2 minute read
UNDER THE Romantic Moon
On a quiet dead end o Highway 10 in Minnesota, just west of Glyndon, is a ve-acre farmstead. Over the past decade or so, Roy and Teresa Gilbertson have been turning their former horse farm into one of the premier wedding venues in the area, Romantic Moon. Roy will tell you his DNA test shows 100% Oslo, so the Norwegian in uence is 100% Roy.
The vision began with the search for a venue for their daughter’s wedding. They toured several locations, but none o ered a single-level, climate-controlled facility, with a rustic farmstead feel. They have now transformed about two acres of their property into a sprawling venue perfect for weddings, but well-suited for other events too.
Roy and Teresa love to give tours, which usually start with what was once the horse barn and is still called the “Horse Barn.” This now houses a changing suite for the bride and her party, as well as a cocktail reception area or a staging area for caterers. Beautifully nished knotty pine tongue and groove lines the walls and ceiling, with the east wall anked by a 16foot bar of Roy’s creation. Sunshine oods the building.

Behind the barn is a bride and groom’s dream for spectacular wedding photos. A high arching bridge spans a small stream with a waterfall which ends in a pool, banked with river rock and lled with koi sh. The bridge leads to the “Castle,” which is tted with an arched door surrounded by vines. Roy carved the door for the Castle, as well as all the breathtaking woodwork featured throughout the facility. Just beyond the Castle is the Bu alo River.

From the Horse Barn and gardens, all paths lead to the unique chapel, a small A-framed building with traditional Norwegian stag horns and dragons adorning the door. The chapel is at the bottom of a gentle slope, upon which outdoor bench seating has been installed to accommodate about 200 guests.
At the top of the gentle slope is the single-level, climate-controlled main hall. Knotty pine and two eldstone replaces create a relaxed, lodge feel in a state-of-the-art building built for the comfort of the guests. Windows surround the building, providing guests a view of the chapel and gardens. The bar is paneled with carved traditional Norwegian scenes, all done by Roy.
A work in progress, the gazebo features a carving of Odin (the main God in Norse mythology) on the front door while Norse runes (symbols or letters) march along the window frames. The gazebo will be used as a gathering room for the groom and guests, and will eventually feature a re pit. Surrounding the gazebo and reception hall is plenty of shaded, open, grassy space for guests to congregate and enjoy the grounds.
Romantic Moon is available all year except March and April. The facility does one event per day Fridays and Saturdays, as well as o ering Sunday and weekday events upon request. Roy and Teresa welcome tours for prospective weddings or other events.

FOR MORE INFORMATION visit the Romantic Moon website at romanticmoonevents.com. [ aw ]