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J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.4 (3), 197-201 (2013)

A Study on ε − framed Metric Structure Manifold AMIT MEWARI*, U.C. GAIROLA** and M. C. JOSHI*** *

Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttrarkhand, INDIA. ** Department of Mathematics, Pauri Campus Pauri Garhwal, H.N.B. Garhwal, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttrarkhand, INDIA. *** Department of Mathematics, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaon University, Nainital, Uttrarkhand, INDIA. (Received on: June 8, 2013) ABSTRACT

In this paper, we have studied the ε − framed metric structure manifold and extend the results of K.K. Dube and N.K. Joshi a step forward. This manifold is very general manifold which in special cases reduces to framed metric manifold, almost r-contact metric manifold, almost contact metric manifold, almost r-Para Contact metric manifold almost contact metric manifold, almost Hermitian manifold, almost product Riemannian manifold. Keywords: Framed metric manifold, Hermitian manifold, Riemannian manifold.

1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we consider (n=2m+r) dimension differentiable manifold Mn of class C ∞ , with tensor field F ≠ 0, and of type (1, 1), satisfying

1-forms u 1 , u 2 , u 3 … u r and a Riemannian metric g satisfying

FU k = 0

(1.2) k

u k (U p ) = δ ; p

F = ε (I − u ⊗ U k ) 2



u oF = 0

Where δ is



r -vector fields U 1 , U 2 , U 3 … U r and r- C ,


Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 4, Issue 3, 30 June, 2013 Pages (135-201)


Amit Mewari, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.4 (3), 197-201 (2013) r

Kronecker delta and k, p = 1, 2… r.

g ( FX , F 2Y ) = g ( X , FY ) − ∑ u k ( X )u k ( FY ) k =1

and X def F ( X ) ; For arbitrary vector


g ( FX , ε ( I − u ⊗ U k )Y ) = g ( X , FY ) − ∑ u k ( X )u k ( FY ) k

field X.

k =1

g ( X , FY ) + g ( FX , Y ) = u k (Y ) g ( FX , U k ) r

g ( FX , FY ) = g ( X , Y ) − ∑ u k ( X )u k (Y ) (1.3) k =1

For all vector fields X, Y of Mn, where k = 1, 2 … r and ε 2 = 1 7. Then Mn is called an ε -framed metric manifold. Also in an ε -framed metric manifold, and we have g ( FX , Y ) = ε g ( X , FY ) . In this structure, we have consider framed metric structure as ε =-1 throughout this paper. This structure is very general which in special cases reduces to several known structures given below: Structures/manifolds Framed metric Structure Almost r-Contact Metric Almost Contact metric Almost r-Para Contact Metric Almost Para Contact Metric Almost Hermitian Almost Product Riemannian

ε -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1

If there exists two vector fields X, Y which are tangent to manifold Mn. The manifold Mn satisfies above condition is called an ε -framed metric manifold. In this Manifold if we put X= Uk in r

g ( FU k , FY ) = g (U k , Y ) − ∑ u k (U k )u k (Y ) k =1

and using (1), we get g (U k , Y ) = u (Y ) . Similarly if we put Y= FY in (3) and using (1) and (2), we get, k

(1.5) Putting X =Um in (1.5) and making use of (1.2), we obtain, g ( FU m , Y ) + g ( FX , Y ) = u k (Y ) g ( FU m , U k ) g (U m , Y ) = 0


From (1.5) and (1.6),

g ( X , FY ) + g ( FX , Y ) = 0


Let us define 2-form F ′ as

F ′( X , Y ) = g ( FX , Y )


In this continuation, we have deduced the results in form of two theorems. 2. MAIN RESULTS Theorem 1: A ε −framed metric structure manifold is not unique. If µ be a nonsingular vector valued function of Mn, Let us put,

i ) µ o F ′ = Foµ  k k ii ) V = u oµ iii ) µV = U k k 


Then F ′, V k , V k structure on Mn.


} gives a ε −framed metric

Proof: we have µ o F ′ = Fo µ

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 4, Issue 3, 30 June, 2013 Pages (135-201)

Amit Mewari, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.4 (3), 197-201 (2013)


On post multiplying (2.1) (i) by F ′ and making use of (1.1) and (2.1); we get,

π m ∩ π m = π m ∩ π m = π m ∩ π r = ϕ and

µ o F ′ 2 = Fo µ o F ′ = F 2 o µ

they span together a tangent bundle of dimension n =(2m+r). Projection L, M, N on




π m , π m and π r are given by,

µ o F ′ 2 = ε ( I − u k ⊗ U k ) oµ µ o F ′ 2 = ε ( µ − u k ( µ ) U k oµ ) µ o F ′ 2 = ε ( µ − u k ( µ ) Vk ) From (2.1) (ii), we get,

µ o F ′ 2 = ε ( µ − V k ⊗ Vk )

( 2 .2 )

F ′ 2 = ε ( I n − V k ⊗ Vk )

( 2 . 3)

Also from (2.1) (i) and (iii), we have µ o F ′Vk = Foµ Vk = 0 . Thus,

FU k =0, k = 1, 2, …, r.


i ) 2 L def − F 2 − iF   2 ii ) 2 M def − F + iF  2 k iii ) N = F − εI m = u ⊗ U k Proof: Suppose that, Mn admits a ε − framed metric structure. Hence; corresponding to eigenvalues i [2], let Pk ; k = 1, 2, …, r is n linearly independent eigenvalues. Let Qk be


eigenvectors Conjugate to Pk .Further, there

Again, V k oF = u k oµ oF ′ = u k oF = 0 by (1.1). Thus, V k oF ′ = 0 (2.5)

is r – linearly independent vector field U k . Thus, we have


Further, u k oV p = δ ,k, p =1,2,…, r p


By virtue of equation (2.3), (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6).we conclude that k gives an ε −framed metric F ′, V k , V structure on Mn.



Theorem 2: The necessary and sufficient condition that, Mn be an ε − framed metric structure manifold is that it possesses a tangent bundle π m of dimension m, tangent

a k Pk ⇒ a k = 0, b k Qk ⇒ b k = 0, c k U k ⇒ c k = 0,



, b k , c k are Scalars )

Now, if a k Pk + b k Q k + c k U a k Pk

= 0


+ bk Qk + ckU


= 0,

( 2 .7 ) ( 2 .8 )

In view of equation (2.1.2) and we

bundle π m conjugate to π m and the product

know the fact that Pk , Qk are eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalues i and –i respectively; we have

set π r ( R r ) of ordered r – tuples of real numbers such that,

a k Pk − b k Q k = 0 ,


Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 4, Issue 3, 30 June, 2013 Pages (135-201)

( 2 .9 )


Amit Mewari, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.4 (3), 197-201 (2013)

k = 1, 2, …, n.

a k = b k = 0,

Baring (2.9) again and using the same fact that Pk Qk are eigenvectors corresponding i and –i, we get,

Thus, form (2.7); it follows that

a k Pk + b k Q k = 0

( 2 . 10 )

k = 1,2,.........n.

ck = 0

{P , Q




, Uk }



independent set. From eqn. (3.1.8) we can easily show that,

Thus, from (2.9) and (2.10); we have (i)

LPK , = PK ,

(ii) LQK = 0,


LU K = 0.

… (2.11)


MPK = 0,

(ii) MQ K = Q K ;


MU K = 0.

… (2.12)


NPK = 0,

(ii) NQK = 0;

(iii) NU K = U K .

Thus, there exists a tangent bundle ~

π m of dimension and a tangent bundle π m Conjugate to π m and the product space π r or, ordered r-tuples of real numbers such that ~


πm ∩πm = πm ∩πr = πm∩πr = ϕ



and Uk be r- linearly independent vectors in product set π r . Suppose Pk , , Qk , , U k }


span a tangent bundle of dimension (2m+r). Define the inverse set p k , q k , u k } as


p K ⊗ PK + q K ⊗ QK + u K ⊗ U K = I n (2.14)


π m ∪ π m ∪ π r gives a tangent bundle of ~

dimension (2m+r), projections on π m , π m and π r being L, M and N respectively.






F 2 = i p K ⊗ P k − q K ⊗ Qk



dimension m, π m conjugate to π m and product set π r such that they are mutually disjoint and span together a tangent bundle of dimension n. Let Pk be m linearly independent ~


F def p K ⊗ PK − q K ⊗ QK Thus, we have,

Suppose, conversely that in M n these exists a tangent bundle π m

Let, us now put,

vectors in π m , Qk in π m conjugate to Pk

In view of equation (2.15), the equation takes form 2 k K F = − p ⊗ Pk + q ⊗ Q K } . This by virtue of (2.14) takes the form above


F 2 = −I n + u k ⊗ U k or, F 2 = ε (I n − u k ⊗ U k )

Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 4, Issue 3, 30 June, 2013 Pages (135-201)

Amit Mewari, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.4 (3), 197-201 (2013)

Thus, Mn admits a structure.

ε −framed metric 5.

Remark 1: In Theorem 1and 2, if we take ε = −1.We gets the result of Nivas Ram and Rajesh Singh6. 6. REFERENCES 1. Joshi, N. K., Dube, K. K., Semi invariant of a ε − framed metric structure manifold, Acta Cienecia Indica, Vol.29, No. 1,139 (2003). 2. Tripathi, M.M., Singh, K. D., Almost Semi invariant submanifold of a ε − framed Metric structure manifold, Acta Cienecia Indica, Vol.29, No. 413-426 (1996). 3. Nivas Ram, Rajesh Singh, On Almost rContact Structure Manifolds, Vol.XXI, No.3, 797-803 (1988). 4. Gupta V.C., Prasad C.S., Almost Para r-

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Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 4, Issue 3, 30 June, 2013 Pages (135-201)

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