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sky's the LIMIT
Fargo Air Museum
Plans are in place and excitement is building for the 9th Annual Fargo Air Museum Celebrity Dinner and Auction, which will take place on Friday, May 5, 2017.
At the forefront of the event are co-chairs Sherry Heyer and Pam Miller heading up the many activities which have been in the works since last summer. This year’s event is sure to fill the room. Heyer, who has been a member of the board of directors for the past nine years states, “This event is the museum’s annual and major fundraiser. No invitations have ever been mailed and each year we have been able to sell out the space.”
The museum is honored to present a special guest, World War II pilot Jim Tyler of Atlantic, Iowa, who piloted the well-known P-38 fighter plane. The P-38 was used in various roles, including interception, bombing, ground-attacks and more. Only six of the P-38 planes remain flying today. Tyler will share stories through a video interview and personal comments.
History plays a large role in the museum. Heyer explains, “The Fargo Air Museum’s mission is to provide aviation education to our visitors through restoration and preservation of historical aircraft and artifacts.” Duel hangars are filled with aircraft of all eras from a modern Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance drone to what the Smithsonian Institution says is “the most accurate recreation of a Wright Brother’s flyer” they’ve ever seen.
Though you may see and be able to mingle with a few local celebrities while enjoying the evening, “The real celebrities,” states Heyer, “are the vintage era airplanes and warbirds on display at our wonderful museum.” Past Celebrity Dinner and Auction fundraisers have boasted a TBM-3 carrier-based torpedo bomber, a North American B-25 Mitchell bomber, and a P-51 Mustang fighter — all of which were flown in WWII.
Radio personalities Robbie Daniels and Dave Jacobs will emcee the event and be joined by auctioneer Scott Steffes for a lively round of bidding on specially curated live auction items. There will be many uniquely selected and packaged silent auction items to bid on throughout the evening. A delicious dinner will be served along with dessert.
Funds generated from this year’s fundraiser will directly impact the museum’s ability to move forward with construction of the final footprint envisioned by the museum’s founding fathers. Phase III will connect all three buildings together with a spacious event center and enable the museum to reach the community to promote education, preservation and restoration. Public and private events account for 50 percent of the annual revenues and the new addition will allow them to continue their outreach to make an impact on the Fargo-Moorhead area related to aviation awareness.
From visionaries to volunteers, the hours dedicated to aviation education, preservation and restoration have turned the dream of many aviators into a reality. Heyer quickly credits the hard-working staff and committee members who come together to make this one of Fargo’s most beloved fundraisers.
Friday, May 5, 5:00 PM
Tickets available at the door
1609 19th Ave N, Fargo
For more information or donations contact Amy Ott at 701-293-8043 or amy@fargoairmuseum.org
The Fargo Air Museum gratefully accepts donations at fargoairmuseum.org.
Fargo Air Museum Hours:
Tuesday–Saturday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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