3 minute read
Early on, being a leader seemed so far out of my reach. Even though I was ready to jump in, I struggled with what to do first. What if I made the wrong first step? What if someone saw me take the wrong first step? I learned those times of mistakes were when I grew the most.
One mistake I made many times when I first started leading groups was I was so passionate about inspiring the women to grow as leaders that I assumed everyone in the group would feel the same as me and also that everyone in the group was an extrovert like me. I did not take into account the introverts and how they would best learn. When I received feedback from the groups, they were always so mixed: “Great group, learned so much.” Or, “I was so nervous every week because I didn’t know what we were going to have to do. It was hard to learn.” Mistakes are good as long as we learn from them.
If you can’t take that first step alone, find someone to take that step with you. This fall I am leading a Women’s 21 Laws of Leadership group. It has been inspiring to watch this group commit to grow, be authentic in where they are at, and take steps toward becoming a better leader. On week three of our group, I taped large pieces of paper on the walls. We broke up into groups of two and began working on our personal growth plan. Their faces and body language showed their anxiousness, excitement and fear. I asked them, “What are you going to do daily, weekly, monthly to grow personally and to grow as a leader?” Some were excited because they had wanted to do this for so long but didn’t know where to start. Some were nervous but ready to try. Others were completely stuck. During the whole exercise they stood in front of that piece of paper and wrote nothing! When asked what was going on, their responses ranged from, “I have never thought about myself before and what I want,” to “I don’t have the time to put together this plan. My life is already full.” Now, four weeks later, the commitment they have all made to work the plan every day, every week is paying off. It has not been easy. In some areas of growth, it has been hard but they say, “those hard spots are where I am growing the most.”
What could your first step be?
Do you have one or two women in your life that are committed to personal growth? Are you accountable to each other to grow? Find those women in your life. Begin meeting and growing personally and as leaders together. Find ways in the community, in your family, your job to begin using what you are learning.
Evaluate where you are as a person: spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally. Begin working on one or two. Be honest with yourself. Journal what you need to work on and what steps you are going to take. Share them with women that you trust to hold you accountable. This list may take you a month, a year, 10 years. But if we are not working to get better ourselves, we cannot help others to grow.
Every week someone in the 21 Laws group talks about how much they appreciate this opportunity because it has given them a place and people to grow along side. We all need someone in it with us.
Once you start, the passion, excitement and energy will propel you to take more steps. Some small and some leaps. The steps will build your confidence. Keep growing! Don’t give up.
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Teri Hauser
Teri and her husband Jon moved to Fargo in 2000 and started Prairie Heights in April 2001. They love this community and strive to connect those who don’t know Christ yet with Him and a church family. Teri is the communications and marketing director for Prairie Heights and loves seeing ideas become tools for leadership growth. She is passionate about football (Bison and the Green Bay Packers), being a great mom to Nate and Brooke and inspiring others to grow as leaders.

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