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aNUDGE OUT OF YOUR comfort zone
Recently, DW2 received a call from a busy mom who is also a business owner. She had a daughter graduating in a month, which meant she would be hosting a grad party. When she called us, she wondered if it would be possible to update her entire main floor in a short four week period. Although she loved her home, she felt a freshening up should be done before the party. This is what we at DW2 call an “emergency decorating project.”
After going over pictures and addressing the issues at hand, we looked for a painter willing to do a big job in a short period of time. The home owner still loved her decorating that was done 10 to 15 years ago. Our job was to reassure her that lightening up the space with a neutral color throughout would make the current dark, textured, tricolored walls look lovely. We chose a paint color that would complement her whitewashed cabinets, as well as her maple floors.

After the painting was done, we removed everything from each room on the main floor and put it in one location, which we refer to as our “client store.” We got rid of some things and repurposed others. Again, we assured her that the change would reflect what she loved. We loaded some new pieces of art, rugs and accessories into Rescue (our delivery ambulance) and headed out to work some magic. Her world as she knew it was being turned upside down in a big hurry!

I, too, drag my feet when decorating my own home. I still love what I did fifteen years ago. Everyone should love each and every transformation in their home, but after many years go by, we can all use a change. When talking about life, each time we step out of our comfort zone, it can be good for our souls. Trust is a big factor when it comes to change. As time goes on, trends change and we want to follow trends, but not to the point that it compromises our own tastes. If you struggle to go outside your comfort zone, hire an interior decorator or designer that takes the time to get to know you and who has interest in what you want. The whole process should be an awesome experience.
Linda Birmingham

As one of the five co-owners of designingwomen2, Linda and her partners have been working with home and business owners to create spaces that are always more than they expected. Go to designingwomen2.com to see more projects created by the team.