2 minute read


Waking up to the sun hitting my face, I sit up stretching my arms. Getting out of bed to close the window I feel a chilly breeze hit my arms. The weatherman is telling me today is going to be a scorcher, why does it feel so cold right now, I think to myself. Thankfully I set out shorts for the kids, I’m sure it will be warm by recess. The backpacks are out, the pantry is full of snacks — “Kids, wake up please! Time to get moving, it’s Pop Tarts for breakfast.” After saying that I cringe, wondering how I once ate those, too. Tonight they’re eating extra veggies to make up for the sugar, I reassure myself.

Ahh, those beautiful fall mornings!

Pop tarts and veggies, shorts and pants … life is a balancing act. I don’t have bins I tuck under my bed, and totes filled with treasures I’ll rediscover again next summer. We don’t do that with food each season. Why do we do that with clothes?

What is this balancing act that I’m speaking of? Pop tarts and veggies! Pants and shorts!

Allow me to elaborate …

Most of us dress for our mood, and what our day will consist of: the setting, weather, the day of the week, etc.

Fall is a beautiful time of year, but the weather can be tricky to dress for. This is why I’m a firm believer in layering. Most likely by noon, you’ll be shed- ding your jacket or sweater, but you’ll be throwing it back on at the soccer game after work.

This brings me back to balance. The definition of why I don’t believe in the infamous seasonal wardrobe cleaning. I love layering in all seasons, and it makes dressing much easier through transitional seasons. Your white sweater from August has been worn on repeat, but you love it so much you want to wear a different way in January. But how? You layer your lace tank top, and black skirt from summer. Simply add black leggings and knee high boots. Or that sheer floral top you splurged on, and swore you’d wear all summer? Gosh, it’s cute! Although it never made it out of the closet this summer, layer it now. The pretty floral print will so perfectly layer with that herringbone winter jacket from last year. Add a silk scarf around your neck, and you’re all set, gorgeous!

But how would you have done that if you packed your summer clothes away? There’s a method to my madness, I swear. Not packing clothes away each season, allows you more options. Although fall isn’t tank top, or t-shirt weather, it’s the season to layer. And you can create unique outfits by piecing together items from different seasons, and throwing a scarf or jewelry with it. Jackets and sweaters are such a great investment because living here you can truly wear them all year.

Fall. It’s the season to be creative with the old while adding the new. After all, the leaves are falling and the trees are standing. If all else fails, remember Pop Tarts and veggies … balance.

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