J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1(4), 443-447 (2010).
Oscillation behavior of certain fourth order neutral difference equations B. SELVARAJ and J. DAPHY LOUIS LOVENIA Department of mathematics Karunya University, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641 114, Tamil Nadu, India. e-mail: selvaraj@karunya.edu, daphy@karunya.edu ABSTRACT In this paper, we establish the sufficient conditions for oscillation of fourth order neutral difference equation of the form
2 ( rn 2 ( y n p n y n k )) q n y n l 3 0 by using comparison method. Example is provided to illustrate the results. Keywords : Oscillation, Neutral difference equations, comparison method. AMS Classification :39 A 11
real sequences with {q n } not identically
Consider the following fourth order non linear neutral difference equation of the form
2 ( rn 2 ( y n p n y n k )) q n y n l 3 0 (1.1)
zero for infinitely many values of n. (b) There is a positive constant p such that 0 p n p 1 and k and l are positive integers.
where n N ( n0 ) {n0 , n0 1, n0 2,...},
,...},n0 is a non-negative integer and is the forward difference operator defined by y n y n 1 y n. . The following conditions are assumed to hold: (a)
{ pn }
and {q n } are non-negative e
(c) {rn } is a positive sequence of real numbers for n N (n0 ) such
n n0 n
Let max{ k , l} . By a solution
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1 Issue 4, 30 June, 2010 Pages (403-527)
B. Selvaraj et al., J.Comp.&Math.Sci. Vol.1(4), 443-447 (2010)
of (1.1) we mean a real sequence
{ yn }
which is defined for all n N 0 and satisfies equation (1.1) for all n N
N (n0 ) . As it is customary, a solution
{ y n } of (1.1) is said to be oscillatory if the terms yn of the sequence are not eventually positive or not eventually negative; otherwise it is called nonoscillatory. Equation (1.1) is said to be oscillatory if all its solutions are oscillatory.
solution of the equation (1.1), then there are only the following two cases for large n,
( I ) y n 0, z n 0, z n 0, rn 2 z n 0,
(rn 2 z n ) 0. ( II ) y n 0, z n 0, z n 0, rn 2 z n 0, (rn 2 z n ) 0 The proof follows from Discrete Kneser’s Theorem [1,Theorem 1.7.11] Lemma 2.2 Let {yn} be a positive solution of the equation (1.1) and not identically zero. Then for every
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of ,0 1 , there exists a large positive e solutions of fourth order difference equations2-20 and references cited therein. integer N such that for all n N , Following this trend, in this paper we yn n(3) (rn 2 yn ), where n ( 3) n obtain some sufficient conditions for the 3! oscillation of all the solutions of equation (1.1) using comparison method. An n( n 1)( n 2) . example is provided to illustrate the Proof. The proof can be found result. in [16] and [20]. 2. Main results Lemma2.3 If {yn}
Let {xn} be a real sequence. We define a sequence {zn} by z n y n p n y nk , (2.1)
is an eventually positive solution of (1.1) , then there exists an integer n N (n0 ) such that (1 p n ) z n y n z n for n N .
n N (n0 ) where {p n} and k are as defined as earlier. In this section we present some sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of equation (1.1). Lemma2.1 Let {yn} be a positive
Proof. From definition of we have
zn yn
zn ,
for n N . Hence
y n z n p n y n k y n z n pn znk y n (1 p n ) z n
for n N .
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1 Issue 4, 30 June, 2010 Pages (403-527)
B. Selvaraj et al., J.Comp.&Math.Sci. Vol.1(4), 443-447 (2010) Theorem 3.1 Assume that there exists a constant 0 0 1 , such that the first order delay difference
( 3) n ( rn 2 z n ), 3!
From the equation (2.1)
0 y n l 3 z n l 3 p n l 3 y n l 3 q n ( n l 3) (3) equation y n 3! and we have 2 2 [1 pn l 3 ] y n l 3 0 (3 .1) ( rn z n ) q n [ z n l 3 p n l 3 y n l 3 ] 0 for all large n. is oscillatory. Then equation (1.1) is oscillatory. Proof: Let {yn} be an eventually positive solution of (1.1) and define
z n y n p n y n k
z n y n and z n 0 , we obtain
2 (rn 2 z n ) q n [1 p n l 3 ] z n l 3 0 for all sufficiently large n. Using (3.3),
(3 .2)
Then from hypotheses (a) and (b) there exists an integer n1 n0 such that
for every 0 1,
2 (rn 2 z n )
[1 p n l 3 ][rn l 3 ( 2 z nl 3 )] 0.
y n 0 and 2 ( rn 2 z n ) 0 for all n n1 . By Lemma 2.1, there exists for some large n2 n1 , such that either
for all large n. Let v n ( rn 2 z n ) . Thus {v n } satisfies
y n 0, z n 0, z n 0, rn 2 z n 0,
, ( rn 2 z n ) 0. OR y n 0, z n 0, z n 0, rn 2 z n 0, (rn 2 z n ) 0 Hence lim n z n 0. Therefore by Lemma 2.2 for every ,0 1 , there e exists a
q n (n l 3) (3) 3! 3!
such that for all n N ,
q n (n l 3) ( 3) 3! 0 , for n large
v n [1 p n l 3 ]v n l 3 enough and for every 0 1.
Using result from [1], the difference equation
q n (n l 3) ( 3) [1 p n l 3 ]w 3! wn l 3 0.
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1 Issue 4, 30 June, 2010 Pages (403-527)
B. Selvaraj et al., J.Comp.&Math.Sci. Vol.1(4), 443-447 (2010)
has an eventually positive solution for every 0 1. This contradicts the fact that (3.1) is oscillatory. When {yn} is eventually negative solution, {-yn} will be an eventually positive solution. Proof of Theorem 3.1 is complete.
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