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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol. 1(7), 865-872 (2010)

Analogue of The Schubert Submodules in Quantum Groups SARASIJA Department of Mathematics Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil ABSTRACT In this paper, we give an analogue of the Schubert submodules in Quantum Groups Uqg, where g = (Sl(n+1),C). V as a Uqgmodule. If V is finite – dimensional, then V itself is a Schubert submodule. If V is infinite dimensional, then V as a union of Schubert submodules.

INTRODUCTION Quantum group Uqg , where q is non root of unity, is a certain deformation of the universal enveloping algebra U(g) of a complex simple finite dimensional Lie algebra g = (Sl(n+1),C) introduced by Drinfield4, Lusztig7,8, Jimbo6 and also given by De Concin & Kac2. Uqg = Uq- g ⊗ U q0 g ⊗ Uq+ g Uqb+ - subalgebra of Uqg generated by Ei, K i±1 ( 1≤ i≤ n), Rosso9. W is its Weyl group. Schubert submodules have already begun to show their usefulness in the study of the representations of Kac-Moody algebras. We will present here an analogue of Schubert submodules in Quantum group and investigate various aspects in this context.

1. PRELIMINARIES Let q , non root of unity ,be an indeterminate and let A = C[q,q-1] with the quotient field C(q). For n ε Z, let [n] =

q n − q −n q − q −1

∈ A,

[n] [n − 1] … [1], and the binomial coefficient

[n] ! =


n  [n]! k  = [k ]![n − k ]! for k ε N.  

Let (aij ) be an Cartan matrix of type An . We define Uqg is the algebra over C(q) defined by the generators Ei, Fi, Ki, Ki-1 (1 ≤ i ≤ n) and the relation (1.1)-(1.5): Ki Ki-1 = Ki-1 Ki = 1,

KiKj = KjKi,


KiEj Ki-1 = qaij Ej, KiFj Ki-1 = q –aij Fj, (1.2) EiFj – FjEi = δ ij

K i − K i−1 , q − q −1

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1, Issue 7, 31 December, 2010 Pages (769-924)


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