo training with self defense and fitness offered in a supportive and inclusive learning environment that any skill level can benefit from. Sanctioned by BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federation. No session May 22.
Instructor: Richard Dobbs
Mondays & Wednesdays
6:30 - 7:30 pm Gym A
Apr 12 - Jun 21 #12843
$235 + gst
16 years & up
Boxfit is a fun and social class where you’ll work the whole body through targeted conditioning, partner target drills, boxing drills and core stability training. You’ll learn basic boxing system which is great for beginners and continues to challenge as you advance. Gloves and wraps are required and can be purchased through the instructor. No session May 22.
Instructor: Richard Dobbs
9:00 - 10:00 am Gym B
Apr 17 - Jun 12 #12846
$96 + gst
Jr. Karate - C
8 - 13 years
Karate is a fun and focused way for fitness and personal development. Improve confidence and selfdiscipline the Karate way! Traditional Shito-ryu Karate is empowering both physically and mentally. We offer certified instruction for expertise and safety. The Karate BC sanction fee of $60 is extra and collected annually in class. No session May 22.
Instructor: Brenda Bombini & Todd Robertson
Mondays & Wednesdays
6:15 - 7:15 pm MP Hall
Apr 12 - Jun 21 #12700
13 years & up
Karate is a great way to improve overall physical and mental fitness, with body conditioning and self defense skills. Safe and encouraging practice of Karate techniques that will develop confidence, improve concentration and, relieve stress!
Traditional Japanese Shito-ryu Karate sanctioned by Karate Canada and Karate BC with NCCP certified instructors and expertise! An annual fee of $80 will be collected in class. No session May 22.
Instructor: Pam Ross
Mondays & Wednesdays
7:30 - 8:45 pm MP Hall
Apr 12 - Jun 21 #12699
$245 + gst
18 years & up
Similar to Tai Chi and Yoga, Chi Kung promotes health and wellness through the practice of controlled breathing combined with body movements and sequences. This class leads students through a series of easy to learn, slow-paced movements to improve agility, flexibility and improve overall health and mental focus.
Instructor: Tom Haber
6:00 - 7:00 pm Room C
Apr 13 - Jun 29 #12878
$96 + gst
Family Movie Night
All Ages
Throw on your pjs, bring a blanket and cozy up while watching a family movie! Admission will include popcorn and a refreshment. Event hosted by Comox Youth Council.
Friday 6:00 - 8:00 pm MP Hall
Apr 21
Youth Week
8 - 18 years
May 1-7 is all about YOUth! Join us for youth week free activities in celebration of all youth across the Comox Valley. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to participate in free activities! Follow us on Instagram @comoxcommunitycentre for updates. Check the schedule for more information.
May 1 - 7 FREE!
8 - 18 years
Nominate youth who make outstanding contributions to our community, have overcome personal barriers or progressed in a particular endeavor. Details and nomination forms can be found online at comox.ca/recreation. Outstanding nominees will be invited to the dinner to celebrate their dedications to the town of Comox and their achievements.
Friday 6:00 - 7:30 pm MP Hall
May 5 FREE!
All Ages
World Move for Health Day! All ages, all stages all abilities levels! Let’s show the world how active Comox can be! Stay tuned in early spring for more information about activities, games and challenges around Move 4 Health Day.
All Ages
Your turn to toss the dice! Join for boards games, beverages and treats. Hosted by the Comox Youth Council. Admission by donation.
10:30 am - 12:00 pm MP Hall
Jun 3
By donation
12 - 18 years
Schools out for the summer - let’s kick off the summer fun with an outdoor BBQ! Join for food, good company, prizes and games.
Wednesday May 10 FREE!
Thursday 4:30 - 6:30 pm Village Park
Jun 29
Ukulele Level 1 - Beginner
10 years & up
This instrument is small yet mighty! Suitable for the beginner musician with no prior musical experience. Learn all the basics including rhythm, beginner music theory, how to chord, strum and read chord charts.
Instructor: Ruth Rae
5:00 - 6:00 pm Room B
Apr 17 - May 15 #12724
$84 + gst
Ukulele Level 2 - Advanced
10 years & up
Let’s continue to jam! A continuation from the beginner class. Add more strumming patterns, chord knowledge. Music theory, vocals and rhythm into your ukulele repertoire.
Instructor: Ruth Rae
6:15 - 7:15 pm Room B
Apr 17 - May 15 #12725
$84 + gst
Ukulele Level 3Intermediate
10 years & up
Develop your ukulele abilities while having fun in a group setting. You’re proficient at forming chords, have basic strum skills and can play more complex chord progressions; however you’re wanting to continue learning skills related to music theory, voice, ear training, good rhythm, finger picking and barre chord development.
Instructor: Ruth Rae
7:30 - 8:30 pm Room B
Apr 17 - May 15 #12726
$84 + gst
18 years & up
Comox Connections supports adults with diverse abilities by providing individuals with an opportunity to connect, feel safe and enjoy recreation and social programming that honors participants interests. Each month will be a different activity, chosen by you! Supported by Comox Valley Community Foundation.
Instructor: Mataya Windle
6:30 - 8:00 pm Room A & Gym B
Apr 17, May 15 #12914 & Jun 19
$12 or $5 drop in
14 years & up
Learn the skills needed to respond to cardiovascular and choking emergencies in adults. Registration required.
Instructor: Jim Lariviere
1:00 - 3:00 pm Fire Hall
Apr 28 #12653
May 26 #12654
Jun 23 #12655
18 years & up
Learn helpful information and advice for individuals and families to be prepared for after a disaster occurs. Registration required.
Instructor: Jim Lariviere
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Fire Hall
Apr 14 #12656
May 12 #12657
Jun 9 #12658
14 years & up
Learn the essentials to establish your meditation practice in a secular environment. Be introduced to postures, using breath, body and sounds as an anchor and working with thoughts and emotions. These mediation principles applied on a regular basis lead to decreased stress, being more present, focused and peaceful. No experience required.
Instructor: Julie Blais
7:00 - 8:00 pm Room C
Apr 12 - May 3 #12597
$48 + gst
14 years & up
You are interested in mindfulness and meditation but the idea of a sitting practice puts you off? Explore walking meditation in a park in a small group setting. Come reap the many benefits of mindfully walking in nature. The tranquility of nature can help one release stress and strong emotions, helping to strengthen concentration and increase happiness. Learning instructions will be given periodically, and we will often walk in silence at a slower pace than normal walking. No meditation experience required.
Instructor: Julie Blais
Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm Mack Laing
May 10 - 31 #12711
$55 + gst
3 years & up
16 - 75 years
Intro to Practical Sailor/Adults Intro to Sailing and boat ownership. Ever dreamed of owning a sailboat but don’t know where to start? This course was designed with the would be sailor in mind. Learn the basics of sailing with our experienced staff and also cover the intro to boat ownership to decide if that boat purchase is right for you. These first two modules are just the beginning of a series of modules designed to further your boating knowledge. More details at the Compass Adventure website.
Instructor: Compass Adventure
10:00 am - 3:00 pm Marina
Apr 16 - 30 #12689
$375 + gst
12 years & up
Have a go at one of the most inclusive para-sports. Wheelchair Basketball increases your overall strength, cardiovascular fitness and provides competitive opportunities for all. Must be able to safely catch and pass a basketball. Open to all athletes - disabled and able bodied.
Instructor: Comox Valley
Wheelchair Sports Society
7:00 - 9:00 pm Gym B
Apr 11 - Jun 13 #12869
$50 + gst
What better way to celebrate than with a giant inflatable obstacle course all to yourself! Includes set up, 2 hours of parent supervised gym time and then we clean up! Each party also has access to floor hockey, soccer, basketball, plasma cars and more! No session April 15th.
3:45 - 5:45 pm
Saturdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm or 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Sundays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm or 2:00 - 4:00 pm
$125 + gst
2 years & up
Invite your friends to run wild at the gym for your special day! Includes set up, pizzas, 2 hours of parent supervised gym time and then we do all the clean up! Each party has access to floor hockey, soccer, basketball, plasma cars, large games, badminton and more. Price includes 4 large pizzas - Ham & Pineapple, Cheese, or Pepperoni.
Sundays 10:30 am - 12:30 pm or 1:30 - 3:30 pm
$135 + gst includes pizza
1 Orchard Park 16 Lancaster Park
2 Anderton Park 17 Lazo Greenway
3 Aspen Park 18 McDonald Bog
4 Brooklyn Creek Greenway 19 MacDonald Wood Park
5 Comox Golf Course 20 Mack Laing Park
6 Comox Valley Lions Club Park 21 Marina Park 7 Condor Park 22 McDonald Greenway 8 Elks and Royal Purple Park 23 McKenzie Park 9 Filberg Lodge Park 24 NE Woods 10 Foxxwood Park 25 Pioneer Park 11 Harbourwood Park 26 Port Augusta Park 12 Highland Park 27 Salish Park 13 Highmoor Greenway 28 Skeena Park 14 Highwood Park 29 Village Park 15 Carthew Creek Greenway 30 Village Park Tot Lot
Facility Rentals
Genoa & Spinnaker Buildings
Comox’s waterside facilities are available to rent!
Perfect setting for your reception offering convenient facilities in an affordable package.
Trade Shows & Events
The 7800 sq. foot room is large enough to accommodate job fairs, craft and trade shows.
Meeting Rooms
The Community Centre has rooms of various sizes for your next meeting or event.
Sports & Events
Rent public parks and ball/soccer fields.
Genoa & Spinnaker Buildings at Marina Park
Comox’s waterside facilities are available to rent!
• Stunning, bright & airy buildings in beautiful Marina Park
• Available 7 days/week, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
• Each building has a capacity of 32 persons and has chairs, tables, fridge, stove, sink, washroom and wi-fi.
To reserve email: booking@comox.ca
The Comox Community Centre has the following programs and services to ensure accessibility of recreation for everyone.
Free and low cost recreation opportunities for Comox residents on limited income.
This regional program grants 52 drop-ins at each municipal recreation facility including the Community Centre Fitness Studio and other drop-in programs; space permitting.
Jumpstart and Kidsport
Financial assistance available for children and youth in eligible activities.
For more information on accessible recreation contact the Comox Community Centre at 250-339-2255 or visit comox.ca/accessible-rec
The Community Centre is hiring talented, enthusiastic and dedicated instructors to deliver recreation programs. Bring us your program ideas and let’s discuss how you can Work With Us!
Contact Andrew Clements at aclements@comox.ca for more information.
• Registrations taken in person, by phone and online.
• Fees are paid in full at the time of registration by cash, cheque, debit, credit card, or Quality Foods Rec Bucks.
• Comox Recreation reserves the right to make cancellations or changes as necessary.
• GST charged to all programs with participants 14 years and older.
• NSF cheque charge is $15 + GST.
Classes cancelled by Comox Recreation:
• Full or pro-rated refund as appropriate.
Customer withdrawal from Comox Recreation programs:
• Full or pro-rated refund as appropriate.
• Withdrawal five or more days prior to program start date; full refund, no penalty.
• Less than five days prior to program start date; full refund, $8 + GST administration fee charged per program.
• After a program has begun, pro-rated refund based on the date of withdrawal; $8 + GST administration fee charged per program.
• Full or pro-rated refund as appropriate with a doctor’s note; no penalty.
• No refunds issued after a program has ended.
Program titles that end with “- C” are offered by independent contractors. Registration and refund policies are at their discretion. Refunds subject to $8 + GST administration fee per registration.
• Fees paid in full at time of purchase.
• Fitness passes are not transferable.
• Annual passes may be suspended once during the term of pass (minimum of one month/maximum of three months for medical reasons with a doctor’s note or if pass holder leaves town.)
• Three and six month passes suspended for medical reasons with a doctor’s note.
• Pass suspensions must be made in person.
With the spring season comes a time for rejuvenation and a great opportunity to evaluate our current recreation services and set strategic goals for future recreation services.
On February 21, 2023, the Recreation Commission will undertake a strategic planning session on vision, goals and priorities for recreation services in the Comox Valley. On March 2, 2023 a capital development workshop will be held to determine capital facility priorities and set a roadmap to achieve the objectives. Be sure to check the CVRD website at www. comoxvalleyrd.ca/recstratplan for more information.
Enjoy an active and healthy spring. See you around the facilities!
Melanie McCollum Chair Comox Valley Recreation CommissionCVRD SPORTS CENTRE
3001 Vanier Drive
Courtenay, V9N 5Y2
Phone 250-334-9622
Fax 250-334-1042
6-lane pool, sauna, hot tub, wellness centre, 2 ice arenas, outdoor track and field and meeting rooms.
377 Lerwick Road
Courtenay, V9N 9G4
Phone 250-334-2527
Fax 250-334-2587
Wave pool, 2 indoor waterslides, tot slide, 8-lane pool, fitness studio, sauna, steam room, hot tub, meeting room and swim shop.
4839 Headquarters Road Courtenay
Phone 250-334-9622
Horseback riding, special events and other seasonal activities. Riding ring pass options available: Until March 31, 2023 Starting April 1, 2023
Monthly pass (person) $25.00
Monthly pass (family) $60.00
Annual Pass (person) $75.00
Annual Pass (family) $185.00
Reminder - pass must be on your person when using the grounds. Please bring your horse council # when purchasing at the Sports Centre front desk.
Monthly & annual memberships are now available to purchase online! Please note if you do not already have a membership card, you must have one printed at the customer service desk.
½ Hour Class School age (ages 6-13)
10 Sessions - $70.50
Preschool (5 & under)
10 Sessions - $72.00
¾ Hour Class
10 Sessions - $97.00
1 Hour Class
10 sessions - $114.50
Private Lessons
Private - $32.15
H2O x 2 Combo Classes
10 Sessions - $114.50
All lessons are pro-rated based on the number of sessions in each set.
• Membership fees take into consideration the shorter arena season and pool shutdowns.
• Drop-in activities may be subject to change or cancellation.
• Prorated refunds may be granted for medical reasons with a doctor’s note, or proof of relocation outside the CVRD.
• Membership extensions will be granted for 6 month passes (up to 7 day extension) & 1 year passes (up to 14 day extension) during the term of the pass - pass will be suspended for the period. Must be requested in advance/one time only.
• For 1 year passes - pre-authorized monthly payment plans are available - 50% due at time of purchase and three subsequent monthly payments with Visa or MC.
Super Saver Admission $2.50/person
*Professional Admission $21.00/instructor
*Professional admission applies to instructors/trainers bringing clients to facilitate personal training or instruction sessions during public pool, wellness centre or arena programs. Please note that the clients are required to pay regular admission fees
Economy Passes
- Minimum purchase 150 passes.
- Valid for one year from date of purchase - no refunds or extensions.
- Includes access to CVRD Sports & Aquatic Centres pool, fitness centres and arenas during public sessions.
- Registered programs are not included.
Child/Teen/Student/PWD $2.50 each
Adult $5.00 each
Senior $4.00 each
Please call 250-334-9622 ext 3707 to arrange for purchase of bulk admissions.
You may register for any of our programs or classes online, in person or by phone.
Fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. Online and phone registrations accept Visa or MasterCard.
Locations to register:
Online Registration is available and encouraged! Go to www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/rec and click on the Register for Activities & Programs button or access login directly at comoxvalley.perfectmind.com.
At the Sports or Aquatic Centres during operating hours. Payment methods include cash, cheque, debit card, Visa or MasterCard. We also accept Quality Foods Rec Bucks. Sports Centre - 3001 Vanier Drive, Courtenay
Aquatic Centre - 377 Lerwick Drive, Courtenay
Please note: Front desk closes 15 minutes before the end of the swim/wellness centre closure.
AQUATIC CENTRE 250-334-2527
Mon to Fri 8:00am-8:30pm Sat & Sun 8:00am-4:00pm
Phone-in registration is not available on statutory holidays.
Leisure for Everyone Accessibility Program
Course Full? Add your name to a waitlist so we can contact you if space becomes available or classes are added.
Cancellations: Classes may be cancelled due to low registration numbers. Register early to avoid disappointment.
Classes missed due to illness, weather, power failures or other events beyond our control will not be refunded or credited.
Change of plans? Unless advised otherwise:
1. If you withdraw or transfer before 7 calendar days prior to the course start date, a full refund or credit will be issued.*
2. If you withdraw or transfer within 7 calender days prior to course start date, or to the end of the 3rd class, a $6.50 admin fee will be charged, and a pro-rated refund or credit for the remainder will be issued.*
3. Pro-rated refunds or credits after the 3rd class will only be considered for medical reasons or relocation outside the CVRD.*
4. Seven days cancellation notice is required for leisure pool rentals.
*Exceptions apply to all leadership courses, CVHL and private lessons. Withdraws or transfers not available online - in person or by phone only.
Swimming & Skating Lessons - late registrations for these courses may be accepted until the 3rd class and will be pro-rated.
Your four local recreation departments have developed this program to help ensure all Comox Valley residents have access to recreation services. LEAP is for persons and/or families that live in the Comox Valley and have financial barriers to recreation. Each eligible applicant/family member will receive 52-drop-in’s at each municipality’s recreation department (CVRD, City of Courtenay, Town of Comox and Village of Cumberland). In addition they will also receive discounts on CVRD recreation programs – 1 free registered program and 4 programs at 50% off per calendar year per family member.
Please apply today at your local recreation centre (application forms are also available online). This application form will also provide access to additional recreation funding for residents of the City of Courtenay (RAP), Town of Comox (TRIP) and Village of Cumberland (FAIR) programs.
Call 250-334-9622, ext 0 for party registration and information, or drop into the Sports or Aquatic Centres.
Includes swimming for up to 10 children and 2 adults during an everyone welcome swim, locker tokens and room rental.
Cost is $68.85 (Pre-register)
Available Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays
September - June
(48 hour cancellation notice required)
Includes skating for up to 10 children and 2 adults during an everyone welcome skate, skate rentals and room rental.
Cost is $68.85 (Pre-register)
Available Saturdays & Sundays and some weekday options are also available.
(48 hour cancellation notice required)
Yahoo! Does your child want to take a ride on the Zamboni as part of their birthday party package? Book it for only an additional $34. Available either 15 minutes before or after the Everyone Welcome Skate of your party.
reservations fill up fast and well in advance. Register early to avoid disappointment!
Up to 25 people can enjoy the wave pool and waterslides
5:00-6:00 PM Saturdays & Sundays!
Cost is $127.90 (plus tax) (Preregister)
Available Saturdays & Sundays September - April 9 (Locker tokens and room rental are an additional cost - 7 day cancellation notice required)
Book the full sheet of ice for one hour, up to 100 people. Includes room rental and birthday child gets a Zamboni ride! Call 250334-9622 ext 3707 to book. Please note times are subject to ice availability.
Cost is $177.95 (plus tax) + insurance
(14 day cancellation notice required)
Does your party need a PARTYOLOGIST? What’s that?
It’s a fun, energetic lifeguard/ swim instructor or skate/hockey instructor dedicated to making sure your party attendees have a great time. The $34 cost includes a 1 hour activity leader to organize and lead a variety of age appropriate games for your party. Call 250-334-9622 ext 0 for more information.
A $40.00 fee will be charged if there is damage (i.e. holes or tape on walls) or if the facility is not lightly cleaned before end of rental (i.e. all garbage is in containers, any mess on walls/ tables/chairs is wiped down and all personal items are removed).
UNTIL JUNE 30, 2023 Please note facility is CLOSED statutory holidays. WAVE POOL
Until April 14, 2023
Monday – Friday 6:00 AM - 9:30 PM Saturday (until Apr 14) 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Please note the facility is CLOSED statutory holidays.
April 15-June 30, 2023
Monday – Friday 5:45 AM - 9:30 PM
Saturday (until Apr 14) 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Please note the facility is CLOSED statutory holidays.
At least 2 lanes are available for length swimming during these times. Additional lanes will be available if not in use by other programs and rentals. Flutter boards, pull buoys and hand paddles are available on deck and suggested lane speed signs (i.e. Leisure, Moderate and Fast) will be posted. The backstroke flags will be up whenever possible (i.e. when the diving board is not in use). Lane etiquette pamphlets are available on site and online for your convenience.
All ages welcome and fun encouraged at this high energy swim time in the Wave Pool. The waves, slides and various water features will be on intermittently throughout the swim. Please note the 25 M Lane Pool is not always open during the Everyone Welcome Swims (please see schedule). When the lane pool is open there is space for large toys (i.e. foam canoes, mats etc.) and the diving board is available. 2 lanes are also reserved for length swimmers and other areas of the pools may be set aside for other programs or rentals. See special event calendar & Water Play schedule for the “extra” fun times
Although this swim is open to everyone it is targeted at people looking for a more relaxed pace than the Everyone Welcome Swim. The waves and slides will generally be off and a minimum of 2 lanes will be reserved for length swimmers if the 25 M Lane Pool is open. Rentals and programs will be taking place in the pools at the same time so the space will be shared. Please give organized group activities the right of way.
This time is for youth 16+ and adults only. 2 lanes are available for length swimming and the waves and slides will be on intermittently. Rentals and programs will be taking place in the pools at the same time. Please note the diving board will be closed if there are rentals/ programs using that space.
Bring your kayak and practice your moves. $8.40 per person with kayak. Sharing a kayak - extra kayakers pay regular admission.
Mar 26 - Extra Open Swim 8:00-11:30 AM at CVAC
Mar 27-31 –Spring Break CVAC Wave Pool SuperSaver
Swim from 3:00-6:30 PM
Apr 1 - Extra Open Swim 9:00-1:00 PM at CVAC
Apr 2 - Extra Open Swim 8:00-11:30 AM at CVAC
Apr 3-6 – CVAC Wave Pool Spring Break SuperSaver
Swim from 3:00-6:30 PM
Apr 7 – STAT – Good Friday – CLOSED
Apr 8 - Extra Open Swim 9:00-1:00 PM at CVAC
Apr 9 - Extra Open Swim 8:00-11:30 AM at CVAC
Apr 10 – STAT – Easter Monday – CLOSED
Apr 15-Jun 30 – CVAC Pool CLOSED on Saturdays & Sundays after 5 PM
May 1-Jun 2 – Monday/Wednesday/Friday 6:30-7:15
AM Aquafit class Cancelled
May 13 - Main Pool CLOSED after 1:00 PM
May 14 -Main Pool CLOSED until 1:00 PM
May 22 – STAT – CLOSED
Jul 1 – Sep 4 – CVAC CLOSED
Jul 3 - Aug 30 - CVSC Summer Pool Schedule in Effect
Sep 5 – Regular Pool Schedules in Effect
Check the events listing on pages 39-41 for more info.
Until April 9, 2023
Join the guards at the Aquatics Centre for a variety of activities including group challenges, games, dance offs and more! Regular admission rates apply.
Fridays 7:00-8:30 PM
Saturdays 1:00-2:30 PM
Sundays 1:00-2:30 PM
Until Mar 21, 2023
Staff will intro the basic skills/rules for the 1st 15 minutes and then set up a game with everyone on site that wants to give it a try. Regular admission rates apply.
Tuesdays from 8:15-9:30 PM
Open Swim
7:30 AM-1:30 PM
Shared Space - Leisure/ Rehab Drop In’s & Rentals/ Programs - 2 lanes for lane swim
Open Swim
7:30 AM-1:30 PM
Shared Space - Leisure/ Rehab Drop In’s & Rentals/ Programs - 2 lanes for lane swim
The Comox Valley Sports Centre Wellness Centre is open to everyone aged 16+ or for 12-15 year olds that are supervised by an adult. See pool schedule for list of special events and/ or cancellations.
General Hours of Operation
Until June 30, 2023
Monday to Thursday 6:00 am-9:00 pm
Friday 6:00 am-7:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 7:00 am-2:30 pm
Supervised Hours until June 30, 2023
This is a great time for youth aged 12-15 to use the weight room facility without an adult or for anyone with questions about equipment or workouts to drop-in.
Monday to Friday 11:30 am-1:30 pm
Sauna & Hot Tub
Until June 30, 2023
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:00 am-1:30 pm (plus additional hours if open for rentals.)
Lane Swim
6:00-7:30 AM
Shared Space - Lengths 2 & Rentals/Programs
Open Swim
Shared Space - Leisure/ Rehab Drop In’s & Rentals/ Programs - 2 lanes for lane swim
In our pool you must:
• Wear clean & appropriate bathing attire.
• Take a cleansing shower with soap and warm water before entering the pools or saunas.
• Ensure all children under the age of 7 are closely supervised (within arms reach) and accompanied in the water by a responsible person at least 16 years of age. We recommend a maximum of three children under the age of 7 to one adult.
The following is not allowed in our pool:
• Entering the pool while ill—this includes open sores, bandages, head colds, discharging ears or noses or infected eyes.
• Strollers or outside shoes on the pool deck.
• Bringing food, gum or drinks in the pool area.
• Running, fighting, or engaging in other conduct likely to cause an injury.
• Foul language or aggressive behaviour.
• Contaminating or fouling the pool.
• Using or being under the influence of intoxicants.
Articles on the pool deck are left at your own risk. Lockers are available in the changerooms for your convenience.
(all ages)
We supply the cardboard and duct tape – you supply the ingenuity and teams of 4. Design, build and hope to float your cardboard boat across the pool. Fun for all.
Aquatic Centre
Sunday, Mar 5
2:00-4:00 PM
Regular Admission
Welcome to the The GREEN - GOO ZONE (all ages)
Messy Wet Aquatic Fun
Lifeguards have stocked up on all kinds of goo for this event including slime, spaghetti, pudding and shaving cream. Come prepared to get covered and have fun. Think GREEN!
Aquatic Centre
Saturday, Mar 18 2:00-4:00 PM
Regular Admission
Check out more information on pages 50-52.
Beach Party (all ages)
Skate along to some fun summertime tunes while we celebrate the arrival of spring after a longgggg winter. We will host a variety of fun ice games with prizes!
Sports Centre Arena #2
Friday, Mar 10 3:00-4:45 PM
Regular Admission
SuperSaver Spring Break Swims (all ages)
Visit the CVAC Wave Pool this spring break!
Aquatic Centre
Mar 27-31 & Apr 3-6 3:00-6:30 PM
SuperSaver Rate
Water Polo (16+)
Until Mar 21, 2023
Staff will intro the basic skills/rules for the 1st 15 minutes and then set up a game with everyone on site that wants to give it a try. Regular admission rates apply.
Tuesdays from 8:15-9:30 PM
The CVRD has partnered with 2 local dive companies so youth aged 13+ and adults can give scuba a try at no additional cost. Please note: youth aged 13-18 must have a waiver signed by a guardian.
Pacific Pro Dive offers this program. 30 minute sessions available – 1st come, 1st served. Sign up on the pool deck starting at 7:30 PM. Contact www.pacificprodive.com for more info.
Aquatic Centre
Mondays, 8:00-9:30 PM
Jan 9-Mar 20
No class Feb 20
Apr 17-24
Regular Admission
Discover Scuba
UB Diving offers this full lesson, sign up at www.ubdiving.com
Aquatic Centre
Wednesdays, 8:00-9:30 PM
Mar 8, Apr 12, May 10 & Jun 14
Fridays, 7:00-8:30 PM
Feb 24, Apr 14, May
26 & Jun 23
Regular Admission
Egg-Cited (all ages)
Eggs, Eggs and Eggs! Join the hoppingly egg-citing lifeguards for an eggtastic good time hunting for the elusive Easter Bunny and the treasured eggs.
Aquatic Centre
Thursday, Apr 6
6:30-8:00 PM
Regular Admission
Welcome to the GOO ZONE (all ages)
Messy Wet Aquatic Fun
See previous event description for more information.
Aquatic Centre
Saturday, Apr 15
2:00-4:00 PM
Regular Admission
Toddler friendly games and activities are planned to make this visit to the pool extra fun. Don’t miss out!
Aquatic Centre
Sunday, Apr 16
11:30-1:00 PM
Regular Admission
Poolside Luau (7-12)
Pizza & Swimming Party
Night full of games, crazy challenges, hula hoop competition, pineapple bowling, bad karaoke, dance off, limbo contest, trivia and more. Fee includes admission, fruit/healthy snack, 2 slices of pizza and beach themed party favours.
Aquatic Centre
Friday, Apr 28
6:00-8:00 PM
Extreme Rec Night (11-16 years)
Extreme Rec Night is back! Get in on the fun as we cruise through some of our local rec centres and participate in archery tag, dodgeball, rock climbing, swimming, BBQ, snacks, and more! Transportation included from the LINC, pick up at the aquatic centre at 10:30 pm. Part of our BC Youth Week Festivities. For more info please see page 82.
Activity Schedule:
3:30-5:00 pm - LINC
5:30-6:45 pm - Cumberland Rec
7:15-8:30 pm - Comox Rec
9:00-10:30 pm - CV Aquatic Centre
Friday, May 5
3:30-10:30 pm
$10 or $15/drop-in if space allows
LINC Youth Centre
Please pre-register through https://bit.ly/extremerec by May 2! Or call the Lewis Centre 250-338-5371
Taylor Swift Themed Pool Party (7-12)
Pizza & Swimming Party
Come dance, sing and swim to your favourite Taylor Swift songs. There will be fun dance offs, karaoke, Taylor Swift trivia and lip sync competitions. 2 hours of fun - includes admission, fruit/healthy snack and 2 slices of pizza.
Aquatic Centre
Friday, May 12
6:00-8:00 PM
Welcome to the GOO ZONE (all ages)
Messy Wet Aquatic Fun
See previous event description for more information.
Aquatic Centre
Saturday, May 20
2:00-4:00 PM
Regular Admission
(2022/2023 Tiny Tot Participants)
All Tiny Tot participants and their families are invited to a fun wrap up party. The event will include a fun hockey game, family skate and a pizza party. There will also be a staff photographer on hand to take pictures of your hockey star. If you wish to attend this free event simply register the number of people in your family that will be attending.
Sports Centre Arena #2
Saturday, May 20 3:00-5:00 PM
FREE to all 2022/2023 Tiny Tot Participants
Please Note: You must preregister for this program.
Summer Kick Off (all ages)
Last Swim of the Regular Season
Help us kick off the summer in style. Do all the things you have always wanted to do at the pool –but were told no: bubbles, shaving cream, water guns, sidewalk chalk…..! We will also bring out all the toys including the underwater dolphins. Celebrate the start of summer at the pool!
Aquatic Centre
Friday, Jun 30 6:00-8:00 PM
Regular Admission
Surfs Up (5-11)
Pro-D Daycamp for Kids
Ride the waves and slides at our water park all day! Our aquatics staff will play games and lead activities that will further develop your swimming skills while having a blast. Try a number of aquatic sports like water polo, underwater hockey and synchronized swimming. Plan on having a bunch of wet, organized fun. Please bring a lunch, swim suit, several towels and active wear – we will be going outside if the weather is nice. Participants must feel comfortable in deep water.
Aquatic Centre
Friday, Jun 30 10:00-3:00 PM
Graffiti Ice (all ages)
The ice is coming out! Don’t miss out on all the fun and help us paint it before it’s gone. We supply the spray paint, bingo dabbers and felts! Skates or shoes with spikes welcome for this artistic challenge. Prizes available for a variety of categories.
Sports Centre Arena #2
Sunday, May 21
3:00-5:00 PM
Friday Night at the Movies (all ages)
Family Popcorn and Movie Night
Join us for a family movie night in Arena 1. We will play a different movie each event –see schedule below. Admission fee includes popcorn and a juice box or pop. While the movie is playing kids can ride their trikes, bikes, rollerskates or other big toys around the rink. Strollers, skateboards and scooters welcome. Please bring helmets and wear them while using your wheeled toys. Doors open at 6:45 PM and movie starts at 7PM.
Sports Centre Arena #1
Friday June 2 – Turbo (PG)
Friday June 16 – Ratatouille (G)
Friday June 30 – The Secret
Life of Pets (PG)
7:00-9:00 PM
$7 per person or $25 per family of 6
AquaMotion Level 2 – gentle shallow warm water class with an introduction to deep water for those wanting to increase their muscle strength and endurance.
AquaMotion Level 3 – shallow to deeper warm water class ideal for those looking to improve their cardio-respiratory fitness, balance and posture.
Aquatic Hip & Knee – for participants that are pre or 6-week post op. This class is designed for people of all abilities looking to strengthen their joints pre and post-surgery and allows participants to work at their own pace for their recovery. Medical professional consent required. Class take place in the warm water of the wave pool.
DID YOU KNOW? If the minimum number of registrants is not met, we may have to cancel our courses. These decisions are made up to one week prior to the start date so register early to avoid disappointment!
Aquafit – build your endurance, strength and flexibility. This great cardio workout tones muscles while avoiding impact. Participants have the option of being in the shallow or deep water (floatation belts provided).
Swim Fit – this class is all what you make it. We have qualified swim instructors/fitness staff on deck with intense workouts planned. Need stroke correction? We can help you with that too!
Are you interested in having a private Board Fit class for you and up to 4 friends? Call the Sports Centre Coordinator to discuss availability at 250-898-3708 today!
Registration is on going - sign up anytime for classes in progress.
All Aquafit and Registered Fitness programs take place at the Aquatic Centre.
Yellow classes in the Blue classes in the
25 M Pool Wave Pool
Water polo is a combination of swimming, wrestling, basketball, soccer and baseball – what more fun could you ask for? Develop the fundamental water skills required to play water polo and see a massive improvement in your swimming, treading water and passing skills. Increase your aquatic endurance and power in a fun team environment. This is an introductory program and no previous experience is required – participants just must be comfortable in deep water (level 4 swimming minimum). Focus is on skill development, team building and fun.
Aquatic Centre
11:30-12:15 PM for ages 7-10
12:15-1:00 PM for ages 10-14
Jan 8-Mar 19 (11)
Apr 16-Jun 25 (10) No class May 15
$106.70 (11)
Learn basic jumping and diving skills through progressive land, water and springboard movements. Progress at your own level and learn more advanced skills such as front and back pike jumps and dives, hurdle jumps, tucks, flips and somersaults. Candidates must be comfortable in deep water (level 4 swimming minimum). Level 1 is for those new to the sport and Level 2 is for those students who have taken Level 1 previously.
Aquatic Centre
10:40-11:25 AM for Level 1
11:30-12:15 PM for Level 2
Jan 8-Mar 25 (11) No class Feb 11
Apr 15-Jun 24 (11)
$106.70 (11)
The Junior Lifeguard Club offers a unique aquatic alternative for those kids who really love the water. JLC keeps kids interested and active in aquatics – especially quick learners and those caught between levels or programs. Friends can join together even if they are of different ages and abilities. Sign up today and develop your: swimming, lifesaving, fitness, lifesaving knowledge, community education, leadership and teamwork skills. Participants will also be working on their Rookie Patrol, Ranger Patrol and Star Patrol certificates. JLC welcomes members that can swim at least 25 metres and tread water for 2 minutes.
Aquatic Centre
5:00-7:00 PM
Jan 6-Mar 24 (11)
No class Feb 17
Apr 14-Jun 23 (11)
$115.00 (11)
Babysitting Course (11+)
Do you want to become a certified Red Cross babysitter? This course will help you understand all the aspects of caring for children and prepare you for the responsibility. Register now, so you can babysit and earn some money while having fun. Fee includes snack, manual and mini first aid kit.
Aquatic Centre
Tuesday & Thursdays
4:00-6:00 PM
June 6-22 (6)
Bronze Star (optional)
This program develops swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness. Candidates refine their stroke mechanics, acquire self-rescue skills, and apply fitness principles in training workouts. Bronze Star is excellent preparation for success in Bronze Medallion and provides a fun introduction to lifesaving sport.
Bronze Medallion
Teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness. It challenges the candidate both mentally and physically. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on and around the water.
Bronze Cross
Bronze Cross begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as Assistant Lifeguards. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies.
The National Lifeguard Pool certification is designed to develop the fundamental values, judgment, knowledge, skills and fitness required by lifeguards. The National Lifeguard course emphasizes the lifeguarding skills, principles and practices, and the decision-making processes which will assist the lifeguard to provide effective safety supervision in swimming pool environments. This course now includes the required lifeguard AMOA certification and participants will require computer/internet access. Online portion to be completed in advance on the LSS website.
This course prepares the instructor to teach and evaluate basic swim stokes and related skills. Candidates acquire proven teaching methods, a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques. Current Swim Instructors teach and certify candidates in all levels of the Swim for Life program.
Lifesaving Instructors are trained to teach the Canadian Swim Patrol Program awards, as well as the Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, Lifesaving Fitness and Distinction awards. Candidates are trained in and must demonstrate skills, knowledge and attitudes at Competency Level 1 to include all aspects of learning as well as various approaches required to teach water rescue, first aid and related aquatic skills in the Canadian Lifesaving Program. Candidates also learn about long-range and shortterm planning, class management, safety supervision and the principles of evaluation.
This comprehensive course includes the essential tools necessary to design and lead safe, effective, holistic water based group classes and one to one sessions geared to a variety of people with a diversity of health conditions from healthy to post rehabilitation. A combination of land and water ‘activity-based’ sessions are complimented with applied theoretical sessions. Course fee includes CALA registration and open book exam.
Group Aqua Fitness is taken after completing the compulsory Vertical Water Training. This course provides the opportunity for aspiring aquafitness leaders and participants to expand their knowledge about fitness theory related to water. Anatomy and physiology is presented in an applied manner with respect to exercising in water. Group Aqua Fitness provides increased opportunity to practice and fine tune leadership skills to gain confidence in preparation for the certification process. Course fee includes cost of the formal evaluation if completed during the course. If participants wish to have additional practice time before being evaluated the cost of an evaluation is $35.
This course is for trained instructors wanting to work with and teach aquatic fitness classes to groups with various chronic conditions (i.e. Parkinson’s Disease, MS, post polio, Hip/knee replacements etc.). This course includes classroom and practical study. Be prepared to be in the pool for up to five hours over the weekend. BCRPA (16 credits)/CALA (credits pending).
Emergency First Aid with CPR C/AED (EFA)
EFA is a WorkSafeBC Occupational Level 1 equivalent and can be used in the workplace. Using hands-on training and practice, this basic first aid course will give you confidence to respond effectively in an emergency. You will learn lifesaving skills such as CPR/AED and obstructed airway procedures to respond to adult, child and infant emergencies. You will also learn to recognize and respond to respiratory and circulatory emergencies including asthma, allergic reactions, heart attack, stroke, and bleeding.
SFA is a WorkSafeBC Occupational Level 1 equivalent and can be used in the workplace. This course includes comprehensive training covering all aspects of first aid, CPR and AED use. Whether you need training for employment or simply want to be prepared to respond to life-threatening emergencies, this course will give you the skills and knowledge to act with confidence. In addition to the material covered in Emergency First Aid, candidates will learn how to treat head/neck injuries, soft tissue and musco-skeletal injuries and medical emergencies.
*Reuseable pocket mask required for this course. If you do not have a pocket mask, you will be charged an additional $16.00 for one.
Leadership classes may be subject to a $40.00 withdrawal/transfer fee for withdrawals or transfers less than a week from start date. No withdrawals/refunds after class starts, except for medical reasons.
British Columbia and Yukon high school students can use Bronze Cross, Lifesaving Instructor, NLS and WSI certifications for credit toward high school graduation. Credits available:
• Bronze Cross is worth 2 credits for Grade 11.
• Lifesaving Instructor + Bronze Cross are worth 3 credits for Grade 11.
• National Lifeguard – Pool/Core option (NLS) is worth 2 credits for Grade 12.
• Lifesaving Swim Instructor is worth 2 credits for Grade 11.
Before you make your swim class selection, please see our program transfer table.
If your child…. Register in Lifesaving Society:
Is 4 to 12 months old and ready to learn to enjoy the water with parent…
Is 12 to 24 months old and ready to learn to enjoy the water with parent...
Is 2 to 3 years old and ready to learn to enjoy the water with parent...
Is 3 to 5 years and just starting out on their own....
If 5 years+…
Can get in and out and jump into chest-deep water assisted; float and glide on front and back; blow bubbles and get face wet...
If 5 years+…
Can jump into chest-deep water; submerge and exhale underwater; float on front and back assisted for 3 sec....
If 5 years+…
Can jump into deep water wearing a lifejacket; recover objects from the bottom; hold breath underwater; float, glide and kick on front and back...
If 5 years+…
Can do solo jumps into deep water; swim front crawl 5 m wearing a lifejacket and flutter kick on front, back and side…
Previously in Red Cross Swim:
Previously in YMCA:
Parent & Tot 1 Starfish Splashers
Parent & Tot 2 Duck Bubblers
Parent & Tot 3
Preschool 1
Swimmer 1
Preschool 2
Swimmer 1
Preschool 3
Swimmer 1
Preschool 4
Swimmer 1
Preschool 5
Swimmer 2
Swimmer 1
Sea Turtle Bobbers
Sea Otter Bobbers
Salamander Floaters
Sunfish Gliders Divers
Crocodile Surfers
Preferred successful completion - Swimmer 8/Ranger Patrol
Swimmer 4 Swim Kids 4 Swim Kids 5 Star 1
Swimmer 5 Swim Kids 6 Star 2
Swimmer 6 Swim Kids 7 Star 3
Swimmer 7/ Rookie Patrol Swim Kids 8 Star 4
Swimmer 8/ Ranger Patrol Swim Kids 9 Star 5
Bronze Star Master Swimmer
PARENT & TOT LESSONS (Ages 4 months-3 years) - 30 minute classes
Parent & Tot 1
4-12 Months
Parent & Tot 2
12-24 Months
Parent & Tot 3
Seahorse 24-36 Months
Enter & exit the water safely with tot, readiness for submersion, hold tot on front with eye contact, hold tot on back with head & back support, front float (face out & asst.), back float (asst.), float wearing PFD (asst.), arms - splashing/ reaching/paddling (on front & back), & legs-tickling/splashing/kicking (on front & back).
Entry from sitting position (asst.), exit the water (asst.), blow bubbles on & in water, face wet & in water, attempt to recover object below surface, entry from sitting position wearing PFD & return (asst.), front float (face in & asst.), back float (asst.), kicking on front & back (asst.), & surface passes with continuous contact.
Jump entry (asst.), entry & submerge from sitting position (asst.), exit the water – unassisted, hold breath underwater (asst.), attempt to open eyes underwater, attempt to recover object from bottom, standing jump entry/return to edge (asst.), jump entry & float wearing PFD (asst.), front & back “starfish” floats (asst.), front & back “pencil” floats (asst.), kicking on front & back (asst.), & underwater passes.
PRESCHOOL LESSONS (ages 3-5 years) - 30 minute classes
Preschool 1 Octopus
Enter & exit shallow water (asst.), jump into chest-deep water (asst.), face in water, blow bubbles in water, float on front & back (3 sec. each) asst., safe movement in shallow water wearing PFD, & glide on front & back (3m each) asst.
Preschool 2 Crab Enter & exit shallow water wearing PFD, jump into chest-deep water, submerge, submerge & exhale 3 times, float on front & back (3 sec. each) wearing PFD or with buoyant aid, roll laterally front to back & back to front wearing PFD, glide on front & back (3m each) wearing PFD or with buoyant aid, & flutter kick on back with buoyant aid 5m.
Preschool 3 Orca
Preschool 4 Sea Lion
Preschool 5
Jump into deep water wearing PFD & return & exit, sideways entry wearing PFD, hold breath underwater 3 sec., submerge & exhale 5 times, recover object from bottom in waist deep water, back float & roll to front & swim 3m, float on front & back 5 sec. each, roll laterally front to back & back to front, glide on front & back 3m each, flutter kick on back 5m, & flutter kick on front 5m.
Jump into deep water, return & exit, sideways entry, tread water 10 sec. wearing PFD, open eyes underwater, recover object from bottom in chest deep water, wearing a PFD-sideways entry into deep water-tread 15 sec.- swim/kick 5m, front float-roll to backswim 5m, glide on side 3m, flutter kick on front 7m-on back 7m-on side 5m, & front crawl 5m wearing PFD.
Forward roll entry wearing PFD, tread water 10 sec., submerge & hold breath 5 sec., recover object from bottom in chest-deep water, wearing PFD-sideways entry into deep water-tread 20 sec.-swim/kick 10m, whip kick in vertical position 20 sec. with a PFD or buoyant aid, front crawl 5m, back crawl 5m, interval training-4 x 5m flutter kick on back with 30 sec. rests.
SWIM KIDS LESSONS (ages 5-12 years) - 30 minute class (levels 1-2)/45 minute class (levels 3-6)/60 minute class (levels 7-9)
Swimmer 1 Enter & exit shallow water, jump into chest-deep water, jump into deep water wearing PFD, tread water 30 sec. wearing PFD, hold breath underwater 5 sec., submerge & exhale 5 times, open eyes underwater, float on front & back 5 sec. each, roll laterally front to back & back to front, glide on front/back & side 3m each, flutter kick on front & back 5m each, & front crawl 5m wearing PFD.
Swimmer 2 Jump into deep water-return & exit, sideways entry wearing PFD, tread water 15 sec., recover object from bottom in chest-deep water, wearing PFD-jump into deep water-tread 30 sec.-swim/kick 15m, flutter kick on front/back & side 10m each, whip kick in vertical position 30 sec. with aid, front crawl & back crawl 10m each, & interval training-4 x 5m flutter kick with 20 sec. rest.
Swimmer 3 Kneeling dive into deep water, forward roll entry into deep water, tread water 30 sec., handstand in shallow water, front somersault (in water), jump into deep water-tread 30 sec.-swim/kick 25m, flutter kick on back 5m-reverse direction & flutter kick on front 5m, flutter kick on front 5m-reverse direction & flutter kick on back 5m, whip kick on back 10m, front crawl & back crawl 15m each, & interval training-4 x 15m flutter kick with 20 sec. rest.
Swimmer 4 Standing dive into deep water, tread water 1 min., swim underwater 5m, roll entry into deep water-tread 1 min.-swim 50m, whip kick on front 15m, breaststroke arms drill 15m, front crawl & back crawl 25m each, interval training-4 x 25m front or back crawl with 20 sec. rests, & sprint front crawl 25m.
Swimmer 5 Shallow dive into deep water, tuck jump (cannonball) into deep water, jump entry into deep water-tread 2 min., stationary eggbeater kick 30 sec., back somersault (in water), roll entry into deep water-tread 90 sec.-swim 75m, breaststroke 25m, front crawl & back crawl 50m each, head-up front crawl 10m, interval training-4 x 50m front or back crawl with 30 sec. rests, interval training-4 x 15m breaststroke with 30 sec. rests, & sprint front crawl & back crawl 25m each.
Swimmer 6 Stride entry into deep water, compact jump into deep water, legs-only surface support 45 sec., swim underwater 10m to recover object, eggbeater kick on back 15m, scissor kick 15m, breaststroke 50m, front crawl & back crawl 100m each, head-up swim 25m, interval training-4 x 25m breaststroke with 30 sec. rests, sprint breaststroke 25m & workout 300m.
Swimmer 7-9 Patrol
Homeschool Lessons
After completing Swimmer 6 this is the next step. This course is a blended program where participants will work towards their Rookie Patrol, Ranger Patrol and Star Patrol certificates. Participants will continue to develop their strokes, increase their endurance and learn first aid and water rescue skills.
The regular Swimmer Program curriculum will be taught through a series of blended levels. Just indicate what level your child is at when you register. Parents & other siblings can choose to pay a drop in fee & play in the pool during the lesson time or network on the pool deck.
TEEN & ADULT LESSONS (Ages 12+) - 45 minute classes
Teen/Adult Beginner Beginner swimmers welcome! Don’t like getting your face wet? Never felt comfortable floating? Want to learn how to do more than just dog paddle?
Teen/Adult Inter/Advanced Designed for swimmers that feel comfortable in the water and can swim at least 2 lengths. Small class size means we can cater to each individuals needs whether you just want to learn how to do butterfly or work on your strokes for your next triathlon.
LESSONS (ages 3+) - 30 minute classes
Single Does your child keep repeating the same level? Need that extra practice to get you through to the next level? Register for a single private lesson.
Personalized Lessons Do the scheduled lessons not fit into your schedule? Have difficulty concentrating in a class situation? Registering more than one child in the same level? These private lessons follow the regular lesson set dates and times. Register for private lessons for the entire lesson set and receive 10% off.
PLEASE NOTE: No Classes May 14 & 22
Swim for Life is a complete learn-to-swim program that offers programs for parent & tots, preschoolers, school aged children and adult/seniors. Easy to follow and progress through, Swim for Life leads seamlessly into the lifesaving Society’s lifesaving and lifeguard training awards. The program is endorsed by the international Life Saving Federation and the Commonwealth Royal Life Saving Society. Important Swim Lesson Information:
• Participants please meet your swimming instructor on the pool deck by the sign for the appropriate level. You will have to have a cleaning shower before entering the water. If you/your child gets cold easily you may want to wait until just before the start of the class to get wet. Please remove your shoes before accessing the pool deck.
• Preschool levels and levels 1-2 generally take place in the Wave Pool with the occasional visit to the 2 meter pool Levels 3 and up will generally take place in the 25 meter pool.
• Some swim lessons such as the weekday morning lessons take place during public swimming times - so the pool space will be shared.
March 27-31
C.I.A. CVRD Ice Academy (8-14)
Swim For Life Camp (5-9)
Impact Sports Daycamp (7-12)
Kids of Steel (3-5)
Babysitter SUPERSTAR (11+)
April 3-6
Swim For Life Camp (5-9)
Coolest Game on Earth (7-12)
Junior Lifeguard Camp (8-12)
H2O X 2 (7-12)
This camp is designed to condition and improve the skills of intermediate players that are looking for a spring break ice fix. Players will improve performance in their endurance, agility and skill development in this faced paced camp. There will be a skills competition on the last day. Full gear is required.
Sports Centre
Monday to Friday
Mar 27-31 (5)
10:00-3:00 PM
Swim, Skate & Play Sports
This action packed camp with introduce your kids to a ton of sports. We will be using the track, playing skill development games and introducing a variety of field sports each day in addition to a visit to the rink or pool each day. Great daycamp for those high energy kids that just want to have fun. Come prepared for all weather and conditions. Skate rentals included.
Sports Centre
Monday to Friday
Mar 27-31 (5)
10:00-3:00 PM
DID YOU KNOW? If the minimum number of registrants is not met, we may have to cancel our courses. These decisions are made up to one week prior to the start date so register early to avoid disappointment!
Kids of Steel (3-5)
Jr. Triathlon Training
Improve your child‘s fitness through a number of fun swimming, cycling and running exercises and games. The emphasis of the program will be on personal excellence, improved fitness, social interaction, team building and fun. 45 minutes of each class will be spent in the pool working on their strokes and endurance. The remainder of the class will be spent cycling, running and playing active games with our certified fitness staff. On the final day the kids will get to participate in a fun triathlon just for them. Children must bring a bike/tricycle, helmet, running shoes/gear, swim suit and towel to each class along with a heathy snack and water bottle. Please note: Kids must be toilet trained and parents are encouraged to stay & help throughout the program.
Sports Centre
Monday to Friday
Mar 27-31 (5)
11:00-3:00 PM
Swim For Life Camp (5-9)
Have your kids learn valuable swimming skills and water-safe attitudes this spring. This program includes 2—45 minute Lifesaving Society Swim For Life swim lessons along with other in and out of water activities. Loads of educational fun!
Aquatic Centre
Monday to Friday
Mar 27-31 (5)
Monday to Thursday
Apr 3-6 (4)
10:00-3:00 PM
$180.00 (5) $144.00 (4)
Do you want to become an aquatic and babysitter superstar? Learn the basics of babysitting and earn your Red Cross Babysitters Certificate while also working on your junior lifeguarding skills. What a great combo – serious fun for serious kids! Includes swimming, mini first aid kit, manual and a kid approved healthy snack each day. Please bring a healthy lunch and swim gear.
Aquatic Centre
Monday to Friday
Mar 27-31
10:00-3:00 PM
$180.00 (5)
Introduction Hockey Camp
Learn how to play the coolest game on earth in a fun, noncompetitive environment. Our coaching staff will be focusing on skill development. Beginner's level of skating is required as well as the ability to change themselves and tie their own skates. Skate rentals are included.
Sports Centre
Monday to Thursday
Apr 3-6 (4) 10:00-3:00 PM
H2O x2 (7-12)
Swim & Skate Daycamp
The Junior Lifeguard Camp is designed to let kids participate in activities similar to those of real lifeguards – in a safe, fun and controlled setting. Friends can join together even if they are of different ages and abilities. Kids will learn attitudes and skills that could one day save a life:
• Learn about lifesaving and lifeguarding
• Enjoy friendly competition and special events
• Challenge themselves to aim for personal bests
• Hang out
• Get water fit
• Make friends
Swim and skate all day! Program includes swimming and skating instructional sessions plus free time swims/skates, games, crafts and outdoor activities. Program fee includes all facility drop-in fees and skate rentals. Sports Centre
Apr 3-6 (4) 10:00-3:00 PM
• Have a great time! Participants must be able to swim at least 25 metres and tread water for 2 minutes to sign up.
Aquatic Centre
Monday to Thursday
Apr 3-6 10:00-3:00 PM
$144.00 (4)
Building a relationship with a horse is one of the most empowering things you can do! Through experiential learning participants will take part in daily horse care, safety, farm etiquette, animal first aid, horsemanship and learn to ride in a fun filled farm environment. For beginner levels. All abilities are welcome!
Exhibition Grounds
Session 1 – Sundays Apr 2, 9 & 23
Session 2 – Sundays May 21, 28 & Jun 4
2:30-4:30 PM
$210.00 (3)
(3-6 & 7-11)
Pickleball is a fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton & ping pong. Each class will start with skills & drills and end with a game. Come dressed in comfortable athletic attire. It is recommended that you bring your own paddle if you have one and that you wear knee pads.
Sports Centre
Mondays & Wednesdays
May 24-Jun 21 (9)
Jul 3-19 (6)
5:00-5:45 PM 3-6 yrs
6:00-6:45 PM 7-11 yrs
$45.00 (9)
Ball Hockey is played 5 on 5 on the arena floor when the ice is out and has similar rules to ice hockey. Imagine a combination of ice hockey and road hockey played on a half-sized ice hockey arena. Each class will start with skills & drills and end with a game. Gloves, helmet with a cage or face shield, stick and knee pads are required.
Sports Centre Arena #1
Mondays & Wednesdays
May 24-Jun 21 (9)
Jul 3-19 (6)
4:00-4:45 PM
$45.00 (9)
Similar to our unicorn class, participants will take part in daily horse care, safety, farm etiquette and animal first aid all while learning to ride. This will be a week of fun filled activities and equestrian learning. For beginner levels. All abilities are welcome!
Exhibition Grounds
Session 1 – Tue-Thu Mar 28-30
Session 2 – Tue-Thu Apr 4-6
12:00-2:00 PM
$185.00 (3)
(7-13 & 14+)
Ball Hockey is played 5 on 5 on the arena floor when the ice is out and has similar rules to ice hockey. Imagine a combination of ice hockey and road hockey organized to the extreme and played on a full-sized ice hockey arena. Each class will start with skills & drills and end with a game. Gloves, helmet with a cage or face shield, stick and knee pads are required.
Sports Centre Arena #1
May 27-Jul 15 (7) No class July 1
12:00-1:00 PM for 7-13 yr olds
4:00-5:00 PM for 14+ yr olds
This course will give the participants a chance to try multiple sports, meet new friends and have a blast at the Sports Centre. Participants will be introduced to a variety of sports including ball hockey, lacrosse (field & box styles), pickleball and more! Gloves, helmet with a cage or face shield, stick and knee pads are required. Participants should come dressed in comfortable athletic attire.
Sports Centre
May 27-Jul 15 (7) No class July 1 1:15-2:15 PM
Just because the ice is gone, it doesn’t mean hockey is over! Train in the off season on the dry arena floor. Each class will start with skills & drills and end with a game. Rollerblades, gloves, helmet with a cage or face shield, stick and knee & elbow pads are required.
Sports Centre Arena #1
May 27-Jul 15 (7) No class July 1 2:30-3:30 PM
DID YOU KNOW? If the minimum number of registrants is not met, we may have to cancel our courses. These decisions are made up to one week prior to the start date so register early to avoid disappointment!
Summer Camps at a Glance
July 3-7
Gootastic (7-10)
Splash Zone (7-11)
July 10-14
River Explorers (7-12)
Jr. Lifeguard Club (9-12)
July 17-21
River Explorers (7-12)
Babysitter SUPERSTAR Course (11+)
July 24-28
Wild & Wacky Outdoor Adventures (7-12)
Ball Hockey (6-12)
Swim to Survive (7-12)
July 31-August 4
River Explorers (7-12)
Ice Blades Skating Camp (6-12)
Jr. Lifeguard Club – Open Water Challenge (9-12)
August 8-11
Wild & Wacky Outdoor Adventures (7-12)
H2Ox2 (6-12)
Ships Ahoy (7-12)
August 14-18
River Explorers (7-12)
C.I.A. - CVRD Ice Academy (8-14) Splash Zone (7-11)
August 21-25
Adventures in Magic (7-10)
Coolest Game on Earth (7-12)
Babysitter SUPERSTAR Course (11+)
August 28-September 1
Impact Sports (6-12)
C.I.A. - CVRD Ice Academy (8-14)
C.I.A. - CVRD Ice Academy (8-14)***
Intermediate Hockey Skills & Conditioning Camp
Players will improve performance in their endurance, agility and skill development in this faced paced camp.
Coolest Game on Earth (7-12)**
Introduction Hockey Camp
Learn how to play the coolest game on earth in a fun, noncompetitive environment.
Ball Hockey Introduction Camp (6-12)
Sports Based Daycamp
This camp will include skill-based activities focusing on ball handling, shooting and scoring techniques, passing drills, deking, tips, screens & rebounds. Tons of weeklong fun for your hockey nut.
Impact Sports Daycamp (6-12)
Skate & Play Sports
This action packed camp will introduce your kids to a ton of sports. We will be using the track, playing skill development games and introducing a variety of field sports each day in addition to some ice time each day. Great daycamp for those high energy kids that just want to have fun.
Ice Blades Skating Camp (6-12)
This program provides an introduction into the world of iceskating and is ideal for beginner skaters that want to improve their skills.
H2O x2 (6-12)
Swim & Skate Daycamp
Swim and skate all day! Program includes skating & swimming instructional sessions, free time skates, swims, games, crafts & outdoor activities.
Adventures in Magic (7-10)
Imagination Outdoor Daycamp
In this camp you will get to make potions and magic wands and build a fairy house in addition to going on a forest walk looking for the “hidden people” and swimming at the enchanted Tsolum River or skate on our magical frozen lake (Arena #1) each day.
Gootastic Daycamp (7-10)
Gooey, Sticky, Messy, Don’t Try
This at Home Camp
Spend the day making slimy concoctions, then get covered in it and get hosed off before going home. In between goo production spend the day getting wet, running around the track, getting dirty and having fun.
Open Water Challenge
This Junior Lifeguard Camp is very similar to the earlier camp except it is primarily outside. Jr. Guards will learn and practice open water rescues at the ocean, lake and river in addition to the pool. Different drop off/pick up location each day.
The Junior Lifeguard Camp is designed to let kids participate in activities similar to those of real lifeguards – in a safe, fun and controlled setting. Friends can join together even if they are of different ages and abilities. Kids will learn attitudes and skills that could one day save a life.
Ship’s Ahoy (7-12)
Nautical Themed Aquatics Camp This program offers participants an opportunity to learn about many aspects of safe boating including: basic navigation regulations and "rules of the road", responding to emergencies and general pleasure craft operation knowledge (i.e. safety equipment, buoys, beacons, weather, etc.). In the pool the kids will learn how to self-rescue and rescue others, practice the HELP position and capsizing/righting a canoe.
Aquatic Daycamp
This is an extremely fun and educational week. Learn essential self-rescue skills including how to get oriented after an unexpected entry, support yourself at the surface and how to swim to safety.
Splash Zone (7-11)
Aquatics Camp for Kids
Each day kids will work on their swimming and water sport skills in a structured class but they will also get plenty of game and free time in the pool.
Do you want to become an aquatic and babysitter superstar? Learn the basics of babysitting and earn your Red Cross Babysitters Certificate while also working on your junior lifeguarding skills.
Outdoor Based Daycamp
Participate in a rainforest scavenger hunt and learn about the incredible characteristics of the rainforest – from the tallest cedar to the smallest banana slug! Explore nature in a whole new way. Play in the dirt, run through the woods and splash in the river.
River Explorers (7-12)
Outdoor Adventure Daycamp
Tsolum River is the focus of this program. Learn about the river, it’s history, stories, flora and fauna. Scavenge in the forest and find your craft supplies while making new friends. Each day will include a swim at the river, nature activities, games and other outdoor fun.
Please note: All programs move to Arena #1 on April 1, 2023
PLEASE NOTE: All skaters must wear a CSA approved helmet - limited helmets available on site! Please bring one from home.
*Monday 6:30-8:30 pm EW canceled Apr 17-May 15
Save time and book your space online. When you book your hockey spot the space is reserved for you. You can book your space up to 10 days in advance but must cancel at least 24 hours before the start of your ice time. If you are unable to book online or wish to use your LEAP pass please contact a customer service representative at 250-334-9622.
Full hockey gear including helmet required. Please book your space online. Limited to 26 players/2 goalies. Please note the various age divisions.
Skate Sharpening—$5.80
Books of 10 economy tickets available
Hours of Operation (Arena #2):
Mon/Wed 10:30-3:00 PM (#1) 6:30-8:30 PM (#2)
Tue/Thu/Fri 10:30-1:45 PM (#1) 3:00-4:45 PM (#2)
Sat/Sun 3:00-5:00 PM (#2)
Skate Rentals—$3.75
Books of 10 economy tickets available
Hockey Sleds - FREE
2 adult & 2 child sized sleds on siteavailable for free use
Everyone Welcome Skate
All ages welcome. Shinny Hockey is only available during designated times where indicated on the schedule.
Shinny Hockey
All ages welcome! A soft puck will be used and a portion of the rink will be blocked off for participants to play shinny hockey. All participants must wear a helmet, gloves, long sleeve shirt and pants. Don’t forget your stick. Limited to 20 players/2 goalies max.
Stick & Puck
This session focuses on individual stick handling and puck shooting activities to help maintain your hockey conditioning and skills. Casual hockey skills practice with no passing, game play/ scrimmages, group drills or competition. Limited to 20 people max. As hard pucks will be permitted - participants should be wearing full gear but at a minimum must have a helmet & gloves. All ages welcome!
Apr 7 – STAT – Good Friday – CLOSED
Apr 10 – STAT –Easter Monday – CLOSED
Apr 17-May 15 – EW on Monday’s 6:30-8:30 PM cancelled
Check the events listing on pages 39-41 for more info.
Arena #1 - July 31-September 3
Ice Blades (3-12)
Learn to Skate Program
These lessons are designed with the beginner in mind! Our program offers an introduction into the world of ice-skating. Skate rentals are included but participants must supply their own CSA approved helmet.
Sports Centre Arena #1
Aug 5-Sep 2 (5)
1:45-2:15 PM for ages 6+ (Flurry – Iceberg)
2:30-3:00 PM for ages 3-5 (Arctic Bunny – Arctic Owl)
(all ages)
Want to learn how to skate or work on your hockey skills? All ages welcome at our private lessons. Please call 334-9622 ext 0 to book your time.
Sports Centre Arena #1
Saturdays Aug 5-Sep 2 12:30-1:00 PM 1:15-1:45 PM
$32.15 per ½ hr
Lessons (2-5 + Adult)
Enjoy playing a variety of games on the ice with your child while you both develop your skating skills. No previous skating experience is required, it’s all about the fun. Skate rentals are included but all participants must supply their own CSA approved helmet.
Sports Centre Arena #1
Saturdays Aug 5-Sep 2 (5) 1:15-1:45 PM
Tiny Tot Hockey (3-6)
Level 1 & 2
Learn basic hockey skills and play a real hockey game every day! Coaches will introduce your child to the world of hockey through drills and skill development. Full gear required.
Sports Centre Arena #1
Saturdays Aug 5-Sep 2 (5) 12:30-1:15 PM
Registration for Summer programs and lessons opens Tuesday, May 9 at 8:00 AM for online, phone-in and in person registrations.
In addition to regular arena rentals we offer Short Notice Ice Rentals that are available Monday to Friday during our pre-season/regular season for $40 per hour and spring/summer season for $60 per hour (excluding statutory holidays). You can only book a maximum of 2 days in advance through the administration office and regular rental procedures are in effect including insurance requirements. Please note: you must book weekend rentals by Friday at 2 PM.
To book your ice time or register for a program please visit www. comoxvalleyrd.ca/rec or call 250-334-9622.
Parent & Tot Skating Lessons (Ages 2-5 years) - 30 minute classes
Parent & Tot Skating Lessons
Parent & Tot Hockey Lessons***
H20 X 2
Enjoy playing a variety of games on the ice with your child while you both develop your skating skills. No previousd skating experience is required for either participant - it’s all about the fun!
Parents and tots will get a chance to develop both their skating and hockey skills during this program. Lots of family fun - emphasis on skill development. Kids require full gear/parents just need a helmet with cage/face shield.
Swimming & Skating Lesson Combo - 2 Lessons for 1 Great Price: This program combines both activities in one trip to the CV Sports Centre. Parents and tots will spend the first 1/2 hour on the ice with a skating instructor, then have 15 minutes to get changed and head to the pool for a swimmning lesson for the last 1/2 hour. Save time and money with this combo program.
Ice Blades - Preschool Learn to Skate Lessons (Ages 3-5 Years) - 30 minute classes
Arctic Bunny Using games and activities participants will spend quality time learning how to become comfoertable on the ice. Proper form and balance is introduced and practiced.
Arctic Fox Participants actively participate in group activities and are gaining an increasing distance with forward marching or gliding. Backwards skills are intoduced and practiced.
Arctic Owl Participants are comfortable with both forward and backwards gliding on alternate feet. Forward crossovers are introduced and practiced.
Arctic Penguin More complex skating positioning is introduced, such as slalom ski and outside edge work. Participants are encouraged to practice a combination of at least three basic skills together.
Arctic Bear Participants are comfortable doing backwards crossovers and are introduced to parallel stopping. Participants are encouraged to practice a combination of at least four basic skills together.
Ice Blades - Youth Learn to Skate Lessons (Ages 6-13 Years) - 30 minute classes
Flurry Participants will be introduced to a variety of simple skating skills and balance positions on the ice.
Blizzard Participants are comfortable with both forward and backwards gliding on alternate feet. Forward crossovers are introduced and practiced.
Storm Participants are comfortable combining four or more simple skills in one skill session and are introduced complex skills, such as crossovers with momentum.
Iceberg Participants are introduced to parallel stops and pumping for speed.
Northern Lights Participants are comfortable with advanced skills such as pivots, mohawk turns and staggered slalom ski course.
Homeschool Lessons
The regular Ice Blades program curriculum will be taught through a series of blended levels. Just inform the customer service representative what level your child is in when you register. Parents and other siblings can choose to pay a drop in fee and skate during the lesson time or network in the lobby.
Learn to Play Hockey (Ages 3-13 Years) - 45 minute classes for Tiny Tots & 1 hour classes for Coolest Game
Tiny Tot Hockey (3-6 yr)***
Coolest Game on Earth (7-13 yr)**
Give ice hockey a try and learn basic hockey skills. Instructors will introduce your child to the world of hockey through a variety of fun drills and mini-games. All participants must be able to skate on their own. All tiny tot participants and their famillies from the 2022-23 season are invited to the wrap up party on May 20th 3:00-5:00 PM - please register your tiny tot at the front desk.
If you have never played ice hockey before, this is the program for you. Learn the basic skills and have fun. All participants must be able to skate on their own.
Para Ice Hockey (Ages 5+ Years) - 1.25 hour classes
Para Ice Hockey (5-14 yrs or 15+ yrs)***
Para Ice Hockey (formerly known as Sledge Hockey) is an adapted version of stand up ice hockey. Participation is open to both people with physical disabilities and people who are able bodied. Instead of skates, players sit in specially designed sleds. Players move around on the ice using two sticks, which have a spike-end for pushing and a blade-end for shooting. Upper body strength, core stability and finger dexterity are necessary for full, independent participation in the sport. Adaptations such as push bars, anti-tippers, chest straps and higher backs on the sledges are available for those who may need the extra support. The first ½ hr of the program is spent getting ready (gear on/strapping into sled) then the 45 min class is spent developing your skills and having fun. Shin pads, helmet with cage, gloves and elbow pads.
Discover Hockey (Ages 18+) - 1.25 hour classes
Discover Hockey (18+)*** The goal of the program is to improve participants hockey skills to the point that they would feel comfortable joining a beginner hockey league. Expect lots of support in a positive learning environment, increased love of the game and to have fun. Program includes on ice instructional sessions and 4 officiated games. Fall session is $264.28 + $40.00 for a hockey jersey if you don’t already have one (15 classes)
Private Lessons (Ages 3+) - 30 minute classes
Private Lessons Want to learn how to skate or work on your hockey skills? Private lessons only cost $30.60 per 1/2 hour (+tax for those 14+). All ages and abilities welcome at our private lessons. Please call 334-9622 ext 0 to register or ext 3708 if you are interested in alternative days/times.
Ice skating is a great way to get exercise, meet people and have fun. To learn the basics of skating, it is important to start out on the right ‘foot’ by taking a few lessons. On-ice instruction prevents the development of bad habits, improves confidence and helps to master the basic techniques. Learning to skate also develops coordination, poise and good posture. Getting started takes only a little knowledge and plenty of enthusiasm! For ice program fees see page 33.
PLEASE NOTE: All on ice participants (caregivers & children) MUST wear a CSA approved helmet. Please bring one from home—hockey helmet with face shield recommended. Skate rentals included in lesson fee.
** Participants must supply their own gear including a helmet with a cage or face shield, hockey gloves & stick. Full gear is recommended.
*** Participants must supply their own gear including a helmet with a cage or face shield, hockey gloves & stick, neck guard, shin/shoulder/elbow pads, hockey pants/socks & jock or jill.
Unsure what level to register for? Drop by and have your or your child’s ability assessed for free at one of our Everyone Welcome Skates! Includes skate rentals.
Comox Valley Emergency Program Volunteer Oppor tunities
We need you, but we hope you never need us!
Emergency Support Services (ESS)
Comox Valley Emergency Radio Communications (CVERC)
Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP)
Comox Valley Emergency Program Volunteer Opportunities
No previous experience is required. All training provided. Opportunities include:
• Emergency Support Services (ESS)
• Emergency Radio Communication
• Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP) presenters or neighbourhood champions
For more information on volunteer opportunities, upcoming events and information sessions:
• Call: 250-334-6000
• Email: info@comoxvalleyep.ca
• Visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/emergency
The Comox Valley is a close-knit community, and that extends to our recreation departments. Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, and the Comox Valley Regional District are exploring the potential for a regional recreation pass that would allow users to buy one pass that could be used at recreation facilities across all jurisdictions. What do you think about this idea? Would you use it? Let us know what you think. Learn more and fill out a quick online survey launching in March at www.courtenay.ca/ regionalpass.
The Lewis Centre offers a Wellness Centre, gymnasiums, meeting rooms, squash courts, and Cozy Corner Preschool.
Office Hours
Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 8:45 pm
Sat & Sun 8:30 am - 12:00 pm & 1:15 - 4:00 pm
call for details on Facility Hours
The Florence Filberg Centre offers a wide range of room rentals: meeting rooms, conference facilities with kitchens and more.
Office Hours: (for Florence Filberg Centre & Native Sons Hall facilities) Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
The LINC houses an indoor skateboard park, concession, games room, computer lab and meeting room. The LINC offers drop-in activities and youth programs.
For up to date hours please call 250-334-8138 or visit www.courtenay.ca/linc
Phone: 250-338-5371
Fax: 250-338-8600
Email: lewis@courtenay.ca
489 Old Island Highway, Courtenay, BC V9N 3P5
Phone: 250-338-1000
Fax: 250-338-0303
Email: filberg@courtenay.ca
411 Anderton Avenue, Courtenay, BC V9N 6C6
Facility Closures:
April 7 Good Friday
April 10 Easter Monday
May 22 Victoria Day
Phone: 250-334-8138
Email: linc@courtenay.ca
300 Old Island Highway, Courtenay, BC V9N 3P2
at the Lewis Centre
489 Old Island Highway, Courtenay
Now with a dedicated outdoor play space thanks to funding from Service Canada.
Spaces available. Register now!
Join our fully qualified and experienced Early Childhood Educators in a developmentally appropriate and fun environment of excellence.
Our goal encourages not just learning, but the love of learning. We focus on the importance of social skills and interactions with our learning environment which is designed to meet the overall needs of preschoolers. Our flexible, and hands on approach will maximize the learning potential for playful exploration and new discoveries. Materials offered are fun, promote learning through play and challenge children to think creatively.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm OR
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 - 11:30 am OR 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Monthly Fees
$155 - 2 days/week
$300 - 3 days/week
$ 50 - annual family registration fee ($25 will be applied to first month’s fee)
Program runs September through June
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning”
Our excellent childminding service offers a safe, friendly and fun environment for your child while you attend our programs or use the Wellness Centre.
Monday 8:45 - 10:30 am
Tuesday 8:45 -10:15 am
Wednesdays 8:45 -10:15 am
Thursdays 8:45 - 10:15 am
Friday 10:15 - 11:45 am
Saturday 8:45 - 10:15 am
April 11 - June 30
$3/1½ hours
$3.50/1¾ hours
(2 - 5 years)
This is a fun program for kids and their adults who want to move and dance. This less structured program will offer guidance and movement through song while allowing participants the freedom to be creative.
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11695 Mondays
April 17 - May 15
1:15 - 1:45 pm
Lewis Activity Room
(6 months - 3 years with adult)
Do you have a little wobbly walker who is ready to explore the world but intimidated by the playtime groups where kids are zipping around them? Come hang out with other little wobblers and explore our fun toys. An area will have mats for those little adventurers needing a softer place to land. Adult Participation required.
#11582 Thursdays
April 13 - June 29
10:30 - 11:30 am
Lewis MP Hall A $2/drop-in
(15 months - 3 years with an adult)
A fun program that lets you and your little one meet new friends, sing songs, and participate in different craft activities. This class is perfect for new and experienced parents!
#11562 Mondays
April 17 - May 1
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
(all ages with an adult)
Join us for our special Spring break family gymnastics all week long! Swing, bounce and play together as a family or with friends, as you get to explore and have fun on the best indoor playground around! Limited to 20 spots.
Instructor: Sheri Roffey
#11289 Monday - Friday
March 27 - 31
9:00 - 10:00 am
Lewis Centre Gym
(0 - 18 months with adult)
Is your little one starting to explore the world on their hands and knees? Come enjoy some social time with other parents and babies who are in the same stage. Some of the space will have mats for those who need a soft place to land. Other fun toys will also be available. Adult participation required.
#11581 Thursdays
April 13 - June 29 9:15 - 10:00 am
Lewis MP Hall A $2/drop-in
This class provides an opportunity to bond with your baby as you regain strength, flexibility and balance while connecting with other moms and sharing your experience. Open to babies six weeks until crawling.
Instructor: Akiko Shima
#11486 Wednesdays
April 26 - June 28
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Lewis Meeting Room
(3 - 5 years)
Let’s get ready to doodle, draw and dive into our creative sides as we try out different art projects! This class is perfect for budding artists to come and explore different drawing and art materials. Pencils, pens, pastels and paint, - this class is perfection.
#11554 Wednesdays
April 19 - May 17
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(3 - 5 years)
Let’s take a trip into Far Away lands with crafts, stories and dancing. Explore the world of Fairy Tales and find new magic every week.
#11557 Thursdays
May 18 - June 15
10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
(3 - 5 years)
Did you know that there are plants that eat bugs? Did you know a cucumber lives in the ocean? Both indoor and outdoor activities will take place so please come prepared for all kinds of weather.
#11578 Thursdays
April 13 - May 11
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(3 - 5 years)
Whisk, mix and flip up some fun while you bake a fun treat each week. They’ll alternate between sweet and savory snacks each week, while learning to safely roll, grate, pat, mix and spread. Experience cooking with all 5 senses, especially taste!
#11553 Tuesdays
April 11 - May 9
9:30 - 11:00 am
Lewis Craft Room A
(3 - 5 years)
Express yourself through food! Learn, create and explore using quick and easy recipes. The best part is you’ll get to eat what you create.
#11556 Wednesdays
April 19 - May 17
9:30 - 11:00 am
Lewis Craft Room A
(3 - 5 years)
Create silly and delicious snacks every week while learning kitchen safety and cooking basics.
#11555 Thursdays
April 13 - May 11
1:00 - 2:15 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(3 - 5 years)
Enjoy fun, messy, outdoor art activities together! We will create art inspired by our explorations of the world around us. Dress for the weather and in clothes you don’t mind getting a little mucky. No class May 22.
#11713 Mondays
May 15 - June 19
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Lewis Salish Building
(3 - 5 years)
Train like an astronaut and get ready to blast off into outer space. Learn all about space and how astronauts get ready for their trips, what they pack for the journey, and even make your own space suit.
#11552 Fridays
April 14 - May 12
1:00 - 2:15 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
(3 - 5 years)
Build confidence and gain awareness in this 6 week class. Acro is a balance of dance and gymnastics and for children under 5, it provides them with a great starting point to increase flexibility, strength and versatility! Have fun playing Acro-based games, taking part in obstacle courses and instructional skill development!
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11690 April 17 - May 15
#11691 May 29 - June 26
2:10 - 2:55 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
(3 - 5 years)
Explore the ocean and all its wonders! We will deep sea dive into crafts, stories and make some delicious ocean themed treats.
#11561 Fridays
May 19 - June 16
9:30 - 11:00 am
Lewis Craft Room A
(3 - 5 years)
This is a great introduction to music! You’ll get experience with singing and basic music theory using a ukulele or a variety of rhythm instruments. No class May 22.
#11712 Mondays
April 24 - June 5
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
(3 - 5 years)
Get outside and learn about the nature around you! It’s time to take curious kids outside to hop on the trails and explore. You’ll spend most of your time outside exploring bugs, birds, animals and plants. You will play different games and make nature crafts.
#11714 Tuesdays
May 16 - June 20
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Salish Building
Leigha believes that every child connects to their “true self” through play, structured environments and supportive leadership. Leigha has been instructing students through all forms of dance for 26 years. She obtained her BFA at SFU and has trained with Acrobatic Arts and American Ballet Theatre, among others. Through technique and a love for movement, each child is given the tools to blossom and thrive.
- 5 years)
Run, kick, pass, shoot, dribble and practice skill based games as we introduce you to basic soccer skills. Learn how fun it is to be part of a team as you develop your listening skills, physical co-ordination, teamwork and fitness. Depending on the weather, we may try to get outside and play on the grass! Parent participation as needed.
#11638 April 15 - May 13
#11639 May 27 - June 24
9:00 - 9:45 am
Lewis MP Hall
(4 - 6 years)
Throw, catch, hit and run your way through this fun introductory t-ball program. This play based course will focus on team work, listening skills and having fun! If you have ever wanted to try this sport, now is your chance. This program will be both indoor and outdoor depending on weather. All equipment is supplied. Parent participation as needed.
#11700 April 19 - May 17
#11701 May 24 - June 21
10:15 - 11:00 am
Lewis Centre Gym/Lewis
Park Ball Diamond
Look for this symbol throughout Courtenay Rec pages for programs that incorporate Physical Literacy.
(6 years & under with adult)
Drop-in with your parent to burn off some energy. This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of fun equipment and toys. An instructor will facilitate large group games for a portion of the program. Adult participation is required. No class May 20.
#11699 Saturdays
April 15 - June 10
10:00 - 11:00 am
#11754 Sundays
April 16 - May 14
9:15 - 10:15 am
Lewis MP Hall
(3 - 5 years)
Li’l Ballers introduces your child to the basics of Basketball! Through fun games, activities and skill development, learn how to bounce the ball, pass to teammates, shoot on our mini basketball hoops and develop basic fundamental movements and agility! Learn a new sport and meet other Li’l Ballers! Parent participation as needed.
#11705 April 18 - May 16
#11706 May 23 - June 20
10:30 - 11:15 am
Lewis MP Hall
Boys and girls will learn the basics of Floor Hockey! Start off with a mini sports warm-up, then you’ll focus on learning the skills and drills that emphasize how to stick handle, shoot, pass, play defense and most importantly, have fun! Parent participation as needed.
#11710 Thursdays
April 27 - June 1
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
Register ONLINE at courtenay.ca/reconline
(3 - 5 years)
Get those heart rates up in this fun, creative class using the gymnastics equipment! The gymnastics staff will have your active child running, climbing, crawling, rolling and exploring new movements through a wide range of activities while making new friends! No class May 22.
Instructor: Sheri Roffey & Breanne
#11620 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
10:45 - 11:45 am
Lewis Centre Gym
(3 - 5 years)
Take those first little steps into organized gymnastics, guided by your fun and knowledgeable gymnastics staff! You’ll learn basic movements, play games, run, roll, climb and explore on all the equipment set up in our gym! This class could help your child realize their love for gymnastics, help focus some of their energy and help them work towards independent play! No class May 23.
Instructor: Sheri Roffey & Carla
#11637 Tuesdays
April 18 - June 27
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
By PLAYing in a foundation sport, children learn skills that prepare them to participate in almost every other sport! These fundamental body management skills are taught through the movement patterns such as: running, rolling, climbing, crawling and playing. As children continue to learn these FUNdamentals, they develop a full range of physical abilities (endurance, strength, power & flexibility) and motor abilities (agility, balance, coordination and speed).
(3 - 5 years)
Run, jump, land, climb, rotate and swing. Our knowledgeable, playful, friendly staff will connect you to a lifetime of learning and physical activity. Complimentary skills include working with your parent at first and working towards independent play, as an instructor leads you through individual basic skill, moving safely around the gym, getting along with others, offering and accepting new ideas. No class May 22 & 23.
Instructor: Sheri Roffey & Breanne
#11636 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
Instructor: Sheri Roffey & Carla
#11635 Tuesdays
April 18 - June 27
10:15 - 11:15 am
Lewis Centre Gym
(all ages with an adult)
Play together as a family or with friends, as you get to explore and have fun on the best indoor playground around! Swing, bounce, play and have a good time on the gymnastics equipment with our experienced and fun gymnastics instructors leading the way! Children must be crawling. Limited to 20 spots. No class May 21, 22 & 23.
#11703 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
9:15 - 10:15 am
#11702 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
12:00 - 1:00 pm
#11704 Tuesdays
April 18 - June 27
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
(7 - 14 years)
Explore clay through a variety of techniques and projects such as pinch pots, coil-throwing, and mask-making. No class May 22.
Instructor: Jenja McIntyre
April 17 - June 12
#11543 3:00 - 4:30 pm (7 - 10 years)
#11544 5:00 - 6:30 pm (10 - 14 years)
Lewis Craft Room B
(0 - 12 years)
Join TaraLee and Daina for monthly seasonally themed stories and art projects. This parent/adult and child program is created for your family to join us for a creative experience.
Instructor: TaraLee Houston
#11759 Saturdays
May 6 & June 3
9:30 - 11:30 am
Lewis Salish Building FREE
(5 - 14 years)
Whether you have an agile gymnast or a ninja warrior, this party is bound to be a ton of fun. In the first hour our enthusiastic coaches will supervise your group in our fun-filled space while they play on the gymnastics set up. Once you have jumped, spun and ran your way to fun, enjoy the second hour of your party in one of our party rooms where you can serve treats, open presents and more. Host parent must be present. Maximum of 12 children. No party May 21.
Sundays starting April 16 11:15 am - 1:15 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
(5 - 14 years)
If your party is going to have a lot of energy, then this option is for you! We offer an hour of instructor-lead fun in our gymnasium with structured games, free time with toys or a bit of both. It’s up to you. Once we burn some of that energy, enjoy the second hour of your party in one of our party rooms where you can serve treats, open presents and more. Host Parent must be present. No party May 20.
Saturdays starting April 22
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Lewis Centre Gym & Craft Room B $125
(8 - 13 years)
Practice basic drawing & painting techniques through a variety of different exercises with Disney Cartoonist, David Thrasher. Use bold & beautiful colors to draw imaginative one-of-a-kind projects with success! Learn quick and easy techniques to draw something new and different each week.
Instructor: David Thrasher
#11507 Saturdays
April 15 - June 24
10:00 - 11:00 am
Lewis Meeting Room
(5 - 14 years)
Let’s celebrate! Create Lego masterpieces, take part in building challenges and play original Lego games. You’ll have a room for all your party festivities and an hour with our instructor in another space for Lego games and building. Host parent must be present. Maximum 12 participants. No party May 20.
Saturdays starting April 22
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room A & B $125
(5 - 8 years)
Measure, mix, and roll your way to becoming a baker! We’ll work together to create a variety of sweet and savoury recipes, play games while our treats are baking and then enjoy them when they’re ready! You knead to be here!
#11551 Wednesdays
May 24 - June 21
4:00 - 6:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(7 - 12 years)
Are you ready to take on the kitchen? In this delicious, hands on class we will explore the basics of the kitchen, try out new ingredients and try your hand at adding your own special twist to classic recipes!
#11757 Thursdays
May 25 - June 22
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(7 - 12 years)
Tantalize your taste buds and satisfy your imagination as you create savory dishes and craft the day away. At the end of the course you will bring home a book of tasty recipes and creative craft creations. No class May 22.
#11550 Mondays
May 1 - June 5
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(6 - 11 years)
Build your confidence in the kitchen as you learn to follow recipes, knife skills, and how ingredients interact to create delicious dishes. This class is sure to spark your culinary creativity, and make you the best cook in town!
#11369 Wednesdays
April 19 - May 17
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(7 - 11 years)
Go around the world with your taste buds as you learn to create delicious foods from a different country each week! Crafts, activities and scrumptious dishes await you, as you explore different cultures, spices and ingredients, young traveler!
#11579 Saturdays
April 15 - May 13
1:15 - 2:45 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
Kids Cooking:
- Aids in literacy, language and STEAM skills
- Encourages children to try new foods
- Creates early core competen cies in life skills
- Fine motor skills development
- Boosts self confidence
(9 - 12 years)
Join us for some track & field fun this Spring Break! Learn to hurdle, throw a Javelin, reach new heights in High Jump, and much more. We cover most track & field events, always with a focus on skills, fitness, & fun. Sessions are taught by experienced coaches and athletes from our local track club.
#11671 Monday - Thursday March 27 - 30
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Vanier Track
#11672 Monday - Thursday
April 3 - 6
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Vanier Track
- 12 years)
School may be out, but the fun doesn’t stop! Come explore the fundamentals of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) with us as we create, bake and play the week away. You’ll have so much fun, you won’t even know you’re learning along the way!
#11185 Monday - Friday
March 27 - 31
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(5 - 12 years)
Whether you’re a beginner or a more accomplished gymnast, you’ll have a great time! Learn new skills, and develop your strength, flexibility, balance, and more, as we work out on all apparatuses. Daily challenges and progressions will be set to your individual levels.
Instructor: Sheri Roffey
Monday - Friday March 27 - 31
#11009 10:00 - 11:30 am 5 - 7 years
#11010 12:00 - 1:30 pm 8 -12 years
Lewis Centre Gym
- 12 years)
(8 - 12 years)
Let’s play the day away! School’s out, so grab your friends and come play a variety of games throughout the day. We’ll explore games like tag, dodgeball, soccer, archery and more. We will take advantage of the winter weather and explore sports common for this time of year. And when we’re not playing, we’ll do lots of fun activities in our downtime. Bring your water and be ready to move!
#11003 Monday - Thursday
April 3 - 6
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Lewis MP Hall
School’s out and we’ve got your ticket to fun! Join us for a little of everything and more! We’ll bake, create, play fun games and explore as we make new friends and get silly. Each day will have a new, exciting theme and more fun filled activities!
#11184 Monday - Thursday April 3 - 6
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(6 - 9 years)
Calling all Heroes and young environmental stewards! We need you to join our team as we explore the natural wonders around us and learn about it all from big to small. We’ll create super tools, learn about ant’s super strength and become Eco Super Heroes!
May 18 - June 15
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Lewis Salish Building
(6 - 9 years)
The resistance is calling! There is no need to send your little Padawan to a galaxy far, far away. Build an X-Wing, design your own light saber, and make galaxy slime all while you prepare to face the First Order one last time. Enjoy this class you will.
#11547 Tuesdays
May 23 - June 20
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
(7 - 11 years)
Gather your beakers and safety goggles, it’s about to get crazy as we explore the world of the Mad Scientist! Chemical reactions from the kitchen, magnets, circuits, it’s all part of this wild and fun science based program!
April 18 - May 16
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(6 - 10 years)
Join us each week a we learn important skills you can take with you wherever you go! We’ll explore cooking, sewing and more as we have fun and make friends!
#11546 Thursdays
April 20 - May 18
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(5 - 8 years)
Explore the science of your favourite superheroes. Experiment with potions, design capes, go on quests and turn make believe into reality. Become a science superhero as you turn sci-fi in to sci-fact. Please wear clothes okay to get messy in!
#11549 Fridays
April 21 - May 19
3:45 - 5:15 pm
Lewis Craft Room A $75/5
(5 - 8 years)
Calling all Master Builders! Do you enjoy using your hands to solve challenges and figure out how things work? Then you will love this program where you will be tasked with solving a variety of engineering and design problems with Lego.
#11715 Saturdays
1:00 - 2:30 pm
May 27 - June 17
Lewis Craft Room A $49/4
(12 years & over)
It’s National Volunteer Appreciation Week! Join us for an evening of games, socializing and appreciation for our amazing volunteers. We will provide snacks, fun and information on how you can get involved with your community through volunteering! This event is open to current and prospective volunteers.
#11746 Wednesday April 19
5:30 - 7:30 pm
(11 - 18 years)
Join us for this fun, informative course as we cover important information to help prepare you to be a babysitter! Topics include: managing challenging behaviors, leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter, first aid, managing risks and emergencies, child development, how to feed, diaper, dress and play with children and babies and starting your babysitting business.
Instructor: Mackenzie Moore
Saturday & Sunday
#11696 April 8 - 9
#11697 May 27 - 28
#11698 June 17 - 18 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Lewis Meeting Room
(10 - 12 years)
The Canadian Safety Council’s Home Alone program is designed to provide and prepare children with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone. Topics include establishing a routine, dealing with strangers, telephone safety, emergencies, basic first aid, internet safety and more. A student reference book and certificate of completion are included.
Instructor: Mackenzie Moore
#11723 Saturday April 22
#11724 Saturday May 13
#11725 Saturday June 24
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Salish Building
(5 - 11 years)
Music Makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. Small group classes study the basics of music, then you can choose more! Books cost $35 at the first lesson. This class is suitable for beginners and parent/guardian must attend with their child. A piano or keyboard is recommended for practicing at home.
Instructor: Debbie Ross
#11536 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 21
#11536 3:30 - 4:30 pm (5 - 7 years)
#11537 5:00 - 6:00 pm (8 - 11 years)
Lewis Craft Room B
(6 - 15 years)
Want to refine your skateboarding or get an edge up on your friends? Are you brand new to the sport and don’t know where to start? Take a private lesson with our instructors and get tips and tricks to help keep you progressing. Rentals available.
Tuesdays starting April 11
4:00 - 4:45 pm
5:00 - 5:45 pm
6:00 - 6:45 pm
LINC Indoor Skatepark
Check out page 83 for other Skateboard & Scooter programs.
Mackenzie is a Recreation Program Leader and a third-year nursing student. When she’s not working, she actively involved in the health care system. As an instructor, her commitment is to ensure the learning environment is engaging and FUN. By incorporating various ways of learning, Mackenzie hopes to optimize the learning experience. Mackenzie feels privileged and excited to be working and supporting the youth by creating a safe, fun environment to learn, play and be part of the community.
(7 - 12 years)
Children will learn the basics of Archery including proper stance, Archery safety, self control and how-to setup and use a bow and arrow. Challenge yourself as you develop concentration skills, strength, improve hand eye coordination, listening skills, build confidence and so much more. You’ll gain an understanding of this fun sport which has a long history! No class May 20.
Saturdays April 22 - June 3
7 - 9 years
#11568 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 10 - 12 years
#11748 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Lewis MP Hall
(7 - 11 years)
This super fun intro to Volleyball program gives kids the opportunity to learn the basic fundamental skills and knowledge of the gamebump, pass, volley, spike, service... smash! Kids will play games and compete in friendly, drills, eventually leading to game play and work on progressing week to week! All levels of experience welcome.
#11707 Wednesdays
April 26 - May 31
4:45 - 5:45 pm
Lewis MP Hall
Apply for discounts that provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
(8 - 12 years)
Grab your stick and join your friends for some good old fashioned fun hockey. We will practice skills like passing, shooting and stick handling, then end the program putting those skills to use in a scrimmage. Be sure to wear runners and bring water. No class May 22.
#11570 Mondays
April 24 - June 5
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Lewis MP Hall
(9 - 12 years)
This co-ed indoor soccer program will teach the basic skills involved in the great game of Soccer! You’ll learn how to dribble, pass, shoot and how to work as a team. The first portion of class we will work on drills and skills, then end every session with game play by putting those skills to good use!
#11708 Thursdays
April 27 - June 8
4:45 - 5:45 pm
Lewis MP Hall
(8 - 12 years)
Get a chance to develop your basketball skills and techniques with other kids from the community! You’ll learn basic ball handling, passing and shooting skills, plus get the chance to put those skills into play through scrimmages and games!
#11641 April 18 - May 16
#11642 May 23 - June 20
3:30 - 4:30 pm
Lewis MP Hall
(6 - 8 years)
Come join us in the Junior Soccer kids’ program where you’ll work on developing your dribbling, passing and shooting skills (or perhaps learn some new ones)! Fun relay games, activities and real Soccer game play will help you feel more confident and help get you used to playing with teammates.
#11709 Thursdays
April 27 - June 1
3:45 - 4:15 pm
Lewis MP Hall
(5 - 10 years)
If you’ve never done Taekwondo before, this class is for you. This class is designed to teach kids the basic foundational skills like kicking, blocking, punching, and life skills: courtesy, confidence and perseverance. Kids over 9 please join Junior class directly. We are a sanctioned member of the BC TKD Federation. Instructors permission required to progress to the Tigers/ Juniors class. No class May 19.
#11655 Fridays
April 14 - June 9
4:00 - 4:30 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
(5 - 8 years)
Taekwondo is a Korean Martial Art and Olympic sport. Students learn Taekwondo with an emphasis on fun! Physical skills such as balance, co-ordination, and flexibility are coupled with building mental and social skills like confidence, co-operation, and focus. Sanctioned by Taekwondo BC and Taekwondo Canada. No class May 18.
#11665 Tuesdays & Thursdays
April 11 - June 22
3:45 - 4:20 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall $210/21
(13 years & over)
This fast-paced program is designed to give participants a full body workout all while building a new skill. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and a recognized Olympic sport. Known for it’s dynamic, powerful kicks Taekwondo is a rewarding outlet for everyone. Improve strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility and balance skills, all while reaching new heights of self confidence. Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federations. Taught by 4th Dan Black Belt Richard Dobbs. No class May 18.
#11662 Tuesdays & Thursdays
April 11 - June 22
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall $276/21
(8 years & over)
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport known for it’s dynamic kicks. Taekwondo offers students a combination of physical and mental development. Starting at white belt, students will progress through the coloured belt system while learning exciting kicks, dynamic hand strikes and self defense all in a supportive, inclusive and structured learning environment. Students will build confidence, strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility, and reflex reactions. Sanctioned by Taekwondo BC and Taekwondo Canada. No class May 18.
#11663 Green & Lower
Tuesdays & Thursdays
April 11 - June 22
4:40 - 5:30 pm Green & Lower
Native Sons Grand Hall $220/21
#11664 Blue Stripe to Black Tuesdays & Thursdays
April 11 - June 22
5:50 - 6:40 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall $220/21
Oh no, you had to cancel the class?
Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.
(10 - 18 years)
Discover the basics of aerial fabric. This class is for students new to aerial fabric or those needing a refresher. With a focus on skill & strength, you’ll start close the ground and gain height as your confidence and abilities increase. We will work towards creating acts to present in our spring show.
Instructor: Kaya Kehl
#11720 Thursdays
April 13 - June 15
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
Join 7 Story Circus! Discover the magical & inspiring world of circus arts. Climb: aerial fabric. Juggle: scarves, balls, rings & clubs. Spin: staff, poi, diablo, flower-sticks & plates. Balance: stilts, rola-bola, & partner acrobatics. Play: Improvisation & performance games. Be inspired & amazed by your own abilities! No class April 28.
Instructor: Kaya Kehl
April 14 - May 26
#11761 4:00 - 5:00 pm (6 - 9 years)
#11762 5:00 - 6:00 pm (9 - 12 years)
Lewis Centre Gym
(10 - 18 years)
This class is for aerialists with previous experience. This class focuses on skill building, technique, strength, endurance, creative movement & much more. We will work towards creating acts to present in our spring show.
Instructor: Kaya Kehl
#11718 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 14
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
(10 - 18 years)
This class is for aerialists with previous experience. This class focuses on skill building, technique, strength, endurance, creative movement & much more. We will work towards creating acts to present in our spring show.
Instructor: Kaya Kehl
#11722 Thursdays
April 13 - June 15
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
(8 - 11 years)
Join us in the perfect combo class for fitness and expression. Work on your strength and flexibility and end the class learning a combination that emulates all your favourite “So You Think You Can Dance” routines. Come out and leave it all on the floor. No class May 20.
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11694 Saturdays
April 22 - June 3
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Lewis Activity Room
To learn about our amazing dance instructor, Leigha, please see page 66
(2 - 5 years with adult)
This is a fun program for kids and their adults who want to move and dance. This less structured program will offer guidance and movement through song while allowing participants the freedom to be creative.
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11695 Mondays
April 17 - May 15
1:15 - 1:45 pm
Lewis Activity Room
(8 - 11 years)
Try out Lyrical, Jazz and Acro in this fun 6-week class which will introduce you to these three styles of dance. Classes include a cardio-based warm-up, technique and combos that are sure to light you up and excite both mind and body. No class May 20.
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11689 Saturdays
April 22 - June 3
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Activity Room
(5 - 7 years)
This street style is bound to leave your child smiling with this grounded, rhythmical dance style! Come out and learn the basics of break dancing and groove to your favourite tunes!
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11692 April 17 - May 15
#11693 May 29 - June 26
4:00 - 4:45 pm
Lewis Activity Room
Join us for a fun class geared to increase strength and flexibility as well as overall confidence in all inversions and Acro tricks. From teddy bear stands to headstands and cartwheels, we will cover all of the progressions to build the foundational elements needed to take things to the next level! No class May 20.
Instructor: Leigha Wald Saturdays
#11726 12:15 - 1:15 pm (5 - 8 years)
#11727 1:45 - 2:45 pm (9 - 12 years)
April 22 - June 3
Lewis Activity Room
(13 years & over)
Join us in restoring this medieval martial art. Learn to use the Longsword, Rapier & Dagger, Sword & Shield, Dagger, Quarterstaff, and many more just like they did in the 1300-1600’s. This is a great introduction to HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) and a great way to prepare for joining your local historical fencing club! Beginners to advanced participants welcome. Any sparring during the program will be safe and appropriate for the age and ability of the group.
Instructor: Chad Herbert #11730 Tuesdays
April 18 - June 20
5:00 - 6:00 pm
Lewis MP Hall $110/10
(13 years & over)
Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu develops whole body fitness through a set of controlled movements and sequences. This fast-paced class provides an introduction to Kung Fu and is suitable for those looking to build agility, learn self-defense and improve overall well-being. Each session will consist of a warm-up, practice of basic movements, and training adjusted to individual level and progression.
Instructor: Tom Haber #11613 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 28
6:45 - 8:00 pm
Native Sons Lower Level $150/12
(8 years & over)
Develop skills in a structured trampoline program and enhance your performance in other sports, school and social activities. Based on the B.C. Trampoline Acrosport Federation and CanGym program, you will progress through strength, body control, co-ordination, timing, balance and self-confidence. Best of all, you will have a whole lot of fun! No class May 23.
Instructor: Sheri, Carla & Bodhi
April 18 - June 27
#11653 4:30 - 5:30 pm
#11654 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym $165/10
(7 - 10 years)
(all ages with an adult)
Explore and have fun on the best indoor playground around! Swing, bounce, play and have a good time on the gymnastics equipment with our experienced and fun gymnastics instructors leading the way! Chldren must be crawling. Limited to 20 spots. No class May 21, 22 & 23.
#11703 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
9:15 - 10:15 am
#11702 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
12:00 - 1:00 pm
#11704 Tuesdays
April 18 - June 27
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
Test out your parkour skills in this class just for kids. We’ll race through the gym trying to get from point A to point B as quickly and smoothly as possible using skills and tricks we practice. This class is sure to get your heart rate going as you run, vault, jump and climb your way through obstacles. No class May 21. Instructor: Sheri Roffey & Carla
#11640 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
10:15 - 11:15 am
Lewis Centre Gym
Our gymnastics programs focus on the three F’s – Fun, Fitness and Fundamentals. Both boys and girls will enjoy the sport of Gymnastics in these classes. Knowledgeable, playful, skilled and friendly, our qualified instructors will connect you to a lifetime love of learning and physical activity. Each class includes a thorough warm-up, time spent on individual gymnastics skills, technique and knowledge, followed by a concluding activity according to gymnastics level. And, in honour of the three F’s, every fourth class will be a games day. Our gymnastics programs follow CanGym curriculum from which report cards are created. New students are evaluated for their starting level during the first two weeks. Please return previous report cards. No class May 21, 22 & 23.
Instructors: Sheri Roffey, Carla, Breanne, Vanessa.
Boys & Girls Gymnastics
Lewis Centre Gym
(5 - 7 years)
Your experienced, fun and energetic instructors will lead you through a thorough warm-up and then will help you to learn the fundamentals of gymnastics, develop your individual skills, increase strength, flexibility and stamina.
#11540 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
12:30 - 1:30 pm
#11539 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
3:30 - 4:30 pm
Pre-advanced & Advanced
Lewis Centre Gym
(8 years & over)
This girls gymnastics class is a great way for girls to socialize and learn new skills from fun and knowledgeable coaches! We’ll work on basic skills, developing new skills, strength and explore a variety of apparatus.
#11616 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
1:30 - 2:30 pm
#11617 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
4:30 - 5:30 pm
(8 years & over)
This advanced class is for athletes who are experienced and strong in the base fundamental skills and are physically and mentally ready to advance.
#11573 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
2:30 - 4:00 pm
#11572 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
6:00 - 7:30 pm
(8 years & over)
Athletes progress into these programs once base skills are strong and when you are physically and mentally ready to advance. We recommend 2 classes per week to develop and maintain your skill level. Coach approval required.
#11619 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
2:30 - 4:00 pm
#11618 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
6:00 - 7:30 pm
(8 years & over)
Separate boys classes allow for dynamic energy to be channeled in creative ways. Learn the basics, then develop your skills, strength and stamina on a variety of apparatuses.
#11560 Sundays
April 16 - June 25
1:30 - 2:30 pm
#11559 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Coach approval is required for registration in Pre-Advanced & Advanced classes.
(9 - 16 years)
Test your cooking skills and invent tasty dishes! Each day your team is given a basket of surprise food items that must be incorporated to create a soup or salad, appetizer, entrée or dessert and scored on a variety of criteria. Will you be part of the winning team? Prizes included!
#11163 Monday - Friday
March 27 - 31
10:30 - 2:30 pm
LINC Youth Centre
(7 - 12 years)
SK8, Scoot and Swim your way into Spring Break! Ride your skateboard or scooter and get tips and tricks from our skatepark staff as you cruise the street section and bowl. Or, challenge your friends to games and activities like dodge-ball, air hockey, trips to the indoor pool and more! We’ll make sure you have an action-packed week!
No camp April 7.
#11161 Monday - Friday
March 27 - 31
#11162 Monday - Thursday
April 3 - 6
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LINC Youth Centre
(8 - 18 years)
Register for an original birthday party package. Host parent must be present. Maximum 12 participants. We organize the games, provide supervision, and clean up! Choose from a variety of themes:
• dodgeball
• skatepark
• karaoke
• all about girls
• gaming
• general
• make & take (tie-dye t-shirts or slime)
Or combine themes to make a party all your own!
No parties May 6, 20 or 21.
Saturdays starting April 15 12:30 - 2:30 pm or
Sundays starting April 16 10:30 am - 12:30 pm or 1:00 - 3:00 pm or 3:30 - 5:30 pm
$165 (3 large pizzas)
$170 (make & take - tie dye t-shirts or slime)
$210 (make & take & 3 large pizzas)
(10 years & over)
Enjoy an action-packed spring break! Each day we’ll load the bus for a different adventure including outdoor exploration, games and outtrips! Activities are subject to change and weather permitting.
April 3 - 6
#11285 Monday Archery Tag
#11286 Tuesday Go Karts
#11288 Wednesday
Horne Lake Caves
#11293 Thursday Laser Tag
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(9 - 19 years)
The Gnarly Craft Fair is BACK! Build your entrepreneurial skills and register your table now for the Spring Craft Fair! Showcase your talents in crafts, art, baking, jewelry, photography and more! Part of the LINC’s BC Youth Week Festivities!
#11433 Saturday May 6 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall $10/table
(8 - 17 years)
Homeschooler Rec offers you a special pre-registered time slot to be active and creative. Join us for the skatepark, crafts, game tourneys and other fun activities. Drop-ins welcome.
#11435 April 12 - 26
#11436 May 3 - 31
#11437 June 7 - 28
1:00 - 3:00 pm
LINC Games Room
(12 - 18 years)
Join us for an intro to guitar! You’ll learn a major scale utilziing all the fingers on one harnd and how to make enough chords to play thousands of songs! Please bring a guitar, tuner and notebook. Rentals may be available upon request, please email linc@courtenay.ca.
Instructor: Bobby Herron
#11390 Thursdays
May 11 - June 15
6:45 - 7:45 pm
LINC Multipurpose Room
Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays
Closed Sunday & Monday. Regular drop-in hours (see page 85) resume April 11.
(5 - 7 years)
Have you ever wanted to try out skateboarding? This introductory class will get your wheels spinning! You’ll learn the basics of balance and pushing and have fun exploring the street and bowl sections of the indoor park. Skateboards and safety equipment included. No class May 22.
#11387 May 8 - June 19
3:30 - 4:15 pm
LINC Indoor Skatepark
(7 - 12 years)
While the boys are away, the girls will SKATE! Build confidence and have fun learning the basics of skateboarding. Learn to cruise, test the ramps and try a trick or two. Grab your girl friends and get ready to own the skatepark. Why should the boys have all the fun? Skateboards and safety equipment are included. No class May 22.
#11391 May 8 - June 19
5:45 - 6:45 pm
LINC Indoor Skatepark
Apply for discounts that provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
(6 - 11 years)
Join us after school for a scooter around the indoor skatepark! Have fun developing in this sport as you learn tips from your instructors maneuvering around the street section and bowl. This class is geared to beginner-novice riders wanting to learn new tricks or try out a new sport. Rentals available.
#11438 April 19 - May 17
#11439 May 24 - June 21
3:30 - 4:30 pm
LINC Indoor Skatepark
(6 years & over)
Want to refine your skateboarding or get an edge up on your friends? Are you brand new to the sport and don’t know where to start? Take a private lesson with our instructors and get tips and tricks to help keep you progressing. Rentals available.
Tuesdays starting April 11
4:00 - 4:45 pm
5:00 - 5:45 pm
6:00 - 6:45 pm
LINC Skatepark
(7 - 12 years)
Build confidence in learning the sport of skateboarding and/or scootering. We’ll review the basics to get you cruising and then try a trick or two! This class is geared toward beginner-novice riders who may want to learn new tricks or a new sport! Rentals available. No class May 22.
#11389 May 8 - June 19
4:30 - 5:30 pm
LINC Indoor Skatepark
(7 - 12 years)
Jump on your scooter and go for a rip around the skatepark! Our instructors will help you refine your skills and guide you through tricks to keep you progressing. This class is geared towards novice-intermediate riders. Rentals available.
#11440 April 19 - May 17
#11441 May 24 - June 21
4:30 - 5:30 pm
LINC Indoor Skatepark
(12 years & over with an adult)
Grab your mom, grandma, or other special lady in your life and join us as we delve into aromatherapy creating aromatic stones. We’ll have fun, be creative and learn from a registered aromatherapist.
Instructor: Deanna Papineau
#11769 Saturday May 13
12:00 - 2:00 pm
LINC Multipurpose Room
(7 years & over)
Let’s load the bus and start your summer break off with a bang! Have fun with your friends and take on new challenges at some of the island’s best skateparks.
Skateboards and scooters welcome, helmets mandatory. Drop-ins welcome if minimum numbers met and space allows.
#11734 Friday June 30
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
LINC Skatepark
(12 - 18 years)
(12 - 15 years)
Grab your friends and get in on the fun with this try-everything recreation program just for girls! Move, sweat, and build confidence while trying new ways to stay active! Activities may include yoga, movement games, archery, skateboarding, rock climbing, racquet sports and more! Drop-ins welcome.
#11733 May 11 - June 15
4:30 - 6:30 pm
LINC Multipurpose Room
(11 - 16 years)
Are you ready to join the workforce this summer and make your own money but are unsure where to start? Get armed with resources and skills to land a next job. Gain valuable resume-building skills through experience in The LINC’s concession, including cash & food handling, customer service and workplace safety. Complete a resume, learn interview skills, practice teamwork and communication skills tour businesses and get the inside scoop on what could set your application apart. Receive a reference, resume and certificate upon completion.
#11732 Saturdays
May 13 - June 10
2:45 - 5:30 pm
LINC Multipurpose Room
Extreme Rec Night is back! Get in on the fun as we cruise through some of our local rec centre and participate in archery tag, skateboarding/scootering, dodgeball, rock climbing, swimming, BBQ and more! Transportation included from the LINC, pick up at CV Aquatic centre at 10:30 pm. Please pre-register by May 2. Part of our BC Youth Week festivities. For more info see page 82.
#11392 Friday May 6
3:30 - 10:30 pm
LINC Youth Centre
$10/person or $15 drop-in if space allows
• indoor skatepark
• skateboard & scooter rentals
• youth-access computers
• digital arts
• media & tech nights
• ping pong
• air hockey
• foosball
• pool
• XBox One
• PS2
• Wii
• Nintendo
• concession
• kitchen
• big screen TV
• basketball court
• out trips
• special events
• private rentals
(11 - 17 years)
Tuesdays 3 - 7 pm (Tween Night 8 - 11 years)
Wednesdays 3 - 8 pm (8 years & over)
Thursdays 3 - 8 pm
Fridays 3 - 11 pm
Saturdays 3 - 11 pm
Do you dabble in Magic the Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons? Do you want to try them or other unique board games? Grab your friends and head down to The LINC for our weekly games night. Check out our monthly calendar for schedule. Beginners and game suggestions welcome. Registered youth are welcome to stay at The LINC before/after to extend their fun!
#11735 April 14 - June 30
6:00 - 8:00 pm
LINC Youth Centre
$24/12 or $2.50 drop-in
(all-ages welcome with an adult) Enjoy The LINC together as a family! Ride the bowl, play ping pong, sing-a-long to karaoke and just have fun!
April 15 (Easter Weekend)
May 13 (Mother’s Day Weekend)
June 17 (Father’s Day Weekend)
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Youth (8 - 18 years):
$2.50 drop-In
$15/month membership
$25/11 punch pass
$80/year membership
Adult (Skatepark ONLY): $4 drop-In
$20/month membership
$40/11 punch pass
(11 - 18 years)
Gain practical skills alongside your peers, or bring your own projects to work on as you learn how to knit, crochet, or get creative with macrame, weaving and more! This class will have you in stitches. Basic supplies included. No class May 6.
#11388 Fridays
April 14 - June 23
3:30 - 5:00 pm
LINC Youth Centre FREE drop-ins welcome
Learn the art of archery through step by step instruction. Each week we’ll review how to draw a bow and shoot arrows so that your coordination, strength and accuracy improve.
Instructor: Sebastien Braconnier
#11566 Fridays
April 28 - June 16
12:15 - 1:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
Let’s get the dance party started! Register with your friends and join Tammy for this fitness inspired class that is sure to get you movin’ and groovin’! All abilities and levels welcome. No class May 3.
Instructor: Tammy Jones
#11685 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 14
1:10 - 2:00 pm
Lewis MP Hall
Challenger Baseball is an adaptive baseball program specifically designed to empower children, youth and adults living with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. This program is in partnership with the Jays Care Foundation and we greatly appreciate their support in our community.
#11683 Thursdays
April 13 - June 22
10:00 - 11:00 am
Lewis Ball Diamond 1
Basketball, floor hockey, soccer, kickball, you name it: we play it. Come enjoy some adapted sports in a friendly, non-competitive fun way.
Instructor: Sebastien Braconnier
#11565 Fridays
April 28 - June 16
10:15 - 11:30 am
Lewis Centre Gym
Learn the basics of dance with Leigha! She will guide you through music, movement and choreography. All abilities welcome! No Class May 11.
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11688 Thursdays
April 13 - June 8
1:15 - 2:00 pm
Lewis Activity Room
Have a hidden talent that should be shared? A great singing voice or a magic trick? Sign up to perform and support all of our pals.
#11682 Friday May 26
1:15 - 2:45 pm
Lewis MP Hall
Let’s get creative! Each week we’ll work together to make beautiful cards to sell in the community. All proceeds from the sales are shared back to the artists. Space is limited, preregistration required. No class May 24.
April 17 - June 19
#11563 10:00 - 11:00 am
#11564 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A Free
Let’s get social and plan the things you want to do! Activities may include crafts, movies, games nights, dinner out and more! Join us for a special pizza planning party April 5.
Instructor: Sebastien Braconnier & Tammy Jones
#11684 Tuesdays
April 4 - June 13
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A $30/11
Stay tuned for information on our season’s end bowling league banquet!
Apply for discounts that provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low income thresholds.
Ask us how to apply!
250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000
Learn to craft chocolate truffles and bark at the Lewis Centre. Prepare a decadent array of chocolates for your special somebunny!
#11687 Wednesday April 5 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
starts Monday
March 13 at 8:30 am
Thank you to the Comox Valley Community Foundation and CVRD for their ongoing support that allows us to offer affordable programming options for inclusion in Courtenay Recreation programs.
April showers bring May flowers! Join the Adapted crew in painting flower pots and planting seeds - be ready to get a little dirty.
#11686 Thursday April 27
10:00 - 11:30 am
Lewis Craft Room B $5
Please contact Courtnea at cstolting@courtenay.ca for volunteer opportunities
This class is a fun and interactive introduction to Aromatherapy, Aromatic Molecules, Essential Oils, with a deep dive into assisting the body with pain management. Explore the physical, emotional and mental body in relation to Essential Oils. Taught by Deanna Papineau, EOT Registered Aromatherapist.
Instructor: Deanna Papineau
#11627 Thursday April 20 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Filberg Soroptomist Lounge $49
Learn this ancient art of ‘soothsaying’ for personal development or to work professionally. You’ll learn how to get to know your cards, what layouts to use in different situations & how to develop your reading abilities. Bring a Tarot deck with you. If you don’t own one, borrow or purchase a deck that resonates with you.
Instructor: Kara Foreman
#11385 Saturday June 10 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Filberg Soroptomist Lounge $35
This half-day course will teach cyclists the rules of the road and allow them to put that knowledge to use in a guided road riding experience. Participants will come away with greater cycling confidence, allowing them to safely ride most anywhere within an urban setting. This course is very useful for both new and experienced cyclists, although basic bike handling skills are required.
#11763 Saturday May 13
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Filberg Rotary Hall
Wallpaper is back! Let me suggest economical ways to incorporate its use with paint and other wall finishes. We will also discuss the Colour Wheel and how to use it in your home selections. Handouts included. Pat Wickware completed her Interior Design at Ryerson in Toronto and taught Interior Design at Camosun and Malaspina Colleges.
Instructor: Pat Wickware
#11675 Saturday May 13 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Lewis Meeting Room
Numerology is the study of the vibrational significance of the numbers found in your name and birthdate. It can provide insight into your strengths & weaknesses, deep desires, emotional triggers, innate talents and how you respond to others. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to perform the fundamental calculations to build your numerology map.
Instructor: Kara Foreman
#11379 Saturday May 13 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Filberg Soroptomist Lounge $35
In this workshop, we’ll walk through the steps necessary to take your life’s memories and turn them into a published legacy piece for personal or commercial use. Please note this is not a writing workshop.
Instructor: Kara Foreman
#11386 Saturday April 22
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Filberg Soroptomist Lounge
In this three-week workshop you will learn how to mix any colour perfectly, use colour for emotional impact in your paintings, and balance colour in your composition.
Instructor: Teresa Knight
#11624 Tuesdays
April 11 - 25
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Filberg Craft Room
This three-week workshop will light a fire under your painting! We’ll paint three different subjects over three weeks. The best way to loosen up your style and improve your eye. You’ll learn composition and how to leave out the clutter.
Instructor: Teresa Knight
#11625 Thursdays
April 13 - 27
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Filberg Craft Room
Experience the creativity and the calm that comes with doodling with a pen! We will explore a variety of patterns to get started, then create a final piece that combines your favourites and maybe some of your own patterns! Super easy and relaxing and no artistic ability required. Materials provided.
Instructor: Laura Forgie
#11741 Tuesday April 25
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Filberg Soroptomist Lounge
Three outdoor sessions to get you going on your plein air painting for the summer. Teresa will teach you how to easily paint a landscape on site; to get it down and get it done! Enjoy the outdoors here in June and have fun while learning.
Instructor: Teresa Knight #11626 Tuesdays
June 13 - 27
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Filberg Craft Room
Whether you like traditional sculpture or would like to create funky, functional pieces of art, this class is for you. We will use under-glazes to finish the sculpture. Tools, under-glazes, and glazes provided. No class May 22.
Instructor: Jenja McIntyre #11374 Mondays
April 17 - June 12
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
All subject matter, all levels, any medium. Individualized attention with expert advice and guidance when you need it. Teresa will make you feel at home and relaxed so you can jump in, have fun, and improve your techniques. Bring a piece that you are working on and the supplies you normally use.
Instructor: Teresa Knight
#33729 Thursdays
June 8 - June 29
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Filberg Craft Room
(for grandparents, parents & other adult caregivers)
(6 months - 3 years with adult)
Do you have a little wobbly walker who is ready to explore the world but intimidated by the playtime groups where kids are zipping around them? Come hang out with other little wobblers and explore our fun toys. An area will have mats for those little adventurers needing a softer place to land. Adult Participation required.
#11582 Thursdays
April 13 - June 29
10:30 - 11:30 am
Lewis MP Hall A $2/drop-in
(6 years & under with adult)
(0 - 18 months with adult)
Is your little one starting to explore the world on their hands and knees? Come enjoy some social time with other parents and babies who are in the same stage. Some of the space will have mats for those who need a soft place to land. Other fun toys will also be available. Adult participation required.
#11581 Thursdays
April 13 - June 29 9:15 - 10:00 am
Lewis MP Hall A $2/drop-in
Join us for free play in our gyms. Activities available might include plasma cars, music and movement games. Skip, hop and run to this hour of fun! Choose your dates, bring your friends and get ready to play. An adult must participate and is responsible for the supervision of their child(ren).
#11583 Monday & Thursday
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
April 13 - June 29
Lewis Centre MP Hall
(2 - 5 years with adult)
This is a fun program for kids and their adults who want to move and dance. This less structured program will offer guidance and movement through song while allowing participants the freedom to be creative.
Instructor: Leigha Wald
#11695 Mondays
April 17 - May 15
1:15 - 1:45 pm
Lewis Activity Room
(6 years & under with adult)
Drop-in with your parent to burn off some energy. This program is mainly unstructured play time with a variety of fun equipment and toys. No class May 20.
#11699 Saturdays
April 15 - June 10
10:00 - 11:00 am
#11754 Sundays
April 16 - May 14
9:15 - 10:30 am
Lewis MP Hall
(all ages with an adult)
Play together as a family or with friends, as you get to explore and have fun on the best indoor playground around! Swing, bounce, play and have a good time on the gymnastics equipment! Children must be crawling. No class May 21, 22 & 23.
#11703 Sundays 9:15 - 10:15 am
#11702 Mondays 12:00 - 1:00 pm
#11704 Tuesdays 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
April 16 - June 27
Lewis Centre Gym
Come and spend time with the chef and learn some marvelous Mexican recipes. The menu includes smoked tofu and pinto bean enchiladas; a black bean, orange and chipotle soup; and two types of fresh salsa. Enjoy a meal at the end of the class or bring containers to take food home.
Instructor: Sonja Limberger
#11676 Friday April 14
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room A
(13 years & over)
Train to become an employable food handler in the service industry. Learn about safe food handling methods, food preparation techniques and how to prevent food borne illness. Food Safe is a provincial certificate credited by the Ministry of Health and supported by the Restaurant and Food Association of BC Certificates are awarded upon successful completion of the program. A must for resumes!
#11434 Friday June 30
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Native Sons Lodge Room $98
Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.
Chef Sonja’s chillin’ recipes for those hot summer days are yours to discover. The creations you will learn are a creamy raw tomato soup, pumpkin pate nori rolls, green smoothie, summer almond spread and a dessert. There will be some hands on in this class. Enjoy a meal after the lesson or bring to go containers.
Instructor: Sonja Limberger
#11678 Wednesday May 3
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Filberg Upper Kitchen $75
Come and discover the wonderful aromatic flavours of Thailand. Recipes will be based on traditional Thai dishes with vegetarian substitutions for meat. Recipes include a Thai curry made from scratch, a Pad Thai noodle dish and a peanut sauce. Copies of the recipes will be supplied. Enjoy a meal at the end of the class. Bring containers in case of left overs.
Instructor: Sonja Limberger
#11677 Wednesday April 19
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Filberg Upper Kitchen
In this class, participants learn basic hand drumming techniques and begin to play traditional West African rhythms on the djembe & dunduns (bass drums). These introductory lessons and rhythms lay the foundation for higher-level courses and will be of interest to those wanting to explore how engaging in ensemble drumming is both uplifting and good for physical and mental health. Participants are required to bring their own djembe to class. No class April 28, May 19 & June 9.
Instructor: Monica Hofer
#11373 Fridays
April 14 - June 23
10:15 - 11:15 am
Filberg Conference Hall
Join our local hand drumming instructor and drum circle facilitator and get into your weekly groove. New rhythms taught every week; opportunities to work on djembe and bass drums. Great for the mind, body and spirit! This class is intended for those with previous experience. No class April 28 & May 26.
Instructor: Monica Hofer
#11377 Fridays
April 14 - June 23
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
Looking for a place to enhance your drumming skills? Do you have a few beginners sessions under your belt but you’re not quite ready to jump to the intermediate level? This is the class for you! In this class we will continue to improve on technique while learning new & exciting West African rhythmsall while having fun getting into the groove. Participants must provide their own djembe. No class April 28 & May 26.
Instructor: Monica Hofer
#11728 Fridays
April 14 - June 23
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
Enjoy the fun of making music in a group with the most accessible instrument in the world. Learn the basics of using a hand drum and the hand positions used to make different sounds. You will experience rhythms and drumming a led class while learning different ensemble parts and how to bring them all together.
#11739 Fridays
April 21 - May 26
10:30 - 11:30 am
Lewis MP Hall $60/6
(55 years & over)
Music makes your brain work better! Here’s your chance to learn your favourite songs. These small group classes study the basics of music, then choose more! The first book costs $35 and a piano or keyboard is recommended for practicing at home.
Instructor: Debbie Ross
#11383 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 21
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
(55 years & over)
Are you looking to continue to improve your piano skills? These small group classes are for participants with some experience that would like to study the basics of music and grow their skills! The first book is $35 and a piano or keyboard is recommended for practicing at home.
Instructor: Debbie Ross
#11384 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 21
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Lewis Craft Room B
Recreation Access
Apply for discounts that provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low income thresholds. Ask us how to apply!
Learn to strum along to some of your favourite songs. This easy beginner course will teach you chord and rhythm basicsall you need is a guitar!
Instructor: Larry Ayre
#11680 Mondays
April 17 - May 15
7:15 - 8:30 pm
Native Sons Hall Dining Room
April 16 - 22, 2023!
The harmonica is a versatile instrument that can be heard in music ranging from folk and country to jazz and rock, but the harmonica is truly at home with the blues. No previous musical experience is necessary. Please bring a ‘c’ harmonica.
Instructor: Larry Ayre
#11679 Mondays
April 17 - May 15
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Native Sons Hall Dining Room
Creates Opportunities for New Friends and Skills
Creates Community Connection & a Sense of Belonging Scientifically proven to aid in stress reduction Boost happiness and Self Esteem
Encourages life long learning!
Physical Benefits
Increases Dopamine & Serotonin—These feel good brain chemicals are involved in happiness, satisfaction and emotional regulation. Because of volunteering’s potential to increase levels of these chemicals in the brain, it is suggested that volunteering can be a contributing factor in reducing symptoms of depression.
Encourages Physical Activity- Whether you’re helping with a community clean up, or in a children’s Rec Program, volunteering can keep you moving!
Lowered Blood Pressure & Promotes Heart Health—Studies show that those who volunteer have significantly lower risk of high blood pressure.
Get your groove on to upbeat music as we dance and beat on the drums! This is always such a fun mind and body fitness class and it’s great for stress release. Classes are moderately paced and can be tuned up or down in intensity. Perfect for EVERY body.
Instructor: Laura Forgie
#11375 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 21 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
In this mixed level class we will focus on skills, technique, strength, endurance, creative movement & much more. Students will have the option to work towards creating acts to present in our spring show.
Instructor: 7 Story Circus
#11371 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 14 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
Drums Alive is the most fun you will ever have drumming and moving to the beat! This class suits any-body who is looking for a fun, get-fit routine, whether you want a slower pace, are recovering from injury or really want to power out. Join Monica and see how Drums Alive will make you smile, inside and out! No class May 22.
Instructor: Monica Hofer
#11376 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
12:15 - 1:15 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
Come and kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and your body active! No partners required.
Instructor: Joan Wydenes
#11380 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 28
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Lewis Activity Room
Come learn traditional folk, modern and meditative songs and dances from around the world. Beautiful, dreamy dances to fun (and funny) dances. Most are done in a circle connected by hands, but we will modify this to a distanced ‘connection’ as we create a circle of laughter and healing. No dance experience necessary and two left feet are most welcome!
Instructor: Laura Forgie
#11740 Thursday May 25
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Filberg Conference Hall
Line dancing isn’t just country anymore! Learn fun and easy line dances to mix of dance tunes that will have you burning calories and having loads of fun! A great workout for the body and the brain, line dancing lifts your spirits and puts a smile on your face. ‘Life’s Too Short Not to Dance’. No class May 22.
Instructor: Darlene Birtwistle
#11382 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
7:00 - 8:15 pm
Lewis Activity Room
Come and kick up your heels and dance the afternoon away! Line dancing is a great way to keep your brain and your body active! No partners required.
Instructor: Joan Wydenes
#11381 Tuesdays
April 11 - June 27
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
Discover your inner Sheherezade as we explore basic isolations, steps, rhythms and dreamy veilwork. We’ll pull those hip pushes and shimmies together with a short but fun choreography. Wear something comfortable for movement and bring a scarf to tie around your hips! No previous dance experience necessary, just a desire to move and have fun! No class May 22.
Instructor: Laura Forgie
#11372 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
6:45 - 7:45 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
We will build on the previous class to explore more challenging and fun techniques. You will be introduced to new rhythms and veilwork, and we’ll work on a new choreography to tie it all together! We’ll cover some basic costuming ideas and try our hands at finger cymbals and/or floorwork. Shimmy on over a fun creative dance class! No class May 22.
Instructor: Laura Forgie
#11378 Mondays
April 17 - June 26
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
See page 105 for Zumba classes & more!
Minds in Motion® is a fitness and social program for people living with any form of early stage dementia along with a family member, friend or other care partner. The program is offered in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. Gentle exercises are followed by social activities designed to be enjoyed in pairs. Care partners must attend. Call (778)746-2017 for more info.
Instructor: Nancy Victoria
#11497 April 19 - May 24
#11496 June 7 - July 12
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Native Sons Lower Level
Come celebrate Mothers with us with a kayak tour! We’ll explore the Comox estuary feeling the connection to our own mothers as we experience connection with nature and the rhythm of the ocean. We hope we’ll get a chance to see great blue herons, bald eagles, seals and other native wildlife of our shores. Give your mom a little free ride and book a double kayak for you both so you can share the day together! No single kayaks will be offered for this tour.
#11768 Sunday May 14
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Comox Valley Kayaks
(13 years & over)
Join us in restoring this medieval martial art. Learn to use the Longsword, Rapier & Dagger, Sword & Shield, Dagger, Quarterstaff, and many more just like they did in the 13001600’s. This is a great introduction to HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) and a great way to prepare for joining your local historical fencing club! Beginners to advanced participants welcome. Any sparring during the program will be safe and appropriate for the age and ability of the group.
Instructor: Chad Herbert
#11730 Tuesdays
April 18 - June 20
5:00 - 6:00 pm
Lewis MP Hall
Similar to Tai Chi and Yoga, Chi Kung promotes health and wellness through the practice of controlled breathing combined with body movements and sequences. This class leads students through a series of easy to learn, slow-paced movements to improve agility, flexibility and improve overall health and mental focus.
Instructor: Tom Haber
#11614 Thursdays
April 13 - June 29
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Native Sons Lower Level
Tibetan White Crane Tai Chi improves agility, flexibility and overall health and well-being by performing a sequence of slow and relaxed motions. The class introduces students to the “Needle in Cotton” form which is a treasure of the Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu system. The form is described as “peace in motion” and is a set of Qigong movements said to carry the practitioner into a healthy and long life.
Instructor: Tom Haber
#11615 Tuesdays
April 11 - June 27
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Lewis Meeting Room
The slow, fluid movements of Tai Chi reduce tension and stress, improves balance, coordination, and concentration, as well as muscle resiliency and joint flexibility. Tai Chi helps to increase energy and provides an overall sense of well-being.
Instructor: Albert Balbon
#11610 Thursdays
April 13 - June 29
7:15 - 8:15 pm
Lewis Activity Room
(13 years & over)
Tibetan White Crane Kung Fu develops whole body fitness through a set of controlled movements and sequences. This fast-paced class provides an introduction to Kung Fu and is suitable for those looking to build agility, learn self-defense and improve overall well-being. Each session will consist of a warm-up, practice of basic movements, and training adjusted to individual level and progression.
Instructor: Tom Haber
#11613 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 28
6:45 - 8:00 pm
Native Sons Lower Level $150/12
(13 years & over)
This fast-paced program is designed to give participants a full body workout all while building a new skill. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and a recognized Olympic sport. Known for it’s dynamic, powerful kicks Taekwondo is a rewarding outlet for everyone. Improve strength, endurance, coordination, flexibility and balance skills, all while reaching new heights of self confidence. Sanctioned by the BC and Canadian Taekwondo Federations. Taught by 4th Dan Black Belt Richard Dobbs. No class May 18.
#11662 Tuesdays & Thursdays
April 11 - June 22
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall $276/21
(55 years & over)
Learn the correct Nordic pole walking technique, the difference between Nordic poles and other walking poles, and why Nordic pole walking is such an effective fitness activity for you - including you burn 46% more calories over walking without poles, use 90% of your body muscles, it improves your endurance, cardio, posture, balance, and much more.
Instructor: Catherine Egan
#11612 Fridays
April 28 - June 2
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Wellness Centre
Outside Entrance $72/6
(55 years & over)
Are you a runner or hiker with sore knees, physically active and looking for a low impact outdoor fitness sport - why not try Nordic pole walking? Nordic pole walking is a total body workout for cardio, strength and flexibility. The focus in this class is fitness training with Nordic poles using different terrains and elevation in our local parks.
Instructor: Catherine Egan
#11611 Fridays
April 28 - June 2
12:30 - 1:30 pm
Wellness Centre
Outside Entrance $72/6
Improve your skills (or learn new ones), meet friends and learn all the basics of how to play Volleyball! This intro to Volleyball will show you how to bump, pass, spike, review positioning and prepare you to feel confident in your abilities and perhaps join a league!
#11673 Thursdays
April 20 - June 8
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Lewis Centre MP Hall
This program is for the intermediate player and focuses more on giving players the skills, mindset and knowledge to play competitively, plus helps to develop existing skills such as serving, hitting, passing and setting. Players should have previous Volleyball experience.
#11674 Thursdays
April 20 - June 8
7:45 - 8:45 pm
Lewis Centre MP Hall
(16 years & over)
Drop-in and get some exercise with our recreational Badminton. Meet new players and improve your game in this fast paced sport! Bring your own racquets, birdies are provided. Participants set up equipment.
#11606 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 21
1:00 - 3:00 pm
#11607 Fridays
April 14 - June 23
1:30 - 3:30 pm
Lewis Centre Gym
(16 years & over)
Join in and have fun playing this exciting paddle game! Like a mini tennis game, Pickleball is played by 2 or 4 people on a badminton sized court using wood paddle racquets and a plastic style baseball. Spot must be pre-reserved as location is offsite. Registration can be done via phone, in person or online. All levels welcome.
#11609 Tuesdays
April 4 - May 16
#11608 Thursdays
April 6 - May 18
1:15 - 3:15 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
$4/pre-registered drop-in
Court Fees (per person)
Adult Student
DROP-IN (45 min.)
Prime Time $6 $4
Non Prime Time $4 $3
BOOKING CARD (10 uses)
Prime Time $55 $35
Non Prime Time $35 $21
All fees include 5% GST
A great deal for regular court users. Unlimited ½ court bookings.
Annual 6 month
Adult $450 $275
Student $200 $125
PWD $200 $125
Older Adult (55+) $370 $215
Family $925 $585
You must pre-book your squash court by phone 250-338-5371.
Payment is due at the time of booking with Visa/Mastercard or by pre-paid squash booking card.
Prime Time:
Monday to Friday ............... 11:15 am - 1:30 pm & 4:30 - 8:30 pm
Non-Prime Time:
Monday to Friday ............... 6:45 - 11: 15 am & 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Saturday ............................. 9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Sunday................................ 9:00 am - 3:45 pm
For up to date information and schedules, please call our Lewis Centre Office at 250-338-5371 or check online at courtenay.ca/rec
The Comox Valley Squash Club is a mixed gender league that runs on Wednesday evenings. It’s a great way to meet fellow squashers, socialize, and play matches on a weekly basis! Contact us at cvsquashclub@gmail.com or visit the website at ComoxValleySquash.com for more info.
Memberships (includes 5% GST)
$360 $250 $150 $65
$180 $115 $75 $35
Ages 12 & Over
(12 - 15 years with adult 19 years or older or when attendant is on duty). Please call ahead to ensure attendant is present.
Wellness Centre Hours
Monday - Friday 5:30 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm not open on statutory holidays
Services Include: Professional Assistance
Memberships & Punch Cards
Personal Training
Pass Suspensions
Passes may be suspended in advance for a minimum of one month for medical reasons. Passes will be suspended from the date the request is made (in writing) or from the date of a doctor’s certificate.
• Functional Trainers
• Treadmills
• Cross Trainers
• Stair Climber
• Rowing Machine
(Family: minimum one adult & one teen, maximum two adults & up to six teens under 18 years, all living in the same household)
Drop-in & Punch Cards (includes 5% GST)
11 Punches
Adult $6.50 $65
Student $3.50 $35
Evergreen $5.00 $50
PWD $3.50 $35
Memberships & Punch Cards can be purchased in person or online at courtenay.ca/reconline
• Recumbent Bicycles
• Stationary Bicycles
• Strength Machines
• Free Weights
(All ages)
If you’re participating in our programs or using the Wellness Centre, your children are invited to drop in and play.
Monday - Saturday see page 64 for hours
$3/1½ hour drop-in
$3.50/1¾ hour drop-in (ask about other options)
effective April 3, 2023
Schedule may be subject to change. Please check website for most up to date info.
This dynamic suspension training class has it all! You’ll utilize your bodyweight to help improve your balance, develop core strength, cardio, flexibility and total body strength. Your experienced instructor will motivate you, guide you and challenge you with new moves! All levels and abilities welcome.
Instructor: Kim Hamilton
#11656 Tuesdays
April 4 - June 27
4:45 - 5:45 pm
Lewis Activity Room
(55 years & over)
Suspension training is perfect for the older adult allowing user to modify body position, base of support and stability to progress or regress an exercise. Movements on the TRX can stay simple and static or be more dynamic, depending on your own level of comfort. No class April 10 & May 22.
Instructor: Kim Hamilton
#11527 Mondays & Wednesdays
April 3 - June 28
10:30 - 11:30 am
Lewis Activity Room
(55 years & over)
This popular class with Steve is an intermediate level class and is a step up from Simply Strength 1. It offers overall body conditioning, balance and agility, core strengthening and health and wellness education. No class April 10 & May 22.
Instructor: Steve Thomson #11495 Mondays & Wednesdays
April 3 - June 28
9:00 - 10:00 am
Native Sons Grand Hall $216/24
(55 years & over)
Strength training is great for anyone looking to maintain, build and improve their strength, balance and overall well-being. This Wellness Centre class will provide personal instruction with various strength training equipment providing a well-rounded exercise routine with personalized workouts to address your needs. Our qualified instructor will be giving you instruction, support and guidance throughout your sessions in a fun, non intimidating atmosphere. No class April 7, 10 & May 22.
Instructor: Juan Blancas
Mondays & Wednesdays
April 3 - June 28
#11530 12:30 - 1:30 pm
#11531 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays
April 4 - June 29
#11533 12:30 - 1:30 pm
#11532 2:00 - 3:00 pm
#11529 Fridays
April 14 - June 30 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Lewis Wellness Centre
(55 years & over)
This popular class checks off all the boxes! Your workout begins with a moderate level warm up followed by exercises that focus on strengthening, toning and stretching key muscles. A long, relaxing stretch completes class. No class April 10 & May 22. Instructor: Nancy Victoria
#11595 Mondays
April 3 - June 26
Filberg Rotary Hall
#11681 Thursdays
April 6 - June 29
9:00 - 10:00 am
Native Sons Grand Hall
(must pay for drop-in online or at Filberg office prior to class, or present membership/punch card. Limited to purchasing one week at a time).
This women’s only strength class provides a comfortable environment for women of all ages to focus on building strength through resistance training and the use of a variety of equipment. No cardio is involved, but you will work towards developing lean muscle, improving bone strength, increasing flexibility and feeling stronger both physically and mentally.
Instructor: Signi Caine
#11493 Fridays
April 14 - June 30
10:30 - 11:30 am
Lewis Activity Room
(55 years & over)
Exercises will be taught with a variety of equipment to increase balance, range of motion and strength and will help you regain or maintain your ability to climb stairs, get in and out of a chair, and maintain your balance while upright. Dynamic movements are performed with great music to improve cardiovascular performance including gentle stretching. Participants should be able to get up and down from the floor. No class April 10 & May 22.
#11596 Mondays
April 3 - June 26
#11592 Wednesdays
April 5 - June 28
10:30 - 11:30 am
Native Sons Grand Hall
(must pay for drop-in online or at Filberg prior to class, or present membership/punch card. Limited to purchasing one week at a time).
effective April 3, 2023 unless otherwise noted Zumba
Please note: This schedule is subject to change. Classes may be cancelled due to low attendance. Classes are located in the Lewis Centre Activity Room unless otherwise noted.
For fitness schedule before April 3, please check courtenay.ca/rec
Class Levels
Beginner/Intermediate Intermediate/Challenging
Challenging +75 minute class
Children in fitness classes: The City of Courtenay fitness classes are teen and adult oriented. For the safety, comfort and enjoyment of all, children cannot be accommodated in fitness classes. Ask us about childminding hours. See page 64 .
Mondays 9:00 - 10:00 am
STRONG Nation® combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training that is synced to original music and designed to match every single move. Lower intensity options provided and all bodies/ fitness levels are welcome to try it out! Instructor: Alana Hoever
Mondays 12:05 - 12:55 pm
Target those stubborn areas with this strength class that will tighten and tone your arms, legs, glutes and core with targeted movements and cardio.
Instructor: Susan Obieglo
Mondays 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Zumba® Toning combines targeted body-sculpting exercises and high-energy cardio work with Latin-infused Zumba® moves.
Instructor: Milena Spratt
Mondays 7:15 - 8:15 pm
This class will help enhance mobility and flexibility by targeting your deep connective tissue through long, deep holds and leave you with a sense of deep relaxation. Yoga experience is required.
Instructor: Susan Obieglo
Tuesdays 9:00 - 10:00 am
In this fun throwback step class you’ll get a full body, low impact, cardio workout! You can expect a mixture of upbeat, rhythmic stepping, combined with strength movements.
Instructor: Signi Caine
No class April 7, 8, 10, May 20 & 22.
Fitness classes are for 16 years & over except where noted.
Tuesdays 6:15 - 7:15 pm
Join Stacie for a medium to high intensity Latin inspired dance fitness class guaranteed to make you sweat!
Instructor: Stacie Cleveland
Tuesdays 12:05 - 12:55 pm
Yoga Fusion is a blend of yoga poses and other fitness styles like Pilates, strength training, bodyweight exercises and intervals.
Instructor: Susan Obieglo
Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am
Thursdays 9:00 - 10:00 am
You’ll get your butt kicked with a mix of equipment based and bodyweight exercises. This class combines cardio, functional training and conditioning exercises.
Instructor: Steve Thomson
Wednesdays 9:00 - 10:00 am
This Latin infused dance class will burn tons of calories and make you sweat. You will shimmy, shake, and pump your chest!
Instructor: Milena Spratt
Wednesdays 5:15 - 6:15 pm
This class will use various equipment, including the bender ball! Nancy will incorporate pyramid training, then move on to using higher reps with lower weights to get ripped & speed up metabolism.
Instructor: Nancy Victoria
Thursdays 12:05 - 12:55 pm
In this Vinyasa yoga class, you’ll practice poses that are strung together to form one fluid sequence of movement. You’ll leave feeling energized!
Instructor: Susan Obieglo
Wednesdays 12:05 - 12:55 pm
This heart pumping intermediate to high intensity class mixes plyometrics with strength exercises, as you work out to motivating music!
Instructor: Tammy Jones
Thursday 10:30 - 11:30 am
Get happy and fit in this lower intensity dance-style class. Features easy to follow dance moves and fun, upbeat music from around the world. Music includes Latin, International, Bollywood, pop and more. Instructor: Lyla Pettis
Fridays 9:00 - 10:00 am
This circuit training class has it all from strength to cardio to core! You’ll work your way through a variety of fun, dynamic exercises targeting different muscle groups.
Instructor: Michaela Jelen
Fridays 12:05 - 12:55 pm
Beginners to Spin welcome, and seasoned cyclists will be challenged! Class is composed of a warm-up, cardio, cool-down & stretch.
Instructor: Fiona McQuillan
Fridays 5:15 - 6:15 pm
Let’s cycle through the world using music from various countries! You’ll improve your cardiovascular fitness with speed drills and hill climbs. *Ends May 26.
Instructor: Nancy Victoria
Saturdays 9:00 - 10:15 am
This popular Saturday morning class begins with a cycle workout to get the heart pumping, followed by strength and ab training.
Instructor: Luis Acosta
(55 years & over)
This fun, lower impact, chairbased class can be done both in or out of the chair! You’ll be guided carefully through exercises focusing on balance, mobility, range of motion, coordination, flexibility, muscle strength and relaxation. The instructor will offer modifications as needed, as well as, provide support to participants at every turn. All levels welcome!
Instructor: Nancy Victoria
#11587 Tuesdays
April 11 - June 27
9:00 - 10:00 am
#11586 Fridays
April 14 - June 30
9:00 - 10:00 am
Filberg Rotary Hall
(must pay for drop-in online or at Filberg prior to class, or present membership/punch card. Limited to purchasing one week at a time)
Do you have some meditation experience but struggle to integrate it into daily life? Do you find you need accountability for consistent practice? This series of classes, designed to help you reach that next level of mindfulness practice, will support you with your meditation goals. Each class will provide you with guided meditation and presentation of a specific theme that will be our focus for the week. Join a group of like-minded friends dedicated to mindfulness practice, and discover new ways to be truly present in your life. Some experience required.
Instructor: Julie Blais
#11524 Tuesdays
April 4 - May 9
4:15 - 5:15 pm
Lewis Meeting Room $75/6
Athletic Barre has no ballet or yoga moves. The barre is used for balance and posture as in the “Above Barre” classes. However, it incorporates heavier weights, tubing and that little green bender ball to ensure you are activating your core properly. Some power moves are incorporated but options for non-power moves will also be provided. This is an intermediate to challenging class that optimizes your strength. No class May 22.
Instructor: Nancy Victoria
#11526 Mondays
April 17 - June 12
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Lewis Craft Room A $72/8
Do you want to try mindfulness but don’t want to do the sitting practice? Explore walking meditation in a park with a small group and reap the many benefits of spending time in nature. Mindful walking can help with self-regulation, release stress, strengthen concentration and increase happiness. Learn to be in the present moment, expand the awareness of your experience, natural surrounding and relax. Learning instructions will be given periodically. We will often walk in silence at a slower pace then normal walking. No experience required.
Instructor: Julie Blais
#11756 Tuesdays
May 16 - June 6 4:15 - 5:15 pm
Lewis Park Stage $48/4
Build strength, balance and flexibility with safe exercises. Improve your posture, challenge your core strength and emerge feeling more fit as well as more calm after a relaxing stretch. Learn how your breath helps you achieve a great fullbody workout emphasizing functional fitness. With Pilates, a little goes a long way. No experience necessary.
Instructor: Suzy Williamson
#11742 Tuesdays
April 18 - June 20
7:30 - 8:30 pm
Lewis Activity Room
This class starts with foundational core work that eventually progresses into intermediate level work (if suitable). Lower body stretching is added into the mix to create the balance between stability and mobility. Your knowledgeable instructor Steve, is a medical exercise specialist with over 18 years of experience and instruction. No class May 18.
Instructor: Steve Thomson
#11525 Thursdays
April 6 - June 29
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Lewis Activity Room
Feel amazing with a blend of yoga and pilates. Benefits include a stronger core, improved balance, coordination and flexibility, as well as a deeper understanding of how to use your breath and movement to calm your nervous system and increase your well-being. No experience necessary.
Instructor: Suzy Williamson
#11494 Wednesdays
April 12 - June 14
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Lewis Activity Room
Start your week off just right with this slower-paced, lower intensity but challenging practice that will help you truly let go of tension in both body, and mind. This Yin class will help enhance mobility and flexibility by targeting your deep connective tissue through long, deep holds and leave you with a sense of deep relaxation. Yoga experience is required. No class April 7 & May 22.
Instructor: Susan Obieglo
#11758 Mondays
April 3 - June 26
7:15 - 8:15 pm
Lewis Meeting Room
STRONG Nation® combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training that is synced to original music and designed to match every single move. Lower intensity options are provided and all bodies/fitness levels are welcome to come try it out! No class April 10 & May 22. Instructor: Alana Hoever
#11591 Mondays
April 3 - June 26
9:00 - 10:00 am
Lewis Activity Room
(50 years & over)
Minds in Motion® is a fitness and social program for people living with any form of early stage dementia along with a family member, friend or other care partner. The program is offered in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of BC Gentle exercises are followed by social activities designed to be enjoyed in pairs. Care partners must attend. Call (778) 7462017 for more info.
Instructor: Nancy Victoria
#11497 April 19 - May 24
#11496 June 7 - July 12
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Native Sons Lower Level
(55 years & over)
This sequence of gentle postures focuses on increasing mobility of all the joints and improving breath awareness. Each pose is highly adaptable and we move slowly enough to explore variations for every body. This class includes seated, standing and hands & knees poses.
Instructor: Sheron Jutila
April 6 - June 15 10:15 - 11:45 am
Native Sons Grand Hall
(55 years & over)
A blend of styles that includes mostly floor poses (seated, belly, back). A slow moving and calming practice with stretching and easy strengthening. Suitable for those that are slow in getting up and down from the floor, have limited mobility or are looking for a mellow practice. No class April 10 & May
Instructor: Sheron Jutila
April 3 - June 19
2:00 - 3:15 pm
Native Sons Grand Hall
(55 years & over)
This sequence of gentle postures focuses on increasing mobility of all the joints and improving breath awareness. Each pose is highly adaptable and we move slowly enough to explore variations for every body. This chair-adapted class includes sitting and some optional standing poses. No class May 23.
Instructor: Sheron Jutila
#11481 Tuesdays
April 4 - June 13
10:00 - 11:15 am
Native Sons Lower Level
55+ YOGA -
(55 years & over)
A blend of styles (based in Hatha yoga) with a mixture of floor and standing work. Options for increasing challenge and deepening awareness. A mixed level class with a thorough warm-up and poses to improve flexibility, balance, strength, and posture. Previous Hatha yoga or similar experience required.
Instructor: Sheron Jutila
#11482 Fridays
April 14 - June 16
10:00 - 11:30 am
Native Sons Grand Hall
(55 years & over)
For those who cannot get up and down from the floor easily. There’s still a lot of Yoga that can be done in a chair. Special breathing practices, gentle joint movements and muscle strengthening will all take place in this fun class. We also do poses while standing, using the chair for support.
Instructor: Catherine Reid
#11483 Tuesdays
April 4 - June 27
10:30 - 11:30 am
Native Sons Grand Hall
(18 years & over)
This is a chair yoga practice that is accessible to people with all kinds of bodies and it’s not only for people who are older or have mobility issues. With this practice you’ll work on moving joints, improving flexibility and strength and calming your mind and nervous system. This class will be led by a certified yoga therapist.
Instructor: Akiko Shima
#11484 Thursdays
April 27 - June 29
9:30 - 10:30 am
Native Sons Lower level $110/10
Oh no, you had to cancel the class?
Please register at least one week in advance to avoid disappointment.
(50 years & over)
As soon as the weather warms up a bit, us gardeners can’t wait to play in the dirt. But how do you feel the next day? Sore back? Creaky hips? Yoga can help. This class will help prepare your body for the growing season, and teach you ways to tend your body while tending your garden. No class April 10 & May 22.
Instructor: Catherine Reid
#11492 Mondays
April 3 - June 26
5:30 - 6:45 pm
Lewis Meeting Room $138/11
(55 years & over)
You’ve seen the pictures of women in pretzel poses, and you’ve thought, “no Yoga for me, thanks”. This class is just for men over 55 who might be new to Yoga. You’ll work on increasing your flexibility and learn some breathing techniques to help you reduce stress. As the weeks progress, you might find that you’re less prone to injuries at work or during leisure, and that you recover faster from exertion. No class April 10 & May 22.
Instructor: Catherine Reid #11491 Mondays
April 3 - June 26
7:15 - 8:30 pm
Lewis MP Hall A $138/11
This class provides an opportunity to bond with your baby as you regain strength, flexibility and balance while connecting with other moms and sharing your experience. Open to babies six weeks until crawling.
Instructor: Akiko Shima
#11486 Wednesdays
April 26 - June 28
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Lewis Meeting Room
Going through many changes during pregnancy, prenatal yoga will help you to adjust, strengthen, stretch and relax your body. It is a great way to connect to your body, breath, mind and baby. The class will be lead by a certified birth Doula. All levels welcome.
Instructor: Akiko Shima
#11488 Wednesdays
April 26 - June 28
6:30 - 7:45 pm
Lewis Meeting Room
Both of these styles of Yoga are quiet, floor-based practices. Both provide deep benefits to your body and require a willingness to pause and breathe - in stillness. Yin Yoga stimulates harder tissues in the body, and can sometimes create strong sensations for you to navigate, Restorative Yoga is just deeply relaxing. In this series, we will alternative between them: one week will be Yin, the next week will be Restorative - the best of both worlds. Prerequisite: at least one year of yoga experience.
Instructor: Catherine Reid
#11490 Fridays
April 14 - June 23
10:15 - 11:45 am
Native Sons Lower Level $154/11
Juan Blancas Training Specialties:
- Fitness Assessments & Training
- Resistance Training
- Core Activation & Conditioning
- Muscle & Strength Building
Nancy Victoria Training Specialties:
- Women & Weight loss
- Older Adult Fitness
- Resistance Training
- Sports Conditioning
- Functional Conditioning
Private Semi Private (2 people)
1 session $60
3 sessions $165
5 sessions $250
10 sessions $400
15 sessions $525
1 session $90
3 sessions $255
5 sessions $400
10 sessions $600
15 sessions $750
Express Personal Training
$90/3 thirty minute sessions (private only)
Recommended for clients looking to become familiar with weightlifting or with previous experience.
24 hours’ notice prior to your scheduled appointment must be given to cancel your training appointment or you will be charged a full session.
• Improve your overall fitness
• Learn to keep up a routine
• Find the right way to work out
• Learn to efficiently use your time
• Faster and better results
• Establish a lifetime exercise habit
• Overcome plateaus
Tammy Jones Training Specialties:
- TRX & Functional Training
- Older Adult Fitness
- Resistance Training
- Group Fitness
Signi Caine Training Specialties:
- Functional Training
- Resistance Training
- Older Adult Fitness
- Core Conditioning
- Group Fitness
Teen Private
1 session $50
3 sessions $135
5 sessions $200
10 sessions $350
15 sessions $450
Susan Obieglo Training Specialties:
- Weight training
- Posture Analysis
- Functional training
- Older Adult Fitness
- Biomechanical deficiencies
Adam Commandeur Training Specialties:
- Full body transformation
- General Fitness
- Circuit training
- Speed, Agility, Quickness
- Sports specific training
Teen Semi Private
1 session $75
3 sessions $210
5 sessions $325
10 sessions $500
15 sessions $675
10 sessions and over will receive one complimentary 11 punch Wellness Centre pass
The Lewis Wellness Centre is intended for recreational use only. External service providers (coaches, therapists, trainers, etc) are not permitted to conduct their business activities in the Lewis Wellness Centre facility.
Give your staff the gift of wellness. By enrolling, your staff will receive a 15% discount on:
• programs (some restrictions apply)
• Wellness Centre memberships
• squash courts
• outdoor pool admissions
For the low cost of $100 for 100 employees or less, or $250 for 101+ employees.
Please contact Courtenay Recreation for more info.
• All registrations are processed on a first come first serve basis.
• Pre-registration is required for most classes.
• Fees are to be paid in full at the time of registration.
• All memberships start date is the date of purchase, excluding the annual Evergreen Membership.
• Courtenay Recreation reserves the right to make cancellations or changes as necessary.
• G.S.T. will be charged on all programs with participants over the age of 14 and on all field and facility rentals.
Program participants 14 years and under are not subject to tax, with the exception of all drop-in programs. Some exceptions may apply.
• A $20 handling charge will be collected on N.S.F. cheques.
• Please read receipts carefully for information on dates, times, supplies, etc.
Make sure to create your account!
No email registrations accepted.
• A full or pro-rated refund will be given if a class is cancelled, or for medical reasons with a doctor’s note.
• Pro-rated refunds will be provided after the first class, based on the date of notification.
• No refunds will be done online. Refund requests must be made in person or by phone.
• Requests for refunds will be processed with a full refund up to FIVE days before the start of the program. After this time, an administrative fee of $8 will be charged.
• Refunds will not be approved after a program has ended.
• Please allow up to 3 weeks for cheque refunds to be processed.
• Please note there may be exceptions (eg. Cozy Corner Preschool, programs of short duration, workshops, etc.).
• All punch passes, Wellness Centre & Fitness Memberships are non-refundable & non-transferable.
The Evergreen Club is a recreation and leisure program for adults
55+. Call The Florence Filberg Centre to talk with our Evergreen Club staff, ask about an activity or where to view our newsletter. Come find out why our members say that the Evergreen Club is one of the best recreation clubs in Canada. There are many exciting things happening at the Evergreen Club.
• Monthly New Member Welcome Tea
• Over 45 activity clubs
• Day trips and travel opportunities
• Special Events
• Evergreen Lounge & Food Services weekdays
• Discounts on selected City of Courtenay Recreation Programs, Fitness & Wellness Centre
All for just $35 a year! www.evergreenclub.ca Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook.
The Evergreen Club is a program of the Courtenay Recreational Association. Our members come from all over the Comox Valley. Most activities take place at the Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave in Courtenay. For information about the Evergreen Club, email info@evergreenclub.ca or call 250-338-1000
Annual Memberships ($35) can be purchased by phoning the Florence Filberg Centre 250-338-1000 or the Lewis Centre
250-338-5371 or purchased online on the Courtenay Recreation Registration website courtenay.ca/reconline.
Members and non-members are welcome at Evergreen Club events. Watch for details and more events in our monthly Evergreen Club newsletter online or pick up a copy at the Florence Filberg Centre. All events are fundraisers for the Evergreen Club.
Sunday May 14, 2:00 pm
Florence Filberg Centre
This delightful concert on Mother’s Day is sure to please.
Tickets $10 at Florence Filberg
Reception or at the door.
Everyone welcome!
Come enjoy the Evergreen Lounge! Grab dinner for later and stay to enjoy a fresh baked muffin, soup, salads or sandwich for lunch. Delicious hot specials like lasagna, chicken enchiladas and pizza are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays, check our newsletter to see the specials in advance.
Meet up with a friend for a coffee or grab a book or DVD from our lending library. Our kitchen has a dedicated group of volunteers allowing us to offer affordable prices for our members.
Florence Filberg Centre • 250-338-1000
Volunteering at the Evergreen Club is a great way to get involved and meet people and help provide a valuable service to our community. We are always looking for more volunteers so we can continue to offer a variety of clubs, special events and food at affordable prices. The Evergreen Club also welcomes volunteers to start new activity clubs. If you have a favourite activity not listed please let us know and maybe we can get it going!
Hours are flexible to accommodate your busy schedule, and can start at just 2 hours a month. If you would like to learn more, we would love to chat with you.
This multi-use facility features larger spaces for weddings, conferences, seminars and special events. It is located at 411 Anderton Avenue –downtown Courtenay.
Event and Meeting Rooms:
• The Conference Hall is 6,000 square feet and can accomodate such functions as weddings, conferences, resource fairs, dances.
• The Rotary Hall is 3,000 square feet and is ideal for dances, meetings and events.
• The Evergreen Lounge is a large, comfortable meeting space with kitchen access.
• Commercial kitchens on both levels
• Hourly rates available
• Wheelchair accessible
• Ample parking
• Air conditioned
• Audio/Visual equipment & Wifi available
This is the largest free span log building in Canada. Built in 1928 as Courtenay’s original Recreation Centre, it has hosted numerous weddings, dances, concerts, and community events. The Native Sons Hall is located in downtown Courtenay at 360 Cliffe Avenue.
Event and Meeting Rooms:
• The Grand Hall is a 4,400 square foot space for weddings, concerts, dances and more.
• The lower level has the Lodge Room, Dining Room & Parlour Room. These spaces are suitable for meetings, smaller events and programs.
• Commercial Kitchen
• Hourly rates available
• Wheelchair accessible
• Ample parking
Call the Florence Filberg Centre at 250-338-1000
Florence Filberg Centre Office is open for bookings Monday to Friday (8:30 am - 4:00 pm)
Fax: 250-338-0303 Email: filberg@courtenay.ca
Take a Virtual Tour: courtenay.ca/filberg & courtenay.ca/nativesons
Courtenay Recreation coordinates the use of all parks and school playing fields located in the City of Courtenay.
Field Closures: Fields may be closed due to weather conditions. We would appreciate your cooperation in not using the fields during these times.
Courtenay Recreation also books the Artificial Turf Field located at GP Vanier. Please note that only limited spaces are available.
To book a park or play field, call the Lewis Centre at 250-338-5371.
• Arden
• Mark Isfeld
• Lake Trail
• G.P. Vanier
• Valley View
• Huband Park
• Queneesh El.
• Courtenay El.
• Puntledge Park
City Parks:
• Bill Moore Park
• Puntledge Park
• Lewis Park
• Valley View Park
• Martin Park
• Woodcote Park
• Standard Park
• Simms Park
• Courtenay Riverway
Parks crews installed a new bridge for pedestrians on the Courtenay Riverway Trail south of 31st Street in August 2022. This bridge improves the safety and connectivity along the Riverway Trail.
This past fall, the Parks team also began planting around the bridge.
Looking for trails to explore? Try our Interactive Parks Map available at www.courtenay.ca/maps
Bear James Robert Lang Drive
Bill Moore 23rd St. & Kilpatrick
Cooper England off 14th St.
Dogwood Dogwood & Kilpatrick
Galloway 1084 Galloway Cr.
Harmston Harmston & 6th
How to Register:
Online: cumberland.ca/recprograms
By Phone: 250.336.2231
Hours of Operation:
April through May:
Mon-Fri 7:00 am - 9:00 pm Sat & Sun 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
June: Mon-Thu: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Fridays 7:00 am - 4:30 pm Sat & Sun Closed Closed on all statutory holidays
For More Information:
Our website is full of information about facilities, memberships, refunds, park and facility bookings and more. Scan this code to learn more, or visit cumberland. ca/rec.
These rates apply to the fitness studio and most Drop-in Programs (see page 121). Note that programs included with membership are subject to change.
Early Years Child/Youth Adult Senior Ages
Children 12 and under are not permitted in the fitness studio; teens 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Nerf blasters, wall climbing, bounce castles and more! Book online or call for info.
Gymnasium Parties $90 Add a bounce castle for $160 Available Fridays 3:00-5:00 pm
Climbing Parties $190
Includes all gear and two belayers Available Saturdays 9:30-11:30am
Qualifying families can receive financial assistance for registered programs and drop-in admissions through the Village’s FAIR program and the regional LEAP program. For full details, scan this QR code, call 250.336.2231 or email recreation@ cumberland.ca.
0 - 6 years • Gymnasium
Meet new friends and enjoy some fun, unstructured play with climbers, rideon toys & more! Self-supervised; by donation. Suggested donation is $2, but what you pay is entirely up to you.
Apr 11 - Jun 29
Tue & Thu 10:30am - 12:00pm
1 - 6 years with parent • Gymnasium
Fun-filled playtime for parent & tot on our beams, ropes and rings. Once series registration closes, individual class registration may be available for $10 each if space allows.
Instructors: Sabrina & Rikki
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Apr 17 - Jun 26: $120/10 #8662
3 - 6 years • Gymnasium
A fun gymnastics mix that includes games and fundamentals like juming, rolling, vaulting and climbing. Learn to move safely and efficiently while having a tonne of fun!
Instructor: Sabrina & Rikki
12:45-2:00 pm, Mondays or Thursdays
Mon: Apr 17 - Jun 26: $140/10 #8663
Thu: Apr 13 - Jun 22: $154/11 #8763
7-14 yrs • Rec Centre Kitchen
Presented by LUSH Valley
Your future master chef will learn basic cooking and baking skills in this fun-forward class led by LUSH Valley’s professional chef. We’ll eat what we prepare, so bring an appetite and a container for leftovers! To inquire about financial assistance, please email admin@lushvalley.org.
Tuesdays, 3:30 - 6:00pm
Apr 11 - May 2: $75/4 #8744
May 9 - May 30: $75/4 #8745
7-12 yrs • Buchanan Hall
Art is about imagining new possibilities and experimenting with materials to find new ways of expressing our unique voices. We’ll take inspiration from different Vancouver Island artists and create our own experiments with drawing materials, mixed media, printmaking, painting, sculpture and socially engaged practices. Includes 2:45 pm pick-up from CCS.
Instructor: Christina Jones
Ages 6-9: Mon, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Apr 17 - Jun 12: $200/8 #8751
Ages 8-11: Tue, 3:00-5:00 pm:
Apr 18 - Jun 6: $200/8 #8749
4+ • Buchanan Hall
Learn Taekwondo skills such as kicking, blocking, self-defense & Olympic sparring in a respectful environment.
Instructor: Paul Sitko, 5th Dan Master
Mondays & Wednesdays
Little Dragon 4-8 yrs, 6:30-7:00 pm
Apr 12 - May 17: $70/10 #8655
May 24 - Jun 28: $77/11 #8656
Red Dragon ages 9+, 7:00-8:30 pm
Apr 12 - May 17: $80/10 #8657
May 24 - Jun 28 : $88/11 #8658
No class May 1 & May 22
6-12 yrs • No. 6 Mine Park & forest
Girls Get Outside is specifically targeted toward female-identifying participants. Build confidence, empowerment and a spirit of adventure! Includes 2:45 pm pick up at CCS.
Instructor: Renée Baron
Tuesdays, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Apr 18 - Jun 27 : $165/11 #8661
5 - 7 years • Gymnasium
An afterschool version of our most popular gymnastics program. Jump, vault, and frolic in this dynamic, action-packed and super-fun class! Includes 2:45 pm pick-up from CCS.
Instructors: Sabrina & Rikki
Mondays 3:00-4:00 pm
Apr 17 - Jun 26: $110/11 #8664
11-16 yrs • Various locations
Extreme Rec Night is back! Get in on the fun with activities like archery tag, dodgeball, climbing and swimming at various Comox Valley locations. Snacks and transportation from the LINC are included. Part of BC Youth Week Festivities.
Friday,. May 5, 3:30-10:30 pm
Just $10! See p. 84 for details and registration info.
All climbing programs are supervised by Julian Blackhall and/or Tom Bailey, both ACMG-certified top-rope climbing Instructors. Registered climbing programs include all gear.
Apr 1 - May 31
Gymnasium Climbing Wall
Try some routes on our recently improved indoor climbing wall, with staff available to belay if needed. The rest of the gymnasium is available for open gym on Fridays and Saturdays, so bring the family!
Tuesdays 4:00 - 6:15 pm
Fridays 5:00 - 7:00 pm; ends May 26
Saturdays 12:30-4:15 pm; ends May 6
Child/Youth Drop-in: $4.00
Adult Drop In: $6.00
Senior Drop In: $5.00
Members: FREE
Gear rental: $2.00 (free for members)
No climbing Apr 21 or May 5
8-14 yrs • Gymnasium
This program teaches young climbers and belayers climbing techniques, belaying, safety procedures and more, under the tutelage of an experienced climbing instructor. No experience necessary.
Thursdays, 4:30 - 5:45 pm
April 13 - Jun 22 $143/11 #8741
5-8 yrs • Gymnasium
Everything you love about Junior Climbers, plus time on the rings, rope and bars to develop the strength and balance required to be a successful climber. Includes 2:45 pm pickup from Cumberland Community School.
Instructors: Julian, Tom & Rikki
Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm:
Apr 11 - Jun 27 $168/12 #8739
Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm:
Apr 13 - Jun 22 $154/11 #8752
12-18yrs • Comox Lake
Advance your climbing skills or begin a new challenge with this outdoor youth climbing club. The program covers outdoor climbing techniques, belaying and rope work, safety, the Climbers Code of Respect and more. A perfect opportunity for young climbers to discover the adventures of climbing the crags at Comox Lake! Participants should bring climbing shoes, helmet, harness and hiking shoes, as well as clothes for the elements. A limited number of of helmets, harnesses and shoes are available to borrow.
Wednesdays 4:30 - 7:00 pm
May 17 - Jun 28 $161/7 #8736
16+ • Comox Lake
All experience levels are welcome at these fun outdoor climbing sessions at the Comox Lake bluffs. Come out every Saturday or just a few and meet likeminded people while exploring great local climbing spots. Bring your shoes, harness and helmet; all other gear is provided. (If you need to borrow gear, please email recreation@cumberland.ca prior to noon on the Thursday before your session.)
Saturdays 12:30-3:30 pm
May 27 - Jun 24 $25/day FR#8762
Camp registration opened Feb 14
6-10 yrs • Moncrief Hall
Explore what art can do! Through sketching expeditions, mural walks and local hero artist encounters, our hands-on art experiments will focus on process over product with a wide range of materials and ideas. At the end of the week, we’ll share our art in our Tiny Pencil Art Show!
Instructor: Christina Jones
Mar 27-31; $165
Ages 6-9; 8:30 am - 12:00 pm #8760
Ages 8-11; 12:30-4:00 pm #8761
3-6 yrs • Gymnasium
Jumping, swinging, rolling, vaulting, balancing, climbing and all of your other favourites from our most popular tots’ gymnastics program.
Instructor: Sabrina Savage
Apr 3-6, 1-4pm: $112 #8758
3-6 yrs • Gymnasium
Ready for adventure? We’ll explore the forest, play games, make friends and have a blast in this camp specifically designed for active and inquisitive preschoolers!
Instructors: Rikki & Sabrina
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Mar 27-31: $130 #8756
Apr 3-6: $104 #8757
5-10 years • Cultural Centre
The best of the natural bounty and creative energy of our Village! Enjoy activities designed to challenge and inspire, like active games, scavenger hunts, art experiments and more. Various instructors
Mar 27-31, 9am-3pm: $195 #8755
Apr 3-6, 9am-4pm: $180 #8764
Regular admission rates apply; see page 118 for details. Drop-in programs run Apr 1 to June 30 unless noted otherwise (closed on holidays).
Gymnasium • These fun-forward dropin games are open to all genders and abilities. Pre-registration is highly recommended for the Monday night 16+ sessions (not available for the Wednesday youth sessions). Please note that LEAP passes cannot be used for 16+ basketball, but FAIR credits can. (See p. 118 for details.)
16+: Mon, 6:00-8:45 pm FR#8654
Youth 9-16 yrs: Wed, 2:45-5:30 pm
No Basketball Apr 10, May 17 & May 22
12+ • Gymnasium • Drop in for a fun, fast and social game of pickleball. Four courts with up to five players per court.
Apr 12 - Jun 28
Mon, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Wed & Fri, 8:00 - 10:30 am
Intermediate & Advanced: Wed & Fri, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
All levels:
Wed & Fri, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
No pickleball Mar 27- Apr 7
Gymnasium • Canada’s most iconic sport, sans ice. Facilitated by Youth Unlimited (Christian group) with optional chat on values at half time.
Apr 13 - Jun 29
5-11 yrs: Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 pm
12-18 yrs: Thursdays 7:45-8:45 pm No floor hockey during spring break
6-16 yrs • Gymnasium • Bring your blaster or use one of ours, set up the mats as shields and let the battle begin! We provide Elite & Rival Nerf rounds. Volunteer facilitated; $4/child Sundays, 3:00-4:15 pm; Apr 9 - May 28 No Nerf May 21
All ages • Gymnasium • Come kick it with us old school! Roller skates and protective gear are not provided and helmets are strongly recommended. Friday evenings are facilitated by members of the Brick House Betties. This is a Drop-in program. Pre-registration is not available.
Tuesdays, 1:00-2:00 pm
Apr 11 - Jun 27
Select Fridays, 7:15-8:45 pm; Apr 14 & 28, May 5, 19 & 26
Gymnasium • Our gym is open for self-supervised basketball, floor hockey, soccer, badminton, free play and more.
Youth 9-15yrs:
Sun 12:15 - 2:45 pm; ends May 28
All Ages (half gym):
Fri, 5:45- 7:00 pm; ends May 26 Sat, 12:30-4:15 pm; ends May 27
All Ages (full gym):
Tue 6:30 - 8:45 pm; starts Apr 25
No open gym Apr 21 or May 13, 20 & 21
Moncrief Hall • Play with members of the Cumberland Table Tennis Club or practice your skills with our table tennis robot. Facilitator: Adam Kuzma
Youth: Fridays, 4:00-5:30 pm
All Welcome: Wednesdays 2:00-5:00 pm
Fridays, 5:30-9:00 pm
Sundays, 1:30-4:30 pm
No youth or Wednesday sessions during spring break Mar 27 - Apr 7
Squash Courts • Our courts are open during regular facility hours; call 250.336.2231 to reserve a spot. Balls and rental raquets available if needed.
14+ • Buchanan Hall
A balanced practice of breath, body and mind to strengthen and stabilize the body while replenishing the soul.
Instructor: Christina Roersma
Mondays, 12:05 - 12:55 pm
April 17 - Jun 26: $81/9 FR#8672
No class May 1 & May 22
14+ • Buchanan Hall
The following classes (except Stretch & Strength) are just $5 each or free with membership (see p. 118 for details). Please pre-register for all classes.
50+ • Moncrief Hall
A balanced workout that combines functional training, balance and strength work. This class can be tailored to your level and ability, from a moderate workout with modifications as needed, to a variety of more challenging exercises for fit older adults looking to stay active and have fun.
Instructor: Janice Bradford
Mon, Wed & Fri, 8:45-9:45 am
Apr 12 - Jun 20
50+ • Moncrief Hall
50+ • Moncrief Hall
This well-rounded beginner class will have you moving with a variety of dance styles and music, from pop, to country, to rumba. The holistic approach begins with a few stretches, moves on to dance rountines and ends with chi movements to balance body and mind. With easy-to-follow moves, line dancing improves concentration, memory and vitality.
Instructor: Nimisha Jimenez
Thursdays, 10:30-11:45 am:
Apr 13 - Jun 29
A slower practice focusing on stretching, mobility and functional movement. Prevent injuries, promote flexibility and achieve the most from your body! Great for all experience levels.
Instructor: Christina Roersma
Saturdays, 9:30 - 10:30 am
Apr 8 - May 27: $63/7 FR#8750
No class May 13
14+ • Buchanan Hall
A gentle class great for people with limited mobility, those recovering from injury, or those simply looking for a calm practice. All body types welcome.
Instructor: Christina Roersma
Tuesdays, 8:45 - 9:45 am
Apr 11 - May 16: $54/6 FR#8670
May 23 - Jun 27: $54/6 FR#8671
50+ • Buchanan Hall
This class focuses on strengthening everyday movements to improve everyday function. Benefits of the TRX suspension trainer includes stability and scalability, allowing you to tailor each exercise to your own personal fitness and/or comfort level.
Instructor: Ally Greer
Mon & Wed, 10:45-11:45 am
Apr 12 - Jun 28
50 years & up • Moncrief Hall
Build your strength through resistance training before finishing off with a long set of stretching to encourage flexibility and recovery.
Instructor: Laurie Baird
Adults: $4/class; Seniors: $3/class
Members: free
Tue & Thu, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Apr 4 - Jun 29
Enjoy the company of friends and neighbours along with a complimentary tea or coffee, plus activities like Mahjong, cards book club and wellness activities. For details on what’s upcoming, visit cumberland.ca/social-club.
Tuesdays 10:00 am -12:30 pm
Fridays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Adults: $4; Seniors: $3
Members: free
Exception Dates: June 9 & 16
16+ • Moncrief Hall
Join Ally for a solid workout designed to build cardio, endurance & strength. This is an intermediate-level workout that can be scaled up or down to meet your fitness needs.
Instructor: Ally Greer
Mon, 5:30-6:30 pm:
Apr 17 - May 15: $45/5 FR#8725
May 29 - Jun 26: $45/5 FR #8726
Wed, 5:30-6:30 pm:
Apr 12 - May 17: $54/6 FR#8727
May 24 - Jun 28: $54/6 FR #8728
16+ • Gymnasium
Ally’s same Strength & Endurance class that you love (see above), plus toys and supervision for your preschoolers. Tots play in one half of the gym while you work out in the other. $2/child is payable at reception.
Tue, 9:15-10:15 am:
Apr 11 - May 16: $54/6 FR#8721
May 23 - Jun 17: $54/6 FR #8722
Thu, 9:15-10:15 am:
Apr 13 - May 18: $54/6 FR#8723
May 25 - Jun 29: $54/6 FR#8724
16+ • Gymnasium
You don’t have to be fit to move; you have to move to be fit. MovNat is a school of physical competence for real-world settings that aims to equip you with the movement skills, physiological preparedness (strength & conditioning) and mindset necessary for practical, adaptable performance – both fundamental and high-level.
Instructor: Josh Davis
Wednesdays, 5:45-6:45 pm
Apr 5 - Jun 28: $99/11 #8737
No class May 31 & Jun 7
16+ • Gymnasium
Get ready to increase your power, strength and endurance with this dynamic total-body TRX class. Ally combines suspension strength training, cardio-intensive intervals and serious core challenges for a mix of gravity resistance and power building that may just be the ultimate workout!
Instructor: Ally Greer
Tuesdays, 5:15-6:15 pm
Apr 11 - May 16: $54/6 FR#8719
May 23 - Jun 27: $54/6 FR#8720
16+ Moncrief Hall
Beat the afternoon doldrums by kicking up the cardio and pumping a little iron in this bite-sized, high-intenisty class. In just 40 minutes, you’ll be ready to face the rest of your day feeling alert, refreshed and stronger than ever!
Instructor: Ally Greer
Wednesdays, 12:10 - 12:50 pm
Apr 12 - Jun 28: $84/12 FR#8748
16+ • Moncrief Hall
Intense spins combined with floor exercises that will improve your strength, boost your fitness and deliver a fun, challenging workout every time. Find out why Paul’s classes have been a local favourite for more than a decade!
Instructor: Paul Purin
Tuesdays, 5:15 - 6:15 pm
Apr 4 - Jun 17: $117/13 FR#8668
16+ • Moncrief Hall
This high-intensity class is focused on endurance and strength and will have you feeling fit and fabulous and ready for Summer.
Instructor: Kim Royer
Mondays, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Apr 3 - May 15: $54/6 FR#8679
No class Apr 10
16+ • Moncrief Hall
A hard spin combined with core-building floor exercises delivered in a highly motivating, fun-forward group environment. Great for all-around fitness! Instructor: Kim Royer
Wed, 7:00-8:00 pm
Apr 5 - May 17: $63/7 FR#8680
16+ • Moncrief Hall
Spin Cross is a high-intensity workout that incorporates spinning alongside strength and endurance training. Each class features a different combination of spinning and floor exercises that’s sure to hurt so good!
Instructor: Ally Greer
Thursdays, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Apr 13 - Jun 22: $99/11 FR#8676
KidSport™ Comox Valley KidSport provides support to children to remove the financial barriers of playing organized sports. For application forms and guidelines visit: kidsportcanada.ca phone 250-334-9294 comoxvalleykidsport@kidsportcanada.ca
FREE prenatal classes are available at Public Health to pregnant women and their support people. Classes are offered as a series starting early in your pregnancy. Register at 250-3318562 as soon as you know you are pregnant. For info or to register with Public Health’s Right from the Start program go to viha.ca/children.
Low cost recreation opportunities are available for Comox residents on limited income. Application forms are available at comox.ca/accessible.recreation or call the Community Centre at 250-339-2255 for more information. Qualified applicants receive $250/per year towards a 50% discount on eligible programs and Fitness Studio memberships.
The PLAY program offers financial assistance to qualifying residents who would like to participate in CVRD recreational activities. Includes access to drop-in and registered programs. Please call 250-334-9622 or visit comoxvalleyrd.ca/rec for more information.
189 Port Augusta Sea Cadets (12 - 18 years) Learn Leadership, Citizenship, Communications, Sailing, Seamanship, Boat Operator, Rope work, Marksmanship, First Aid, Sporting Activities, Band, Marching Drills, and more (in partnership with Navy League of Canada and DND). FMI: 189portaugusta@gmail.com or commandingofficer@portaugusta.ca or Phone: 250-339-8211 ext.3606 www.189portaugusta.ca
New Discoveries Parent & Child Learning Centre
Discover programs for parents and children: Home with a Heart, Boundaries and Triple P, Little Chef, Messy Art and Drop-in Lunch and Craft. Call 250-338-6200 for info.
We provide healthy lifestyle opportunities to residents of the City of Courtenay who live below Statistics Canada low income thresholds. How to apply? Recreation Access application forms are available at courtenay.ca/forms. For more information call 250-338-5371 or 250-338-1000
Canadian Tire JumpStart
Parents in financial need looking to get their kids involved in physical activity programs are encouraged to ask about funding assistance. Funding may offset registration fees, equipment, and transportation costs. jumpstart.canadiantire.ca
Traditional Scouting will take your family outdoors! Hiking! Knots! Citizenship! Nature Lore! Campfires! And more! $55/year registration
Otters (5 - 8 yrs) - Tuesdays
Timberwolves (8 - 11 yrs) - Wednesdays
19 Seal Bay Traditional Scouting Group bpsa-bc.ca Mission Hill/Seal Bay Area
barbkenney18@gmail.com 250-941-8874
Local recreation departments are now providing the LEAP program for youth up to 18 years from low-income families. Youth will receive a 52-punch card for each municipality’s drop-in programs. Apply at your local recreation centre.
The FAIR program offers qualifying adults the choice of 50 free admissions or a half price membership. Successful applicants are also automatically enrolled in the CVRD’s PLAY program. For details, call 250.336.2231 or visit www.cumberland.ca/rec-financial-assistance.
If you would like to promote or change your free/low cost service, please call 250-338-5371 and refer to this page!
VOLUNTEERING . . . a FUN and Healthy Lifestyle. Volunteers needed for pre-school and children’s programs, The LINC Youth Centre, Special Events and Adapted Programs.
Requirements: Enthusiasm, interest in helping the community, creativity is a bonus. A clean Criminal Record Check (all persons aged 18+). Vounteer schedules are flexible. No minimum required. www.courtenay.ca/rec
Call 250-338-5371
Looking for an inclusive, social and fun volunteer experience? Our ReStore and Build sites welcome people of all abilities. If you want to challenge yourself and learn new and empowering skills, Habitat is the place to be! If you are 16+ and want to help build community, please reach out at volunteercv@habitatnorthisland.com. Training provided. Learn more at habitatnorthisland. com.
The Salvation Army Volunteer with us today!
Join our team at The Salvation Army to bring hope where there is hardship. Help us meet holistic needs and be a transforming influence!
Call Captain Kevin to volunteer (250) 338-8221 because, Everyone Needs An Army. www.comoxvalleysa.ca
MARS Wildlife Rescue Centre needs volunteers to tranport animals, help with patient care, small construction projects, work in our gift shop, gardening, special events and telling the story of our patients in the visitor centre.
Visit marswildliferescue.com
In-School Mentors wanted in the Comox Valley. Can you commit to helping an elementary school student for one hour/week, during school hours, through the school year? Mentoring makes a big difference in a child’s life! No experience necessary, training provided. Contact Candace for more information at comox.valley@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca or 778-404-3125.
More than just gardeners are needed at The Gardens on Anderton. We need people to host visitors, help in our gift/snack shop, assist with entry to concerts and more all in a beautiful garden setting. For more information e-mail: thegardensonanderton@gmail.com, check our website: www.gardensonanderton.org or visit in person: 2012 Anderton Rd (behind Anderton Nursery).
Adult Learning Centre
Creative Employment Access Society/Job Shop
Advocacy Society - Marnie
Amnesty International
CV Community Church The Salvation Army 250-338-8221
CV Presbyterian Church 250-339-2882
CV Unitarian Society 250-890-9262
Comox Community Baptist 250-339-0224
Comox United Church......................250-207-5650
Shepherd of the Valley
Lutheran ELCIC 250-334-0616
Al-Anon - Rene 250-334-2392 Jan 250-338-2947
Alcoholics Anonymous 250-338-8042
Canadian Cancer Society 250-338-5454
CV Hard of Hearing hearinglosscomoxvalley.ca
CV Mental Health & Addictions Services 250-331-8524
CV Hospice Society
(Info. & bereavement support) 250-339-5533
CV Nursing Centre 250-331-8502
Canadian Mental Health Association
Courtenay Branch
Chamber of Commerce Comox Valley
Community Based Victim’s Services
Sexual Assault Services (Local 224)
Domestic Violence Services (Local 226)
Comox Valley Family Services
CV Pregnancy Care Centre
Dog Clubs
CV Kennel Club (1990) - Frank 250-331-0185
Forbidden Plateau Obedience & Tracking Club -Margot 250-338-4792
CV Growers & Seed Savers Society cvgss.org
CV Stroke Recovery Branch 250-890-0711
CV Head Injury Society 250-334-9225
CV Ostomy Support Group 250-871-4778
Overeaters Anonymous .oa.org
Options for Sexual Health 250-331-8572
Red Cross
(Health Equipment Loans) 250-334-1557
AIDS Vancouver Island - Sarah 250-338-7400
CV Military Family Resource Centre
CV Multicultural & Immigrant Support Society
CV Project Watershed
CV Transition Society
Vancouver Island Crisis Line
- Crisis Line
- Office
Fallen Alders Community Hall...250-339-9299
Fanny Bay Community Hall
- Vanessa
Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park Association
Filberg Gift Shop..................................250-941-4417
Food Security Hub
Help Line for Children Zenith 1234
Immigrant Welcome Ctr
Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation .........jdrf.ca
Keystone Artists Market-Leah
Kid Start - John Howard Society NI
Wendy 250-338-7341 ext 335
Kitty Cat P.A.L. Society kittycatpals.com
Lilli House 24 hr Crisis Line
MARS Wildlife Rescue & Visitor Centre
St. John Ambulance
The Salvation Army - Family Services
- Thrift Stores
Today n’ Tomorrow Young
Parent Program
Therapeutic Riding Association
Transition Town CV transitiontowncv.org
United Way (Comox Valley) 250-338-1151
VI Regional Library Courtenay
VI Visitor Centre info@investcomoxvalley.com
Y.A.N.A. 250-871-0343
CV Horticultural Society comoxvalleyhortsociety.ca
N.I. Rhododendron Soc................nirsrhodos.ca
Public Speaking
CV Toastmasters - Sylvain 250-338-1431
Komoux Toastmasters-Gaynor 250-334-3664
60 Minute Toastmasters
- Maggie Komar 250-941-7500
Beekeepers Association - Urs 250-337-8858
Camera Club - Lin Auerbach 250-703-2850
CV Classic Cruisers - Richard 250-338-9540
CV Genealogy Group info@cvgenealogygroup.org
Newcomers Club CVnewcomers.net
Orca Probus Club - Patrick 250-338-8728
Radio Control Aeronautics Assoc.
- Frank 250-337-5320
Taoist Tai Chi Society - Sean 250-702-4811
CV Ukrainian Cultural Society
- Sharon McEwan 250-871-3899
Vancouver Island Paleontology
- Betty 250-339-7372
Comox Senior Centre 250-339-5133
CV Care & Compassion Club......250-465-8714
CV Eldercollege 250-334-5000 ext 4602
d’Esterre Comox Seniors Centre ....................... comoxseniors.ca
Evergreen Senior’s Club 250-338-1000 Comox Valley Senior Support Society seniorpeercounselling@shaw.ca
Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) - Jane.... ......250-897-9279
Therapeutic Riding Association 250-338-1968
Public Health Nursing 250-338-1711
Wheels for Wellness Society 250-338-0196
Amateur Radio Club- Glen 250-336-8205
Comox Legion - Br.160 - Cyndy 250-339-2022
Courtenay Legion - Branch 17 250-334-4322
Cumberland Legion - Br. 28 250-336-2361
CV Kinsmen Club - Jim Lilac 250-334-9444
CV Lions Club 250-339-6232
Royston Cumberland Lions Club 250-400-5415
CV Monarch Lions Club e-clubhouse.org/sites/comoxvm
Elks Club #60 250-334-2512
Kiwanis Club - Courtenay - Bill 250-703-2222
Knights of Columbus - Rodger 250-339-1176
IODE Laura Gordon Chapter - Louisa 250-338-1162
Rotary Club of Comox - Victor 250-338-3740
Soroptomist Club of Courtenay - Sandra Longland 250-941-1013
Strathcona Sunrise Rotary Club - Keith 250-897-5055
Cumberlands Victoria Day Celebrations.. cumberlandeventssociety@gmail.com
CV Exhibition
Filberg Festival .....filbergfestival.com
This directory is provided as a community service. Groups listed are responsible for updating their own information by contacting us at 250-338-5371 with any changes. New listings will be added space permitting.
CV Sports & Social Club - Scott
CV Aquatic Club (Sharks)
Other Chimo Gymnastics
CV Orcas Synchronized Swim Club cvorcas@gmail.com
CV Minor Baseball cvba.ca
CV Minor Softball cvba.ca
Courtenay Lawnbowling Club courtenaylbc.com
CV Cougars Track & Field Club .comoxcougars.org
CV Curling Centre 250-334-4712
CV Disc Golf Club cvdiscgolf.com
CV Pickleball Assoc. ..........cvpickleball.ca
CV Road Runners ..........cvrr.ca
CV Field Hockey cvlfha@gmail.com
CV Horseshoe Club - Wayne 250-207-1555
Argentine Tango
Ocean Waves Square Dance Club
Scottish Country Dance - Heather 250-338-9060
Dolyna Ukranian Dancers - Karen 250-339-0793 or cvdolynadancers@gmail.com
West Coast Swing Collective 250-338-8986
Comox Valley Art Gallery 250-338-6211
CV Slo Pitch League - Mike
Island Charity Wrestling - Tim 250-792-3332
250-792-1807 Softball BC Rep - Gord 250-338-7935
CV Youth Basketball Assoc.
- Anthony Edwards
Wheelchair Basketball - Stephane .............. cvwssdocs@gmail.com
Ice Sports
CV Glacier Kings Jr. Hockey - Iris
CV Minor Hockey..simonmorgan360@gmail.com
CV Ringette - Haley...........................250-334-6632
CV Skating Club cvskatingclub.ca
Women’s Ice Hockey Teresa - Breakers.....................250-702-1614
Martial Arts
VI Karate Society - Jacquie
Courtenay Shito-Ryu Karate - Todd
CV Karate Club - Brenda
CV Kung Fu Academy
Pacific Coast Karate School
The Academy of Martial Arts & Fitness
Racquet Sports
CV Tennis Club - Pat McGrath mcgrathpm@shaw.ca
Courtenay Sr. Badminton Club
- Daryl Bissell.............................250-339-3383
CV Squash Club - Jayson Feurstenberg .....................................jayson@fuerstenberg.ca
JumpCamp .........jumpcamp.com
Mt Washington Ski Club
John Trimmer (head coach)
Mt Washington Volunteer Ski Patrol
Tim Baker
Killerwhale/Lake Trail Olympic Weightlifting - Ed Lafleur edlfler@icloud.com
Minor Lacrosse Association, CV Wild comoxlacrosse.ca
Roller Derby...............................brickhousebetties.ca
Junior Roller Derby...............stonecoldstellas.com
Rugby - Kicker’s Club
- Aimee Eurley..........................250-703-6677 Special Olympics, CV - Randy.....250-897-1828
Canadian Power & Sail Squadron
- Curt 250-339-1964
Comox Bay Sailing Club..comoxbaysailingclub.ca
Compass Adventures compassadventure.ca
Dragon Boat Society (Blazing Paddles)
- Erica Roy. 250-703-0707
Dragon Boat Team (Dragon Rider Youth Team)..................- Peter.................250-339-7600
Dragon Boat Team - Hope Afloat (Women Cancer Survivors)- Glenda Wilson......250-339-3598
Dragon Boat Team (Dragonflies)
- Colleen....................................250-334-3676
Dragon Boat Team (Prevailing Wins)
- Leon.........................................250-339-5772
Dragon Boat Team (Flying Dragons Ladies)
- Judy 250-339-4824
Comox Valley Canoe Racing Club................. cvcanoeracing.ca
CV Rowing Club............comoxvalleyrowingclub.ca
Comox Valley Yacht Club............................... .........comoxvalleyyachtclub.com
Comox Valley Paddlers Club - Monica....................................250-339-2950
Coal Hills BMX...........................coalhillsbmx.com
Comox District Mountaineering (Hiking) Club - Ken Rodonets............. 250-871-1245
Comox Valley Concert Band
- Howard ................................... 250-941-1598
CV Children’s Choir
CV Clown Club 250-650-0582
CV Potters Club - Laurie ............ 250-339-4229
Courtenay Little Theatre - Gail...250-334-3494
Comox Valley Arts 250-334-2983
CV Pipe Band Society - Bill..........250-339-6444
Co-Val Chorister - Beryl Regier...250-339-4429
CYMC/CV Youth Music Centre cymc.ca
Fiddlejam - Craig Freeman 250-339-4249
Hello Strings - Helena Jung
................250-898-1132 or gohellostrings@gmail.com
Island Voices Chamber Choir...................... islandvoiceschamberchoir.bc.ca
Letz Sing Community Choir
-Tina 250-923-7709
North Island Choral Soc.- Mary 250-338-5077
North Island Music Teachers Association
- Ginny Lawrie 250-338-9464
Pearl Ellis Gallery ........................ 250-339-2822
Rainbow Youth Theatre ....rainbowtheatre.com
Strathcona Symphony Orchestra
Theatreworks - Kim 250-792-2031
Vancouver Island Music Fest
- Megan
Strathcona Nordics Cross Country
Angela Nadle info@strathconanordics.com
Vancouver Island Society for Adaptive Snowsports .........visasweb.ca
CV Masters - Phil
Women’s Soccer - Lisa
Youth Soccer - Cheri 250-334-0422
Community Groups
CV Ground Search & Rescue.......250-334-3211
CV Naturalists Society -Robin ....250-339-4754
Comox Golf Club..........................250-339-4444
Courtenay Fish & Game Protective Association 250-338-9122
Fanny Bay Salmonid Enhancement Society ...................................................250-335-1575
Tribune Bay Outdoor Ed. Centre...250-335-0080
Horne Lake....................................250-248-7829
WildSpirit - Bruce Carron.............250-338-8431
Scouting CV Girl Guides.............cvdistrict.ggc@gmail.com
Scouting Inquiries - Chris 250-339-2424
Air Cadets - 386 Squadron.........250-339-9198
Army Cadets - .................250-339-8211 ext 7995
H.M.C.S. Quadra..........................250-339-8211
St John Ambulance - Cadet Brigade..250-897-1098
Boys and Girls Club.....................250-338-7582
Dragon Boating Youth Team
(Dragon Riders)....... cvdragonriders@gmail.com
CV German Language School
CV Girls Group - Wendy..............250-897-5568
Nature Kids comox@naturekidsbc.ca
CV Waldorf School - Maurissa....250-871-7777
New for 2023: The Leisure for Everyone Accessibility Program (LEAP) provides eligible Comox Valley residents with 52 FREE drop-ins to each municipal recreation department. Application forms for all regional financial assistance programs (see below) have been combined into one simple form that you can use to apply for LEAP and your home community’s program in a single step. Apply by visiting your local recreation department in person or online or call one of the numbers below.
All residents of Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland and Areas A, B, C of the Comox Valley Regional District are eligible for the CVRD LEAP program - 52 free admissions per year, per family member at the CVRD Sports and Aquatic Centres. Plus 1 free registered program and 4 programs at 50% off per calendar year per family member.
COMOX RECREATION’S Inclusion Program (TRIP) 250-339-2255
TRIP financial assistance is awarded to eligible Town of Comox residents and can be used for a 50% discount towards registered, non-contract programs and Fitness Studio memberships. Financial Assistance amount is awarded per person, per calendar year and can be used online, in person or over the phone for registrations and memberships.
COURTENAY RECREATION’S Recreation Access Program 250-338-5371
City of Courtenay Residents are eligible for the Recreation Access Program (RAC) - scan cards and program discounts can be used at the Lewis Centre, Florence Filberg Centre, Courtenay Outdoor Pool and LINC Youth Centre. RAC program includes annual scholarship amount to be used towards discounted programs and services, and the LEAP 52 free drop-in card.
comox.ca/recreation courtenay.ca/rec
The Financial Assistance in Recreation (FAIR) program gives qualifying Village of Cumberland residents a $350 credit that can be used toward a 50% discount on registered programs. Credit is valid for the calendar year.
Find your recreation mojo at the award winning Comox Community Centre: fitness, gymnastics, children’s programs and more. Register online at comox.ca/recreation
Swimming, skating, fitness and wellness! We offer drop-in fitness opportunities, registered programs and fun leisure and sports activities throughout the year at the CVRD Sports and Aquatic Centres and the Exhibition Grounds.
We offer programs and special events for all ages. Classes include art, music, martial arts, sports, yoga, drumming, dance, and more. Also featured are drop-in fitness, squash & workouts. Please note schedules and activites are subject to change. Please watch the City of Courtenay website for any updates.
The Village of Cumberland is the hub of outdoor recreation in the Comox Valley! Cumberland Recreation provides programs; manages municipal parks, trails and facilities; & supports community events and organizations. Online registration is now available for recreation programs.