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the BUFF life
Welcome to The BUFF Life!
BUFF = Believers. Uniting. Fitness + Food. Together we are a community and here I hope you will feel connected and encouraged through all things FAITH + FAMILY + FITNESS + FOOD. Spring has finally sprung and I’ve got some fresh new tips, tricks and a yummy recipe for you to try.

FAMILY: Get outside together
Spring is in the air and it’s the perfect time to start implementing getting outdoors daily. After much time spent together inside, it’s time to get active and take your family time outside. Go for a walk, create sidewalk chalk art, fly a kite, go for a bike ride, checkout a new park. Whatever you choose, do it as a family (or with your friends). Make it a non-negotiable to get fresh air every day for at least 20 minutes. The fresh air, along with being with those you love, will nourish your heart and soul!
FAITH: True Happiness = Giving Up Control
I like to be in control, perhaps you can relate? Giving up control is something I struggle with and it recently hit me: I still struggle with being in complete submission and reliance on God. If you’re like me, too often my prayers are to get in control rather than under God’s control. Yet the true root of happiness is when we surrender to God. When we give up control and pray “not my will, but yours,” that’s when God can bless us. When our prayers turn from circumstantial to submission, God will bless us because we’ve finally submitted to Him who controls it all. Are you willing to let go of your grip and allow God to bless you even more?

Get out of your comfort zone
It’s far too easy (and comfortable) to stay in your comfort zone, especially when it comes to fitness. This spring, get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Whether that means increasing your weights when you’re lifting, adding sprints during your run, going to a new class, or trying a new at home program, the “magic” happens when you get out of your comfort zone.