1 minute read
9 LIFE LESSONS learned in
The Mountains

Travels and adventures lend themselves to expanding perspective. We are able to reflect on life while away from the whirlwind of schedules, career, todo lists and errands. Sometimes in that reflection we have moments of resolution. (When I get home … I’m going to slow down. I’m going to exercise regularly. I’m going to eat healthier. I’m going to meditate. Etc, etc.) And as with many resolutions, once life again consumes our waking hours, it is often the normal routine, a.k.a. the rut, that we fall back into.
After experiencing many failed post-vacation resolutions, I resolved to gain life perspective versus change behavior — an exercise in mindfulness and contemplation.
After a recent week of hiking in the mountains, these were the nine life lessons that remained with me.

1. Look ahead. Adventure, opportunity, excitement, answers all lie ahead. Keep yourself focused forward so you can be ready for what comes next.
2. Be prepared. Wear layers. Anticipate outcomes and be ready.

3. There is no room for fear. That’s it. There is no room for fear.

4. Don’t allow the what-ifs to stop you. Things will go wrong — no question. See #2 and move forward.
5. The harder the climb, the better the view. Even if you reach the top in pain, with blisters, out of breath, and cursing the person who chose the trail, effort is worth it. Don’t give up, because over the next ridge could be the incredible view you’ve been waiting for.

6. Separate from the masses. The road less traveled is the best road.
7. Find your tribe and embrace them. Surround yourself with people who will check on you, sit with you, love you through your moods, and share in your joys. Be sure to return the favor.

8. Tune into your senses. Take intentional moments to see, hear, taste, smell and touch. Take many of them.
9. Always hope. It is because of hope we take the next step, climb the next rise, grasp the next chance and seize the next opportunity. There is no moving forward without hope.
So I came out of the mountains not with a disappointment to be returning to the demands of real life, but with a transformed sense of perspective and a feeling of renewal. Planning a little getaway?
Girls weekend? Family vacation? Second honeymoon? Search out and embrace the life lessons in your travels!