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AMaster of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) will help you to jumpstart your career, change your career path, strengthen your skill set for advancement and transform your work life. MSUM offers two MBA options: the general MBA and the MBA with Healthcare Management. The programs are AACSB accredited, delivered entirely online and competitively priced compared to other regional MBA programs.

MBA, MBA Healthcare Management

The MBA offers degree holders the opportunity to earn more, qualify for high-level leadership positions and network with business professionals.

According to a 2018 report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, there’s more than a 38 percent difference between the projected entry-level salary for someone with a bachelor’s degree in business ($56,720) and the starting salary for an MBA graduate ($78,332). (naceweb.org)

MSUM’s MBA offerings focus on developing skills to elevate critical and innovative thinking, building a strategic leadership mindset, and promoting an understanding of business functions within an organization. The MBA with Healthcare Management degree is designed specifically for mid-level managers seeking to advance to high-level leadership roles within healthcare organizations.

“The MBA program has helped me to further leverage data to make more informed and better decisions for my organization,” says Tai Clark, a 2016 MBA graduate and now a resources analyst at NASA. “I can look at an organization in a holistic perspective and understand how one decision impacts other areas of the organization.”

Graduate MBA programs are not just about data. MSUM alumna Drew Sannes worked as a graduate assistant while completing her MBA from MSUM earlier this year. She credits the guidance of Assistant Professor Wooyang Kim for helping her grow and expand her horizons.

“We worked very closely on a research project, and going through that whole process with him as my mentor definitely pushed me outside of my comfort zone,” Sannes says. “I feel empowered and confident to go out into the business world.”

“Our MBA and MBA with Healthcare Management degrees help students develop as leaders through group projects that relate to the real issues they will confront in their careers, regardless of their specific positions. I can’t think of many more important skills than knowing how to contribute to and lead a group,” says Denise Gorsline, MSUM’s interim dean of the College of Business and Innovation. “The MBA’s value is well beyond the familiar three letters; it helps graduates build on successful careers.”

“With an undergraduate degree in accounting and the first eight years of my career in public accounting, I knew accounting, finance and business law well when I joined Border States,” Miller says. “But I lacked knowledge and experience in marketing, human resources, organizational structure and strategic planning. The training, projects, networking, teambuilding and time management that were all part of the MSUM MBA program prepared me very well for my leadership roles at Border States.”

While the propensity for leadership helps some people rise to the top, more often, aspiring leaders benefit from the additional training, knowledge and networking an MBA provides.

“An MBA prepares you to manage the people, processes and strategies that do the job — like a marketing director,” says Greg Serdar, assistant professor in MSUM's Paseka School of Business and MBA program coordinator.

The online delivery of the MBA and MBA with Healthcare Management gives students the flexibility and peace of mind to balance work, family and school. Professors are more than accommodating and encourage students to proceed at a pace that fits their life.

Whether you’re a mid-career professional or an on-the-rise employee, an MBA degree may provide the best path to achieving your career goals. MSUM’s online MBA and MBA with Healthcare Management degrees prepare professionals to be effective and authentic leaders who will elevate their organization’s performance and success.

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