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Skin, or to be precise, skincare, has been a huge, trending topic since 2020. Brands and retailers saw a massive upwards tick in skincare product sales. In 2021, the trend is not going anywhere; rather, people are getting smarter and better educated on product ingredients and learning how to use various products for at-home procedures.
This skin-friendly movement has been dubbed “skinimalism” and is defined as learning how to embrace a slow, natural and intentional skin care regimen, making skin glowy without makeup. If you are into this and want to know more about achieving skinimalism, keep on reading.
know thyself:
Before you jump on the skinimalism bandwagon, you will have to start by understanding your skin type and needs. Does your skin act differently depending on the time of month or the weather? Are you allergic to any specific ingredient? Are you using any anti-aging products? Knowing these is the first step to start a proper skincare routine.
Most of us face different skin problems at different times due to menstrual cycles, hormones, the environment, product reactions, etc. So when you know your main skin concern and the cause, you can go and look for the solution … which brings me to my next point.
listen to experts:
By experts, I mean dermatologists and skincare professionals. Share your concerns, ask questions. Many skincare experts on YouTube share their knowledge and educate people about ingredients, products and procedures. Watch their videos. Some of my favorite YouTubers are Dr. Dray, Hyram and Cassandra Bankson. They talk about the science behind a product and provide in-depth education. On my YouTube channel (Sifa's Corner), I also talk about my personal journey with dry, sensitive skin due to chronic illness and what I do to control it.
shop mindfully:
I know it's tough to resist the temptation of buying in bulk when there is a sale. If you know a product works well on your skin, then you should definitely utilize the opportunity, but if you want to buy something just because it's on sale, stop right there! Don't fall for the “– percent off”sales trap. Buy one product at a time to see if it truly work for you. Shops like Ulta and Sephora have options to try out samples — which I have utilized many times to see if a product will make my skin act up. If you want to invest in a high-priced product, trying a sample beforehand is a great idea.
invest in beauty tools:
Here is why you should invest in a good and pricey beauty tool: It will last a long time and save you money in the long run. By “beauty tools,” I mean silicone facial brushes, face rollers, microdermabrasion devices, facial toning devices — gadgets like these. You definitely do not need to buy all of these at once; start with the facial brush and use it in an upwards motion —never down — to lift the face.
stick to the routine:
So, you have found a product that's working beautifully on your skin. What now? Create a realistic routine for your lifestyle and follow it every day. Every skincare routine should consist of the following steps: aw ]
• CLEANSING: Use a gentle cleanser to wash away the dirt and oil from your face every night. If you are wearing makeup, start with an oil-based cleanser, and then follow up with your regular cleanser.
• EXF OLIATING: Exfoliate your skin 2-3 times per week.
• TARGETING SPECIFIC CONCERNS: Dark circles, age spots, acne whatever problem you are facing use a product specifically for that problem. It can be face mask, serum, toner or concentrated formula.
• MOIS TURIZING: Whether your skin is oily, normal or dry, you should definitely moisturize it. The key is choosing a moisturizer for your skin type.
• PRO TECTION: After all the above steps to make your skin look the best, you need to protect it from the UV rays. In plain words, use sunscreen.

When you religiously follow a skincare routine each day, it will show results in a month or two, so be patient and keep doing it. When you take good care of your skin, you can skip the overthe-top makeup routine and let your natural skin texture shine.
I have always been a big believer and supporter of proper skincare. If I had to choose between makeup and skincare, I would choose skincare. What about you? Let me know on my Instagram (@SifasCorner); let's start a conversation!