J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.5 (1), 35-40 (2014)
The Non-Negative Solutions of Difference Equation with Time Delay P. Mohankumar1 and A. Ramesh2 1
Professor of Mathematics, Aaarupadaiveedu Institute of Techonology, Vinayaka Missiosn University, Paiyanoor, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu, INDIA. 2 Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamilnadu INDIA. (Received on: January 10, 2014) ABSTRACT The Non-Negativity solutions are obtained for the difference equation
un F (un ) G(un ) and
u u n a u n 1 n fo r n 0 . The method uses K techniques based on Lipchitz functions. Example is inserted to illustrate the result.
2010MSC: 39A10 Keywords: Difference functions, time delay.
Difference equations provide an important frame work for analysis of dynamical phenomena in biology, ecology, economics and so forth and the various mathematical models of biological systems in terms of delay difference equation has been studied in different context1-7. For example population dynamics discrete systems
adequately describe organisms for which births occur in regular usually short, breeding seasons. Recently there has been a lot of interest in non-negativity of the solution of population dynamics model of difference equation. Motivated by the reference1-13, in this paper, we considered the non-negativity of solutions of Delay Difference Equations of the form.
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 1, 28 February, 2014 Pages (1-122)
P. Mohankumar, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.5 (1), 35-40 (2014)
(1.1) Proof of (1) un F (un ) G(un ).............................(1.1) Let the sequence {un } be solution Where the forward difference operator Let is defined by un un 1 un and of the equation (1.1), (1.2). n [0, ] then we have n [ , 0] un n , n , F : n n is a inequality (1.4) implies Lipchitz continuous function and G : n n is a continuous function, ui Fi (un ) i {1,....n}, n 0 .................(1.6) (1.6) n F ( F1,........ Fn ), G (G1,......... Gn )
and constant 0 . Let :[ , 0] n Assume that sequence {uin } can be be continuous function and negative for some i {1,....n} . Then (1.2) there exists n0 0 such that un (n) for n [ , 0] ............................(1.2) be an initial data of equation (1.1). (1.7) uno 0 and uno 0..............................(1.7) Consider the Equation un F (un ) for n 0 ...........................(1.3) (1.3)
uo (0) Theorem 1.1
Assume that equation (1.3), for each (0) 0, has non-negativity solution and the following inequality holds
the autonomous equation xn F ( xn ) has non-negative solution and solving this equation with initial-condition (u0 , uno ) , we obtain
Fi (uno ) 0. for G (uno ) 0. We have
uin Fi (u0 ) 0, Which is contradicts 0
It is easy to proof for G (u0 ) 0 , n we also un 0 . By induction on k , the ..................(1.4) 1) Gi ( s ) 0, s ( ) , i 1,....., n (1.4) inequality un 0 holds for all k and for Then the solution of equation (1.1), (1.2) n [ k , ( k 1) ] . Hence with ( n ) 0 for n [ , 0] is nonuin 0, n 0, for i 1,...n ..............................( (1.8) negative on the interval on which it exists. This complete the proof of (1) n 2)
Gi ( sˆ) ( Fi (0) ), sˆ (
) , i 1,....., n ..................(1 (1.5)
Proof of (2) Then there exists a function (0) 0, such that the corresponding solution of (1.1), (1.2) becomes negative in a finite interval time.
Let sˆ ( sˆ1 ,....sˆn ) and (1 ,..... n ) be given:
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 1, 28 February, 2014 Pages (1-122)
P. Mohankumar, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.5 (1), 35-40 (2014)
negative for each sˆ j for n , 2 condition. Then j (n ) for j 1,...n. ............(1.9) becomes 2sˆ j n for n , 0 2 (1.9)
un un
non-negative initial the Equation (1.1)
un 2
ui0 0 and ui0 Fi (0) Gi ( sˆ) 0 ...................(1.10) (1.10) All the solutions of equation
Above shows that n 0 suchthat ui 0 0.
(1.11) with nonnegative initial condition
Example:1 Let {un } be a solutions of the equation (1.1), (1.2), with 0 be non-
3 have nonnegative solutions un 2 and negatives values with 0 (See Fig:1)
Fig.1 Time Vs Growth Rate
The Non-negativity of solutions of the Logistic Difference Equation with Time Delay We show that the solutions of the logistics equation with time delay can become negative in an finite interval of time. Consider the equation u n au n un ( n )
u n 1 K
for n 0 for n [ 1, 0] (2.1)
Where a is the growth rate, K the environment capacity and is positive constants. The scale variable x and time, we obtain un a un 1 1 un 1 for n 0
un ( n)
for n [ 1,0] (2.2) .......(2.2)
Since K 1 and initial condition 0 (n) 1. The solution of equation (2.2) can have .......(2.1) negative values.
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 1, 28 February, 2014 Pages (1-122)
P. Mohankumar, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.5 (1), 35-40 (2014)
Consider the following Equations
{u2 n } The proof is similar to the case 1 1 1 Consequently we have W1un 1 un (un )2 (un )3 .................(2.3) 4 8 48 a (a ) 2 (a )3 and (2.3) u2(2) 1 W1 (a ) .................(2.11) 4 8 48 1 1 2 3 W2u n 1 (un ) (u n ) ................................... (2.11) 4 16 (2.4) a p1, Thus , then p p Let 1 and 2 be the greatest roots of W1 ( a ) u 2(2) 0 W1 and W2 respectively, i.e.,
p1 max un R : W1 (un ) 0 , p2 max un Proof R : Wof 0 ...(2.5) (ii) 2 (uthe n) un R : W1 (un ) 0 , p2 max un R : W2 (un ) 0...(2.5)
Theorem 2.1 Assume 0 ( n) 1, (2.6) then (i)
a p1,
a un 1 4 for n [ 1, 0] .............................. un 1
then there exists a function
(n), which satisfies condition (2.6) and the corresponding solution to the equation (2.2) has negative values; (ii) If
a p 2,
To show that if condition (2.6) is fulfilled then the following inequality holds:
n0 n such that un0 1.
we have
un 1
a a 1 .........................(2.14) 4 s n0 1 4
On the other hand, we have no
un 1
(2.2) has non-negative values Proof of the (i) Let
, then there must exist a point
then there exists a function
(n), then the solution to the equation
n 0............................(2.12)
a a 1 4 4 W2 (a )..................(2.15) s n0 1
(2.15) Thus
a p 2,
, then
W2 (a ) 0 and x(n) 0 1 for n 1, 0 ( n) 2 ............(2.7) CONCLUSION 1 for n 0 (2.7)
{un }
Theorem 1.2 shows that there exist
a initial condition ( n) , such that the solution of the education (1.1) (1.2) becomes negative. But the non-negativity delay is introduced to the equation. The Logistics a a 1 n...........................(2.9) delayed equation of the form (2.1) then the 4 4 (2.9) solution is negative for non-negative initial
be a solution of the equation (2.2)
on the interval [ n 1, n] . It is easy to see that n
u1n 1 s 0
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 5, Issue 1, 28 February, 2014 Pages (1-122)
P. Mohankumar, et al., J. Comp. & Math. Sci. Vol.5 (1), 35-40 (2014)
condition and behavior of its solutions, for small values of a Example 3.1
Here 1, K 1, a 1 . All conditions of Theorem (2.1) are satisfied. Hence all solutions of equation (3.1) are non-negative.
Consider the difference equation
un au n
{un } 21 2 u n In fact is one such a solution 1 for n 0 ...................(3.1) of equation (3.1) (See FIG:2) K (3.1)
Fig.2 Time Vs Growth Rate
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