Case stor y client case
A DLLicious Wow
About DLL DLL is a global asset finance
The tasteful customer gift
partner enabling businesses to more easily access
Some time ago, our customer De Lage
A suitable box for printing with the
Landen Leasing GmbH delighted his
customer’s colors was found by our
customers with the “coffee p(LEASE)”
colleagues in the Netherlands, who
campaign. Customers were given
work together with the Dutch DLL
a coffee cup at the start of the
colleagues. It was important to find a
conversation. Now they were looking
cookie tin box that could be printed
for a cookie tin box as a nice customer
in full color and all around! Of course,
gift to continue this campaign for
in the next step it was also important
the in-house sales staff. Our partner
for the German DLL customers to find
at DLL, Janusch Waldera, thought
the right cookie filling. “The variety of
directly of our colleague Erik Iver
(cookie) ideas was enormous,” says
Zach to implement this project with
Janusch from DLL. It was clear to
Compacon: “Thanks to Erik, we have
Compacon that something special
already been able to implement
had to be found here. That’s why,
around the world and work
many high-quality projects in the
together with DLL, we didn’t just decide
hard to provide flexible
past. This intensive support and good
on just random cookies, but instead
cooperation creates
worked together with a supplier
solutions to meet their
who also brings traditional
equipment, technology and software to help them grow. DLL delivers sustainable and effective financing solutions, along with insights and advice, that drive smarter and more economical use of capital assets. With more than 50 years of industry experience, they understand the unique needs of their partners and customers
objectives. Headquartered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, DLL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rabobank Group.