BER 2011
OVEM APRIL - N www.csw
Waste Matters RETHINK, REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE (AND COMPOST) are aimed to inspire people to make choices and take actions that will lead to reducing the waste created in our community! Did you know that more than 70 percent of waste in landfills could have been recycled? By reducing and minimizing the waste we create, we prolong the life of our landfills. Diversion of items from the landfill saves energy and recycles material into new products. This is the kind of legacy that benefits our children’s future. The Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) service is a function of the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and is responsible for two regional waste management centres that serve the Comox Valley and Campbell River, as well as a range of transfer stations and smaller waste-handling and recycling facilities for the electoral areas of the Comox Valley and Strathcona Regional Districts. For more information visit
The Comox Strathcona Waste Management’s (CSWM) education centres will open in Campbell River (CR) on Wednesday, April 6th, 2011 and in the Comox Valley (CV) on Thursday April 7th, 2011. Our on-site educators Elaine Jansen (CR) and Patty Rose (CV) will give you a facility tour and answer any of your composting, organic gardening and conservation questions. Elementary, middle and high schools, preschools, clubs and summer groups are encouraged to make arrangements with our educators to bring their students and members for an environmentally-focused and interactive session.
Locations and hours of the education centres: Comox Valley Education Centre 4795 Headquarters Road, Courtenay BC Thursday, Friday, Sunday – 12- 5 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tel: 250-898-1086 Campbell River Education Centre 228 South Dogwood Street (across from Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex) Campbell River BC Wednesday – Saturday 10 – 4 p.m. Tel: 250-287-1625
Purchase a Backyard Composter
Drop by the education centre to purchase your “Earth Machine” composters ($60.00 taxes included) and aerators ($15.00 taxes included). Our on-site educators will assist you in turning your yard waste and kitchen scraps into something useful this year – rich composted material for your garden.
‘Power of R’ Education Programs
The ‘Power of R’ is an educational program that focuses on waste reduction (rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, and recycle) and water conservation. ‘Power of R’ is a program of the Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM) service which is a function of the Comox Valley Regional District. Our enthusiastic CSWM educators GAYLE BATES and ZAC WHYTE are experienced at tailoring their presentations to the age and knowledge level of participants. These presentations are offered free of charge, to classrooms of all ages or community groups in both the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and the Strathcona Regional District (SRD). For more information on the ‘Power of R’ program visit
APRIL 6 7 8,9,10 9 16 20 22 23 23 30 30
Opening Day CSWM education centre Campbell River Opening Day CSWM education centre Comox Valley Burn-it-Smart at Evergreen Home Show at the CVRD sports centre (CV) Des Kennedy Tea Party (CR) Burn-it-Smart Events (CV/CR) Earth Day Event Campbell River Earth Day Healthy Water Wise Lawn Care (CV) Straw Bale Gardening (CR) Launch of the “Runkelrueben” Growing Contest (CR) Water Catchment Systems (CV)
MAY 1-7 1-7 1 7 7 7-8 14 14 19 21 28 29
International Composting Awareness Week Drinking Water Week (Proclomation by the CVRD board) On Location at the CSWM Waste Management Centre (CR) Edible Organic Landscaping (CV) St.Peter’s Anglican Church Plant Sale (CR) Denman Island 19th Home and Garden Tour Companion Planting (CV) Blackberries, Blueberries and Raspberries (CR) 6-week Gardening Course (CV) Container Growing (CV) Good Pollinators and Predators and Buggy Basics (CV) Day of the Honey Bee (Proclamation by the CVRD board)
JUNE 4 5-11 5 5 8 11 11 18 25 25-26
Drought Resistant Gardens (CV) Canadian Environment Week World Environment Day On Location at the Pier Street Market Clean Air Day Beginner Composting Workshop (CR) Soil Health Stories (CV) Nutritional Value in Organic Food (CV) Protecting Our Watershed - Rescheduled to July 16th Campbell River Art Gallery Garden Tour
JULY 1 3 12 16 16 17 22-23 23
Happy Canada Day - education centres closed On Location at Pier St. Market (CR) - Date Changed TBD CV Chamber of Commerce Business Mixer Protecting our Watershed (CV) On location Eco-Fair Spirit Square (CR)- CR education centre closed Composter Building Workshop (CV) On Location at the Wearable Art Show (CR) It’s All About Compost (CV)
AUGUST 6 Medicinal Plant Walk (CV) 13 Water Catchment Systems (CV) 13 Ladybug Release (CR) 20 Pet Waste Composting (CR) 21 Worm Composting (CV) SEPTEMBER 10 Saving Seeds for the Future (CV) 11 Grandparents Day Ladybug Release & Runkelrueben Weigh In (CR) 17 How to Make a Worm Bin (CR) 18 Composter Building Workshop (CV) 24 Putting Your Garden to Bed (CV) 25 On Location at River’s Day at Haig Brown House (CR) OCTOBER 1 Putting Your Garden to Bed (CR) 1 Pruning for Production and Disease Control (CV) 8 Mason Bees (CR) CANCELLED 9 Thanksgiving Sunday – CV education centre closed 17-23 WASTE REDUCTION WEEK 23 Great Pumpkin Weigh-In (CV) 31 On Location Strathcona Gardens Halloween Howl (CR) NOVEMBER 2 Campbell River Pumpkin Smash 5 Comox Valley Pumpkin Smash All workshops and events are FREE and open to the public. Workshops and events related to water and pesticide alternatives have also been included as part of the Comoxv Valley water efficiency plan and pesticide awareness program.
Composting and Gardening STRAW BALE GARDENING Would you like to have a raised garden in your backyard without all the back-breaking work of a permanent raised garden bed? As an urban gardener you can create a biodegradable equivalent of a raised bed. This is an outdoor workshop. Date: April 23 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11 a.m. LAUNCH OF “RUNKELRUEBEN” GROWING CONTEST (German root vegetable) Drop by the education in Campbell River and pickup your seeds for growing this unusual looking “root” vegetable. This plant only takes up a very small space in a garden. This contest is open to children and adults. Weigh in and display will be held on Grandparent’s Day, September 11, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. Date: April 30 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
INTERNATIONAL COMPOSTING AWARENESS WEEK The theme for 2011 is: Compost!… Reconnecting with Nature... International Composting Awareness Week (ICAW) is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry. It is celebrated each year in the first full week of May. For more information on composting and these initaitives visit Date: May 1 - 7 EDIBLE ORGANIC LANDSCAPING Sandy Felgenhauer of VeggieScape will talk about creating an edible landscape that includes the combination of vegetable gardening within an esthetically pleasing array of flowers and ornamental plants. She will speak about the important use of pure water from rain as opposed to the water that is treated for consumption. Date: May 7 Location: Comox Valley education Centre Time: 10 a.m. COMPANION PLANTING Catherine Reid, will talk about the benefits of companion planting in the vegetable garden. She will discuss how to distract and trap harmful pests, attract beneficial insects as well as how to promote production and pollination for a successful crop without the use of pesticides. Join the pledge to “Plant A Row – Grow a Row” for our local food bank and receive a free package of organic vegetable seeds. Date: May 14 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m.
BLACKBERRIES, BLUEBERRIES & RASPBERRIES! Abel O’Brennan, owner and wine maker of Coastal Black Estate Winery from Black Creek, will be speaking on varietal selection of blackberries, blueberries and raspberries for our climate from both a wine making and fresh market perspective. Also some information on basic pruning and feeding practices. Date: May 14 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11 a.m. 6 WEEK GARDENING COURSE Ever wanted to grow your own vegetables but did not know how to start. Sign up and enjoy this hands-on gardening course. Space is limited, for more information contact CSWM contract educator, Patty Rose. Dates: May 19, 26 and June 2, 9, 16, 23 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 6–7 p.m. CONTAINER GROWING No garden is too small, try container growing. Find out how to grow vegetables and herbs in small spaces. Learn how to bring home grown food to the table during this hands-on demonstration by CSWM’s contract educator, Patty Rose. Date: May 21 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m.
BEGINNER COMPOSTING WORKSHOP Interested in backyard composting? Working where to start? Join Elaine Jansen for an easy lesson in composting with an Earth Machine. Dress for the weather as this will be an outdoor workshop. Date: June 11 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11:00 a.m. NUTRITIONAL VALUE IN ORGANIC FOOD Anthea Kennelly from the Vancouver Island Health Authority explains how important nutrition in fresh produce is for a healthy community. Date: June 18 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m. COMPOST BUILDING WORKSHOP Are you interested in building your own back yard composter? Learn how by signing up for this Sunday’s workshop lead by CSWM contract educator, Patty Rose. Space is limited, register by calling Patty at 250-898-1086 or drop by the CSWM education centre during opening hours. The composter that is built during this workshop will be drawn for at the end of the session. Date: July 17
Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 1 p.m. Date: September 18 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 1 p.m.
IT’S ALL ABOUT COMPOST Build it HOT and build it PASSIVE. Learn how to get the most out of your organic waste by composting successfully in this presentation by CSWM contract educator, Patty Rose. Date: July 23 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10:00 a.m.
PET WASTE COMPOSTING Learn how to make an eco friendly disposal for your dog waste safely in your own back yard. Easy to use and keeps pet waste out of the landfill. You can learn to make this for under $20.00 Date: August 20 Location: Campbell River Education Centre Time: 11 a.m. WORM COMPOSTING Don’t have room for an outdoor composter? You’re not off the hook! Learn all that wonderful wiggly worms can do to reduce organic waste and turn it into rich soil. Presented by CSWM contract educator Patty Rose. No sign up required -- just bring a comfortable lawn chair. Date: August 21 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m.
SAVING SEEDS FOR THE FUTURE Join us as we welcome Lucie Desjarlais of Stotan Farm and also of the Comox Valley Seed Growers and Savers as she shows us how rewarding it is to save our own heritage seeds for sharing and for future crops. Date: September 10 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m.
HOW TO MAKE A WORM BIN Want to learn about red wrigglers and how they can benefit your family by eating your organic kitchen waste? Join Elaine Jansen, as you learn how to make a worm bin composter for under $10.00! These bins are the perfect size for use in small apartments or under the kitchen sink. Vermiculture is the “technique” of using worms to create natural fertilizers or compost. It is an EASY way to compost for beginners and experts alike. Pre-registration is required. Contact Elaine at 250-287-1625. Date: September 17 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11 a.m. PUTTING YOUR GARDEN TO BED – (two different sessions) CSWM educator, Patty Rose gives an information lecture on “Putting your gardens to bed organically”. Reward your garden for the bounty it has given by tucking it in for the winter and preparing it for next season’s crop. Date: September 24 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m. With winter fast approaching, it’s once again time to put the garden to bed. By performing a few simple tasks you can ensure the garden is easier to get up and running next spring. Join us for this informative class with Lorraine Waring, certified master gardener. Dress for the weather. Date: October 1 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11 a.m. - noon
Water Related HEALTHY WATERWISE LAWN CARE Certified organic land care professional, Shane Tillapaugh BSc. of Eco Island Gardenscapes, presents “Preparing for a healthy water wise lawn organically”. Understand what you can do this fall to create a lush, green and chemical-free lawn for next year. Date: April 23 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m WATER CATCHMENT SYSTEMS Steve Isaak, President of Van Isles Rain Tank Supply and Dean Barrett from Barr Plastics Inc. present an informative talk and display on large water catchment systems, diverters and how to assess individual property needs. Learn how to harvest nature’s natural resource for later use. Date: April 30 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m. Date: August 13 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m.
DRINKING WATER WEEK Drinking Water Week, created by the American Water Works Association, recognizes the vital role that water plays in our daily lives. A safe, reliable water supply is critical to the success of any community. It is the basis for the health and welfare of many citizens creating jobs, attracting industry and investment yet is it often taken for granted. The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) provides safe, clean and reliable drinking water to over 36,000 residents. To ensure that everyone can benefit from this life giving resource it must be used wisely. The CVRD’s water efficiency program, demonstrates to residents the importance of reducing water use indoors and outdoors. Stay up-to-date by visiting the CVRD’s website ( with details on how the CVRD will honour this week. Date: May 1 - 7 PLANTING A DROUGHT RESISTANT GARDEN Drought tolerant landscaping can drastically cut down on water consumption and require less maintenance than a conventional lawn. Come learn how Dany Fortin, local professional landscaper, explains the beauty of using stone, native plants and other drought tolerant species. Date: June 4 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m. PROTECTING OUR WATERSHED Join CVRD contract educator Gayle Bates for an interactive look at where our water comes from and who uses it and learn about the options available to us to use water more efficiently. Also a limited amount of free water-saving kits will be available for those connected to the Comox Valley water system. Date: June 25 - Rescheduled to July 16 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m. COMOX VALLEY LOCAL WATER SERVICE AREA WATER CONSERVATION BYLAW 129 This bylaw is in place all year long and applies to all people and businesses within the following participating municipalities and electoral areas that receive water from the Regional District: City of Courtenay, Town of Comox, as well as the Arden, Comox Valley, England Road, Marsden/Camco, and Greaves Crescent local water service areas. For updates on the current water restrictions visit
Nature Works - Organic Gardening GOOD POLLINATORS AND PREDATORS AND BUGGY BASICS Tyler Johns, a local guru, presents an informative talk on good bugs verses bad bugs. Learn to combate bad bugs and encourage good bugs without the use of pesticides through the CVRD’s Nature Works public education program. Date: May 28 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m. SOIL HEALTH STORIES Dr. Tierry Vrain, co-owner of Innisfree Farms in Royston with his companion Chanchal Cabrera, takes us on a trip underground to explore the soil food web. Organic gardener and educator Dr. Vrain brings over 30 years of experience on soil biology to help us learn more about how to manage our soil using nature’s pesticides. Date: June 11 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m.
LADYBUG RELEASE We will be welcoming thousands of ladybugs to our organic gardens to get rid of the common pests without the use of pesticides or chemicals. Join us for some fun in the gardens and remember to bring your camera! Date: August 13 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11 a.m. PRUNING FOR PRODUCTION AND DISEASE CONTROL Verna Mumby of Mumby`s Tree Service Ltd. shows us how to properly prune fruit bearing trees for a productive crop and how to minimize diseases. Date: October 1 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10 a.m. MASON BEES CANCELLED Interested in having a mason bee hotel in your own back yard next season? This is an opportunity to learn about these amazing pollinators. We will be holding a round table discussion with avid mason bee enthusiasts. This will be held in St. Peter’s Church library so join us for this informative session. Date: October 8 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11:00 a.m. “Nature Works” is an education and awareness program developed by the Comox Valley Regional District that encourages the use of pesticide alternatives for municipalities with pesticide bylaws, and other areas that simply want to know more about creating pesticidefree lawns and gardens For more information on pesticide alternatives visit
NATURE WORKS Residents of the Comox Valley: the Village of Cumberland, the Town of Comox and the City of Courtenay, cannot use chemical-based pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides) on residential lawns or gardens. The bylaws for these areas prohibits non-essential use of pesticides and anyone using pesticides can be issued a ticket and fined by a bylaw enforcement officer. The CVRD Nature Works display will be set up this summer season at various community events. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and pick up tips for a healthier garden without the use of chemicals and for the children to get to know a little more about “Ardy’s” contributions to the environment. To request the set up of the Nature Works display or presentation at a community event or place of business call Patty Rose, CVRD contract educator at 250-898-1086.
Special Events and Dates DES KENNEDY TEA PARTY Food For Thought Presentation: Tips, tricks and techniques for growing organic fruit and vegetables in our bio-region. Join us for an entertaining presentation with Des Kennedy an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, author and environmental activist and enjoy tea with homemade scones and jam! Des will also be autographing his books, so bring your own or his books will be available for purchase at the presentation. Bring your camera. Pre-registration is required - call Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex: 250-287-9234. Limited seating available. Admission is a donation of a non-perishable item for the local food bank. For more information call Elaine: 250-287-1625 Date: April 9 Location: St.Peter’s Church, Campbell River Time: 11 a.m. BURN IT SMART WET certified technician will share techniques on how to use your wood stove to save the environment and money! Learn more about the provincial rebate program to change out your old non-EPA/CSA approved wood stove for a more efficient earth-friendly appliance. Date: April 8-10 Location: Evergreen Home Show at the CVRD’s sports centre Date: April 16 Time: 10:00 a.m. - final wrap up event CV compost education centre 3:00 p.m. - final wrap up event CR compost education centre
EARTH DAY Celebrated every April 22, Earth Day is the largest most celebrated environmental event worldwide. Visit for updates on event activities. EARTH DAY EVENT WITH THE CITY OF CAMPBELL RIVER Join us at Tidemark Theatre for Campbell River Earth Day festivities with Elaine Jansen, educator from CSWM education centre & Gayle Bates, educator for the ‘Power of R’ program. Watch for details in your local newspaper. Date: April 20 Location: Tidemark Theatre - CR Time: 6:30 pm – 9 pm INTERNATIONAL COMPOSTING AWARENESS WEEK MAY 1-7 Elaine Jansen, CSWM educator will be on site at the waste management centre in Campbell River on May 1st reminding customers of importance of keeping organics out of the landfill. Date: May 1 Location: Campbell River waste management centre Time: 12:00 – 3 p.m. ST. PETER’S ANGLICAN CHURCH PLANT SALE Bring your wheelbarrow for your plants and your garden questions to our tent where the master gardeners will be on hand to assist you with your plant choices. Date: May 7 Location: St. Peter’s Church and CSWM education centre (CR) Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. DENMAN ISLAND 19TH HOME AND GARDEN TOUR Come visit Patty Rose, CSWM contract educator at the Denamn Island Home and Garden Tour. Patty will be setting up an interactive display that highlights all the benefits of composting and organic gardening. Kick off the growing season by having all you questions answered. Date: May 7 and 8 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Location: Denman Island Village CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL WEEK Canadian Environment Week will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year! The 2011 theme is Preserving our Forests, Protecting our Future. Protecting Canada’s natural environment reaps a world of benefits for Canadians, from strengthening the economy to enhancing health and quality of life. Canadian Environment Week is the perfect time to celebrate our achievements and initiatives, for more information on Canadian Environment Week visit Canadian Environment Week is held during the first week of June to coincide with World Environment Day (June 5). This special day was designated by the United Nations in 1972 to stimulate action on the environment and empower people from every corner of the globe to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development. Date: June 5-11 SPECIAL EVENTS
ON LOCATION AT THE PIER STREET MARKET Drop by and check out the innovative ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle! Elaine Jansen and Gayle Bates, CSWM contract educators will show you easy-do-it yourself projects. Keep waste out of the landfill and keep money in your pocket. Date: June 5 Location: Campbell River’s Pier Street Market Time: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. CLEAN AIR DAY Clean Air Day raises awareness and encourages action on clean air and climate change issues. Canadians can show their commitment by participating in activities that contribute to cleaner air, healthier communities and a better quality of life for all. Date: June 8 CAMPBELL RIVER’S ART GALLERY GARDEN TOUR Take a tour of the education centre and community gardens. Elaine Jansen will assist you with your compost questions and the master gardeners will be on hand to answer all your gardening questions. Date: June 25 and 26 Location: Campbell River’s education centre Time: 11 – 4 p.m. HAPPY CANADA DAY Education centres closed. Date: July 1 ON LOCATION AT THE PIER STREET MARKET Drop by our booth and have your important compost questions answered by our master composter Elaine Jansen. The master gardeners will also be available to answer your gardening questions. If you’re “Krazy for Kale” make sure you drop by for your “Red Russian” kale seedlings. Dates: July 3 – On location at Pier St. Market – date changed TBA Location: Campbell River’s Pier Street Market Time: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
CV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS MIXER Summer is the perfect time to gather outdoors in a place that delivers more than education. The Comox Strathcona Waste Management service, the CVRD and Our Big Earth will be showcasing initiatives that message the importance of local food production, sustainability, water efficiency and waste reduction. This is an opportunity for you and your business to learn more about the programs such as rebates , workshops and education programs that can assist with your “green” message or products. Register at Date: July 12 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 5 - 6:30 p.m. ON LOCATION AT THE ECO-FAIR SPIRIT SQUARE Drop by our booth and have your important compost questions answered by our master composter Elaine Jansen. The master gardeners will also be available to answer your gardening questions. If you’re “Krazy for Kale” make sure you drop by for your “Red Russian” kale seedlings. Dates: July 16 Location: Eco-Fair Spirit Square Time: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. ON LOCATION AT THE WEARABLE ART SHOW Sponsored by Walcan Seafoods and hosted by C.R. Art Gallery. Join CSWM educators Gayle Bates and Elaine Jansen at this great fashion showcase where fashion meets “recycled art”! For more info: C.R. Art Gallery: 250-287-2261 Date: July 22-23 Location: TBA Time: 7 p.m. MEDICINAL PLANT WALK With Chanchal Cabrera MSc. of Innisfree Farm in Royston. Join a professional medical herbalist to explore the medicinal uses of wild weeds like dandelion and burdock, and of familiar vegetables like artichoke, asparagus and tomato. Chanchal holds the faculty chair in Botanical Medicine at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster. She is a certified master gardener and a certified horticulture therapist and she is author of the book Fibromyalgia – A Journey Toward Healing. For more information on classes and consultations go to Date: August 6 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 10:00 a.m.
GRANDPARENTS DAY LADYBUG RELEASE AND RUNKELRUEBEN WEIGH-IN Bring your grandparents, grandchildren and the whole family to help in the release of thousand of ladybugs. We will be welcoming the ladybugs to our organic gardens to get rid of the common pests without the use of pesticides or chemicals. Join us for some fun in the gardens and remember to bring your camera! Also, check out the Runkelrueben vegetables that were grown this season. Date: September 11 Location: Campbell River education centre Time: 11 a.m. RIVER’S DAY AT HAIG BROWN HOUSE Drop by our educational displays where Elaine Jansen from the CSWM education centre will be happy to answer your questions about compost, gardening and the use of SkyRocket soil amendment. Gayle Bates, educator for the ‘Power of R’ program, will show you effective ways to reduce, reuse, recycle. Date: September 25 Location: Campbell River’s Haig Brown House Time: 12:00 – 4 p.m. HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY CV education centre closed. Date: October 9 CV OCTOBER - THE GREAT PUMPKIN WEIGH-IN The great pumpkin weigh-in is back! Bring your BIGGEST pumpkins to be weighed for prizes and refreshments at the Comox Valley compost education centre. There will be adult and children categories for prizes and bragging rights. To qualify for prizes, all competing pumpkins must be grown in compost without artificial fertilizers. Date: October 23 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 2 - 4 p.m. STRATHCONA GARDENS HALLOWEEN HOWL Drop in for a fun-filled evening of Halloween fun. Check out the pumpkin grown from “compost” and have a ghoulish good time! Date: October 31 Location: Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
COMOX VALLEY PUMPKIN SMASH Help keep over a tonne of organic waste out of the landfill by having a smashing good time on November 5th from 12:00pm - 5:00 p.m. at the Comox Valley education centre. Enter to win great prizes, enjoy refreshments and smash your jack-o-lantern. These pumpkins will be turned into rich compost instead of becoming a ghoulish waste. This annual event is sponsored by Thrifty Foods and the Comox Strathcona Waste Management service. Date: November 5 Location: Comox Valley education centre Time: 12:00 - 5:00p.m. CAMPBELL RIVER’S PUMPKIN SMASH Join Elaine and the Carihi Green Team to keep tons of organic waste out of our “local” landfill by having a smashing good time! This is a fun event for the whole family, enter to win prizes, enjoy refreshments and “SMASH” your jack-o-lantern. These pumpkins will be turned into rich compost instead of becoming a ghoulish waste. Date: November 2 Location: parking lot of Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex Time: 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. MOVIES UNDER THE STARS “Movies under the stars” is a free event proudly hosted by Comox Strathcona Waste Management service and First Insurance. Bring the whole family and lots of blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy a family film under the stars. These events will feature a different family orientated blockbuster movie, with accompanying pre-show information on healthy communities, stainability, water efficiency and waste reduction. Details on dates and event locations visit
“Movies under the stars� is a free event proudly hosted by Comox Strathcona Waste Management service and First Insurance. Bring the whole family and lots of blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy a family film under the stars. These events will feature a different family orientated blockbuster movie, with accompanying pre-show information on healthy communities, stainability, water efficiency and waste reduction. Details on dates and event locations visit or
The CVRD toilet rebate program will help residents to use water more efficiently. Replacing a 13 litre toilet with a dual flush or high-efficiency (4.8 litre or less) toilet could reduce indoor use by approximately 18 percent. Homes with older 20 litre flush toilets could experience even larger reductions. Only high efficiency (4.8 litre or less) and dual flush toilets are eligible. A maximum of two toilet rebates per installation address, including those toilet rebates received under the 2009 and 2010 programs, will be accepted. Old toilets must be taken to the Comox Valley Waste Management Centre (2400 Pidgeon Lake Road, Cumberland) for proper disposal and a date stamped receipt. Rebates are only available to registered owners of properties connected to the Comox Valley water system. A limited number of rebates are available for the program. To download the 2011 eligibility requirements and the rebate form visit or call 250-334-6000.
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A rebate of up to $50 will apply to the purchase of a rain barrel or cistern between 150 and 499 litres, and up to a $150 rebate for those equal to or greater than 500 litres. Residents are eligible for one rain barrel or cistern per installation address, including those reimbursed under the 2010 rebate program. The rain barrel rebate program applies to homes that are connected to the Comox Valley water system including the Town of Comox, City of Courtenay and the Arden, Comox Valley, England Road, Marsden/Camco, and Greaves Crescent water local service areas. For full eligibility requirements including frequently asked questions about the rebate program visit
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