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4-H empowers young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. It’s a research-based experience that includes a mentor, a hands-on project, and a meaningful leadership opportunity.
Astrid Axtman, a graduate from the Cass County 4-H program in Fargo, has exceeded in the program and leadership opportunities. She is currently a North Dakota 4-H Ambassador and volunteer youth leader. Astrid served on the National 4-H Conference Youth Leadership Team, the Citizenship Washington Focus Tech Team and with Google – 4-H Computer Science training.
Astrid shared the following in regard to her leadership experience in the 4-H program. “4-H has been a constant in catalyzing me to grow and change as a leader. Through organizing and facilitating STEM day camps across the state, I have learned how to navigate working relationships, plan events and work within established structures to innovate. By attending and leading at the National 4-H Conference, I have become a part of the national dialogue around issues important to me and learned further skills in civic engagement. 4-H helped me develop the skills critical to my future through giving me real responsibilities and application. 4-H gives me hope and I continue to volunteer to bring that hope to others.”
The 4-H program provides hands-on, real life experiences through projects, activities and events. It is available to all youth (ages 6-18) and offered in every county in North Dakota where youth can join at any time. Youth and their families attend a monthly club meeting. There are workshops and events throughout the year. Workshops include a variety of topics from wood working, dog treats/toys, tortilla making and sewing, just to name a few. Consumer decision making, communication arts and exhibiting work at the county fair are several of the events which are offered. These programs provide a hands-on way to learn about a topic and teach youth life skills. There is a project area to match every interest a youth may have. Come and check out what the 4-Her’s have done this past year at the Red River Valley Fair, July 9-18, 2021. 4-H is the largest and the only research-based youth organization in the state and is conducted by North Dakota State University Extension.
FOR MORE INFORMATION or to get your youth involved in the local program, contact the NDSU Extension Cass County office at 701-241-5700 or ndsu.cass.extension@ndsu.edu