1 minute read
1. Start distancing yourself and disengaging from the individual
2. Be clear with your message without being insulting. EXAMPLE: “I care about you. However, it is becoming difficult to maintain our relationship. I feel it’s best that we part ways.”
3. Establish clear-cut boundaries on expectations. EXAMPLE: “I want you to know that I do not want any form of contact from you. I need this time to heal myself and move forward on my journey.”
4. Disconnect or block them from any type of social media. This will protect you from potential contact and prevent you from expending time and energy into following their activities.
5. Focus on you (inside and out)
6. Breathe, restore and enjoy your personal growth
You have an extraordinary life to live, with limitless potential at your fingertips. By eliminating toxic fumes that may be suffocating your energy field and inhibiting your personal growth, you have the opportunity to open hidden gifts that have been waiting for you to set yourself free.
It is key to understand that everyone has a different journey and vision of how life is meant to be lived. Sometimes we become fixated on the idea of who an individual could become, instead of the reality of who they currently are in the present. It is no longer your responsibility to be the energy collector. It is your responsibility, however, to be your light preserver. Wish them well in their life path and embrace the fruits you are meant to bear. You have one life to live, so live it without restrictions, without barriers, and share your passion with those who know how to give and receive. The floodgates of positive light and love are now open; enjoy the harvest of what you have sown.