2 minute read

Words by LaurelLee Loftsgard
THE AVERAGE NURSING HOME COSTS RANGE FROM $8,000 TO $9,000 DOLLARS PER MONTH.* What if an individual could wait a few months before moving to such a facility? Waiting even two months could save a family $16,000. Unfortunately, most people don’t know waiting is an option, or even how to make it happen.
That’s what Lutheran Social Service’s new Aging Life Care Management program is for― helping families navigate through those tough decisions to make the right one. This program uses long-term care planning, support and services to show all the possibilities to improve the quality of life for aging adults. They call themselves “experts in aging well,” and with all the different options out there, it’s nice to have someone on your side.
Carmel Froemke, the Aging Life Care manager, said they brought this program to the area to serve the increasing needs of seniors. “We wanted to utilize a model that we know works, therefore we took the information from the Aging Life Care Association to implement in North Dakota.”

Aging Life Care is not just offering information, it also provides seniors with someone to accompany them to doctor appointments, help meeting needs in their home, assistance with making financial and legal decisions and maintains open communication with their care providers and family members.

As mentioned before, nursing home costs are very high, and are only growing with each year. While many places provide great care for those in need, this type of care can give a family other options to keep their loved ones safe and comfortable in their own home. Froemke said they can keep people safely in their homes by coordinating services depending on their needs. Those things can range from new technology such as locks or alarms, whistles or sirens on the stove, automatic shut off and many other options to keep them safe.
One of the biggest upsides to this program is seniors can be sure all options for care are considered before they go to a new residence such as assisted living or a nursing home. When and if the time does come to move into different housing, this program helps select the right level of care, find a place that works best for the senior and make the transition as smooth as possible. Aging management services do cost money as well, but Aging Life Care offers a sliding fee scale based on the senior’s income.
Right now, Froemke is the only Aging Life Care Manager in the area, and is able to take care of roughly 10 to 12 clients. But, she said if people start taking advantage of the program, they hope to expand and bring in more professionals.
Get all the facts before making a big decision for your own or someone else’s life.
That’s what the Aging Life Care Program is for, keeping you, your family and all those in your life feeling safe, educated and informed. [AWM]
*According to genworth.com