1 minute read
I remember the feeling of utter freedom that flooded my body as I stepped off the school bus on the last day of school. Nothing to do for three whole months! There are very few moments in my adult life that can even come close. Sure, as my five-year-old points out, I can eat as many cookies as I want and stay up as late as I want. But actually having so little responsibility that boredom was a daily phenomenon –that kind of freedom is unmatched.
I've read that there are 97 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day. I am hoping that at some point during these summer days you have experienced glimpses of the summers of your youth – carefree nights by a campfire with friends; time spent with family around a table filled with great food; maybe even a few bike rides that ended at an ice cream shop. Even though fall is around the corner, there are still lots of warm days and long evenings to enjoy before we pack it in for the winter. So let's make the most of it!