Client Case | Familiehulp [ENG]

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WOW of Familiehulp A gift full of appreciation

“We always show our colleagues that we

project with you. This time we’d like

give a present during special occasions

to give the stage to Familiehulp.

Compacon was chosen to support

them with their end of year gift they

presented to their employees at the

end of 2021. We talked to Simone, who

is Purchasing Specialist at this Belgian organization, about this interesting project.

At Familiehulp, appreciation for people is

very important. This does not only include the clients, but also their own employees.

In the last years, healthcare professionals around the globe have experienced a lot of pressure.

Familiehulp is active in both Flanders as Brussels. The

In the ‘WOW of…’ articles, one of our

clients shares a recent promotional

The organisation:

appreciate them. Some ways to do this is such as (National) Day of Healthcare, (National) Day of Housekeeping and

the end of the year. Since Familiehulp

Belgian capital is also the home of the company’s headquarters, but there are multiple offices around the country.

employees had to deal with the effects

From these regional

mood boosts throughout the year. These

specialized residential

of covid, our board want to offer extra

gifts are for all colleagues working for our organization: both the people working

on location, such as client’s homes, but also the people offering support from

offices, Familiehulp offers healthcare. “It’s care in the broadest sense of the word.”, Simone explains.

the offices; both administrative support

“We offer support for clients

our organization, plays a vital role and is

but also organize daytime

as leadership. Every person that works in

from their own homes,

equally appreciated.”

activities for the elderly, have nurseries, arrange maternity care and offer supporting services such as help with housekeeping.”

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“Every year, we want to develop the best end of year gift

our board. The video explained more about Familiehulp’s

to be about well-being and enjoyment.”, Simone explains.

of a box also supported this statement, since it generated

that we can. Because of the pandemic, we wanted the gift For the end of year gift of 2021, Compacon turned out to

be the right partner. “Our board was interested in a towel.”, Simone illustrates. “The Compacon account manager

proposed a hammam towel. This specific towel is made

by Turkish women that, because of this work, now have an honest job with equal pay. This also showed us that our budget was spent in an honest and humane way.” This

sustainability developments. Choosing a wrapping instead less waste. Another element Compacon thought about was the visibility of the gift. You can bring the towel to

the beach, so Familiehulp becomes more well-known. Compacon looks into all these different aspects and

selects a gift based on this. It is really considering the whole package.“

story fits the Familiehulp values well. Simone explains, “As

Are you looking for a suitable gift for colleagues, clients

Sustainable’, based on the 17 sustainability development

product. Visit for more information,

we speak, we’re working on a massive project called ‘Act goals. These SDG’s focus on honest and safe work

among others, making this end of year gift meet our own

or business relations? We think about more than just a or contact us right away for a personalized offer.

sustainability developments.”

About 14.000 healthcare heroes received this sustainable hammam towel. But, how do you make sure a towel tells

you how much you appreciate your colleagues? Simone

describes: “Selecting a gift for so many people is not that easy. Compacon has really supported us because they

think about the total package. The towel was wrapped in recycled paper. On this wrapping, the different ways on how to use the towel was printed. It showed you could

use it to snuggle on your couch, for a spa day or let your

kids play on it. It showed that the towel was useful to both women and men. The wrapping also included a QR code.

With this code, one could navigate to a video message or


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