2 minute read
HoW to perfecteyelinerwinged
No matter what age range you fall in, if you have ever done your makeup you must have felt the frustration of doing a flawless winged eyeliner. Eyeliner is probably the first product that made me feel beautiful when I started to do my makeup. Was it flawless? Heck no. But I tried and tried (and am still trying) to perfect the craft.
In my nine plus years of blogging, the most asked question I have come across is, “How do I do a winged eye liner?” followed by, “My eyeliner is smudging/smearing, how to prevent it?” If you are someone who is wondering the same, today you are in luck. I am going to share my easy-to-follow tips for a flawless winged liner.
steps for the perfect wing:

start WitH Your BroWs: By starting with your brows, you will create a guideline. The tail of the brows will help you determine the angle of the wing of the liner. Lightly fill in the gaps of your brows with your preferred brow product. (picture 1)

Create a Clean Base:
By clean base I mean, use a concealer or skin-toned primer. As you can see, I have darkness around my eyes. By using a concealer or a skin-toned primer, the darkness will be minimized and the liner will pop. I am also using a bit of translucent powder to set the concealer/primer. In this way the liner will stay put and there will be no smudging (picture 2)
Hand plaCement and angle:
Chances are you are one of those persons whose finger shakes while doing a liner. To avoid this, place your elbow on a table or on a stack of books so that your hand is rested and you only have to move your fingers. Now rest your ring and pinky fingers on your cheek and hold the liner parallel to your lash line. (picture 3) start tHin: use a Card:
Use your brush to do the work for you. With small and gentle press, use the liner brush along the lash line and create a thin line. You can, of course, build it up and go thicker gradually. For now, just make a thin line on the middle of the lash line, and stop there.

Remember I talked about a business card at the beginning? Well, it will come in handy in this step. Take the business card and place it on the outermost corner towards the tail of your eyebrows (picture 4). Now create a small thin line following the card (picture 5).
Join tHe gaps: inner Corner:
Now that you have created the wing and the base, it’s time to join them. Try to draw a straight line like picture 6, it will create a small space like the picture. Fill the small gap and gradually thicken the line (picture 7).
Don’t forget the inner corner! Hold the brush parallel to your lash line, touch it on the inner corner and make a line (picture 8). Now your liner is almost complete (picture 9).
Bring out tHe lasHes:
After doing a bold liner, our lashes tend to look non-existent. So curl your lashes and use your favorite mascara to bring them out (picture 10) Use a little bit on your lower lashes too, they will make a huge difference (picture 11) erase on purpose:

After doing the liner, if you see or feel like they are not looking good, use the cotton swab with a bit of eye makeup remover and gently erase any mistakes. If both liners are not looking equal, you can also use this little trick to even them out.

Getting a perfect winged liner in one swipe is hard. But it’s achievable if you give it some time and patience. Now that you have the basics and tricks to make them perfect — practice, practice and practice some more. You will be the queen of liner in no time.