St Wilfrids Newsletter September 09

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St Wilfrid’s Hospice


September 2009

What a Hoot! around Chichester and the surrounding countryside. The weather was kind to us and after a 10 minute warm-up session and send-off hundreds of people took to the streets including a very real Barn owl who we think might well become our Moonlight Walk mascot! Thanks to our catering team and their delicious home-made cakes; one

walker said she had taken part in lots of walks but never put on weight before! Many of our supporters took part in memory of loved ones, others said it was the best thing they’d ever done, and still more thought the marshals were great and asked why they didn’t see men like that on a normal night out!! Although the route wasn’t to everyone’s liking, it’s hard to find a ‘safe’ 10 mile route around Chichester;

A Smashing Good Time!

It could be YOU who buys the winning ticket and ends up with a brand spanking new Renault Twingo. But only if you enter our Grand Prize Draw. The winning ticket will be drawn at midday on FRIDAY 18TH DECEMBER. 0000




Grand Prize Draw


to join him in the bar and on arrival promptly presented him with a large mallet! Steve struck the glass with a forceful blow whilst John, bucket in hand, waited patiently for the coins to flow. Ten minutes later the remains of the bottle were empty and John had filled nine buckets with an assortment of coins, tokens, washers, keys and, more importantly, £1,523 which he very kindly donated to St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Thank you so much.

Grand Prize Draw


“Thank goodness there isn’t a hole in my bucket,” said landlord John Hillyer as he picked up hundreds of coins from the floor at The Selsey Arms Public House

in West Dean. The coins, which had been collected by regulars and passers by, had been nestling in a large glass jar for a considerable number of years. However, John recently noticed that a large crack had appeared in the glass and, rather than wait for the inevitable to happen, he decided to take the matter into his own hands, or rather, somebody else’s! John invited Wave 105 radio presenter Steve Power

one young lady was pleased to see her Mum hanging out of the window and cheering people on as she walked past her house! So all in all it was a great night out, raising people’s spirits as well as lots of sponsorship money for the Hospice. Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make the event such a success and we do hope you will join us at next year’s event which starts at midnight on FRIDAY 18TH JUNE.

By kind permission of The Chichester Observer

More than 1,000 supporters took part in our first ever Moonlight Walk and so far have helped raise more than £83,000 for the Hospice and it’s still rolling in! The event, which was hosted by The Westgate Centre, attracted women of all ages, shapes and sizes, as well as a sprinkling of men, who enjoyed taking part in the 10 mile walk

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Welcome... to our newsletter which as ever contains a lively mix of news about St Wilfrid's and its important work as well as the many ways in which our work is supported by so many in our local community. Since the last issue I was amongst nearly a thousand people who walked through Chichester on our very first Moonlight Walk. You will find out more about the event in this issue but I would like to add a personal thank you from me to everyone involved in the event – everyone really gave it their all and contributed to a very successful and highly enjoyable event for all who took part. Along with the Trustees we have been thinking about the long term direction for St Wilfrid’s and are planning towards a new strategy for the next five years. This process involves understanding and maintaining what’s important and most valued at St Wilfrid's as well as considering if there are

other things we can do for those in need in the local area. Our new Hospice at Home service is already proving invaluable and it’s really rewarding after much planning to see people being helped to stay at home where this would have been difficult in the past. We are lucky to have recruited a wonderful team of nurses and the excellent reputation that everyone at St Wilfrid's contributes towards has again proved a factor in attracting the best staff. Earlier in the year I wrote that we were expecting the year to be challenging in the current economic climate, so far we have been well supported by everyone who understands so well the importance of the work of St Wilfrid's. Thank you all for your ongoing interest in our work and the part you all play in making sure that this vital work will continue to help so many people. Alison Moorey Chief Executive

‘Roman’ in the Gloaming Not content with just walking from the top of the Downs at Goodwood from East Dean to Singleton, cancer patient Andrew Madgwick also decided to

dress in Roman regalia. Accompanied and encouraged by friend Norman and Andrew’s wife Janetta, Andrew raised £359 for his efforts.

Pictured L-R Emma and Sally

Sally - forth! It’s goodbye to Sally Morgan who joined as a volunteer in 1991, became our Volunteer Coordinator in 1994 and is now looking forward to travelling and exploring pastures new. Sally used to be a physiotherapist working in the child assessment unit at St Richard’s Hospital. She had always been interested in the work of the Hospice and living across the road it seemed an ideal opportunity to volunteer at St Wilfrid’s when she gave up her paid job. She has seen many changes during her time the most significant being training up volunteers for the Day Hospice, an increase in driving requirements and bringing in volunteer complementary

therapists. She says, “One of the nice things is responding to specific requests from patients and one that stands out in my mind is organising a volunteer to take a patient to Goodwood races.” She continues “There is an increase in the number of younger volunteers which means a higher turnover. Some people volunteer as a step to returning to work and some are full time mums. “I have hugely enjoyed working here and meeting all the different people who come forward to volunteer.” Sally leaves at the end of September and Emma Clark will take on her role whilst continuing with her work in Human Resources. We wish them both well.

Xmas cards Once again our Christmas cards will be on sale in the Chichester and Midhurst Cards for Good Causes shops. The Chichester shop returns to The Old Court Room, The Council House, North Street (The Assembly Rooms) and is open from Saturday 3rd October –

Monday 21st December 9.30 AM – 4.30 PM. The Midhurst shop is in Capron House, North Street and is open Monday – Friday 10.00 AM – 4.00 PM from Monday 2nd November – Thursday 17th December. Christmas cards are also on sale in all our Hospice shops.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

A Novel Idea! Our Marathon team did a fabulous job this year; so far they have raised over £17,000 for St Wilfrid’s, and we hope our team for next year will be just as successful. We have already received a few letters; well one was a bit too big to be posted and rather more of a novel! Local hairdresser, Tania Embleton decided that as she wasn’t good at writing she would be more inspirational and create a ‘mood board’ which expressed her reasons for wanting to run for the Hospice. Within the colourful pages were the reasons why Tania wanted to run for the Hospice. She says, “The London Marathon is

something I have always wanted to do before I turned 30. I am now 32 and a mum and if I don’t do it now I never will. A lot of my clients’ loved ones spent their last days at the Hospice and they have nothing but praise and admiration for everyone who works there.” As a hairdresser Tania is used to hitting targets so has set herself quite a few, mainly to get fit, join a running club, raise a vast sum of money for the Hospice and treat herself to a proper pair of running shoes! We’d love to offer everyone a place but only have a small number of golden bonds available. If you’d like to apply please write to us and tell us why you think we should consider you.

Chicks on Safari

Light up a Life

When volunteer Pam Sims planned her three weeks camping holiday in northern Namibia she knew she would be in the wilderness area over Easter. Seeing the knitted chicks on sale in the Hospice she thought they would be just right for Easter Sunday and popped them in her luggage. Both eggs and chicks survived temperatures of 38˚C!

This year’s Light Up a Life service will be held in Chichester Cathedral at 6.00 PM ON SUNDAY 6TH DECEMBER. The service provides an opportunity for people to keep a link with the Hospice, light a candle and remember their loved ones. Last year Tracey Parker and her family took part in the service and below are her feelings of what it meant to them. “We were approaching our second Christmas without Jack when the Hospice rang to ask whether we would light the Christmas tree lights during the Light Up a Life service at Chichester Cathedral. I had attended the same service the year before on my own and knew what a moving experience the

event was and so felt very honoured to be asked to play such a huge part in the proceedings. When I told the girls what we had been asked to do their faces lit up with excitement and it was a big conversation piece at school and Nursery. We received a great deal of emotional support from St Wilfrid’s Hospice at the end of my husband’s life and the years following and so I felt honoured and privileged to be able to play such a key role in this special service. It was, as expected, an emotional evening but it was lovely to be able to show our thanks and support to the Hospice in such beautiful surroundings while remembering our loved ones.

Christmas for me has always been a time of reflection and this event was a big highlight for the Parker family. The lighting of the Christmas tree has had a lasting impact on my youngest daughter as every time we visit the Cathedral she desperately searches for that ‘big red button’.”

A Reminder Don’t forget our AGM on WEDNESDAY 21ST OCTOBER AT 6.00 PM in the Day Hospice. Tea and cake will be served at 5.30 PM prior to the meeting which will be chaired by Anthony Wickins, Chairman of the Board.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Dates For Your Diary

Saturday 3rd October Jumble Sale, Lavant Memorial Hall Saturday 24th October Christmas Present Time Castle Reagh, Felpham Tuesday 27th October Shepherd’s Pie Lunch St Paul’s Church Hall, Chichester Saturday 14th November Autumn Fayre Manor Nursery, Runcton Friday 20th November Italian Supper The Church Centre, St John’s, Southbourne

A ‘One Horse’ Hospice Trevor Thomas was admitted to the Hospice in June this year and was given less than 10 days before continuing on his journey. He says, “When I arrived as a ‘guest’ of St Wilfrid’s I immediately felt at peace surrounded by lots and lots of love.” During his time at the Hospice Trevor was also surrounded by lots and lots of friends and family who,

knowing his love of animals, arranged a surprise visit from Jackson – a 15 hands horse who soon made himself at home in the Hospice garden! We do try to create a welcoming atmosphere for all our patients and anyone or anything that is significant to the patient is truly welcome. Sadly Trevor passed away in August.

Monday 23rd November Thank You Christmas Party Day Hospice Contact Jill on 01243 755827 for more details.

Calling all eBay users! Do you use eBay to buy and sell goods? If so then there is a new opportunity to support St Wilfrid’s Hospice by donating part of the sale price to a chosen charity through MissionFish. Just click onto and select your favourite charity which is…..St Wilfrid’s!

Felpham and Middleton Support Group Many thanks to all the helpers and supporters at Rainbow Day, Peggy’s Garden Party, Middleton Fete, RNLI Day in Selsey, Brenda Thompson’s Art Exhibitions and Middleton Art Group who have helped raised over £2,000 since May this year.

Beadys are Getting Crafty!!! On SATURDAY 17TH OCTOBER BEADYS are holding a Craft Fair in Eastergate Parish Hall, 10.00 AM – 3. 30 PM. Over 25 clever crafters will be displaying their handmade goods. Something for everyone, so please come along and buy your Christmas gifts early! Our annual MERRY QUIZMAS will take place on SATURDAY 28TH NOVEMBER at the same venue. This is a really popular evening that puts the FUN into FUNdraising, so please book early! Phone Gill Kelly on 01243 552230 for further details of both events. BEADYS are raising, on average, approximately £1,000 per month, so please help us to keep up the momentum!

Open Gardens

Join our Team on the Road Our team of volunteer drivers play a vital role in the life of the Day Hospice bringing in the day patients who may otherwise not be able to attend. Our drivers use their own cars although many are also trained to use the adapted vehicles that are available for wheelchair users. Our team is also available to help relatives visit their loved one on the ward, as well as taking patients to hospital appointments, so the drivers’ time and commitment is invaluable to the Hospice. Of course, the patients’ carers need a break too sometimes, so when our drivers bring in the patient it means the carers can have some time for themselves without having to worry about transport. Some 30,000 miles are covered by our drivers annually and each driver helps us either one or two days a week. Some are available any day, and others at weekends only, so their dedication is greatly appreciated. We always welcome more drivers to our team and regular training is given on all aspects of patient transportation. If you can offer the drivers’ team a few hours of your time each week, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Emma Clark on 01243 755815.

Ten of the best gardens in our area threw open their gates as part of our Open Garden scheme this year. We were delighted with the response from our supporters, welcoming back some favourite perennials, five new gardens from North of the Downs and a truly cottage-style garden in Walberton – see picture. They raised over £5,000 for the Hospice for which we are truly delighted. If you have a beautiful garden and would like to join in next year’s scheme, please call Jill on 01243 755827.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Well done A big well done to all the Managers, staff and volunteers in our shops for all their hard work and support. Despite the challenges of the economic climate the shops are consistently hitting their targets and indeed often exceeding them! Gift aid We will start the process of claiming gift aid on sales in our two furniture shops from TUESDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER. If you donate an item we will ask if you are a tax payer and if so would you like us to claim gift aid on the proceeds of the sale of the item. This means we will receive an extra 25 pence in the pound which will make a huge difference. Every time you shop in the furniture shops you can help us increase our income in this way as well! Donate don’t dump Some of you may have

seen the recent television show with Mary Portas working in a charity shop to improve its fortunes. We are currently working with some local companies asking their staff to donate items from their wardrobe that we can sell in our shops. Sadly the numbers and quality of donations have declined this year so why not have a good sort out and give some of those items you no longer wear to St Wilfrid's shops. Other shops news Bognor Furniture shop will soon be opening an extension to provide more space to sell items so do come along and see what’s on offer to help furnish your home. Just a reminder of all the shops in the area which are raising money to support the care provided by St Wilfrid's Hospice; please pay your local shop a visit and remember that every time you buy something or

donate items to sell you are helping us provide care and support to our patients and their families. Traditional shops 41 Queensway, Bognor Regis. Telephone 01243 862925 16 The Square, Barnham. Telephone 01243 554479 39-40 South St, Chichester. Telephone 01243 778966 23 Shore Road, East Wittering. Telephone 01243 673854 38 High St, Emsworth. Telephone 01243 373378 137 High St, Selsey. Telephone 01243 607181 Furniture shop and donation centre Summersdale, Lavant Road, Chichester. Telephone 01243 776712 Furniture shop Clarence Gate, High St, Bognor Regis. Telephone 01243 837766.

Hospice. A fortnight later we took a stand at the Southbourne Summer Fete, selling jewellery which raised £149, but more importantly trying to raise the profile of the Hospice in Southbourne (see picture).

News from the Lavant Valley Over £830 was raised for St Wilfrid’s Hospice at a fun evening in May arranged by the Lavant Valley Support Group. Tony Bleach masterminded the races using his special model racecourse. The track ran the length of the Lavant Memorial Hall with six horses, each a foot high.

Each race was sponsored, and each horse had an owner. The horses’ progress up the track was determined by the combination of throwing a coloured dice and a numbered dice. There was great excitement and amusement as the horses made their way up the track, trying to avoid the pitfalls

Barnham, Eastergate, Aldingbourne, Yapton Gill Kelly Tel: 01243 552230 Bognor Regis Chris Jackson Tel: 01243 861991 Bosham Brian Currell Tel: 01243 573596 Boxgrove Mia Tod Tel: 01243 773606 Chichester Helen Schofield Tel: 01243 787325 Donnington Margaret Foyle Tel: 01243 785305 Roy Miller Tel: 01243 783472 Felpham, Middleton-on-Sea Peggy Gumbrell Tel: 01243 827667 Fishbourne Susan Brown Tel: 01243 787428 Funtington and Compton Esther Ross Tel: 01243 575420

Open Garden and Plant Sale Southbourne Support Group held their fifth Open Garden and Plant Sale on a gloriously sunny May Bank Holiday. It was a very enjoyable and successful event, raising nearly £3,000 for the

Arundel Sue Hyland Support Group Co-ordinator Tel: 01243 574569

Fundraising Support Group Contacts

Shop news

Hunston and District Maggie Devenish Tel: 01243 779042 Lavant Valley Nina Johns Tel: 01243 538750

along the way! A big thank you to Tony and Hazel Bleach for making it such a successful and enjoyable evening.

Selsey Bob Hope Tel: 01243 604802 Sidlesham Louise Harwood Tel: 01243 641047 Jane Phillips Tel: 01243 641091 Southbourne Hilary Gilson Tel: 01243 372187 Witterings and District Marion Juggins Tel: 01243 673544

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

A Great big thank you to Derek Valentine and members of the West Tytherley Badminton Club who took part in a 110 mile bike ride raising £1,335 Youngster from the White family whose walk around the village pond raised £20 in memory of their Gran Harry Hedges and the Aldingbourne Social Club whose efforts raised £1,000 Q Hair and Beauty,

Chichester who hosted a ‘Blue Q Day and raised £650 Members of the Manhood Trefoil Guild who through their coffee mornings and table top sales raised over £500 Chichester City Council for a discretionary grant of £500 And to all of you who support us, you never cease to amaze us with your kindness and generosity.

A Legacy of Care Thinking and planning for the future is an important part of life and the opportunity to continue to make a difference. Of course when you make a will your primary duty is to your family. Leaving a legacy to St Wilfrid’s Hospice is more than just a simple financial gift; it is about leaving a legacy of ourselves, our values and beliefs to support the longevity of the service in the future care of others. Planning your legacy is also a wonderful opportunity to make a positive contribution to all those people who rely upon and benefit from the services St Wilfrid’s is able to provide through such support.

Each year, ordinary supporters of St Wilfrid’s make an extraordinary difference by leaving a gift to us in their will. These gifts – known as legacies – are a vital source of income for St Wilfrid’s and we are continually appreciative of the enormous generosity of many who leave us a legacy in their will. This kind of support is essential to St Wilfrid’s whatever the size of the gift as nearly 90% of our running costs come from our supporters. If you would like to find out how to leave a legacy to St Wilfrid’s please complete the cover sheet and tick the box on Legacy information, or call our Fundraising Team on 01243 755827.

A Note of Thanks To the brave, sweet, lovely girls that are the Hospice at Home team... “Thank you so much for your support to keep my Mum in her own comfy bed for her last few days. I can’t find words to express how much it meant to us to be together in her home. It is a wonderful thing you do, remember to take good care of yourselves too…”

The Trefoil Group (top), Dave Valentine and friends (middle) and Laura Bow, Harry Hedges and Trudy Walton (below).

This is just one of the letters received by the Hospice at Home team whose aim is to provide an extension of the Hospice inpatient services offering end of life care, crisis

management and respite for carers to people in their own homes. Since May, 26 people at the end of their life have chosen to die at home, seven people have been nursed until their planned hospice admission and 32 have been on our books throughout a crisis in their disease. These people have been able to make a choice regarding their place of care and death. Without fail their families and friends have told us what a difference Hospice at Home has made to them.

Looking for Friends? In August and September we invited our Friends to bring a guest and come along and hear about developments at the Hospice. This included a presentation on our new Hospice at Home service

and a tour around our newly refurbished rooms completed last year. These times are vital for us to also say a thank you to all of our supporters who give to us on a regular basis. Becoming a Friend of

St Wilfrid’s means your donation will directly help individuals and families for whom we care. A regular donation of only £5 a month helps us provide the meals for one of our inpatients for a day. If you would like to

become a Friend of St Wilfrid’s we would love to welcome you! To find out more please complete the cover sheet and tick the box about becoming a Friend, or call our Fundraising Team on 01243 755827

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Somewhere over the Rainbow saved the day. Mid afternoon the Rainbow was lifted into the air accompanied by the poignant singing of members from the Chichester Youth Theatre who sang ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’. As the afternoon ended we just about had time to set up for our Pimms party and our grateful thanks must go to The Jazz Smugglers who very kindly provided the entertainment. So far we have raised over £11,000 which will go towards caring for our patients and their families. Many thanks to everyone who supported us.

By kind permission of The Chichester News

Once again hundreds of people turned up to support us at our Rainbow Day in Priory Park. Many wrote messages to their loved ones which were placed on the Rainbow whilst others just enjoyed an afternoon of entertainment. The varied programme included The Weyward Singers who were on the way to sing at the Weald and Downland Museum but popped into see us, the ever colourful Aziaz Egyptian Dance Group, the melodic Jazz Smugglers and the best rock n’ roll singer in the south - Rockin Colin who stepped in at the last moment and

‘A Very Positive Day’….. and “There is a need for carers to meet and exchange ideas and relax a bit” were just some of the comments from patients and carers who recently attended our ‘Take Care of Yourself’ day which celebrated and supported National Carers week in June. Arranged and hosted by our Day Hospice and Complementary Therapies Department the day provided an opportunity for our patients and carers to take part in various group

activities which included Tai Chi, relaxation techniques and complementary and creative arts therapies. Twelve carers and 14 patients enjoyed being pampered and spending time with each other as well as having the opportunity to chat with health professionals who offered lots of practical advice and support. Following on from the day’s success, another ‘Take Care of Yourself’ day will be held on TUESDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER in the Day Hospice.

Age Doesn’t Matter

“What’s a few years between friends?” says James Newsam aged 20 years and Peter Blackstaffe aged 85 years who are both volunteers at the St Wilfrid’s Hospice Furniture Shop and Donations Centre in Summersdale. James, who is studying politics at Exeter University, was born in the same year that Peter retired as a Chartered Civil Engineer in local government. Although separated by years they both found themselves with time on their hands and wanted to help out in the community. James is working five days a week during the summer holidays and is really a ‘Jack of all trades’. Building bunk

beds, moving furniture, advising customers and learning new ‘handyman’ skills are all in a day’s work. Peter works one day a week, usually between 10.30 AM – 5.00 PM, although he is ‘on call’ and often receives an early morning cry for help! Peter enjoys dusting the furniture, washing up and chatting with the customers and staff who he says are really enthusiastic, friendly and good fun. This really goes to prove that age doesn’t matter if you want to support St Wilfrid’s Hospice? If you would like to find out more about volunteering in one of our shops please give Juliette a call on 01243 776712.

In need of fundraising inspiration? Would you like to help raise money for the Hospice but are unsure where to start? Maybe you’ve fundraised for us before but would like to try something new? The fundraising team would like to support you whether you are undertaking a personal challenge for sponsorship,

having a small get-together or putting on a large scale event. You can now get a St Wilfrid’s Fundraising Pack full of ideas, tips and resources to help with fundraising activities of all types. Download from our website or call the fundraising office on 01243 755827 to request one by post.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:

01243 775302


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Please donate today for tomorrow’s care

Try One of our Courses

Sunday 4th October

Forthcoming Events

24th Annual Wittering Walk The Shore Inn, East Wittering Saturday 10th October

Raise Your Voice St Paul’s Church, Chichester Dinner and Dance

Bognor Regis Golf Club Thursday 22nd October

Grand Auction Westbourne House School Sunday 22nd November

Santa Fun Run Fontwell Park Racecourse Sunday 6th December

Light Up a Life Chichester Cathedral

All details about our events will be regularly updated on our website. Visit to ensure you’re not left out of any of our exciting activities. For further details Please call fundraising on 01243 755827.

*STOP PRESS* Entries will open this autumn for the second St Wilfrid’s Hospice Open Art Competition in association with Pallant House Gallery. Selected artists will have their works exhibited at the gallery in June 2010. Check out the fundraising pages of our website for more information coming soon.

The Education Department at St Wilfrid’s runs well over a hundred courses and study days a year, covering a diverse range of topics in palliative care and complementary therapies. Some of the offerings coming up in the next few months include: Adapting Tai Chi and Chi Kung for chair based exercise groups

Clinical skills Helping children and teens adjust to loss Aromatherapy and back massage Reiki Understanding and working with lymphoedema Know yourself, understand others Hand and foot massage and creative relaxation

We can also deliver tailor-made training to domiciliary and residential care home staff on their own premises. If you are interested in any of our courses or study days, or would like to discuss any training needs you may have, please phone Lynne Morgan on 01243 755812 or email

Raise Funds with a Celebration You too can raise more than the roof at your next celebratory party if you wish by using the occasion to help raise funds for St Wilfrid’s. Newly weds Jane and Lee Hughes asked friend Adele Hendry to sing ‘their song’ for them at their reception. So moved were the guests that they asked for an encore in return for donations to the Hospice. When Brenda and Paul Pennicott tied the knot they asked wedding guests for donations rather than gifts as are Deborah and Steve Downes who will be celebrating their wedding and Steve’s 60th birthday later in the year. And, one of our long term supporters and ‘Friend’ of the Hospice recently celebrated his 80th birthday

Debra and Steve (inset), Lee, Adele and Jane (top right), Brenda and Paul (below).

with a party for friends and family who responded very generously to his appeal for “no presents please, but donations, if you feel inclined to St Wilfrid’s.” A great big thank you to you all and may we wish you many more years of happiness.

How to contact us Address:

St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Grosvenor Road, Chichester, PO19 8FP 01243 775302

Telephone: E-mail: Website: Registered Charity No: 281963 Newsletter Editor: Jill Dennison

If you have any comments about the newsletter please contact Jill on 01243 755827, e-mail

Autumn / Winter Fashion Show Come and view the new Basler collection showcased by our London Models.

Wednesday 21st October at 11.00 am Complimentary coffee and biscuits from 10.30 am Tickets priced at £5 available from The Basler store, 39 North Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1LX

Tel: 01243 530421 Proceeds to St Wilfrid’s Hospice

St Wilfrid’s Hospice welcomes your support. Telephone to find out how you can help us:


01243 775302

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