Contractor Sign in Books and Sign in Stations Catalogue

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Now, more than ever before, ALL businesses need to concentrate on hazard elimination or deduction, and make sure that THEY control the access of contractors and their employees to their premises to ensure safety and security.

How to Authorise the entry of a Contractor ... in under 2 minutes! 10:05:05 - Receptionist gets who/what/when/where/why

10:05:00 - Contractor Arrives

10:06:00 - Gives health and safety brief

10:06:15 - Put tag into holder

Our thorough process captures 16 crucial details! With this sign-in-process, you’ll be certain that nothing has been missed. You won’t discover - too late - that some critical safety aspect was overlooked. This typical example of Final Checkpoint for Contractors in action shows why: Air-conditioning contractor Jack Robinson arrives at reception. “I’m here to do the regular service on you airconditioning units,“ he says. “Would you please give me your name and your company name?” your receptionist, Ms Green, asks him. She writes them in the space provided on the register and calls Bill Wright, the maintenance engineer. While waiting for him to arrive, she ask,“Do you have any identification?” and ticks the box after he produces it. She also notes the date, time in and his estimated time out. “And could you tell me your mobile phone number, your vehicle registration number, the work area you need to go to and a description of your work?” she asks, and write them down. If she issues keys or access cards to him, she notes the identification number of these items. A brief health and safety induction follows,either by Ms Green reading the entry conditions printed on the numbered permit, or by asking Mr Robinson to do so. When this is done, maintenance engineer Wright arrives and greets the air-conditioning contractor. Jack Robinson sings the permit, Bill Wright countersigns it, and Ms Green ticks the “Permits in order” box, tears out and folds the permit, places it in a holder which he then pins to his clothing. While he is visiting, it clearly shows everyone he meets his ID and authorisation. It takes less than 2 MINUTES to get all this valuable information! Information overload? Certain not!

10:06:18 - Contractor pins on holder


s a business or operations manager, no one knows this fact better than you: nowadays, you need to be vigilant to anticipate any existing or potential risks to the pubic, your staff, your guests, and visitors such as authorised contractors. You have a good reputation for safety - an you intend to make sure you maintain it.

Inadequate system of supervision Until now, there have only been informal systems for supervision of contractors, which left many opportunities for things to be missed: opportunities for accidents to your contractors and even harm BY them; opportunities that could snowball into costly court-cases. So Compact Business Systems has devoted time to researching the implications of having contractors on your premises, and the results are very significant! Our conclusion: now, more than ever before, all businesses need to concentrate on hazard elimination or reduction, and make sure that they control the access of contractors and their employees to their premises to ensure safety and security. Sot that’s why we’ve designed a one-write system we call “Final Checkpoint for Contractors”.

This quick, easy system plugs loopholes Imagine a system so easy that it needs just ONE brief written entry - NO filling out multiple forms! Final Checkpoint for Contractors quickly registers authorised contractors visiting you business premises. It allows your receptionist or other staff members to ... 1. Register authorised contractors and their employees upon arrival; 2. Issue them with a permit which they then wear as an ID badge while on your premises; 3. Sign them out at the end of their visit.

Authorised contractor or con-artist? Is the person you see a legitimate contractor, or an industrial spy? In large business premises where there are lots of people, it can be difficult to know who’s who without the kind of identification provided by the Final Checkpoint for Contractors. The tick-box for ID lets you know that the right person is present. But the beauty of this system is that the permit generated by your receptionist becomes the ID tag that the contractor wears!

Briefed for safety?

No more account fudging!

Does the contractor know what your procedures are for health and safety? You have a duty of care to all visitors.The Final Checkpoint for Contractors ensures that they’ve been briefed - and their signature, acknowledging this, ensures that you’re protected.

A special box prompts you to note the actual time a contractor leaves.

Length of visit? An open-ended visit carries risks. Knowing an approximate length of stay can help you with planning, roster's etc.Writing down the estimated finish-time sends a clear signal that your staff are always vigilant.These time details are clearly noted with the Final Checkpoint for Contractors.

Mobiles track down owners Having the contractor’s mobile phone number makes it easier to track him down in a large facility, if you need to do so.

Whose vehicle? Move it! Having the contractor’s vehicle registration number lets security know who owns that vehicle, if it needs to be moved.

Where’s that key? By recording the key or access card numbers, you control who goes where, and it becomes easier for you to prevent contractors accidentally leaving with your key or card.

He said he’d be where? Knowing the area the contractor is working in makes it easier to manage the project, or to find person in case of emergency.

What work carried out? Noting the work to be performed tells duty managers, all staff and rostered workers who is doing what and where. Letting everyone know helps them to accommodate the contract work smoothly.

A safe, secure “goodbye” Yet another invaluable feature of the Final Checkpoint for Contractors is the sign-out section.The benefits here make this so much more than a mere leave-taking because you also build in more safety and security from the process that the Final Checkpoint for Contractors sets up. Whereas, once upon a time, it was expected that contractor Robinson would leave the area in a safe condition, now he will sign a clause certifying that he really has left the area in a safe condition. And, until this section is signed-off by each visitor, you know exactly who is still on the premises, and where, in case of an emergency or at closing time.

While this is useful data for safety and security, it’s also a very good way to doublecheck times charged for on invoices for services carried out, and gives you precise details if need for legal matters.

Privacy arrangement keeps visits confidential Principle 4.1 of the National Privacy Principles states: An organisation must take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Privacy has become an essential consideration.Yet another thoughtful design detail efficiently incorporates privacy into the Final Checkpoint for Contractors. The systems is arranged so that, although details for 10 contractors are entered one each page, the only information visible to each visitor is their own. This confidentiality is crucial in the kind of situation where there may be... •

Competing companies tendering for work;

Sensitive supplier issues;

Inquisitive employees checking visitors to management.

Easy to explain; easy to keep; easy to buy By now you’ve seen how straightforward the Final Checkpoint for Contractors is to use. It’s just as easy for your regular suppliers and staff members to get used to it, because we supply a “how-to” manual - and even a sample letter explaining the system to your suppliers and staff. Where do you keep the pages of this register? Compact supplies this system with a sleek, protective desk folder that also has provision for holding other relevant papers for quick access.

And here’s the most amazing part of this deal: You’ll buy this kit - the clever, printed information system, the presentation binder, the protection from harm for your contractors, the protection from the consequences of espionage and litigation for yourself - for under $100! When was the last time you renewed an insurance policy for under $100. 152317

10:06:31 - Receptionist hands over key

10:06:58 - Contractor starts work

Ready-to-use systems ... or we’ll help you design your own! At Compact, we readily understand how businesses operate because we have made a detailed study of commercial protocol and procedure. As a result, we understand the challenges businesses face each day to manage information and maintain health and safety in your business. Compact Business Systems’ response to this need is to provide off-the shelf, easy-to-use, paper-based solutions for accounting, record-keeping and management systems for a wide variety of businesses. This means a standard format with YOUR logo. But, if you wish, our systems are customisable to ANY degree. Just Ask! There’s absolutely no need for you to end up with a “compromise solution” that only does half the job! As shown in the previous pages, we also produce contractor identification systems that comply with workplace health and safety requirements. If you require a system that’s individually designed for your business’s special needs, then we are ideally placed to listen to you, discuss options with you, then produce a neat, time-saving solution.

Ring us now for your free trial version There’s no substitute for hands-on experience to see how well something actually works. Call Freecall 1800 777 508 now and we’ll despatch a sample of the Final Checkpoint for Contractors register for you to trial at your premises. Then, when you’ve had an opportunity to assess the merits of the Final Checkpoint for Contractors, we can discuss whether an off-the-shelf solution or a custom-made system is what you require.


PO Box 368 Sumner Park Q 4074

Compact Business Systems Pty Ltd ABN 20 009 921 108

Phone: 1800 777 508 Fax: (07) 3376 2001 Email:


PO Box 1411 Camberwell East Vic 3126


PO Box 225 Unley Business Centre SA 5061

Contractor Sign-In Station Purpose built to complement Compact’s ‘Contractor Sign-In System’ and help improve compliance with contractor sign-in procedures. 760 mm

Storage hooks hard hats etc

Display panel for site plans

900 mm

site safety rules or notices.

Sign-in system shelf (system pictured sold separately) Space for site hazard register Storage of PPE eye protection ear protection pass holders etc

360 mm

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Order Ref: CSS-1

Close-up of wall brackets

Provide a central point for contractor sign-in and sign-out. Wall mount close to contractor point of entry. Free-up valuable space on Reception Desk. Keep all PPE together. Display panel for site safety rules, notices or site map. Supplied flat-pack to minimise freight cost. Easy to assemble and wall mount.

161905 C

Ph: 1800 777 508 Fax: (07) 3376 2001 Email:

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