J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1 (6), 754-757 (2010)
Energy of Complement Graphs of Some Equienergetic Regular Graphs M. DEVA SAROJA #1 and M. S. PAULRAJ*2 #1
Research Scholar, Mother Teresa University, Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, India. 1 mdsaroja@yahoo.com *2 Assistant professor, A M Jain College. Meenambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu mailtopaulraj@yahoo.co.in ABSTRACT
The energy of graph G is the sum of the absolute values of its eigen values. Let G denote the complement of the graph G . In this paper we obtained the spectra and energy of complement graphs of some equienergetic regular graphs obtained from complete graph Keywords— Regular graph, complete graph, complement graph, energy of graph, equi energetic graph. AMS Subject classifications— 05c50
Molecular Orbital (HMO) method in quantum chemistry.
Let G be an undirected graph with out loops and multiple edges with 2 p vertices. Let
V (G ) = {v1 , v2 , v3 ........v2 p } be the vertex set
of G . The adjacency matrix of a graph G is A(G ) = [ Aij ] , in which Aij = 1 if vi is adjacent V j and Aij = 0 , otherwise the roots of the Eigen values of PG (λ ) = 0 , denoted by
λ1 , λ2 ,..........λ2 p are the Eigen values of G and their collection form a spectrum of G 2. The energy4 of a graph G is defined as E (G ) =| λ1 | + | λ2 | +........+ | λ2 p | . It is a
generalization of a formula valid for total π electron energy calculated with the Hukel
In the paper6 one could obtained the graph D1 ( K 2 p ) from K 2 p , which has adjacency matrix
A( K p ) A( K p ) A( D1 ( K 2 p )) = and energy is A( K p ) A( K p ) E[ D1 ( K 2 p )] = 4( p − 1) . The graph D2 ( K 2 p ) from K 2 p which has adjacency matrix
A( K p ) 0 A( D2 ( K 2 p )) = and energy is 0 A( K p ) E[ D2 ( K 2 p )] = 4( p − 1) .
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)
M. Deva Saroja et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1 (6), 754-757 (2010)
755 The graph
D3 ( K 2 p ) from K 2 p which has
=| λ I p || λ I p −
adjacency matrix
0 A( K p ) A( D3 ( K 2 p )) = and energy is A( K p ) 0 E[ D3 ( K 2 p )] = 4( p − 1) .
=| λ I p ||
If M is a non singular square matrix then
Therefore the spectrum of
−1 1 p p and energy is E[ D1 ( K 2 p )] = 2 p . Theorem(2)
E[ D2 ( K 2 p )] = 2 p .
Theorem (1) Energy of
Proof graph
D1 ( K 2 p ) is E[ D1 ( K 2 p )] = 2 p
A( K p ) A( K p ) A( D1 ( K 2 p )) = and A( K p ) A( K p ) A = J − I − A where A is the adjacency
by6 matrix of complement graph. Using above we get
0 J
Therefore, we get A[ D1 ( K 2 p )] =
J is 0
the adjacency matrix of complete bipartite graph K p , p , whose spectrum is ±, 0 2 p − 2
D2 ( K 2 p ) is E[ D2 ( K 2 p )] = 2 p .
characteristic polynomial is
By lemma
matrix of complement graph.
from2] Then the energy of complement graph of
0 Ip A[ D1 ( K 2 p )] = and the I p 0
λ I p −I p −I p λ I p
=| (λ I p ) || λ I p − (− I p )
0 A( K p ) A( D2 ( K 2 p )) = and A( K p ) 0 A = J − I − A where A is the adjacency
P[ D1 ( K 2 p )](λ ) =
D1 ( K 2 p ) is
Energy of complement graph of D2 ( K 2 p ) is
M N −1 =| M | | Q − PM N | . P Q complement
λ2I p − I p | λ
= (λ + 1) p (λ − 1) p
we have
= (λ 2 − 1) p
=| (λ 2 − 1) I p |
In5, the graph J ( K p , p ) which has adjacency
A( K p ) I p A( J ( K p , p )) = and I p A( K p ) energy is E[ J ( K p , p )] = 4( p − 1) .
Theorem (3). Energy of complement graph of D3 ( K 2 p ) is
(− I p ) |
4( p − 1) . Proof
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)
M. Deva Saroja et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1 (6), 754-757 (2010)
0 A( K p )
Since A( D3 ( K 2 p )) =
A = J − I − A where
A( K p ) and 0
A is the adjacency
matrix of complement graph.
graphs D1 ( K 2 p ) ,
D2 ( K 2 p ) ,
D3 ( K 2 p ) and J ( K p , p ) are equienergetic. The energy of D1 ( K 2 p ) and D2 ( K 2 p ) are 2 p . The energy of D3 ( K 2 p ) and J ( K p , p ) is
Ip A( K p ) A[ D3 ( K 2 p )] = A( K p ) Ip = A[ J ( K p , p )] by5
4( p − 1) . The energy of D3 ( K 2 p ) , J ( K p , p ) , D3 ( K 2 p ) and J ( K p , p ) are equal is 4( p − 1) .
We get E[ J ( K p , p )] = 4( p − 1)
There fore E[ D3 ( K 2 p )] = 4( p − 1) .
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Theorem(4) Energy of complement graph of J ( K p , p ) is
4( p − 1) . Proof :
A( K p ) Ip
Since A[ J ( K p , p )] =
Ip 5 by A( K p )
and A = J − I − A where A is the adjacency matrix of complement graph. Therefore
A( K p ) 0 A[ J ( K p , p )] = 0 A( K p ) = A( D3 ( K 2 p )) By6, we get
E[ D3 ( K 2 p )] = 4( p − 1) Therefore
E[ J ( K p , p )] = 4( p − 1)
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)
M. Deva Saroja et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1 (6), 754-757 (2010)
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http://www.narosa.com 6. M. Deva Saroja, M. S. Paulraj Equienergetic regular graph vol 3 no 3 Aug, IJACM Eashwar Publications Eashwarpublications.com (2010).
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 6, 31 October, 2010 Pages (636-768)