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who runs the world... women!
Whether you are an entrepreneur, small business owner or the CEO of your household, the North Dakota’s Women’s Business Center (NDWBC) is here to help you learn, grow and sustain in many aspects of your life. The NDWBC has been offering business advising, leadership development, training and community connections throughout the state of North Dakota for the past 19 years.
Now, Bismarck’s Center for Technology and Business is excited to add a physical location in the eastern side of the state thanks to a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) grant. “With more boots on the ground, we are assessing communities, networking, meeting people and finding out what their needs really are, what they really want,” says Deidre Hillman, the program director of the North Dakota WBC. By offering confidential one-on-one business advising or attending one of their highly sought after programs, they’re empowering women all over North Dakota.
The Women’s Leadership Program helps to inspire and motivate women in their quest to lead more fulfilling lives in their communities, homes and businesses. This sixmonth program encourages you leave your comfort zone, and begin really living.

The NDWBC also offers the annual Women’s Business Summit held in Bismarck, October 14 and 15 of this year. Women come together to learn and grow through speakers from across the state and all around the country. Through networking, education and training, women gain knowledge and experience to apply in all parts of their lives. It’s not just exclusive to business owners or entrepreneurs, it’s for personal development and advancement all while having fun.

The Leading Ladies Luncheon celebrates Women’s History Month in both Fargo and Bismarck. This intimate event encourages discussion with one another as well as with their featured panelists. The luncheon celebrates diversity and women who have made an impact in their community and help you realize that you can make a difference as well.
In 2016, the NDWBC was awarded the Women’s Business Center of Excellence award from the SBA Office of Women’s Business Ownership, something Hillman says they are very proud of. “We are good at listening to needs and learning what the goals are not just for the business center, but for all women entrepreneurs.”

Needs such as sponsoring a screening of “Dream Girl” in Fargo aimed at girls interested in being entrepreneurs, no matter what their background is. The opening of “Dream Girls” states that women are starting over 1,200 new businesses per day. That number has been on the rise over the past 20 years in North Dakota where, according to 2016 American Express study, there has been an increase of 41.8% in women owned businesses since 2007.
Hillman says they are very fortunate to be able to expand their reach to help more women advance and sustain their businesses. “We will bring you to the edge of your cliff, eventually push you off, but give you wings so you have a soft and successful landing. That is precisely what we are here to do for each other: empower, support and believe in one another. The Women’s Business Center is providing just that.” words by KRISTY OLSGAARD photography by LINDSAY KAYE PHOTOGRAPHY clothing styled by JESSIE BLUE 716 Main Avenue, Fargo : shopjessieblue.com hand embroidered title by MEGAN ELGIN
Heather Aal will lead the Fargo location, with office space at Dakota Business Lending.

They are looking to add additional programs and new opportunities in the greater Fargo and surrounding area. They’re not confined to just Fargo or Bismarck; their support reaches throughout the state. The NDWBC encourages collaboration and communication, and you can be a part of it today.

FOR MORE INFORMATION you can reach them at 701-223-0707 or ndwbc.org.

As Emily Brooks
welcomed me into her home, the sunshine followed. We were moths drawn to the energy percolating within. It radiates everywhere — from her warm smile, to her bright yellow print blouse, the vibrant goldfinch painting staring at me from the wall, the beautifully set table and the delicious lunch. Which quite naturally led to a delightful chat.
This stay-at-home mom engages in so many activities she’s really more like a human dynamo with super-energetic powers. Besides mom duties, she is an artist, a philanthropist, a model, and a small business owner. She sews. She paints. She up-cycles. She volunteers. She’s … Dyna-mom!