4 minute read

your ‘FIT Life’ fitness plan

Follow Ashley on INSTAGRAM/TWITTER: @ashleysornsin FACEBOOK: ashleysornsinhealthfitnessscoach

It’s beginning to look a lot like spring, which means summer isn’t far away. This time of year is also referred to as “crunch time,” when we are surrounded by an assortment of detox programs. These seemingly quick fixes and fad diets that over-promise and under-deliver, claim to get us into the dress and bikini of our dreams, overnight. After the detox, you go back to reality of living life without the restrictions of such fad diets and what happens? The weight comes back and sometimes more than before. I want to give you a new approach to this crunch time and instead focus on being your best each day. Something that you can work towards and maintain.

I’ll be giving you a fitness plan that you can take to the gym, or do from home. Each issue you can find a new workout. Changing up your fitness plan is important to keep your body from hitting a plateau as well as keeping you interested. The better news is you’ll be surrounded by a social media community of women (just like you) that will be alongside you, doing the same workout, supporting and encouraging one another. You’ll be taking one day at a time, and focusing on smaller steps — this is what will provide lasting change. Are you ready to get started? Join me on Facebook (Ashley Sornsin – ‘The FIT Life’ Coach) where I’ll be delivering tips, recipes and information to encourage you as you make a lifestyle change. Use the hashtag #awfitlifetribe to connect with others!

This workout is all about the building blocks to a strong foundation. The moves outlined in my plan focus on strength-training moves targeting the large muscle groups. You'll be working your upper body and lower body, as well as doing cardiovascular exercises. These next two months, all you need are a couple sets of dumbbells and a bench, so you can even do these workouts from the comfort of your home. This plan is for all levels — beginner, intermediate, and advanced — but please check with your doctor before beginning any fitness plan.

month one STRENGTH

The focus is to build strength, and, if you're new or starting back at fitness, engaging and reintroducing your muscles to lifting. Perform each exercise with a weight that's challenging, but not so heavy that it compromises your form. Complete three sets of 15 reps.


The focus is to burn calories and get your metabolism into fat burning mode. This is just month one, so we aren't going to start too intense. I want you to stick with this all month and also commit to the next two months of my three-month program. Choose a form of cardio/ aerobic exercise and complete 30 minutes — walk, jog, run, cycle, stair-climb or elliptical.

Month Two


The focus is to continue building strength and now that you're used to the movements, it's time to increase the weight of each exercise. I'm also adding in an additional day of lifting both upper and lower body this month. You're already beginning to shape those muscles. This time, with the heavier weight, you'll complete three sets of 12–15 reps.

Month One

MON: Upper Body

TUES: Cardio

WED: Rest

THURS: Lower Body

FRI: Cardio

SAT: Rest

SUN: Cardio

Month Two

MON: Upper Body

TUES: Cardio

WED: Lower Body

THURS: Cardio

FRI: Upper Body

SAT: Cardio

SUN: Lower Body

ALL EXERCISES: 3 sets of 15 reps

Warm-up using cardio exercises for 5-10 minutes before lifting. Remember to check with your doctor before starting any new workout.

Upper Body

1. Dumbbell Bench Press: Lie on a bench with feet flat on the floor. Hold a weight in each hand and position arms out with elbow at a 90-degree angle, not below bench. Push weights upward until fully extended above chest.

2. Alternating Dumbbell Single Arm Rows: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. Bend at waist so torso is parallel to the floor, arms hanging down. Pull one weight up until it reaches side of your chest, then lower, and alternate, lifting the other side.

3. Standing Shoulder Press: Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, bring the weights up to shoulder height with elbows at a 90-degree angle. Press the weights up over your head toward each other, then lower the weights down to starting position.

4. Dumbbell Triceps Extension: Grab one dumbbell with both hands, position the weight behind and up, over head. Keeping your elbows close to your head and without moving your upper arms, bend elbows and lower weight behind head. Repeat and raise the weight by straightening your lower arms.

5. Alternating Dumbbell Curl: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms at sides and palms facing in. Alternate working arms, curl weight up rotating your wrist to face you, elbows stay close to sides.

6. Out and Up Crunches: Lie on floor, legs stretched out horizontal, bring knees in, lift legs up and push bottom of feet up and towards ceiling. Then lower legs, again bending knees and stretching legs out horizontal until heels almost tap the ground.

Lower Body

1. Dumbbell Squats: Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, dumbbell in each hand at sides. Squat down until thighs are parallel to the floor, keeping chest up and knees behind toes.

2. Single Leg Dead Lift: Balancing on right foot, with dumbbell in right hand, left leg comes back and up as far as you can, allowing right arm with weight to lower to floor. Return to start and repeat on other side.

3. Dumbbell Side Lunge: Stand with dumbbells in each hand at sides. With right foot, take a wide step out to side, bending right knee until thigh is parallel to the floor, left leg will remain straight and foot flat on the floor. Step back into starting position, then repeat on left side.

4. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge: Stand with dumbbells in each hand, hanging at sides. Step backward with right foot, bending both knees to lower body toward floor and both knees in a 90-degree bend. Once left thigh is parallel to the floor, push back up into starting position and alternate to other side.

5. Dumbbell Calf Raises: Hold one dumbbell in right your hand and step onto a raised surface (platform or step) with your right foot. Hook your left foot behind your right ankle, lowering your heel down below the platform and then pressing into the ball of your foot to rise up, above the platform.

6. Alternating Bicycle Crunches: Lie on floor with knees bent 90-degrees. With your arms behind your head, kick right foot out, pointing toes, and simultaneously bring right elbow to left knee. Alternate to other side, left elbow to right knee.

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