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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (4), 458-463 (2012)

Semi-simple Fuzzy G- Modules SOURIAR SEBASTIAN* and PRATHISH ABRAHAM Department of Mathematics, St. Albert’s College, Ernakulam, Kochi-682018, Kerala, INDIA. Department of Mathematics, Union Christian College, Aluva, Ernakulam-683102, Kerala, INDIA. (Received on: July 5, 2012) ABSTRACT The concept of fuzzy G- modules and its properties including reducibility and injectivity are already defined. In this paper we extend this idea to define semi-simplicity of fuzzy G- modules. The existence of a semi-simple fuzzy G-module for every finite dimensional G-module is proved and the relationships of semisimplicity with other properties of fuzzy G- modules are also discussed. Keywords: Fuzzy-G-modules, Direct sum of Fuzzy G-modules, Complete reducibility, Fuzzy Injectivity, Semi-simple fuzzy G- modules.

1. INTRODUCTION The introduction of fuzzy sets by Zadeh led way to the fuzzification of Algebraic structures. Fuzzy groups and groupoids are defined by Rosen ield . Fuzzification of G-modules, their complete reducibility and injectivity are discussed by Shery10. In this paper we define semisimplicity of fuzzy G-Modules using direct sum of fuzzy G-modules. We prove the existence of semi-simple fuzzy G-modules on every finite dimensional G-module. We

also obtain the relationship between complete reducibility and semi-simplicity of fuzzy G- modules and relate fuzzy injectivity with fuzzy semi-simplicity. 2. PRELIMINARIES Given a finite group G, a vector space M over a field K is said to be a Gmodule if for every g ∈ G and m ∈ M there exists a product ‘gm’ called action of G on M satisfying (i) 1 m m, m M (ii) gh m g hm , g, h G, m M

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 4, 31 August, 2012 Pages (422-497)


Souriar Sebastian, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (4), 458-463 (2012)

(iii) g k m k m k gm k gm , g G, m , m M, k , k K A subspace of M, which itself is a G-module with the same action is called Gsubmodule of M. It can be seen that the intersection of G-submodules is again a Gsubmodule. A non-zero G- module M is irreducible if the only G- submodules of M are M and {0}.Otherwise it is reducible. A non-zero G module M is completely reducible if for every G-submodule N of M there exists a G-submodule N of M such that M=N N . It is well known that Gsubmodules of completely reducible Gmodules are completely reducible. For Gmodules M and M*, M is M* injective if, for every submodule N of M*, any homomorphism φ from N to M can be extended as a homomorphism Ďˆ from M* to M. A G- module M is semi simple if there exists a family of irreducible G sub modules M i such that M M . It is evident that completely reducible G-modules are semi simple. A fuzzy G-module over a G-module M is a fuzzy set Âľ on M (i.e. a function Âľ: M 0,1") such that (i) Âľ ax by ' min(Âľ x , Âľ y ) , a, b K and x, y M and (ii) Âľ gm ' Âľ m , m M and g G. The standard fuzzy intersection of finite number of fuzzy G- modules is again a fuzzy G- module, while standard union and compliment need be so. If M M is a G-module and Âľ is a fuzzy G-module on M , ∀i , then Âľ defined by Âľ x = min (Âľ x , Âľ x , ‌ , Âľ x ), x

x x . . . x M and x M is fuzzy G-module on M called the direct sum of fuzzy G-modules ¾ , i 1,2, ‌ , n. A fuzzy G-module ¾ on M is completely reducible if (i) M is completely reducible, (ii) M has at least one proper G-submodule and (iii) Corresponding to any proper decomposition M M of M, there exists fuzzy G-modules ¾ on M , i 1,2 , such that ¾ ¾ ¾ . If ¾ and - are fuzzy G-modules on Gmodules M and M* then ¾ is - injective if i)

M is M* injective and

ii) - (m) ≤ Âľ(Ďˆ(m)), for every Ďˆ ∈ Hom(M*,M). The standard fuzzy compliment [3] of a fuzzy set Âľ on X is defined as Âľ. x 1 / Âľ x . The standard fuzzy intersection [3] and standard fuzzy union [3] of two fuzzy sets Âľ and Âľ on X are defined by Âľ 0 Âľ x min1Âľ x , Âľ x 2 and Âľ 3 Âľ x max1Âľ x , Âľ x 2. Throughout this paper we are applying standard fuzzy operations for union, intersection and complementation. 3. SEMI–SIMPLE FUZZY G-MODULES 3.1 Definition A fuzzy G-module Âľ on M is said to be semi-simple if M is semi-simple and Âľ Âľ where Âľ is a fuzzy G-module on M , i.

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 4, 31 August, 2012 Pages (422-497)

Souriar Sebastian, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (4), 458-463 (2012)

3.2 Example Let 4 11, /12 567 8 9(√2) ;<=> 9. Then M is a semi-simple Gmodule with M = 9(√2) 9 √29. Let ? from M to [0, 1] be defined as ?(5 @√2) = 1, if a = 0, b = 0 = .8, if a ≠0, b = 0 = .2, if b ≠0 Define ? from Q to [0, 1] by ? A = 1, if x = 0 = .8, if x ≠0 and ? from √29 to [0, 1] by ? A = 1, if x = 0


= .8, if x ≠0 Then ? 567 ? are fuzzy Gmodules on Q and √29 respectively such that ? ? ? . Hence ? is a semi-simple fuzzy G-module over M. 3.3 Proposition Let M be a semi-simple G-module with decomposition M M . . If Âľ Âľ and Âľ Âľ are two semi-simple fuzzy G-modules on M, then Âľ 0 Âľ is also a semi-simple fuzzy G-module on M, where 0 denotes standard fuzzy intersection.

Proof: The standard fuzzy intersection of fuzzy G- modules is a fuzzy G-module defined by ¾ 0 ¾ x min1¾ x , ¾ x 2 , x x x . . . x M =min1min1 ? A , ? A , ‌ ? A 2, min 1? A , ? A , ‌ ? A 22 min1min ? A , ? A ", min ? A , ? A " , ‌ min ? A , ? A "2 = min1 ? 0 ? A , ? 0 ? A , ‌ ‌ ? 0 ? A 2 = min1B A , B A , ‌ , B A 2, CD=>= B ? 0 ? EF 5 GHIIJ 4 / K;7HL= ;6 8

= B A Hence ? 0 ? is semi simple M 3.4 Proposition Any finite dimensional G- module with dimension at least 2 has a semi-simple fuzzy G-module. Proof: Assume that M is a G-module with dimension n ' 2, and 1 ι , ι , ‌, ι 2 is a basis for M. Let M span 1ι 2. Then M is semi-simple with M M . Define ¾ on M by ¾ c ι c ι . . . c ι 1, if c c . . . c 0

1 , if c S 0, c . . . c 0 2 1 , if c S 0, c . . . c 0 3 . . .

1 , if c S 0 n 1

Define Âľ on M by

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 4, 31 August, 2012 Pages (422-497)


Souriar Sebastian, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (4), 458-463 (2012)

? A 1, EG A 0 1 , EG U S 0 E 1 Then ? ? and hence the result. M 4. SEMI-SIMPLICITY AND OTHER PROPERTIES The semi-simplicity of a fuzzy Gmodule is related to properties like complete reducibility and fuzzy injectivity of fuzzy G-modules. These relationships are derived in the following propositions 4.1 Proposition For any finite dimensional Gmodule M, semi-simple fuzzy G-modules on M are completely reducible. Proof: Let ? be a semi-simple fuzzy Gmodule on M. Assume that 8 8

and ? ? where ? VF are fuzzy Gmodules on the irreducible G-submodules 8 of M. Let N be any G-submodule of M. Then N is spanned by the elements1 W , W , ‌W 2 of a basis 1 W , W , ‌W , W , ‌ , W 2 of M. Let XV be the sub module spanned by the remaining basis vectors. Then 8 X X and for any A A A . . . A 8, we have min , , ‌ , = min min , , ‌ , min , , ‌

= min { ? , ? .} = B B , where B 567 B are fuzzy G modules on N and X . This shows that ? is completely reducible. M

4.2 Proposition A completely reducible fuzzy Gmodule ¾ on a finite dimensional G-module M is semi-simple if ¾ is linear as a function from M to [0, 1] and, ¾ 0 1 for all fuzzy G-modules ¾ on G-submodules M of M. Proof: Since ? is completely reducible, M is completely reducible and hence is semisimple. Let 8 be the G-submodule of M spanned by the basis vector W of a basis 1 W , W , ‌W 2of M.. Then 8 8 , and . . . , , . . . , min , , ‌ , , (1) 0,

As Âľ is completely reducible, for the decomposition 8 X ;G 8 where, X

8 , ¾ is decomposed into ? ? ? where ? 567 ? are fuzzy G-modules on 8 567 X . Hence ? A min 1 ? A , ? V A V 2 CD=>= A V A A Y A . Similarly for every decomposition 8 X ;G 8 we can find fuzzy G-modules ? 567 ? so that ? A min 1 ? A , ? V A V 2 CD=>= A V X , E 1,2,3, ‌ , 6, (2) Each of these n equations gives the inequalities ? A Z ? A , E 1,2,3, ‌ , 6. The inequalities together implies ? A Z min 1 ? A ,

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 4, 31 August, 2012 Pages (422-497)

Souriar Sebastian, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.3 (4), 458-463 (2012)

? A , ‌ , ? A 2 (3) Equation (2) gives that ? A ? A which together with (1) proves ? A ' min 1 ? A , ? A , ‌ , ? A 2


Inequalities (3) and (4) together give ? A min 1 ? A , ? A , ‌ , ? A 2, thereby making ? ?

where ? VF are fuzzy G-modules on 8 VF. This proves that M is semi-simple. M 4.3 Proposition If M is a semi-simple G-module, then M is M injective for every G-module M

M . On assuming Âľ is ^ injective, we obtain M is M injective and ^ m Z Âľ(Ďˆ m ) for every Ďˆ Hom M , M .


Since M is M injective and M is a Gsubmodule of M, M is M injective, i=1,2,‌n and ^ m ^ m i 1,2, ‌ , n.


Let Ďˆ is any homomorphism in Hom Mŕ­§ , M . As M is M injective, every homomorphism from M to M can be extended as a homomorphism from M to M. Let φ is an extension of Ďˆ toHom M , M . Then (5) and (6) gives ^ m Z Âľ φ m Âľ Ďˆ m for every Ďˆ Hom M , M . This proves that Âľ is ^ injective, for every i. On assuming the converse, by proposition 4.3, M is M injective. Let Ďˆ Hom M , M and m M. Then m m , and

Proof: Semi-simplicity of M gives M = M . Let N be any G-submodule of M and φ be a homomorphism from N to M. If N = {0}, then φ = 0 and Ďˆ= 0 is an extension of φ from M to M. If N M , then Ďˆ c m c m . . . c m φ c m is an extension of φ from M to M.. If N = M , k ] 6, then Ďˆ c m c m . . . c m φ c m c m . . . c m gives the required extension. This proves that every Gsubmodule M is M injective M

Since Âľ is ^ injective, ^ m Z Âľ Ďˆ m , i. Hence ^ m Z min`Âľ(Ďˆ m )a i 1,2,3, ‌ , n.

4.4 Proposition

Hence Âľ is ^ injective. M

If G is a finite group and ^ is a semisimple fuzzy G-module on a M*, then for any fuzzy G- module Âľ on M, Âľ is ^ injective if and only if Âľ is ^ injective for every i Proof: Since ^ is semi-simple fuzzy Gmodule on M , M M , and ^ ^ , where ^ is a fuzzy G-module on


m min m , m , ‌ , m , i 1,2,3, ‌ , n.



Âľ Ďˆ mଵ Ďˆ mଶ Ďˆ mŕ­Ź Âľ Ďˆ m



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Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 4, 31 August, 2012 Pages (422-497)

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