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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1(7), 827-830 (2010)

Requirement Specification Task its limitations and Drawbacks an Overview VIVEK MISHRA* and VINODANI KATIYAR** *Lecturer, Dept Of M.C.A. I.E.T. Dr. R. M. L. Avadh University, Faizabad, **Professor, Department of Computer Science, SITM, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. U.P (INDIA).

ABSTRACT During requirement specification we analyze requirements. These requirements are properly documented for the lookeron. While in on initial requirement phase of a project the requirement team using a world processing program to produce a single requirement specification document Keywords: Requirement Specification, Timebox Requirement Engineering , IDE.

INTRODUCTION As the cost of hardware component continues to decrease and the technology expands along Toffler’s curve1 software continues to insinuate itself into almost all aspects of our lives. In the filed of money transfer Electronic fund transfer System2 is playing on important role. Developers have to concentrate on users requirement as well as technological requirement3. In early 1980’s requirement specification seemed to be a simple task. The requirement engineers would elicit function requirements from structured analysis method from various stakeholders and produce single requirement specification document. Every one i.e. executive managers, subject matter experts, and testers etc. would base their work on the requirement specification document. Many

projects still use a similar approach to perform requirement specification. Requirement Specification Problems Single R S Task was time consuming and expensive to produce. It was also incomplete, ambiguous, harder to read and not up to date, .it did not contain metadata it was some what useful for some audiences but did not provide sufficient amount of detail for their looker-on. So there is a need of proper changers in the Requirement specification task for all its audiences. TRENDS IMPACTING SPECIFICATION TASK


Perhaps the most significant trend affecting the requirements specification task is the replacement of the traditional waterfall development cycle with modern iterative, incremental, parallel, and timeboxed

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 7, 31 December, 2010 Pages (769-924)

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