3 minute read
One of the most extraordinary things we saw in the last year, even during a worldwide pandemic, was the outpouring of support and generosity from our community coming together to help those most in need. We have seen a growing ambition to help others in our region, evidenced by fifteen years of record-breaking Giving Hearts Day events. Last year alone there were over 42,000 people involved and $22 million raised for people doing good in our community. It’s because of this ambition that we have set a big, bold goal: to become the most generous region on the planet by 2025. Giving Hearts Day is more than just a day. It’s a movement of helping others. And we need your help.
Part of the excitement of joining this movement of giving back is how impressionable it can be on future generations. Did you know that children who see their parents give to charity — whether it be time, talent or treasure — are more likely to give as adults? With the holiday season upon us, and families gathering together, we have a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the value of helping someone.
Every family has something they do each year that signifies the holiday season for them. Possibly the most beautiful part of these traditions is their perpetuality. The traditions we take part in as children become traditions that we are eager to pass along to our own children. We experience the joy of giving a piece of ourselves to someone who is better off because of it — which is exactly the idea of helping someone on Giving Hearts Day. So why not combine the two?
Each year I look forward to talking as a family about which charities we want to support. We start by going around the table and sharing the things we are grateful for and then we talk about different ways people (or animals) might need help. It is amazing to see the thoughtfulness
Giving Activity Ideas!
Week Of Gratitude
In the days leading up to Giving Hearts Day, have each member of your family write something they’re grateful for. Then, on the day itself (Feb 10), give to charities that are working to provide those same things for others.
This one is for the kids. Have your little ones set aside some money each day/week/month in their piggy bank — some to spend, some to save, and some to give. Then, have them use the “give” funds to donate to their favorite charity on Giving Hearts Day.
Pick up some Giving Hearts
Day snowbank signs at Dakota Medical Foundation (or any Gate City Bank location) and “turn up the red” for Giving Hearts Day.

Download our free Giving Hearts Day bingo card at givingheartsday.org/family, and host a fun family game night.
GIVING GATHERING behind our girls’ selections on which charities they want to give to and why. We help them make their own donations using a Giving Hearts Day gift card; it’s amazing to see the joy and pride they experience by being a part of our giving tradition.
Host a “giving gathering” and have friends and family share about their favorite charities or causes that are important to them.
With the expanded Giving Hearts Day mission, there are options to either donate money, donate goods or volunteer. With an extensive variety of charity missions, there are countless ways to get the whole family involved and possibly even begin new traditions. It’s never too early or too late to start a new tradition!
With Giving Hearts Day coming up in February, the holiday season is the perfect time to get the ball rolling. While the family is together for the holidays, set aside a few minutes to discuss what giving back might look like for your family. Exploring givingheartsday.org is a great place to start, where you can navigate 500+ charities based on your interests and how you would like to give. If you need more help getting the wheels turning, give these helpful prompts a try.
Head to GivingHeartsDay.org/Family to download these fun family resources!


Kids can write or draw their answers to the following prompts to help decide what type of charity to help.
w Something I love w Something I’m thankful for w A place I like to go w A time when someone helped me

Take a fun quiz to help you find out what charities might speak to your heart.
Partner with us this Giving Hearts Day, as we reach out to women and girls in our area who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and offer them hope. Your support allows us to provide non-judgmental, decision-making mentoring, that includes adoption education, and other life-affirming supports.

701.237.4473 christianadoptionservices.org