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tattoo REGRET?
To remove a tattoo the altered pigmentation needs to be eliminated. Past tattoo removal treatments included mainly invasive procedures such as dermabrasion or excision to remove the layer of tattooed skin. Technology has now provided non-invasive laser treatments to remove tattoos in a way that is less damaging to the skin.
I sat down with Rebekka Hill from the Sanford Dermatology and Laser Clinic to discuss their services. Sanford provides laser treatments for issues such as wrinkles, rosacea, spider veins, birthmarks and tattoos. Hill said that in the initial consultation they discuss the tattoo removal process.
Hill states, “Usually there’s a lot of questions: Does it hurt? How many treatments? What does it cost?” Initially the esthetician will take a look at the patient’s tattoo and give them an idea of approximately how many treatments it will take for removal and what the price will be. The tattoo is measured and cost is figured out in square centimeters starting at $100 for a very small tattoo of one color. There is a broad range of prices depending on the size and color of the tattoo. Risk factors and side effects are also discussed. Hill says, “With any laser treatment there’s always going to be risks involved.” Possible side effects include blistering and hypopigmentation of the skin. Post treatment care is also discussed, such as keeping dressings on the treated area, keeping the skin as dry as possible, and not disrupting any blisters or scabs to prevent scarring. According to Hill, “Scarring is rare with the removal process, but it does happen.”
The laser works to fade a tattoo by shattering the ink particles. Hill says, “We’re not taking it off the top, we’re literally making the ink particles smaller, so your immune system can flush it out. There’s three different spectrums, so we can treat pretty much any color on the spectrum.”