2 minute read
community strong
What does community mean, and how were communities established? Community can be defined in a variety of ways; I view community as family, the beating heart and soul of the city/town. Historically, the foundation of communities was built from the linking of arms by family-owned businesses, where farmers provided produce to the general store, the general store provided products to the local doctor, and the churches provided faith to parishing families. The township would actively work together to provide a service, a product and a passion to those they served on a day-to-day basis.
In the past, there was an unwritten oath. When a business was on the verge of its breaking point, the township would congregate around that business and provide whatever means available to keep their friends business open. Not because they had to, but because their heart wanted to. People supported one another and recognized the blood, sweat and tears that went into their neighbor’s business, including the financial role it played of putting food on the table.
The love for community and for one another is not lost, it requires more kindling to ignite the flame, putting life back into the small businesses who are struggling the most from the pandemic. It is imperative to understand, that when local businesses are supported, the root of support lies much deeper than the financial perspective, it creates a ripple effect of emotional support and comradery amongst the community as a whole. The roots and branches of each business become an inosculation, integrating to become one. However, with the fluctuating mandates and restrictions placed on businesses, our community has become more divided then united. How can we as a community get back to our roots and grow together, when over 800 businesses are closing nationwide per day? It starts at the ROOT.
For more from Mariah, go to mariahprussia.com or find her on social media:
Athlete page: mariahmpxprussia

Gym page: mpxfitnessfargo
EMAIL: mpxmma@gmail.com
PHONE: 701-293-0002
Look up, visit and shop local businesses within your community, whether in-person or online. Learn more about the company’s mission, where they receive their products, and the lineage that is associated with their business.
Ongoing Connection
Stay connected with individuals within your community.
Establish an ongoing personal relationship with local business owners and their employees to provide emotional support and referrals to increase their bottom line.

Conversations can open doors to new opportunities. The more we listen to understand, the more seeds we can plant together for harvest.
Trickle Effect
Most patrons may not understand the root system that evolves from supporting a small business. Each root trickles down into the next through multiple facets stemming from the exchange of services, word of mouth referrals, and financial means to provide other local businesses. When you support one, you support many!
Support Local 9
Provided below is a testimony of a local business owner and how she extends her roots into the community soil.

The impact of shopping small is something that can be felt community wide. When people choose to support my local handmade business, it makes it possible for me to support my family's activities.
So indir ectly, by supporting my business, you are supporting other local organizations as well. When we choose to purchase from local businesses, we are creating a stronger local economy.
Community roots lie deep, but the heart lies deeper! When we combine our efforts, it allows us to sit at the table together, and enjoy the fruits of our harvest as a family.
“When you give and expect a return, that’s an investment. When you give and don’t expect anything in return … that’s love.”
Sometimes angels choose fur instead of wings.

These are just a few of our furry angels awaiting their forever homes.