2 minute read

By Jessi Larson
Hair chains and extensions and ombres, oh my! Society and media are continuously bombarding us with “what’s hot” – styles, cuts and colors we should have to look our best and to keep on trend. As a child of the 90s, I’m not a stranger to partaking in hair trends. I remember having that long crimped hair, bigger than life bangs that added another three inches to my height and reeked of Aussie hairspray. If I was feeling crazy, up it went into a high side ponytail. You know―to show my individuality. But as we all know, every female had that hairstyle in the 90s. We buy into trends thinking they’ll help us stand out. However, sometimes they put us in the same box as other followers, completely defeating the purpose of the individuality we may have been striving for. When I sat down with Amanda Tompkins, coowner of Blow, she had a refreshing, more realistic perspective on current hair trends.

With over 20 years of experience, Tompkins has seen trends come and go and encourages us to experiment and find a hair style that truly reflects our personality and makes us feel our best― not simply attaching to what we see on magazine covers. “Look at the Grammy’s. Everyone looks different. Everyone has their own style. I don’t feel like there is a trend right now. I think if we can wear our hair current with our personality and age it’s going to look good,” she added. Often Tompkins finds clients asking her if they’re too old for long hair. Her response, “Why would you be too old? If that’s what you looked and felt best in when you were 20 and 40, why wouldn’t you when you’re 50 or 60 and beyond? The key is keeping it up.” My mind immediately goes to Rose, the old woman in Titanic. I think it’s safe to say we all loved when she let down her long locks as she threw her necklace into the ocean! Don’t be afraid to try your own thing even if popular belief tells you otherwise―you may just stumble into your perfect look.

So how exactly do you find that perfect hair style?
“The best thing you can do is be upfront and honest with your stylist. Let them get to know you so they can explore options that would best suit your personality,” Tompkins suggested. But what’s a new do if you don’t know how to keep it up? Don’t be afraid to ask your stylist for tips and tricks on how to maintain your style after you leave to prevent that “day-after panic.” A couple must-have tools Tompkins recommends every woman have in her hair arsenal are a leave-in treatment catered to your individual hair type and moisture level and a quality blow dryer with at least 1875 watts.
So when we’re feeling overwhelmed with all the latest fads, let’s all take a deep breath and remember, trends come and go, while finding the right style lasts a lifetime. [AWM]
Do you find yourself in a hair rut? Check out the brand new blow dry bar, Blow! They offer fast, affordable shampoo blow outs and retail products to help us look our best in between cut and colors.
Check them out at www.ihearttheblowbar.com or visit them in the Galleria at 5675 26th Avenue South in Fargo.