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March 1st 2016 #09200
Component Manufacturing dverti$er
Serving the Structural Building Components Industry
Photo courtesy of Vaagen Brothers Lumber, Inc. Colville, WA.
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Component Manufacturing Advertiser
March 1st, 2016
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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Published Monthly Editor/Publisher
New & Used Equipment .....................................................4 Saws ...................................................16 Truss Equipment ...................................................26 Panel Equipment ...................................................33 Trucks & Trailers ...................................................35 Misc. Equipment Door and Stair Equipment ...................................................40 .................................................. 42 Parts House ...................................................43 Lumber Market ...................................................47 The JobLine Hiring Zone ...................................................48 Available Jobs ...................................................49 Available Candidates ...................................................52 Industry News and Articles ...................................................53 Calendar of Events
Thomas McAnally twm@componentadvertiser.org
Anna L. Stamm 800-289-5627 x 3 anna@componentadvertiser.org
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.....................................................4 Question of the Day .....................................................8 Advertiser Forum Todd Drummond Consulting, LLC .................................................12 ...................................................14 Carl Schoening - Eagle Metal ...................................................16 Sean Hubbard - SQ-1 Jay Halteman - Wood Truss Sys. ...................................................28 ...................................................34 Glenn Traylor ...................................................37 Robert Glowinski - AWC ...................................................38 Dennis Schieffer - MiTek ...................................................40 Design of the Day ...................................................44 Matt Layman - LLG Safety First Topics in English/Spanish ...........................................51 ...................................................52 Tales of the Tried and True ...................................................55 MiTek - The Last Word
Advertiser Directory
JobLine, Inc.
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #3
Acceptance Leasing & Financing ...................................................33 .................................................. 35 Apex Machine Works ..............................................14,19 Eagle Metal Products .................................................. 40 Fitzgerald Group ...................................................40 Keymark Industries .........................................44,45,46 Layman’s Lumber Guide ...................... 2,18,36,38,39,55,56 MiTek ............................................. 27,29 Panels Plus ...............................................4,6,7 Simpson Strong-Tie ...............................10,16,20,24,26 Square 1 ...............................41,47,48,49,50 The JobLine Todd Drummond Consulting, LLC ...........................................12,13 ...................................................43 Vaagen Brothers Lumber ..4,5,9,11,12,18,25,30,31,32,41,42 Wasserman & Associates ....5,9,11,12,17,21,22,23,28,32,41 Wood Truss Systems
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #4
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Question of the Day
TPI Truss Design Standard Stan Sias
With my local jurisdiction contemplating moving to the 2015 I-Codes, I keep hearing about a new truss design standard. Where can I get a copy of the referenced ANSI/TPI 1-2014? I am glad you asked. ANSI/TPI 1-2014 is a publication of the Truss Plate Institute (www.tpinst.org ), and is the latest version on the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. It is also correct that the 2014 version is the referenced standard in the 2015 IBC and IRC.
2004 TCT Model 1100 Linear Saw Cut 2x4 and 2x6 Lumber from 3” to 20’. Tops, Bottoms, Webs, Sliders, Wedges and Scissor Bottoms. 230 Volt / 3 Phase 5 HP Motor with 24” Blade. Ink Jet Printer. Scrap Conveyor. $36,900 FOB AR. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
For the component manufacturer (CM), specifiers (architects, engineers and building owners) and code officials, the two most important chapters are Chapter 2, Standard Responsibilities in the Design and Application of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses; and Chapter 3, Quality Criteria for the Manufacture of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. These two chapters, in my opinion, should be required reading for anyone planning, building or inspecting a project utilizing wood trusses. Like the Building Codes, the TPI Design Standard has been around for decades, starting with the first release in 1960. Over the years it has been revised and updated (see http://goo.gl/ Oh58yl ) , and today is the standard bearer for wood truss construction as we know it. Now the good news! The Standard has long been made available for purchase by TPI, most recently in both hard-copy and electronic versions that include both the Standard itself as well as the non-mandatory Commentary and Appendices. Just recently, TPI has made the Standard Only (without the accompanying Commentary and Appendices) available online in a read-only format absolutely free of charge (http://goo.gl/7XyF5K ). This is tremendous news and should be shared widely with the audiences mentioned at the beginning of the article. Hopefully it will be downloaded and stored conveniently on the desktop and/or mobile devices of a vast majority of them for easy reference on a frequent basis. Thanks for reading, SS. PHONE: 800-289-5627
2006 Omni Miser Saw •Automated Wood Processing System •Model RTWF (Roof Truss & Wall Frame Components) •5 HP Motor with 16” Blade •Cuts 2x3, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 & 2x12 up to 16’ in length •Crooked Lumber Sensor •Print System D (Both Faces & One Edge) •Auto Deck (Live Deck) •Installation & Training is available at additional cost $60,000 FOB WA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
1999 TimberMill 6-20 Pro Component Saw Six Blades cut 4x2 & 2x4 through 2x12 Lumber from 12” up to 20’-0”. Base Plane Referencing and Pivot Axis Elevation for Faster Setup and Greater Accuracy. Powered Angulation & Carriage. Single Sided Digital. Waste & Incline Conveyor. 480 Volt / 3 Phase. Excludes Live Deck. $25,000 NOW $22,500 FOB PA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #5
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
NEW! 2004 Koskovich Omni Miser RT inear saw with roof truss cutting software, L servo controlled angulation axis of movement, includes crooked lumber sensor, print system A (one face), rebuilt Auto Deck in 2010 to accommodate up to 20’ stock, 2x3 through 2x12 material), automated lumber advance (LASM), auto exit roller, belt-style waste conveyor, 5 HP 3450 RPM arbor motor, computer monitor (Windows XP Service Pack Three) with OEM console. Includes (7) spare blades, miscellaneous spare boards, cables, air cylinder, belts, and all available system spares. 120/240v Single Ph. And 208/480v, 3 Phase power, 90 PSI air required. Well maintained throughout its service life, currently in daily operation. Price: $69,990. Location: MB Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2005 Razer v4 Linear Saw Six-Axis CNC Linear saw – Currently in operation and consistently upgraded this saw features a 6000 RPM hydraulic saw motor, full axis of motion to complete straight, single/compound bevel and rip cuts with a 13 3/4” blade. Handles material up to 20’ long, 14” wide and 4” depth. OEM supplied in-feed deck and outfeed conveyor with kick-off table are included. Right to Left hand feed configuration. Includes spare blade, encoder, (2) encoder wheels, sensor cables, and all available spare parts. Includes Windows XP Service Pack two software and transformer for 230 or 600v to system specific 415v, 3Ph, Minimum 100 psi air required. (Ink jet printer shown in pictures is not included.) $79,990 FOB MB Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
New Spida Vector Saw with Mango Plate Marker (FOB IN) $44,975 800-382-0329 | www.wasserman-associates.com
Wood Truss Systems
manufacturers’ 1999 TimberMill 6-20 Pro Component Saw Six Blades cut 4x2 & 2x4 through 2x12 Lumber from 12” up to 20’-0”. Base Plane Referencing and Pivot Axis Elevation for Faster Setup and Greater Accuracy. Powered Angulation & Carriage. Single Sided Digital. Waste & Incline Conveyor. 480 Volt / 3 Phase. $20,000 FOB IL Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
2000 Alpine AutoMill RS Component Saw Alpine AutoMill RS model 344, five-blade, computerized component saw. From the OEM literature: sets up in 2 to 19 seconds, using a touch screen for ease of operation. Five-head automated component saw works in semi-automated control via touchscreen input. It has 19 axes of automated movement, diagnostics, auto management reporting. The RS cuts from 13" to 20' long material in size range from 2x3 through 2x12, and includes [3] 18", [1] 20" and [1] 32" blades with air brakes, pc with swingarm cabinet and scrap conveyor under saw. 480v/60Hz/3Ph power. $31,249, FOB: QC Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2003 Omni Miser Saw Automated Wood Processing System. Lengths to 16’. Ink Jet Print System A (One Face). Incline Live Deck. Bunk Feeder. (5) Th e 2x4 Magazines. Installation & Training omponent anufacturing is available at additional cost. $67,500 NOW $44,500 FOB MN Serving the Structural Building Components Industry Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
C M dverti$er
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Monet FWA 500 Floor Web Saw
New, Monet five-head, floor truss web saw, cuts 4-angle, 4x2 floor truss webs from 16 inches and 90-90 blocks from 12 inches to four foot long maximum length. Features 10-board magazine feed, powered, fixed-quadrant angulation, manual carriage standard, shaker-pan scrap conveyor with short incline conveyor and cut-off blade. Option for longer carriage length, single sided setup (shown in pictures, but not standard), dust hood and choice of shaker or belt scrap conveyor. 440 volt, 3 phase. $49,000 Base, FOB MO.
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www.woodtrusssystems.com FAX: 800-524-4982
FASTENERS SIMPLIFY ```````WIND-UPLIFT RESTRAINT Building homes and structures with a continuous load path in regions of the country susceptible to high winds can now be accomplished from inside the structure with easy-to-install fasteners.
Strong-DriveÂŽ SDWC Screws Truss/Rafter-toPlate Connection and Stud-to-Plate Connection
Tried-and-true metal connectors, fasteners and anchors DUH WUDGLWLRQDOO\ XVHG DV D V\VWHP WR FRQQHFW WKH URRI ÀRRUV and foundation together. But now there’s another choice. 6LPSVRQ 6WURQJ 7LH R̆HUV WZR VWUXFWXUDO IDVWHQHUV GHVLJQHG IRU wind-uplift restraint: the Strong-DriveŽ SDWF Floor-to-Floor screw and the Strong-DriveŽ SDWC Truss screw. 7KHUH DUH VHYHUDO NH\ EHQH¿WV WR XVLQJ VWUXFWXUDO IDVWHQHUV IRU FRQWLQXRXV ORDG SDWK FRQQHFWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ • • • • •
No predrilling 1R LQWHUIHUHQFH ZLWK ¿QLVK PDWHULDOV )ORRU WR ÀRRU IUDPLQJ DOLJQPHQW LV QRW FULWLFDO Ease of installation: The SDWC and SDWF install from inside the structure, eliminating exterior work on upper stories
For illustrative purposes only. See installation speciďŹ cations.
The Strong-Drive SDWC Truss screw provides a stud-to-bottomplate or stud-to-top-plate connection and can be used to fasten trusses and rafters to top plates. It is designed to simplify continuous load path connections at the roof and foundation. The SDWC is available in a kit that includes 500 screws, two driver bits and two metal installation guides. The SDWC screw is code compliant (IAPMO-UES ER-262) and is for interior use only. The Strong Drive SDWF Floor-to-Floor screw attaches upper and ORZHU ZDOOV WRJHWKHU IURP WKH WRS VSDQQLQJ WKH ÀRRU V\VWHP WR FUHDWH D VWURQJ FRQQHFWLRQ EHWZHHQ ÀRRUV :KHQ XVHG ZLWK WKH 78: WDNH XS ZDVKHU WKH 6':) VFUHZ VLPSOL¿HV WKH ÀRRU WR ÀRRU wind-uplift restraint connection. The patented TUW take-up washer plays a key role in the long-term performance of the SDWF Floor-to-Floor screw when installed between the screw and the sole plate of the XSSHU ÀRRU $V WKH VWUXFWXUH VHWWOHV EHFDXVH RI VKULQNDJH DQG construction loading, the threaded portion under the head of the screw ratchets up through the tabs of the TUW. The interlock between the tabs of the take-up washer and the threads under the head of the SDWF screw prevents the screw from sliding back under load. This provides a simple yet reliable means of shrinkage compensation for up to 34" per story. The SDWF screw is code compliant (ICC-ES ESR-3046), as is the TUW take-up washer (ICC-ES ESR-2320)–both are for interior use only. When used together as a system with anchor bolts at the foundation, the SDWC and SDWF screws are a reliable, safe and economical solution for creating a continuous load path and resisting wind uplift. To learn more, call (800) 999-5099 and visit VWURQJWLH FRP VGZF
Strong-DriveÂŽ SDWF Screw with TUW Take-Up Washer Sill Anchor and Bearing Plate
Strong-DriveÂŽ SDWC Screws Stud-to-Plate Connection
“When used with the TUW take-up washer, the SDWF screw VLPSOLÂżHV WKH Ă€RRU WR Ă€RRU ZLQG XSOLIW UHVWUDLQW FRQQHFWLRQ ´ Š 2016 Simpson
ICSSDWC_Spread.indd 1
Strong-Tie Company Inc. SDWCSDWF15
Simpson Strong-Tie is on the job where you are with structural connectors and fasteners, truss plates and component design software. We’re providing you with innovative products and customizable tools to make it easier for you to design components and build structures while managing your business. Let us show you our new solutions designed around you, including our Component Solutions™ Director and Truss Studio software. Connect with us: (800) 999-5099 and strongtie.com/ics. © 2016 Simpson
Strong-Tie Company Inc. ICS15-C
3/1/16 1:28 PM
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #8
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Seeing Things from a Higher Perspective Anna L. Stamm
Director of Communications and Marketing Component Manufacturing Advertiser.
Gadgets. Upgrades. Fads. Some people love to get the next new thing as soon as they can, some people wait to see if it’s a lasting improvement or a passing craze. Me? I’m the kind of person who waits. I didn’t buy Laser Discs when they were hot, nor did I think SuperBeta was the way to go. I haven’t replaced my DVDs with Blu-ray. I never bought an iPod because my Sony CD player still works like a champ. And I would still be driving a 1990 Ford Taurus if a storm hadn’t blown over a tree onto it (thank you, Oklahoma weather). So when it comes to drones, I’ve been skeptical.
Toys or Tools
1997 ASI B500 Component Saw 1997 ASI B500, 5-blade component saw, features semi-automatic user interface with backup mechanical indicators, grouped functions such as automatic blade alignment for chords or webs, automatic centerline adjustment of nominal board size, safety fencing, shaker pan scrap system, digital read outs and push-button adjustment controls. 480 volt, 3 phase. $19,890 FOB ON Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
On Christmas night, an email went out to the folks in my neighborhood – has anyone seen a missing drone? The email described where it was last seen and asked for help locating it. Yep, that’s what I would have expected. Drones may have been the hot Christmas gift, but after you play with it for a little while, what are you really going to do with it? And how many of them had unfortunate accidents?
A View From Above Well, this would be a pretty short column if the story ended there – but it doesn’t. It turns out that drones actually can be very useful, helpful, and educational. I’m a convert, and it’s all because of Vaagen Brothers Lumber. Posted on YouTube, the first link I watched was entitled, “Logs to Lumber - An aerial journey through the sawmill.” Wow, that was great! It took me right back to the Lou Grant TV show circa 1980, which started every week with us watching trees become newspaper. Just check out the cover photo on this month’s issue of The Advertiser for a photo from the video. In fact, Vaagen Brothers has an impressive “Start to Finish” series of short videos that clearly show how our industry uses sophisticated and precise machinery to produce high quality products. They demonstrate environmentally sound harvesting and processing practices. They show jobs using heavy equipment (which also look like fun toys) in the great outdoors alongside computer jobs running the technology side of things. And it’s all filmed at an actual business in Colville, Washington – thanks to those drones.
Education and Insight Since taking on this topic, I’ve learned a lot of companies have started using drones for their businesses. Another of our advertisers, The JobLine, has found its commercial-grade drone to be a valuable tool in the recruitment process. [Please contact Thom if you’d like more information on that.] It turns out that drones can help us educate customers about what we do, recruit employees to join our industry, and respond to nay-sayers who doubt all that we contribute to our communities. There is science, and dedication, and experience, and skill in our industry – and it will be even better when more people can really see that for themselves. PHONE: 800-289-5627
1997 Timbermill 620 Pro SSD Timbermill 620 Pro single-sided digital, model 6-20 Pro SSD. Six heads cuts lumber from 2x3 through 2x12, 4x2 lengths from 13” to 20’ including four-angle floor truss webs from 19". "Pro" model features faster angulation movements and faster carriage speeds with soft-start technology and powered movements with single-side setup and digital readouts. Includes set of spare blades, drag-chain waste conveyor with incline, and all available spare parts. 480V 3ph. $25,990 FOB IA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2006 Alpine Speed Cut Express Single blade centerline Speed Cut saw with automation and digital setup. Minimum angle is 5 degrees and the maximum angle is 135 degrees. Maximum scarf cut is 22 inches. Angulation and length measure are powered. 20 foot infeed and 10 foot outfeed conveyors are included along with spare blade. Lightly used and currently supported by Alpine Equipment Division. 208 volt, 3 phase electrical. $27,990 FOB MT. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the SAWS
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #9
Wood Truss Systems
NEW! Reconditioned 1995 Auto Omni Component Saw Price: $86,900 :: FOB OH Condition: Good+ 1995 Koskovich Auto Omni saw. 5-blade automated saw fully frame-off reconditioned to nearly new standard with upgrades in 2015. Includes shaker waste conveyor with factory side pans, [3] 20 inch blades, [1] 30 inch blade and [1] 12 inch blade. Fully automated setup with full power length and all axis angulation, single sided setup from operator console, 2x3 through 2x12 and 4x2, 20’ to 9” @ 90°/90°, spare blades, remote monitor, full set of electronic spares and manual. New computer with updated software, flat screen monitor, entire saw is newly painted. Also included: Full 3-month parts warrantee if installation is performed by independent tech. Geoff Monger. 208/240/480 volt,3 phase, 100 Amp and 120 vac, 90 Amp electrical required. Photos show saw during restoration. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
Used Hain Quick Rafter Cutter • Checked and Repaired by Leonard Hain • Board Sizes: 2x4 and 2x6 • Motors: Two 2 HP / 220 Volt or 440 Volt / 3 Phase • Saw Blades: 7 1/4” Carbide Tipped (set at 45 degrees) • Angle Adjustment: Manual Rotation with Air Brake • Air Supply: 90 PSI • Carriage: Steel Rails with Steel Dual V Rollers • Pedestal: 3/16” Formed Steel with Powder Coat Finish • Saw Housing: 1/2” Billet Aluminum • Covers: 10 Gauge (1/8” thick) Steel with Powder Coat Finish • Fully Enclosed for Safety $6,950 FOB CA. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
PHONE: 800-289-5627
2008 Alpine X4 Linear Saw •Touch Screen Control Panel •5 Axes of Automation •15 HP Motor with 22” Blade •Ink Jet Printer •Auto Feeder (Live Deck) •Outfeed Conveyor •230 Volt / 3 Phase $49,900 FOB AB NOW $39,900 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
1998 Koskovich Auto Omni Component Saw This saw has been well maintained, and consistently upgraded throughout its service history, includes belt-style waste conveyor with side pans, digital inclinometers, spare set of blades, spare transport side motor, 1 KB card for out feed rollers, several spare circuit boards, and all other available spare parts. PC runs Windows 7 OS, current Omni Software from OEM. 220v, 3 phase electrical. $17,990, FOB MB Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
New Hundegger SC-3 Linear Saw Hundegger Speed-Cut SC-3 linear truss saw, complete roof truss, I-joist, EWP, stair stringer and wall panel parts cutting functions including angle and bevel drive unit with auto-loading conveyor system, auto-discharge and Ink-Jet marking. Multiple boards or I-joists can be stacked up to 4 high and accurately processed. Can process any length of material with finished parts up to 26' in length. The SC-3 processes lumber from ½"x 1 ½" to 8" x 17 ¾". The 26" carbide-tipped saw blade can rotate 360 degrees and bevel to 0 degrees horizontally. Includes 3D BIM software. The optional 4-axis rotating mill can hold up to three different milling tools. Vertical end mill, double-bevel mill, vertical drill, horizontal slot cutter and double mill options are available. According to Hundegger USA: "The Hundegger Whole House Saw TM is a computer numeric controlled (CNC) saw capable of cutting a wide range of roof, floor and wall framing components, including wood I-joists, laminated strand lumber (LSL), laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and glue-lam". Maintenance program, tech support and installation are available from Hundegger USA. 480 volt , 3 phase electrical. SPECIAL PRICE INCLUDES: Shipping anywhere in the lower 48 states, installation, training, duty. $209,000 Base Price
$48,600 FOB IN
1996 Auto-Omni 5 Blade Automated Apollo Saw with Truss Software Automated Component Saw Solid 48” x 72” Frame and Arm Construction Minimizes Flex on the Saw Frame. Direct •Automated Setup as directed by Truss Drive 7.5 HP Motor with 18” Blade (230/460 Volt). Minimum Angle of 10 Degrees Design Software Output with 36” Stroke for Long Scarf Cuts. Automated 160 Degree Angular Movement. •Computer, Enclosure & Stand Variable Stroke Limiter & Plexiglass Shield for Operator Safety. MDF Profiled Saw •5 Blades cut 2x3 through 2x12 and 4x2 Bench Top Provides a Safe Working Platform. Dust Extraction Outlet. 20’ of MDF from 11” to 20’ Bench Top with Automated 20’ Length Stop & 10’ Gravity Conveyor. Workstation, •Ink Jet Printer Control Cabinet Enclosure & 17” Touch Screen Integration. Serial Control System. •Shaker Pan Waste Conveyor (under saw) Includes all Plug & Play Wiring. MangoTech/Spida Truss Cutting Software. Add •Incline Waste Conveyor (adjacent to saw) $3,680 Two Day Onsite Installation & Training. Add $750 for 12 Month Phone & •Installation Available (quote upon reVirtual Tech Support. Add $275 for Spare Blade. Add $558 for Saw Laser Guide. Add quest) FOB WI $890 for Dust Collector Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Read/Subscribe online at www.componentadvertiser.com FAX: 800-524-4982
800-382-0329 | www.wasserman-associates.com
Automated Saws
Simple Stop
Plate Marking
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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
2000 Alpine AutoMill RS Component Saw Alpine AutoMill RS model 344, five-blade, computerized component saw. From the OEM literature: sets up in 2 to 19 seconds, using a touch screen for ease of operation. Five-head automated component saw works in semi-automated control via touchscreen input. It has 19 axes of automated movement, diagnostics, auto management reporting. The RS cuts from 13" to 20' long material in size range from 2x3 through 2x12, and includes [3] 18", [1] 20" and [1] 32" blades with air brakes, pc with swingarm cabinet and scrap conveyor under saw. 480v/60Hz/3Ph power. $31,249 FOB QC Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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Serving the Structural Building Components Industry
PHONE: 800-289-5627
2005 Alpine AutoMill SC Saw Five-blade, servo-controlled computerized saw, sets up in 2 to 19 seconds and downloads from a network or by using a touch screen for ease of operation. Five-head automated component saw works in both automated (downloading files) and semi-automated control via touch-screen input. It has 23 axes of automated movement, enhanced diagnostics, auto management reporting. The SC cuts from 13" to 20' long material in size range from 2x3 through 2x12, and includes [4] 18" and [1] 32" blades with air brakes, yellow outfeed skatewheel conveyors and pc, carriage and cabinet compressed air connections (for cooling & dust buildup prevention). Installed and operational. 480v/60Hz/3Ph power. Price: $89,990 :: FOB TX Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #11
MiTek Combi Set Web Saw Four Blades Cut Lengths from 2' to 16'. Waste & Incline Conveyor. Extra Set of Blades. 220/440 Volt - 3 Phase. $13,000 FOB MO. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
2005 Alpine AutoMill SC Saw Five-blade, servo-controlled computerized saw, sets up in 2 to 19 seconds and downloads from a network or by using a touch screen for ease of operation. Five-head automated component saw works in both automated (downloading files) and semi-automated control via touch-screen input. It has 23 axes of automated movement, enhanced diagnostics, auto management reporting. The SC cuts from 13" to 20' long material in size range from 2x3 through 2x12, and includes [4] 18" and [1] 32" blades with air brakes, yellow outfeed skatewheel conveyors and pc, carriage and cabinet compressed air connections (for cooling & dust buildup prevention). Installed and operational. 480v/60Hz/3Ph power. Price: $89,990 :: FOB TX. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
1997 MiTek Cyber Saw Fully automated five-blade component saw with Dell PC upgrade, frame number 012. Cutting performed by 2-16" X 6HP, 2-20" X 6HP, 1-32" X 12.5HP. Touch screen controls for fully automated or manual part input, all powered movements. Cuts 2x4 thru 2x12 and 4x2. Includes incline waste conveyor and miscellaneous spare parts including spare motors, and blades. This saw is under power and is well sorted out and ready for daily use. 240V 3ph. $25,900 FOB NC Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2005 Alpine AutoMill SC Automated Component Saw (FOB AB) $99,000)
Inc $13,000 in Spare Parts Direct Link: http://goo.gl/xaXNAw
800-382-0329 | www.wasserman-associates.com
Wood Truss Systems
NEW! New Monet DeRobo Linear Saw New, DeRobo linear saw by Monet organizes "fill" boards to increase optimization of each board, can produce unlimited scarf cuts, cuts 1 or 2 boards at a time and cuts webs, chords, wedges, rafters and open-stair stringers. Works with all major connector plate manufacturer's software. Features include 22 inch blade, left-to-right feed direction standard, lumber push and pull grippers for more accuracy, ink marking on the 1 1/2" face of the incoming boards and small piece capture and delivery to the front of the saw for easy access. Infeed deck and bunk feed are shown as options only. Works with the optional WoodRunner TM lumber retrieval system. 440 volt, 3phase. $165,000 Base Price, FOB MO.
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Through thick or thin.
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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
1 12/15/14
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #12
7:42 AM
Many lumberyards still do not have their own wood truss and wall panel manufacturing as part of their offerings to their contractors but are contemplating whether this might be a good investment. There are pros and cons to this type of big investment; if you have been doing any research, you have probably heard some say it is a great investment that gives a very good return and others say that it has been one big horror story and that they wish they had never wasted their time. Well, both versions are very true, and to a guy like me who makes a living giving advice on improving net profit for truss and wall panel component manufacturing, the reasons for this are clear. Highlights:
2005 Alpine AutoMill SC Saw Five-blade, servo-controlled computerized saw, sets up in 2 to 19 seconds and downloads from a network or by using a touch screen for ease of operation. Five-head automated component saw works in both automated (downloading files) and semi-automated control via touch-screen input. It has 23 axes of automated movement, enhanced diagnostics, auto management reporting. The SC cuts from 13" to 20' long material in size range from 2x3 through 2x12, and includes [4] 18" and [1] 32" blades with air brakes, yellow outfeed skatewheel conveyors and pc, carriage and cabinet compressed air connections (for cooling & dust buildup prevention). Installed and operational. 480v/60Hz/3Ph power. Price: $89,990 Condition: Good Location: TX
Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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When sales exceed $5 million per year, this normally provides a 10% to 12% net profit per sales dollar in most regions.
There is also the added benefit of supplying the company’s own products to their sales offerings.
Lumberyards tend to let bad component manufacturing operations continue within their companies at a singledigit net profit or breakeven.
The process of quoting, designing, manufacturing, and delivering has complexity that is error prone when not understood and managed correctly.
The other aspect is that retail management versus manufacturing management is not the same type of management.
Another critical error many lumberyards repeat is they listen only to advice from plate and equipment vendors and then think they are able to figure everything else by themselves.
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√ TDC is Lean Six Sigma Certified
(603) 763-8857
85+ Companies Completed 25+ Years in the Truss Industry 10+ Years in the Consultation Business 3 to 6 Points in Net Profit Gains for Most Clients!
Advanced Wall Systems, LLC Lakes Truss LLC (D.B.A.) -Testimonial Scott Zak – Owner/Partner Perham, MN My partners DarinTrites, Ben Hosfield and I had the opportunity to purchase AWS, a previously operating wall panel business, in 2013 after a year-long evaluation period. Our background has been mainly real estate and finance. We hired what we thought as an industry expert GM to run the day-to-day operations and jumped into the wall panel business with no looking back. We had the tools, people, working capital and even the sales but it was not working out the way we envisioned. After a few years, we learned that we needed to make drastic changes to make the business work the way we had envisioned it or decide if it was better to close the doors and go back to what we knew best. First we decided that wall panels were not enough and that we needed to expand into the roof and floor truss manufacturing. However, we had learned from hard knocks that learning from trial and error was too expensive and relying only on the people within your organization was not enough. Equipment and plate vendors were certainly not providing the need to know expert advice we really needed to hear. We needed someone who was willing to tell us when we were making mistakes and to actually challenge us. It was time for expert advice, which that is where Todd comes in. The first thing I can say about his consulting services was it was intense and it covered far more ground than I ever expected. Lean manufacturing practices, which is what he espouses, covers every aspect of your business and that is exactly what Todd did for us. He covered every aspect of our business. From admin issues such as communication, employee management, then manufacturing, then design and sales (all aspects of each). It really was a lot of very good information. Without a doubt if you plan on buying equipment, building an addition to increase your capacity, or starting from scratch for a new or existing wall and roof truss manufacturing you have got to get Todd’s unbiased advice. He really does not care which vendor you use, but he does provide you with an unbiased advice of what you really can expect from both the equipment and the vendors. What the best positioning of the equipment and the working area for the material flow that will work best for your particular needs. He also is doing this with an eye on potential future growth so you won’t be caught with unexpected constraints if you are able to expand due to sales growth in the future. Thanks, Todd!
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #13
See the Many Testimonials Testimonials of Services… of Services
Yet, in spite of all these negative issues, if everything is done right, it is well worth the investment. When a lumberyard gets the component division operating properly and sales are strong, the overall sales and profit for the entire company will be enhanced.
See the full article at http://todd-drummond.com/truss-wall-lumberyard/
Todd Drummond Consulting, LLC. Website: www.todd-drummond.com Phone (USA): 603-763-8857 E-mail: todd@todd-drummond.com Copyrights © 2015
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #14
Where Have All The Good Men Gone? .... To Retirement. As I was pondering the latest loss of a great Truss Guy to “retirement” a thought began to rattle around in my head about all of the wonderful people I had a chance to work for, work with or simply enjoy a cocktail with over the years. Many of them retired or were retired, some we lost suddenly and others drifted out of the industry. Those that I will consider here are the ones who made an impact in the component industry, but have never really been recognized properly. Mike Bugbee – Mike and I have known each other longer than he remembers. I worked for Mike at Simpson Strong-Tie, but we had met several years before that when he invited me to participate in a focus group involving software. Mike is an incredible gentleman. He is extremely thoughtful before he speaks a word. Mike knows more people in the lumber, building materials and component industry than anyone I have ever met. His impact in the component industry is pretty great. He doesn’t ever talk about the things he has done, but some of us know. Mike single handedly taught me how to entertain component manufacturers. That is usually easily done by opening a bar tab, but more importantly he taught me how to listen and capture important information. The thing that he never spoke of and I learned on my own is that he was one of the people named on the patent for the very first truss to truss connector in the world. Each time a THA26 is specified or installed, people should thank Mike for his knowledge of and passion for the component industry. The THA26 was the mainstay connector for our industry for many years and is still commonly used today. Mike is one of those guys who speaks his mind and has a great deal of knowledge on many, many subjects. Mike Bugbee will be greatly missed in the day to day business of the industry. I will also miss his “Bugbeeisms”. Mike always had a way of turning a phrase that was entertaining and enlightening. Abner Yoder – Mr. Yoder is one of the finest human beings I have ever met or had the opportunity to engage in conversation. Mr. Yoder had a huge impact on this industry, but has not been recognized for all he did mainly because he was considered a regional manufacturer. Mr. Yoder managed to build a great business that covered more than 5 states from Florida to Missouri and all points in between. If he was regional then my guess is that everyone would like to be considered so. He was the forerunner to all of the big component corporations that now exist. Mr. Yoder’s passion for the industry made his promotion of components easy. He was out there converting builders for site built roofs to components since the beginning. Every other component manufacturer in the “region” should tip their hat to the man who made selling trusses easier. Harold LaValley – Mr. LaValley is another one of those “regional” manufacturers. He covered the whole northeast and made marketing trusses his. Mr. LaValley took ownership of his market and was always innovating the product line he offered. When a new product, I-Joists, came out and most could not see the value, Mr. LaValley became the largest dealer in his region at the time. Every step of the way he hired talented people and provided them a mission. The mission was to grow the industry. He is another gem of a man who has never been acknowledged for his persistence and great support of the industry. Tom Whatley – Tom is one of those guys who was always content to fly under the radar. At one time Tom owned the largest truss plant in the state of Texas, and that is saying something. Tom’s truss plant, ABO, was recognized as the state of the art in the truss industry in the 80’s. Tom, never content, was always looking for another way to innovate. At the time, ABO was using a truckload of connector plates every week. Tom stared thinking, “I can do that”. Tom did the research, hired the right people, invested in the equipment and started stamping truss plates. Little did he know at the time that an oil PHONE: 800-289-5627
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market crash would end the existence of ABO and spawn Eagle Metal Products. That was 30 years ago and Tom never looked back. Tom did something that took a great deal of perseverance. He started a plate company. He built the company and it has survived when so many others have gone. Tom’s great passion for all things “truss” is the force that made Eagle Metal the enduring company it has become. While this is just a sample of the many, many people I will miss, my hope is to continue bringing my thoughts about all the people who made this industry great and made me proud to be a part of it. Enjoy retirement. CARL SCHOENING V P DEVELOPMENT E A G L E M E TA L P R O D U C T S
1994 MiTek Combi-Cut 4-Blade Saw 1994 MiTek Combi-Cut component saw, model 2000 Combi Cut, serial # CO15, four-head saw with powered angulation, Cuts from 1 foot at 90/90 to 20 foot lengths, angles from 10 to 105 degrees, digital angle readouts, power angulation, power length. Cuts 4x2, four-angle floor webs from 19". Includes under-saw waste conveyor (no incline), two extra 16" blades, manual and all available parts. Saw in use until end of January, 2016. 480 volt, 3 phase. $9,990 FOB MI Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
12300 F O R D R OA D, S U I T E 110 | DA L L A S, T X 75234 c a r l @ e a g l e m e ta l . c o m | 9 7 2 . 3 5 0 . 9 8 0 7 1997 TimberMill 6-20 Pro Component Saw Six Blades cut 4x2 & 2x4 through 2x12 Lumber from 12” up to 20’-0”. Base Plane Referencing and Pivot Axis Elevation for Faster Setup and Greater Accuracy. Powered Angulation & Carriage. Single Sided Digital. Waste & Incline Conveyor. Extra Set of Blades. 480 Volt / 3 Phase. $26,000 FOB IA. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
2005 Koskovich Auto Omni Component Saw 5-blade automated saw includes shaker waste conveyor with factory side pans, [3] 20 inch blades, [1] 30 inch blade and [1] 12 inch blade. Fully automated setup with full power length and all axis angulation, single sided setup from operator console, 2x3 through 2x12 and 4x2, 20’ to 9” @ 90°/90°, ink-jet marking system, spare blades, remote monitor, Exair cabinet coolers, and all available electronic spares. This is a one-owner Omni saw that has been well maintained including recent upgrades to lumber grippers (rear trucks), and other parts. 208/240/480 volt,3 phase, 100 Amp and 120 vac, 90 Amp electrical required. $44,890, FOB IN. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #15
2005 Apollo Saw with Mango Plate Marker 5.5 HP Motor with 18” Blade. Minimum Angle of 10 Degrees with 36” Stroke. Manual Saw Angulation with Air Brake on Turntable. Laser Pointer, Variable Stroke Limiter & Plexiglass Shield for Operator Safety. Automated 20’ Length Stop & Plate Positioner as directed By Design Software. Computer, Monitor & Cabinet Enclosure. MangoTech Plate Cutting & Marking Software. 30’ of Roller Conveyor with Stands. Add $11,285 for Touch Screen Computer Upgrade. Add $3,680 for 2 Day Onsite Installation & Training. Excludes Dust Collection System. $15,000 FOB PA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
Reconditioned Koskovich Auto Omni Component Saw Completely reconditioned 5-blade automated saw includes shaker waste conveyor, [3] 20 inch blades, [1] 30 inch blade and [1] 12 inch blade. Professional rebuild includes: new lower elevation nuts (trunnions), Upgrade to single collar elevation shaft, replace arm wiring, new conduit and wiring as necessary, new rear lumber in-feed grippers (trucks), replace folding (Gore) track wiring as necessary, new self-cleaning transport nut, replace end-stop nut, in-feed chain guides, upper elevation bearings, telescope nuts, with maintenance-free plastic parts, refresh motor head gear assemblies saws one and two, repaint, upgrade material conveyor positioning shafts and pinion gears, upgrade to optical encoders for end-stop and material conveyors, replaced crash plates, restore material conveyor motor mount position, and upgrade elevation proximity sensors. The Auto Omni is standard with automated setup with full power length and all axis angulation, single sided setup from operator console, 2x3 through 2x12 and 4x2, 20’ to 9” @ 90°/90°, includes electronic spares and manual. Electrical required: 1-phase- 110/240V, 80A and 3-phase- 240V requires (4) 30A circuit breakers, 100A starting Amps or 480V requires (4) 15A circuit breakers, 50A starting Amps. Includes six month parts warranty (labor not included): Apex Machine Works, LLC installation required for warranty activation. $79,800 FOB MN Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
Idaco Super Compon-a-matic 4 blade "super" Compon-a-matic saw with power angulation, carriage, and air brakes. Shortest cut 12", longest cut 20 ft. @ 90/90. Includes waste conveyor with short incline. 460V, 3 phase power. $8,490 FOB NY Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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The History of the ORIGINAL Rolsplicer Truswal Systems Corp based out of the Dallas-Ft Worth region designed and built the first Rolsplicer in the early 80's. A revolutionary piece of equipment for its time when hydraulic units were populating the industry. Early marketing efforts even included a trailer mounted, traveling demo unit. Success in sales led to Klaisler Manufacturing being commissioned by Truswal to take over production for the ever increasing demand. Klaisler assumed the rights to the machine in the early 90's. The design platform remained the same, but with several mechanical updates. Produced throughout the years until passed on to Square 1 Design & Manufacture, Inc in 2009. Again, the same basic design principles applied, yet the time had come for another "refinement". Changing times and technology have afforded us the ability to incorporate laser steel processing and a more precise weldment. Additionally, electrical and air components have been elevated to a higher standard ensuring the owners more reliability and operators greater safety. It is truly a "plug-n-play" machine offering the highest level of efficiency and the longevity you would expect from quality machinery. Continuing through with the Klaisler legacy, Square 1 Design & Manufacture proudly builds today's ORIGINAL Rolsplicer, just as we have for the last 2-1/2 decades! The Rolsplicer Chord Splicing System produces spliced chords in seconds, reducing splicing time by up to 60%. The Rolsplicer uses a completely unique method of splicing lumber. Two sets of synchronized half rollers are driven by a chain and sprocket system. As the two sets of rollers simultaneously push and pull the wood, a tight abutment is held throughout the entire splice cycle, assuring a perfect splice.
EASY PLATE PLACEMENT Old-fashioned hydraulic splicing systems often require the wood to be held in the horizontal (4x2) plane, making bottom plate placement blind. The Rolsplicer holds the wood in the vertical (2x4) position, affording full vision, with drop-in plate placement.
Refurbished 1997 CMF Tracked Gantry System 1997 side eject CMF tracked gantry system with 14’ by 93 ft. working length. Tables and finish roller press were refurbished in 2007. System features (13) plastic topped tables with slotted-steel bottom chords, (1) 24” CMF diameter gantry head, (1) CMF 24" finish roller press, (4) idler rollers, and all available receivers. 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. $43,890 :: FOB WA. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
Pacific Automation Floor Gantry with Finish Roller & Stacker 2005 Pacific Automation 24” Diameter Floor Gantry (7 1/2 HP). Flat Park Section & Incline Ramp Park Section (for end eject). 40’ Table with Air Cylinder Clamping. Maximum Truss Length: 36’. Floor Truss Depth: 11 1/2” to 26”. Side Electors in Jig #1, End Eject Rollers in Jig #2. 2005 Pacific Automation Floor Truss Finish Roller. 2007 Pacific Automation Floor Truss Stacker. Stored outside under lumber tarps since 2011. $67,500 $62,500 FOB AB. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
When one of our staff members brought a competitor’s brochure to my attention I found it humorous when they claimed “Our splicer's unique roller design”. The history of the Original Rolsplicer certainly predates me and my 25+ years of manufacturing equipment for the building components industry, but continues to be one of the market leading products.
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Sean Hubbard Square 1 Design & Manufacture Inc. 400 N. Forsythe St Franklin, IN 46131 317-440-2804 866-647-7771
2007 Gimar 12' x 38' Truss Press •60 Ton Pressing Capacity •Slotted Table Top with Plastic •Joystick Control •600 Volt / 3 Phase $86,900 FOB QB Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
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manufacturers’ Alpine Tables with Rail Quantity of five (5) 6' x 14', Alpine tracked gantry tables with slotted steel bottom chords, HDPE plastic tops and (4) skate wheel ejectors. Includes 39' of 80 lb. crane-rail with base plate, and one air-valve control. $12,490 FOB SC. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2000 80' Pacific Automation Roof Truss Gantry End-eject roof truss system, 14'X80' working length featuring one, TR-14 raised-rail, gantry head with 24" dia. roller and inverter drive. Features 11 slotted steel, J-Slot tables, single park-station, and some conveyor roller complete with all available hardware. 575V 3Ph power. $78,990 FOB ON. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
54' CMF Gantry Roller with Tables CMF gantry system consisting of (1) 24” CMF tracked gantry, (9) 5' 11" wood tables with plastic tops and ejectors, (1) 5' 11" wood tables with plastic tops and no ejectors, (23) 14' conveyor rollers, (3) 12' conveyor rollers, approx. 80 feet of rail and (15) truss receivers. Includes any available system jigging hardware, and all available spare parts if any. Price: $38,990 :: FOB PA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #17
NEW! Hydro Air Glideaway 8-Station Roof Clamp System Hydro Air, Glideaway model, 8-station, clamping roof gantry system, builds roof trusses up to 8 feet height to 40 foot spans. Includes triangular-shaped steel floor plate, six station ejectors, a twin 30HP motorpowered hydraulic unit, push button control console with stand. Hydraulic power unit needs some repair. 480 volt, 3 phase electrical. $6,990 FOB MI. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
New Square 1 Short Roof Truss Finish Press Four-foot* wide x 3 1/2” tall throat. The unique “uni-body” construction creates a ridged machine that houses 12” diameter rolls, 7 1/2 HP motor with integrated brake, and 80# chain drive. This FRP features 114 FPM speed, emergency shut-off bars, and full chain and sprocket guards. Available options include: Other roller widths, Heavy-Duty upgrade, gear motor drive, and soft start controls available at an additional charge. 208, 240, 480 volt electrical. $15,750 FOB IN
Tee-Lok 14' x 70' End Eject Roller Gantry System Tee-Lok 14’ Gantry Roller (Track Mounted). (10) Tables with Pop-up Roller Conveyor (for end eject). Steel Bottom Chord, Balance is Wood Top. Unistrut Jigging with Jig Hardware & Aisle Pads. Gantry Lifter between Tables & Finish Roller. Tee-Lok 14’ Finish Roller. 480 Volt / 3 Phase. $44,900 NOW $39,900 FOB MI Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
2007 MiTek Tracked Gantry Head 2007 MiTek tracked gantry head with 15' ft. track center spacing and 24" diameter rollers. Very low operational hours, this head includes a riding-platform, and push-button controls. A perfect addition or replacement head for a MiTek tracked gantry line. 208V, 3ph power. $28,990 FOB NY Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2001 Clark Tri-Axis Press 2001 Clark Tri-Axis hydraulic roof truss is a single pass pressing system, with no secondary equipment needed for roof or floor truss assembly. Press includes 7" diameter cylinder, 60 ft. x 14 ft. plastic with interim steel slots in table, rails with baseplate, kick-leg supports, joystick controls, riding-platform, and 16" x 19" platen for pressing. $29,890 FOB IN Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
CMF Stealth Gantry Roller Only CMF Stealth 14’ x 36” Diameter Gantry Roller (Track Mounted). Safety E-Stop Bars. $18,000 FOB IL. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Read/Subscribe online at www.componentadvertiser.com
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12' Finish Roller Press Press was purchased used in 2006, painted and wired for service but never utilized. An excellent press for smaller wood components including jacks and valley sets. 120V, 1 phase power. $6,490 FOB NY Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
1996 Alpine 14' Finish Roller (2) 24” Diameter x 14’ Long Rollers. Emergency Shut Off Bar. Push Button Forward & Reverse with E-Stop. 480 Volt / 3 Phase. $9,900 FOB TN. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com FAX: 800-524-4982
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Square 1 SQ-Series Floor Truss Machine (Table Guided) • 24” Diameter x 3/4” Wall x 6’-6” Long Gantry Roller • 3 7/16” Diameter Continuous Shaft Supported by 3 Baffles • Dual 7.5 HP Sumitomo Cyclo 6000 Gear Motor • (4) Drive Wheels Run on Top of Table with (8) 3” Osborn Cam Followers Under Table • ”Soft Start” Inverter with Square 1 Easy ID Software • Flashing Motion Indicator Beacon Light • Front & Rear Emergency Shut Off Bar • Integral Mechanical Fail Safe Brake • 230/415/460/575 Volt - 3 Phase • 6’-6” Wide x 40’ Long Steel Table • 3/4” Steel Table Top • Clamping Rails & End Stops • Built-In 1/2” True Arc Camber to Both Clamping & Side Rails • Electrical Track & Air Cylinders are Under the Table • Build up to 40’ Floor Trusses with Option for Additional Length • Floor Truss Depths from 9” to 26” with Option for Additional Depth • Optional Pop-ups, Flip Jig (shown in photos) & End Eject (shown in photos)
1996 MiTek Tracked Floor Truss Machine MiTek tracked floor truss gantry with pendant controls. Features 24" dia. roller and builds trusses from 9" to 22" depth and up to 32' in length. Side-eject with twin 5 h.p. drive system and dual safety bars. Recently recondition by seller. 230v, 3 ph. $17,990 FOB NC. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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Serving the Structural Building Components Industry
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Does Your Truss Plant Have Thousands of Dollars in Off-Line Obsolete and Unused Equipment and Parts? Do you have excess Plate Inventory?
$86,162 FOB IN
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #18
Alpine RAM Easy Rider Tables 10 Each - Steel Tables with Slotted Tops & Liftouts. $3,000 per Table or $27,500 for all 10 Tables. FOB MO. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
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A-to-Z one roof the Eagle Metal advantage: every management solution, under
[ ] build it true every day SM
Manage your business your way by utilizing our comprehensive suite of products, services and solutions. It’s a strategic decision to make your production more effecient and your plant more profitable in the future. This end-to-end approach simplifies your efforts and reduces your costs. So we’re able to bring your organization’s profitability to life with maximum results.
It’s everything you need, in one place making the combination of the whole a complete integration that gives you the most bang for your buck. Call us today for a free demo and how to put Eagle Metal’s solution suite to work for your business, your way.
12300 Ford Road, Suite 110, Dallas, Texas 75234
Page 19
Roof & Floor Truss Stackers - Starting Under $25,000 - 3 Year Factory Warranty - Fully Automated or
- Semi-Automated Operation
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Mitek 40' Floor Truss Machine Build floor truss depths up to 24”, lengths up to 40’. Track Mounted Roller Gantry with Ride Platform. 230/460 Volt - 3 Phase - 10 HP Motor. Overhead Plate Rack. Dual Safety Bars. Air Cylinder Clamping. Stored outside for 2 years. $21,900 Now $20,900 NOW $19,900. FOB GA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
Design your own custom roof truss gantry! Don’t see the system that is just right for you? With many our listings, we can split the system up to create the perfect fit for your space or budget limitations. Need a 46’ RoofGlider, with 50’ of conveyor, and no final roller. or an 80’ Klaisler line with a final roller and a stacker; we can do that! Call or e-mail us with your specific request and put us to work building your custom solution. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990
Klaisler 51' End Eject Roller Gantry System Klaisler 14’ x 24” Diameter Gantry Roller (track mounted) with Hydraulic Roll Lifter & Ride Platform. (10) 4’-8” x 14’-0” Steel & Plastic Top Tables with Pop-up Rollers (for end eject). (1) 4’-8” x 7’-0” Steel & Plastic Top Table. Floor Rail. 208 Volt / 3 Phase. Excludes: Jig Hardware, Finish Roller & Outside Conveyor. $22,500 FOB MB. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #21
1992 Clark Industries 14' Tri-Axis Press with Kick-Leg Table Model 4000 Gantry Press (14’) with Joystick Control, Ride Platform & Floor Track. 20 HP Hydraulic Pump Motor. 16” x 19” Pressing Platen. Kicklegs & End Stands for 12’ x 50’ Table. Combination Steel/Wood & Plastic Top with Jig Bars $28,000 FOB MI Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
Mitek 14' x 100' Side Eject Roller Gantry System Mitek 14’ x 24” Diameter Roller Gantry (Track Mounted). 100’ of Walk-Thru Steel Top Tables with Pop-up Skatewheel Conveyor. Unistrut Jigging & Jig Hardware. Powered Exiting Conveyor with Receivers. Mitek 14’ x 24” Diameter Finish Roller. Outside Conveyor with Peak-Up Truss Stacker. $69,000 NOW $65,500 FOB AR. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
1983 Jager Travelmatic Mini III Hydraulic Bridge Press Designed for smaller trusses the system is capable of handling 2”x4” and 4”x2” trusses with no adjustment, ideal for hips, jacks, and valley-sets. No finish press required, system consists of a 6’ x 40’ drilled & tapped steel table, table guided press head (trackless), with a 6’x12” press platten, riding operator platform and all available jig hardware. 575 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $13,890 :: FOB ON. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
CMF Stealth End-Eject Tracked Gantry System End-eject CMF Stealth tracked gantry system with 14’ by 56 foot working length. System features (8) eight slotted steel top tables with ejectors, (1) one 24” Stealth diameter gantry head, (1) one Stealth 24" finish roller press with 14 foot throat and (13) idler rollers. Includes all available electrical and jigging hardware. 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $79,900, NOW $76,890 Condition: Good, Location: QC. 765-751-9990
Wood Truss Systems
CMF Stealth End-Eject Trackless Floor Truss Gantry CMF Stealth floor truss gantry, end-eject floor machine features a 24 inch diameter roll gantry head, table-top air cylinder actuated clamping, skate wheel table-top conveyors and ejectors. Builds trusses from 11" to 25" inch deep truss, up to 40 feet long. Included a 16 feet long, custom-made, wall panel framing station with stud locators and roller conveyor ejection system. 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $53,900, Condition: Good, Location: QC. 765-751-9990
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #22
We’ve been helping production facilities all over the world make their plans a reality for three decades now. And it’s a tradition we build on every day, with proven experience, vast industry contacts, and a penchant for creative, effective problem solving. If greater efficiency, productivity and profitability are part of your plan, we hope you’ll plan on talking with us.
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #23
SL Laser never makes customers sign a costly service agreement. All service and installation is taken care of from SL’s North American headquarters in Charlotte, NC. No-excuse customer service from SL earns praise from their customers without signing an annual agreement. Isn’t that the way it should be? GREEN LASERS ARE SIGNIFICANTLY EASIER TO SEE THAN RED LASERS. SL LASER’S ADVANCED COOLING OF THE DIODE INCREASES THE LIFESPAN OF THE HEADS.
Today’s laser technology saves time and improves quality in producing roof truss, wall panel, and floor panel elements. SL Laser combines technical ingenuity and years of wood component industry experience to deliver a package that provides easily measurable savings. Setup times are dramatically reduced, production processes are simplified and quality improved. Easy to control and virtually maintenance-free devices ensure the safe flow of your production and have a fast return on investment. SL Lasers work seamlessly with any structural component design software.
For over 15 years Wood Truss Systems has been a driving force in implementing laser projection in component plants throughout North America and beyond. Let us develop a custom configuration and complete price quote for your facility, and see how worldclass laser technology can work for you to increase margin and quality while reducing set-up times on your most complicated components by as much as 70%.
www.WoodTrussSystems.com • 765-751-9990 PHONE: 800-289-5627
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drop-in Channels™ Old technology turned state-of-the-art with WizardPDS® drop-in Channels™ Your table + our technology = Zero Set up time and NO manual jigging.
Retro fit now - own it in 6 months!
1-866-647-7771 Linear Length Positioner - 20’ to 50' With Plate Marking Capabilities Works With Any Chop Saw! Excellent for Engineered Wood Product Processing! -20 to 50' System includes control cabinet enclosure.
-up to 50' Roller Conveyor x 30"wide -17” Touch screen integration. -Includes all plug and play wiring and adaptors -Automated Spida Length Stop -Aluminum Rail with mounting hardware -DC servo motor
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #27
IBS 12' x 16' Squaring Table Only • Wall Panel Lengths up to 16’ • Powered Height Adjustment (3’-11” to 2’-3” wall heights) • Manual Squaring Stops • 110 Volt / 1 Phase • Excludes: Panel/Router Bridges, Plant Net Computer & Enclosure $9,400 FOB MO Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
2008 Hain 12' x 16' Framing Table • Wall Lengths up to 16’ • Powered Height Adjustment (8’ to 12’ wall heights) • Single Gun Tool Dollies (excludes nail guns) • Pop-up Skatewheel Conveyor • Ball Screw Telescoping System (Repeatable to .015”) • Retractable Plate Clamps • 110 Volt / 1 Phase • Includes 20’ of Roller/Skatewheel Conveyor $15,500 FOB AZ Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
DeWalt Panel Saw Vertical panel saw, 10 foot long, utilizes 13 amp 120v industrial saw motor, DeWalt circular saw with 8" blade, crosscuts material up to 64" wide and 1 1/2” thick. Included PDF service manual. $2,100 FOB QC Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
Viking Framing Station Viking 38’ framing station with walk through design includes H.D. stud locators (16” & 24” centers), skate wheel ejectors, Powered tool carriages with three (3) tools per side, Auto-Plate Stops, and dual operator controls. Once staged the framing sequence is event driven, including 2x4 or 2x6 material size System allows assemblers to work from both the top and bottom chord for increased productivity. Builds walls from 4' to 12’-0” high. System support, and installation available from the OEM. 480 volt, 20 Amp, 3 phase electrical. 15 CFM air at 100 PSI. Price: $43,990 :: FOB OH Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990
NEW PortaFramer 16' x 7'-9" to 10'-6" Trailer Mounted Wall Framer 2" Ball Coupler. Safety Chains with Hooks. 2,000 Lb Jack with Wheel. Wheel Fenders. 12" White Spoke Wheels. Primed & Painted White. Galvanized Platform Stands. Galvanized Rollers & Cross Members. Stainless Steel Guide Pins on 16" Centers. Stainless Steel Air Cylinders. Stainless Steel Push-In Air Line Fittings. Water Separator & Regulator with Gauge. $15,000 FOB MO. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329
32' Framing Table Manually Adjusts to 8’, 9’ and 10’ Wall Heights. Air Storage and Couplers in Table Frame. 2 Tables Available (1 at $4,900 or Both for $9,300). $4,900 FOB KS Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Read/Subscribe online at www.componentadvertiser.com
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March 1st, 2016 Component Manufacturing #09200 Don’t Forget! dverti$er You Saw it in the dverti$er Page #28 different. As in any manufacturing effort, material flow through your facility is very important. Wall panels are comprised of a great deal of parts - a simple interior wall with a door opening can easily have 25 parts, and exterior walls require different types of 4x8 sheathing as well. Delivery systems are different too, as roll-off trailers generally may not be best for the delivered quality of the product. But you may have a lot of assets you can use including design experience, a customer base, lumber purchasing, shipping experience, etc. If you do not currently do any value-added manufacturing, then the learning curve will be somewhat longer, but assuming you have a customer base associated with wood frame building and a basic a business plan, the “mission” is easily within your grasp. Remember that wall panels were built for decades with little more than a blueprint, carpenter’s square, a hand saw, and a “can do” By: Jay Halteman attitude. So now is the time to buy some very © 2016 Wood Truss Systems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved expensive equipment right? Not exactly. First let’s consider some of our basic criteria and you live in a wood frame home it was made with “wall panels”. No way? Way; ground rules: because every wood frame home is built with “wall panels”. That’s right - wall panels have been used on every wood frame home since the onset of dimensional • Rule #1: Your most likely prospect for lumber and the invention of platform framing in the late 1700’s. Wall panels (a/k/a/ manufactured wall panels is the same wall-frames) have always been laid-out, parts cut, and assembled on a flat surface, person/company that is directly responsible usually on the floor deck or slab of the structure being framed. When completed, the carpenter’s for framing labor. In other words the person crew gathered together to erect the “panel”, nail and brace the wall in position, then start on the who signs the P.O. for wall panels needs to next wall segment. So, wood frame wall panels are nothing new. Everyone uses them; they be the same person that “writes” the check always have, and they always will. for framing labor; as they are the one who benefits directly from field-labor savings. What’s different about manufactured wall panels today is the use of software analysis and design and the growing • Rule #2: From our experience we believe that shortage of skilled, field-framing crews. This combination wall panel equipment is easy to over-invest in. of improved capability and growing need is combining in the market place to create opportunity. The growing • Rule #3: All you must have to build demand for wall panels is being driven by the builder’s wall panels is a flat surface, such as desire for systems to install rather than sticks to be a floor deck on a job site (aside from measured and cut in the field. This demand clearly stems a saw, lumber and nails of course). from the need to build faster and more efficiently, and we all understand that in very real terms, time is money. • Rule #4: Equipment purchases should be based on matters of productivity and So what do these statements mean to you? Possibly a great deal or maybe very little, but we quality; let your combined experience be are 100% certain that every building component plant needs to form a wall strategy. This may your guide as to what is truly sensible. involve building them, developing an alliance with a wall panel manufacturer in your market, or simply “keeping an eye on the horizon”. • R u l e # 5 : Yo u r i n v e s t m e n t i n Either way, we are very confident that this industry segment will only grow and that sooner or e q u i p m e n t i s l a rg e l y d e t e r m i n e d later wall panels will have an effect on your existing marketing strategy. Why? Because roof and by what your daily or weekly linear floor system providers in North America have done their jobs so well. By most estimates nearly feet of wall production objectives are 80% of today’s wood-frame structures use engineered roof and floor systems; these products today and over the next 3 to 5 years. have proven their value in any number of ways (labor savings, waste reduction, better structural quality, faster job completion, less theft, etc.). Now consider that only about 20% of wood frame • Rule #6: The very best equipment for your structures are built with manufactured wall panels. Let’s ask ourselves a few questions here: Are specific needs can be some combination of engineered building systems here to stay? Has a systems approach to construction been accepted new, used, and even “home” made. by builders and buyers alike? Is wall panel use going to grow over the next decade in any given market? Will someone in your market bring wall panels to the table as a part of an overall solution Look to our next installment of the Wall Panel they can offer area builders? For about 95% of you, the answer to all of the above questions is Primer to pick up the discussion with what a resounding yes. So, as you can see, we do believe that manufactured wall panels will (and are the fundamental elements of equipment possibly do) have an impact on your business. necessary to build wall panels. Th e
Primer for Wall Panels
Sounds simple doesn’t it? Of course the basic principals generally are, but what about building © 2016 Wood Truss Systems, Inc. - All Rights wall panels, and what does it take to build them? If you already build components (roofs & Reserved floors) then you already have a good start on many elements of the wall business; however, you need to understand that there are several elements of wall panel manufacturing that are very PHONE: 800-289-5627
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November March 1st, 2015 2016 #09200 #08196 Page #30 #24
New Productivit Wall Panel Manufac PHONE: 800-289-5627
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November March 1st, 2015 2016 #09200 #08196 Page #31 #25
FEATURES One Tool System (Change from Staples to Nails in Minutes) Programmable Fastener Patterns wit PLC Touch Pad Entry Accommodates 2”x4” and 2”x6” Walls Straight Line Stitching Away and Towards You Bridge Tilt at Sheathing Seams to Eliminate “Shiners” Adjustable Bridge Speed for Accurate Alignment Auto Return to Park Section on Tool Bridge Laser Pointer for Identifying Fastener Placement Powered Height Adjustment (8’ to 12’ Wall Height) Pop-up Skate Conveyor Cantilever Table Which Allows Floor to be Free of Obstacles Optional Stud Locators
Installation Support Available in the US & Canada
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Wood Truss Systems
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #32
n ew Table Guided Gantry System by Square 1 Manufacturing
NEW! New Component Table with Skatewheel Conveyors
New, table-guided (NO rail) gantry system by Square 1 Manufacturing, side-eject or end-eject options, with continuous production tables built to length. Available in steel, plastic or combination table top options. Can be fabricated to received automated jigging. New 24" diameter gantry heads feature raised operator platform, heavy-duty steel roll with 4" shaft, baffles and heavy-duty spherical bearings, dual 7.5 HP braking gear motors for a total of 15 HP, easy adjusting bogie wheel assemblies, safety bars, Wampfler "finger safe", under-table-mounted electrical supply and optional soft start drive. Square 1 Manufacturing can provide the combination of powered transfer rolls, sloping ejectors, receivers, idler conveyors and powered conveyors required to meet your configuration needs. 440 volt, 3 phase. Price: $(Based on required configuration) :: FOB IN.
800-382-0329 | www.wasserman-associates.com
Wood Truss Systems
Call for pricing (Based on configuration) 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2005 Viking ADT Wall Panel Framer station with PreStage table. Framing station model PS-1000, includes stud locators (16" & 24" centers), skate wheel ejectors, walk-through aisles, 1/2 HP motor and two powered tool carriages. From the OEM's literature: "Discharge speed of 12" per second. Once staged the framing sequence is event driven: tools fire as the staged assembly enters the framing area from the PreStage table. System allows laborers to work from both the top and bottom chord for increased productivity. Builds walls from 4'2" to 12'-0" high, in lengths up to 20' long." Sold new for $132,000. System support and installation available from the OEM. 480 volt, 3 phase electrical. 16 CFM air at 100 PSI. Tools not included. $30,890 FOB MI Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
PHONE: 800-289-5627
• Lift & Extend Skatewheel Conveyors • 10’ x 10’ Work Area with Squaring Lip • Gun Holster & Nail Tray
$7,900 FOB NE
2014 Triad Raked Wall Table 2014 Triad model Specialty Rake Wall Framing Table can build both raked and standard flat plate wall panels. Steel construction, 30" working height off of floor, wall heights of 5'-0" to 40'-0", table length of 16'-6". Rake adjustable from 0 to 12/12 pitch. Includes continuous squaring lip, floor grates 8 1/2" above floor, stud locators, manual height adjustment with 16'-6" of travel, adjustable squaring stops and center support bars, electric motor drive with gear box and torque limiter for clamping and squaring the panel. Table has (5) pop-up conveyors for material transfer and includes all available spare stops, spacers, bolts and one user manual. 120 volt, 1 phase electrical. 100 PSI air required. Sold new for US$53,000. $39,900 FOB ME. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
New Panels Plus Wall Panel Framing Equipment
Price: $41,450 Base Location: MN
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wall panel equipment
Carlson 9' x 16' Wall Panel Line •Framing Table with Stud Locators, Skatewheel Conveyor & Pneumatic Plate Clamping •Squaring Table with Router Bridge •Sheathing Table with 16 Tool Panel Bridge •Excludes Bostitch Nail Guns on Panel Bridge •Triad CN-4 Sub-Component Nailer $14,900 FOB PA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com TRUCKS & TRAILERS
2006 Precision Equipment 28' Gooseneck Roll-Off Trailer • Ta n d e m A x l e s w i t h S p r i n g Suspension • Self Contained Hydraulic Lift • Manual Pin Locks on Rollers • Roller Load Control • Front (Top) Roller • Load Straps & Winches • Steel Wheels with Electric Brakes • 4 New Tires, Other Tires are 50% $14,900 FOB MN Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
Load Lifter T-40 Yard Carrier The T-40 Modular Yard Carrier can easily move a modular building off your production line to your staging area in minutes. 50,000 Lb Capacity. 70' Main Rail Length (78'-6" Overall Length). 20" Vertical Lift. 18 HP Gas Engine Power Unit for All Hydraulics. Rear Lift: Six 5 x 20 Cylinders. Pintle Hitch Coupler. Running Gear: Six 20,000 Lb Heavy Duty Agricultural Spindles & Hubs FOB NE:: $19,500. NOW $18,900 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #33
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
1990 Ford F800 Truck with 1982 Barns Truss Trailer
•Low Mileage Unit in Good Condition FANTASTIC DEAL! $9,900 FOB CA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com
2004 Hot Shot 43' Roll-Off Trailer Hydraulic Raised Roller Bed. GVWR: 24,000 Lbs. Tandem Axle. Tires: 23516. Electric Brakes. Headache Rack. Manufactured by R & R Truck & Trailer (7-26-04). $9,500 NOW $8,500 FOB IL. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com
1996 ASI 48'-70' Stretch Roll-Off Trailer •Sliding Tandems •Hydraulic Neck •Tires are good •DOT is current $22,000 FOB IA. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com
2000 Prentice Telestik-33 Material Handler 32’-10” Boom. 4,000 Lb Payload. Excludes Truck. $10,000 FOB GA. NOW $8,000 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329
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2002 JDH Trussmaster (Lakeside) 42'-60' Stretch Roll-Off Trailer Hydraulic Lift Sliding Tandem Axles with Leaf Springs Bed Roller Brakes Sliding Winches Strobe Lights Flag Holders ABS Brakes - 40% Front Axle Tires - 8/32" Rear Axle Tires - 12/32" DOT is current Excludes: Freight & Taxes Reference attached photos. Sold in "as is" condition without warranty. (FOB MN) $24,300 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com
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2016 Precision Equipment Roll-Off Trailers 40', 48' and 53' Fixed Lengths. 36' to 51', 42' to 60', 46' to 64', 50' to 70' and 53' to 80' Expandable Lengths. 102" Wide. Air Lift ICC Bumper. Self Contained Hydraulic Power Unit. Spring Loaded Composite Fenders. Dual Rear Rollers. New Low Pro Tires. Air Operated Roller Pin Lock System. Air Operated Load Control System. Sliding Air Ride Suspension. Strobe Lighting. Mesh Between All Rollers. Patented Load Lifts. LED Lighting System. Extenda-Rail. 4" x 35' Load Straps. Patented Strap Locks. Strap Winches. Dove Tail on Rear of Trailer. Hydraulic King Pin Plate. Removable Headache Rack. 7 Way Receptacle on Rear of Trailer. Split Rollers. Sliding Winch System. Aluminum Tool Box. Trailer is Sandblasted & Primed with PPG Polyurethane Paint Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com FAX: 800-524-4982
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Don’t Forget!
Adverti$er Quality Assurance, Safety, and the Benefits of a Non-Biased Audit You Saw it in the
When folks hear the term audit, they generally think of an IRS audit. Not a pleasant thought. The term invokes an image of hot lights, endless questions, pouring over boxes of records, all in the attempt to find wrong doing on the part of the tax payer. When you consider a quality assurance or safety third party audit, let us consider some different aspects. Audits are in place and are required to ensure compliance with ANSI-TPI regulations and OSHA regulations. Their benefits are many. Some issues have already been considered, and some you may not have considered are outlined below. In many cases, third party compliance takes a back seat to other issues, but is that wise?
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #34 trucks & trailers
2004 Precision 46-64' Roll-Off Trailer with Toolbox 2004 Precision fifth wheel 46-64' roll-off trailer. Features sliding tandems, fifth wheel neck, electric over hydraulic lift with tilt control, rear-ground roller, locking 5 1/2" O.D. rollers, ABS brakes, headache rack, toolbox and good lights. Trailer has a current DOT sticker and owner's manual. 64,000 lb. GVWR. $29,990 FOB AZ. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
1. Validation. A verification of compliance with ANSI-TPI and OSHA regulations and guidelines. 2. Perspective. Another set of eyes on your operations from a person with a broad perspective. The auditor has an advantage that is improved with compliance audits experience in multiple environments and styles. 3. Risk Control. Capturing potential issues or problems that can escalate and lead to loss to the component manufacturer. 4. Objectivity. An auditor’s basis is a standard of quality. It is a series of best practices that are shared among the auditor’s group of clientele. This sharing strengthens each individual’s quality program. 5. Knowledge Base. An auditor’s knowledge of the codes and requirements are to a level of detail that is not reasonably obtainable for a component manufacturing manager. 6. Uniqueness. Audits are inherently unique to each plant and personnel. They are specific to the plant’s safety and quality program. 7. Accuracy. Due to its objective position, the results of a third-party audit often provide a more accurate view of what is occurring within a plant environment. 8. Graded Results. While initial results often show lower audit scores, many fabricators realize that the results and evaluation can uncover long-standing issues of non-compliance and opportunities for loss that can be immediately fixed, thereby leading to a positive ROI for the audit program.
2004 Precision 46-64' Roll-Off Trailer (B) 2004 Precision fifth wheel 46-64' roll-off trailer. Features sliding tandems, fifth wheel neck, electric over hydraulic lift with tilt control, rear-ground roller, locking 5 1/2" O.D. rollers, ABS brakes (recently replaced), headache rack and good lights. Trailer has a current DOT sticker and owner's manual. 64,000 lb. GVWR. $29,900 FOB AZ. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
9. Targeted. Audits conducted by third parties should not be taxing on time and labor resources. However, unlike an in-house quality review, a third-party auditor enters a location for the sole purpose of conducting the audit. They are not interrupted by the need to complete a job, conduct an employment interview, or deal with customer situation. The use of a third party audit can bring great value to any manufacturer. Companies in other industries have seen that using a third party to conduct all audits throughout an organization or supplementing a third party for some of the audits brings a fresh set of eyes and a different approach to the research, review, and analysis of shop results, which can lead to reduced loss and overall earnings improvement. Glenn Traylor Structural Building Components Industry Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/glenntraylor PHONE: 800-289-5627
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2006 PortaFramer Mobile Framing Table •Wall Heights from 7’-9” to 10’-6” •Stud Locators at 16” Centers •12” White Spoke Wheels $7,650 FOB MO Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com FAX: 800-524-4982
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #35
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Helps cut lumber even faster tHan it Helps cut costs. Compatible with any linear-feed saw, the WoodRunner™ automated lumber retrieval system increases production by 30%, while reducing labor by half. WoodRunner sets the pace of the operator, and ensures accurate lumber selection every time. Visit www.apexmw.com or call 507-322-3700 to learn more today.
006_WTS_wood_runner ad_7.123x3_v3.indd 1
Invicta DGI-40 16" Single Surface Planer (Used) •15 3/4” x 8 1/2” Capacity •25 & 46 FPM Feed Speeds •5,000 RPM Cutterhead Speed •7 1/2 HP Motor •230 Volt / 3 Phase •Powered Raise & Lower of Table $4,000 FOB WA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com
New Square 1 Rolsplicer New 2014 Square 1 Rolsplicer splices 2"x3", 2"x4" and 2"x6" lumber with a 3-4 second cycle time. Presses the lumber together prior to imbedding plates. Features two, recessed, simultaneous-activation buttons, guarded motor and sprockets, external lubrication points, 3 HP motor and a footprint of 59" long x 42" wide. Optional 20' infeed and 10' outfeed conveyor available. 240 or 480 volt electrical. $15,500. FOB IN Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
Hain 20' Powered Measuring System Adapts to Any Saw. Left or Right Hand Operation. Feet & Inches System (Stops at 12” Centers) or Inches System (Stops at 10” Centers). Motor: 1/4 HP Linear Actuator (110 Volt). Stop Rail: 2 x 4 x 1/4” Aluminum Extrusion. Stops: Jig Bored Steel. Stop Blocks: Machine Billet Aluminum. Optional Lengths from 5’ to 60’. Optional Gang Stop. Add $770.00 per 10’ Section of Heavy Duty Roller Conveyor with Stands Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
12/15/14 5:38 PM
Rand Chord Splicer
Rand Roll-Splicer, splices 2"x3", 2"x4", and 2"x6" lumber with a 3-4 second cycle time. Presses the lumber together prior to imbedding plates. Imbeds plate lengths up to 19 inches. Features heavyduty tubular frame, dual-recessed, simultaneous-activation buttons, guarded motor and sprockets, external lubrication points and a 3 HP motor. Footprint of 59" long x 42" wide. Includes 10' infeed and 20' outfeed conveyor, 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $10,490, Condition: Good, Location: QC
2010 Monet DeSauw Wood Truss Systems Wood Finger Jointing Line 765-751-9990 Cut-Off/Shaper Unit with 5 HP Saw to www.woodtrusssystems.com Cut-Off Angles & 25 HP Cutter Head to Fingerjoint Ends. Delta 2 Bag Dust Collector. Glue Station with Apquip Glue Applicator & 6 Gallon Glue Pot. Hydraulic Finger Joint Press with Cut-Off Blades (2x4 and 2x6 Lumber). 480 Volt / 3 Phase. Save $$ on Disposal Fees, Earn Profit on Waste Material & Produce Straight Lumber. $58,900 NOW $49,500 FOB IL Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com Read/Subscribe online at www.componentadvertiser.com
New SL Laser Projection System New, laser projection system from SL Laser. Projects roof truss, floor truss and wall panel design images accurately onto building surface, for faster setup and fabrication times. Each laser head provides 21' projection length (@15 foot ceiling heights). Includes system computer, cables, mounting hardware for attachment to customer's structure, factory installation, training and choice of green or red laser. Works with each connector plate manufacturer's design software. Modular nature of the laser heads allows for easy, future expansion of system length. 120 volt, 1 phase. FOB NC Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #36
Ruvo 2200 Stair Saw Ruvo model 2200 machine capable of box stringers only and cuts two stringers at a time. The saw comes with a year warranty; 90/08 remanufacture including new cylinders, valves, tubing, fittings and electrical. Spindle motors are either new or rebuilt. The machine has been recalibrated, all known problems fixed, motor bench tested, machine cycled and video of cutting stringer can be supplied. Installation by the OEM is available at an additional charge. Wired for 230 volt, 3 phase and 30 amp electrical service. $22,677, FOB FL | AS NEW. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
JobLine.com, inc.
UsiFab Chord Splicer
UsiFab chord splicer splices 2"x3" through 2"x6" lumber. Presses the lumber together prior to imbedding plates. Imbeds plate lengths up to 13 inches. Features heavy-duty tubular frame, dualrecessed, simultaneous-activation buttons, guarded motor, sprockets and a 3 HP motor. 600 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $8,990, Condition: Good, Location: QC. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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Four Arm Infeed Deck Price: $7,890 :: FOB PA Condition: Fair+ Description: 10' long x 10' wide 4-arm infeed deck, powered by a 1 HP motor, prism chain feed and deflector pans. 230/460 volt, 3 phase. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
2010 USIFAB Roof Truss Vertical/Flat Stacker Price: $63,980 :: FOB QC Condition: Good Category: Material Handling Description: 90 foot long, 3-station single/dual/tandem, peak-up, hydraulic powered roof truss stacker with electrical control panel and remote control for operator use. System includes 90 feet of conveyor capable of travel speed up to 140 feet / minute. Nine (9) arms rotate to 90 degrees for Peak-Up stacking, plus lateral transfer on opposite side for flat stacking. 15 GPM hydraulic unit with 15 HP electric motor. Professionally manufactured by USIFAB R. L. Inc. (www. usifabrl.com). Currently wired for 600 V, 3 phase electrical power. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
Cullen Model A40-2 Generator Set Detroit 12V-92 Engine.Capacity: 400 KW Capacity.Output: 120/208 Volt - 1388 Amps - 3 Phase..Control Panel..Skid Mounted..1,200 Hours. 30,000 FOB BC. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
2009 EnDiSys / Graco Foam Insulation System EnDiSys Model 3004240B. Skid Mounted Graco Reactor H-25 Hydraulic, Heated, Plural Component Proportioner. Maximum Flow Rate: 22 Lb/Min. Maximum Fluid Working Pressure: 2,000 PSI. Reactor Portable Dispense System (Manual Contol). 230 Volt / 3 Phase. Two 100 Gallon Heated Tanks. Drum Agitators (Both Sides). Feed Pumps. Recirculation System for Hose and Reactor. 150’ Heated Hose with 10’ Whip. Out of Service (Stored Inside). $19,500 Now $17,000 FOB NE Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com
Metriguard Finger Jointing Testing Equipment •Metriguard Model 330 Press. •Humboldt Model H-30140 Laboratory Oven (115 Volt). •Pressure Pump & Vessel. •Lightly Used. •Excludes Associated Machinery Material Cart. $6,500 FOB NE Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #37
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Online Reuse & Recycling Directory Helps with Sustainable Wood Construction
2008 OMGA Finger Jointing Line Price: $29,900 NOW $24,900:: FOB CO Model FJL100M, refurbished by Monet in 2010. This complete system includes OMGA JL 100M finger joint cutting head, shaper unit, OMGA PR 100/3.2 hydraulic press, OMGA INK F-100 glue station, and TITEN finish planer of unknown age, used for producing finger joint stud material from cut off scrap material. 480v, 3Ph power. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
The green building movement is inspiring an exciting new trend: reclaimed wood.
2010 USIFAB Roof Truss Vertical/Flat Stacker Price: $63,980 :: FOB QC Condition: Good Category: Material Handling Description: 90 foot long, 3-station single/dual/tandem, peak-up, hydraulic powered roof truss stacker with electrical control panel and remote control for operator use. System includes 90 feet of conveyor capable of travel speed up to 140 feet / minute. Nine (9) arms rotate to 90 degrees for Peak-Up stacking, plus lateral transfer on opposite side for flat stacking. 15 GPM hydraulic unit with 15 HP electric motor. Professionally manufactured by USIFAB R. L. Inc. (www. usifabrl.com). Currently wired for 600 V, 3 phase electrical power. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
Metriguard Finger Jointing Testing Equipment •Metriguard Model 330 Press. •Humboldt Model H-30140 Laboratory Oven (115 Volt). •Pressure Pump & Vessel. •Lightly Used. •Excludes Associated Machinery Material Cart. $6,500 FOB NE Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
PHONE: 800-289-5627
Not only does using reclaimed wood help reduce the environmental impact of buildings and take discarded wood out of solid waste streams, but there is also a large opportunity being missed with the amount of materials available. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there is approximately 1 billion feet of usable lumber generated from demolished buildings each year. With this opportunity in mind, the American Wood Council, in partnership with the Canadian Wood Council and Building Materials Reuse Association, just announced its new Wood Reuse and Recycling Directory for North America. Hosted online at www. ReuseWood.org, the Directory was developed as a resource to educate builders, designers and consumers on the many specific opportunities to salvage, recycle and reuse wood products, in turn reducing waste. The website serves to connect vendors and customers who are looking to either appropriately recycle their used wood products or sustainably source reclaimed materials for a project. For example, a building deconstruction team might use the website to identify and contact a nearby recycling vendor in order to responsibly dispose of their used wood products. Or, a builder hoping to find locally recycled wood for acoustic use in the atrium of a building can use the Directory to find a specific wood products reuse dealer in their area.
Key features of the Directory include: •
A comprehensive business directory of companies involved in recycling and reuse of wood products, accessible via both an interactive map and list format;
Individual listing pages that detail contact information, location and available services for each business; and,
A sustainable wood guide with useful information and articles detailing different wood products and the many opportunities for wood reuse or recycling.
The use of recycled materials is a great way to help reduce the carbon impact of the built environment and to meet ambitious green objectives. I hope you can join us in sharing this resource with friends and colleagues who may be interested. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or visit www.awc.org if you would like to learn more about the environmental benefits of wood construction and how to responsibly source and recycle wood products.
Robert Glowinski is the President & CEO of the American Wood Council (AWC).
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #38
Maintaining Production by Performing Preventative Maintenance Everyone wants to avoid trouble. We don’t want things to break down, and we don’t want to lose time and money. But sometimes, it’s the actions you can take before something goes wrong that will help you the most. That’s why a preventative maintenance program is important for every plant. First and foremost, a preventative maintenance program saves you money! Spending ten dollars today can save you thousands later. You’ll save money on parts, on labor, and on missed opportunities. And it will help ensure your employees’ safety. The added benefit of a preventative maintenance program is that it gives you another way to monitor and evaluate your plant, production, and productivity. Standardizing a program allows you to do several things, including: identify, track and analyze your assets; monitor and control inventories; ensure the right parts are ordered and track delivery; and see results in labor productivity, inventory costs, equipment availability, and warranty cost recovery.
Taking the First Step So what’s the most important first step? Management must believe in and fully support the program. The company needs to develop a program that fits its circumstances, either by purchasing or building its own tracking tools, and then everyone must follow that program. You have to schedule the maintenance checks, keep maintenance logs, and follow through on all work that needs to be done. As you develop your preventative maintenance program, actually start with your equipments’ operator and maintenance manuals. It may sound obvious, but it’s worth stating. Even when you “know” how the machine works, it doesn’t hurt to see what the experts had to say about it when they wrote the manuals. Your maintenance logs should document everything. List all items to be checked, and how often to check them. Track your parts, and include pertinent details such as what you replace, how much it costs, and when replacements are ordered. Be sure to record all repairs, not just preventative maintenance. And be sure to record the labor time needed for the maintenance and/or repair.
The Importance of the People Involved So what’s the best way to ensure that the program is followed and maintenance checks are getting done? Have one person take ownership of the process. Duties of this person can include: communicating the maintenance schedule; reporting issues and following up on their resolution; verifying the maintenance schedule is followed; and setting up and maintaining a spare parts inventory. Responsibilities of the machinery operators and maintenance staff should be clearly defined. Weekly interaction with the operators will also help identify nagging issues before they become breakdowns. Five to ten minute weekly reviews should be held on each machine to identify problems and schedule repairs. When it comes to hiring maintenance personnel, there are a few things to keep in mind. They should be comfortable with computers, understand electricity and electrical troubleshooting, and understand PLC controllers and their operation. In locating candidates, consider technical schools with an industrial technology program, former military personnel, and individuals with previous maintenance experience.
Developing Your Program So if you don’t have a preventative maintenance program yet, now is a good time to start one. If you already have one in place, now is a good time to review it. Consider these two sample programs for linear and component saws. Then you can “schedule your breakdowns” when they are convenient for you. Dennis Schieffer MiTek USA Inc. Machinery Customer Service Manager 1-800-523-3380 PHONE: 800-289-5627
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Sample Preventative Maintenance Program: Linear Saw
Sample Preventative Maintenance Program: Component Saw
Prior to performing any work on the machine Verify all power is off to the machine Verify OSHA lockout/tag out procedures are followed
Prior to performing any work on the machine Verify all power is off to the machine Verify OSHA lockout/tag out procedures are followed
Each Shift Clean out sawdust Open mechanical compartments of saw, vacuum dust Don’t expose ink jet printer heads to pressurized air Check blade for chipped/broken teeth Check blade bolts for damage and proper torque Clean and flush ink jet head Drain water from air filter unit
Weekly Inspect all belt feeder adjustments Verify calibration Refill oil reservoir in air lubricator unit Flush ink jets w/solution and brush ink jet faces Lubricate moving parts Monthly Lubricate machine Adjust tension on waste conveyor belt Check lubrication on moving parts Inspect gripper assembly Annually Grease fittings on sprockets in lumber feed system Check and change gear boxes for proper oil level Check and change hydraulic oil
Serial #:
Notes: _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
Check all safety devices for proper operation Repair/replace before operating Clean sawdust off machine Check all light bulbs in operator’s control panel Replace as necessary Check hold down and material conveyors Check blades for sharpness, loose, chipped, or missing teeth Check beacon light and horn operation when carriage moves
Weekly Spray lube on: All linear bearing rails Lumber stop guide rails Hold down up/down guide rails ACME threads Quadrant slides and castings Check filter/regulator Check incline belt for alignment and damage Inspect saw blades and mandrels for loose blades, loose or missing bolts, set screws and safety roll pin Check and lubricate material conveyor and hold down chains Monthly Tighten set screws in all sprockets, bearing and couplings Inspect and tighten bushings on gearboxes Check all cable connections Quarterly Inspect refuse system motor belt for damage Check belt for tension Tighten or replace Grease bearings Check manual for list of bearings Inspect brake pads in all blade-motor brake assemblies Replace if necessary Semi-Annually Change oil in incline drive Annually Grease blade motor bearings Tighten all electrical connections
___________________________________________________ Inspected by: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________ Page 39
Time:_______________ Component Manufacturing Advertiser
Dennis Schieffer MiTek USA Inc. Machinery Customer Service Manager 1-800-523-3380 www.mii.com March 1st, 2016
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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #40
To uncover what’s possible, Component Manufacturing The evolution of Steel Truss Technology dverti$er abandon what’s comfortable!
Serving the Structural Building Components Industry
Light gauge steel trusses have been around a long, long time. Steel trusses offer the same advantages that make light gauge steel framing generally appealing for a significant segment of the light frame construction industry. Light gauge steel does not burn. It does not serve as a food source for mold. It won’t warp. Termites have no use for it. As a consequence, steel trusses have found their way into a significant portion of light commercial construction…a portion that is growing.
Design of the Day THe Cee For many years, the dominant method for building trusses was the use of the back to back cee. Cee section stud material was available through a nationwide system of production and distribution. Stock lengths of commodity studs could be purchased through distribution. Engineering was typically done by structural engineers and involved a lot of manual work. Likewise truss production involved a lot of manual work – fetching material, cutting members on a chop saw, setting up for assembly, etc. It was an arduous process, but it got the job done. Other challenges included awkward shipping as the trusses were not “in line”. Also, roof framing and sheathing were not symmetric. PROPRIeTARY TRuSS Over time, inventive entrepreneurs developed clever proprietary material with which steel trusses could be made. The steel had more bends to give it compressive strength and generally most such trusses could be built in a single plane, unlike the back-to-back cee. Many shapes made their way to market, but few are widely used today. Automation made the difference in determining survival.
Featured Today - Barrel Vault Trusses
only a few shapes photo are widely used andMoore. a majorKentucky reason is the DesignedToday, by Matthew Dowell, by Darrell Indiana software that is used to design those trusses. The combination of Lumber (USLBM) - Shelbyville, KY. effective shapes and design automation have narrowed the field to a few players. This technology has been effective. However, a large
Send us your submissions for a future issue of The Advertiser!
part of proprietary truss construction remains manual in nature – just as it was with back to back cees. Fetching inventory, measuring, cutting, marking of pieces, and setting up jigs are for the most part manual processes that require training, significant labor time and cost, and introduce the possibility of error.
Fitzzgerald Group, LLC “A blending of excellent services and products,
NeXT STeP with answers that work”© The technology exists to develop a system that includes design automation, material that allows for in plane truss construction, and that also automates most of the manual processes that exist today in dominant truss systems.
WoodRunner Conveyors Inc. Viking Walls MaxCustomCutter The result is a systemPDS that requires little training in the shop, a Wizzard Drop-In Channels process that has quality control built in, and a substantial reduction in labor cost. There is no need to buy roll formers as job specific Gorbel Crane Technology material is generated on our roll formers and sent to fabricators for At Keymark, we have developed powerful steel truss software that automates the design of steel trusses out of cee – like material that can be built in plane. Production data for webs and chords is downloaded to proprietary roll formers. Pieces are not generated as stock lengths; they are cut to length, automatically marked to match up with each other, and pieces are notched and given pilot holes so they slide together and automatically jig.
Just a few or our profit enhancing parts that can make you whole! assembly. The system is called KeyTruss and is available today from Keymark.
719-528-5445 For more information, please visit: http://www.keymarkenterpris630 Southpointe Court - #200 RFitzgerald@FitzGroup.com es.com/technology/keytruss/ www.FitzGroup.com Colorado Springs, CO. 80906 Or contact: Keith Dietzen 303.579.6277 kdietzen@keymark.com
A WORRY FREE PRODUCT Introducing KeyTruss – the in plane, popular cee section truss. Powered by powerful 3D modeling and truss design software. All pieces manufactured for specific jobs on Keymark roll Formers – cut to length, marked, notched, pilot holed. All pieces bundled for efficient shipping and staging at assembly stations. Learn more: http://www.keymarkenterprises.com/technology/keytruss/
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Door & Stair
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #41
Door & Stair
NEW! 2003 Triad Smart Stair Router System CNC (computer numeric controls), menudriven machine cuts 2x10 & 2x12 standard stair profiles w/touch screen controls. Two HD routers cut top or bottom stringer only, or both stringers simultaneously. Smart Stair Router accommodates standard stair profiles, no riser profiles, split stringers & open stringers with hardwood or softwood settings; cuts top or bottom stringers or both simultaneously. Features (2) HD 2 HP belt driven routers w/1/2" capacity collets, (2) stepper linear actuators for cutting profiles, (1) servo/stepper drive wheel for indexing, 628 lb. vertical clamp, 352 lb. horizontal clamp, industrial computer, and 4-axis motion controller. System includes 2260 Wedge & Glue Block Cutter to mix stacks of 1x and 2x materials in the same hopper. Cuts (2) wedges out of 1x material and (1) wedge out of 2x material w/walkaway hands-free operation. Capable of cutting glue blocks; bag-style dust-vacuum system included. Includes Triad stair assembly clamp for easy jigging of staircase assemblies. Accomodates up to 16 risers with a maximum width of 50". Price: $52,750 $47,750 NOW $32,750 FOB PA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990
RUVO Model 925 Door Machining Center Interior & Exterior Door Machine will automatically: bore for the main lock hole. bore for the latch hole. rout for the rectangular latch plate. bore for the strike hole. rout for the rectangular strike plate. mortise for two or three hinges in both door & hinge jamb. Specifications: Door Height: 6’-6” to 8’-0”. Door Width: 1’-4” to 4’-0”. Door Thickness: 1 3/8” or 1 3/4”. Butt Sizes: 3 1/2”, 4” or 4 1/2”. Jamb Width: 2 1/2” or 10 1/2”. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
$75,500 FOB CO. 800-382-0329 | www.wasserman-associates.com
Wood Truss Systems
B.A.M. CNC Stair Router System Builders Automation Machinery model CNC/MFSR, 4-axis SERVO stair router. Produces contemporary, box and open stairs. The only machine available that also cuts the top and bottom landings. Fully programmable via system touchscreen w/large library already stored in the machine for almost all box and open stringers. This is a complete system with stair-clamp, Weg Saw and optional Vacuum dust collector. Two high-frequency, 5 H.P., 24,000 RPM fan-cooled spindles horsepower, Installation and support OEM available at an additional charge. 230v, 70 amp, 3 ph., electrical requirements and 110 p.s.i. @ 15 CFM air requirements. One owner, purchased new and installed by OEM. $40,890 :: FOB OH Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
Norfield Magnum Door & Jamb Machine •Door Sizing/Beveling •Lock & Latch Drilling •Hinge Butt Routing in the Door & Jamb •Faceplate Routing up to 1 1/8” x 2 3/4” •Air Predrill & Air Screwdriver •Width: Doors to 4-0, Jambs to 10 1/2” •Height: Doors to 8-0, Jambs to 8-0 •Thickness: Doors to 1 3/4”, Jambs to 1 1/8” •Butt Sizes to 5” x 5” •Butt Spacing: Infinitely Variable •Lock Backsets from 2 3/8” to 5” Th e •230 Volt / 3 Phase omponent anufacturing $8,000 FOB WA Wasserman & Associates Serving the Structural Building Components Industry 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
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PHONE: 800-289-5627
2011 Todd Saw Notch & Drill System
2007 Univeyor Automated Linear Conveyor System $88,990 NOW $79,990:: FOB BC More information: http://goo.gl/7ZB2LE 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #42
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Adverti$er Parts house
Sell your Stuff
Including truss industry equipment parts and machinery that is “For Parts Only” Submit your ads with one photo, not to exceed 750k to: twm@componentadvertiser.org or Call: 800-289-5627 x 1 Standard Classified Rates Apply
Used Bimba 314-DXP Air Cylinder (9 Available) $20 Each (Nebraska) Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
Builders Automation Stair Stringer Router
Watch video here: http://goo.gl/gSRwjd More information here: http://goo.gl/mSsxyY 800-382-0329 | www.wasserman-associates.com Door & Stair
Alpine AutoMill RS Component Saw Parts (5) Encoder Drive Belts (2) Encoder Drive Gears (1) Drive Circuit (3) Hold Down Drive Rod Couplers (4) 3/4" Encoder Couplers (5) Carriage Track Scrubbers (1) Encoder Data Cable (1) P.C. Data Cable (3) 1 1/2" Plastic Slider Bushings (1) 1 1/4" Gear Encoder Coupler (5) Encoders (2) Motor Brake Caliper & Disk Sets Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
Does Your Truss Plant Have Thousands of Dollars in Off-Line Obsolete and Unused Equipment and Parts!
Sell It! in the
BAM CNC Stair Router Saw Reman 03/08. Builders Automation Machinery [BAM] model CNC/MFSR stair router. Contemporary, box & open stairs, the only machine available that also cuts the top and bottom landings. Programmable with a large library already in the machine for most all box and open stringers. Remanufactured includes new wiring, rebuilt spindle motors, new drives & is equipped with two variable frequency drive, 5 horsepower, 3 phase motors. One year warranty. Setup is free of labor charges we do charge airfare and per diem for setup and training. Portable 4 bag, 3 phase vacuum switched on at the machine controls is available for $1,568. Installation by the OEM available at an additional charge. 230 volt, 3 phase, 60 amp electrical requirements and 120 p.s.i. and 35 CFM air requirements. Price: $56,667 :: FOB FL Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990
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Th e (2) Used Triad Stud Locators mounted 2002 Builders Automation to (1) Bracket (30 Available) $45 Each Template Stair Router Model RUWO 2000 MFSR. Cut Box and (Nebraska) Wasserman & Associates Open Stringers. Manual Setup with Auto 800-382-0329 Feed and Cut. One or Two Stringers per www.wasserman-associates.com Cycle. 10’ Infeed and 10’ Outfeed Roller. Conveyor with Stands. 2 Bag Dust Collector. (2) Lift Tables for Staircase Assembly. 240 Volt / 3 Phase. $25,600 FOB NE. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com
Serving the Structural Building Components Industry
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Component Manufacturing dverti$er
Serving the Structural Building Components Industry
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Forward Thinking. Respecting the Past. Ask most people about the lumber industry and you’ll get a fairly predictable list of descriptions. What you’re not likely to hear are terms like: ● technologically advanced, ● sustainable logging, ● small log harvesting, ● green lumber products, ● commitment to healthy communities, and ● ecologically-minded forest management When people talk about Vaagen Brothers, that’s exactly what you’ll hear. Working in the forests of Washington for more than 50 years, we’ve learned to take the best of traditional logging and lumber milling practices and combine them with advanced production technologies and forward-thinking sustainable forest management practices to create a company that’s as vibrant and growing as the healthy forests and ecosystems necessary to its success. Contact us: (509) 684-5071 or info@vaagenbros.com
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #44
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Celebrating 30 Years of Softwood Framing Lumber Market Analyses and Forecasts
North American Softwood Lumber Market Evaluation
Matt Layman, Publisher
Lumber Market Strategy Week #08
February 26, 2016
LUMBER! The Most Critical Component For a Component Plant!
Give Your Competitors Something to Talk About One of the first sales and marketing strategies I learned way back in the '70's, was not to bad mouth the competition. The conversation should be about you, your company, the product, and the service. Including the competitor's name in any fashion, even negatively, gives them a presence at your negotiating table...and they are not even aware of it. Giving your competitor a seat at your sales presentation can be fatal. The objective is to create, maintain and enhance your relationship with your customer...one on one... one at a time. Accentuating what others cannot do does not imply that you can or will do better, it only keeps them in the conversation. In the next sales meeting, ask your sales staff each to give a brief summary of why they get orders. Then ask why they do NOT get orders. If there is no mention of competitors, congratulations. Your team is truly on your team. If they use competitors as excuses, they need an indoctrination....and quickly. Every conversation between sales and customers that includes any supplier other than your company lessens the likelihood of a sale. The most obvious evidence of this "fact" is the 24/7 question on every news network around the world for the last six months. "How can Donald Trump be stopped?" The implication is "Trump is unstoppable." Imagine the enthusiasm around your office, with the sales team...imagine the frustration among your competitors...imagine the ease of getting a look at more jobs...if the conversation in your market was, "How do they keep doing that?" "How can they be stopped?" Make your company unstoppable. Give your competitors something to talk about. Cause them to worry about you.
For the wood truss industry, the single most important component in a component plant is LUMBER. Nothing is as price volatile. Nothing else takes up more physical space. Nothing else requires more constant cash or credit line. Nothing impacts the physical appearance and structural integrity of the product you sell like your lumber. Regardless, when lumber is purchased can be the most profitable aspect of your entire business model. The first, and most critical aspect of lumber inventory management is determining need. An efficient computer program that updates inventory every time an order is placed and built is imperative. Categories for lumber inventory should include, ¥In Stock (actually on the yard), ¥On Order (purchased not delivered), ¥In Process (pulled for the job being built), ¥Pending (needed for a sold job). This matrix determines what you need and when you need it. To avoid surprises, this should be examined by the lumber buyer no less than twice a day...first thing in the morning and mid afternoon. The objective is to anticipate lumber inventory changes at least one week in advance. The lumber buyer should know right now, how many 2x4x10#1 do we have on the yard, or order, being processed, what the replacement cost is and how quickly the next load can be delivered. Included as a twice weekly preparation Monday morning and Thursday morning, the lumber buyer should be aware of the direction of the lumber market's pricing trend and potential changes. If prices are rising, lumber should be bought early in the week, by Tuesday afternoon to preempt midweek increases. If prices are falling, purchasing should be delayed until Friday morning to allow for weekly price declines. Being aware of lumber market price direction is easy. I do it for you. That is my job. You determine the need, I'll help you determine when to buy it and pick the pocket of the lumber market. ! ! !ml "
Looking Forward... Matt Layman, Publisher 336.516.6684 matt@laymansguide.org www.laymansguide.org
Forecasted Decision Points (FDP) 2015-17 Composite SPOT PRICE Composite 2x4's #2 SYP-E, SPF-W, Dry Hem Fir, Green Doug Fir. (Blue). 2015-Current FDP's (Vertical Red Lines), reversals or accelerations, since 01/99: 417 FDP's…360 turns within 1 week. 86% FDP Historical Accuracy. Green Zone=Highest Demand Weeks #11-26; Yellow Zone=Daylight Savings Weeks #11 Through Week #44. Red Zone = Lowest Demand Weeks #43-10.
400 380 360 340 320 300 280 260
Each of these arrow tips are significant Forecasted Decision Points for the lumber market.
Let me send you the complete forecasts and give you a 30-minute oneon-one explanation of how to use Layman's Lumber Guide. 8
Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite...Matt Layman, Publisher Phone or Text: 336-516-6684 Fax: 888-811-6917 Email: matt@laymansguide.org www.laymansguide.org TWITTER.com/Laymansguide Join Matt Layman on LinkedIn
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #45
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
North American Softwood Lumber Price Summary
Matt Layman, Publisher
Week #08
Friday February 26, 2016 Page 2
FORECAST SPOT CHECK Block Colors indicate directional forecasts from Price colors indicate weekly price change since SYP-E SYP-W SPF-W SPF-E 2x4#2 Last Thrs 405 390 260 355 Last Sun 405 380 270 350 Today 400 375 270 350 Change (5) (5) 0 0
the previous Sunday's Lumber Market BRIEFING. then. Green up, red down, gray unchanged. HF GDF SE SW 7/16 OSB 300 325 Last Thrs 215 220 300 325 Last Sun 220 225 305 325 Today 225 230 5 0 Change 5 5
(SYP) SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE SYP-East KD 19% 2x4#2 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2 KD 19% 2x4#1 2x6#1 2x8#1 2x10#1 2x12#1 SYP-Central KD 19% 2x4#2 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2 KD 19% 2x4#1 2x6#1 2x8#1 2x10#1 2x12#1 SYP-West KD 19% 2x4#2 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2 KD 19% 2x4#1 2x6#1 2x8#1 2x10#1 2x12#1
215 225 225 0
220 220 225 5
210 210 215 5
190 195 195 0
R/L 400 300 325 325 420 R/L 440 330 360 365 480
Mill prices in No.FL, GA, 8' 10' 12' 320 380 380 215 300 300 260 310 325 250 315 330 360 370 395 8' 10' 12' 340 390 405 300 315 330 325 375 365 325 370 375 470 415 445
SC, NC 14' 400 290 310 345 340 14' 415 310 360 390 390
& So.VA 16' 18' 435 390 310 315 335 300 325 305 430 450 16' 18' 470 480 330 360 345 370 380 365 490 610
20' 390 315 345 325 640 20' 430 405 395 515 725
R/L 380 295 345 325 410 R/L 415 330 380 385 460
Mill prices in AL, MS 8' 10' 12' 325 345 365 230 295 295 305 325 340 280 305 325 380 390 405 8' 10' 12' 370 375 380 265 305 315 360 365 385 360 400 375 470 445 420
14' 365 295 340 335 375 14' 395 310 355 370 395
16' 425 300 370 335 410 16' 460 325 380 395 465
20' 375 295 345 325 520 20' 460 355 430 440 580
R/L 375 305 355 320 415 R/L 395 325 380 355 440
Mill prices in LA, AK, TX, OK 8' 10' 12' 14' 325 330 360 360 215 310 320 305 320 340 345 350 280 300 320 310 360 400 400 395 8' 10' 12' 14' 345 335 375 375 245 325 335 315 345 345 365 360 325 335 345 345 420 410 415 405
16' 420 290 370 335 400 16' 440 310 375 355 420
18' 340 290 345 315 435 18' 430 315 370 375 470
18' 330 290 360 305 410 18' 385 315 375 365 425
20' 365 295 360 325 510 20' 385 315 400 405 545
FOB British Columbia KD 19% R/L 8' 2x4#2 270 220 2x6#2 270 205 2x8#2 255 215 2x10#2 285 210 2x12#2 350 190
10' 250 280 265 295 300
12' 255 275 275 300 365
14' 265 245 225 290 320
16' 305 285 265 290 370
18' 290 305 290 285 385
20' 285 300 295 295 420
(SPF-E) EASTERN CANADIAN SPRUCE-PINE-FIR Delivered Boston (8'-16' R/L tallies) KD 19% R/L 8' 10' 12' 2x4#2 350 305 320 325 2x6#2 350 325 355 345 2x8#2 355 370 370 370 2x10#2 405 385 400 405
14' 340 300 325 415
16' 385 380 365 405
12' 280 280 255 295 325
14' 290 290 255 305 320
16' 355 345 310 320 370
18' 305 310 260 295 345
20' 305 310 260 295 345
12' 300 315 250 330 380
14' 295 305 250 340 375
16' 380 390 340 430 515
18' 335 355 285 395 455
20' 375 395 375 400 520
(HF) WESTERN COASTAL HEM FIR FOB Mill Western U.S. KD 19% R/L 8' 2x4#2 305 240 2x6#2 305 240 2x8#2 270 245 2x10#2 300 260 2x12#2 330 265
10' 280 300 255 265 285
(GDF) GREEN DOUGLAS FIR FOB Portland, OR Green R/L 2x4#2 325 2x6#2 335 2x8#2 275 2x10#2 380 2x12#2 440
8' 240 245 235 260 345
10' 290 325 235 290 365
(GDF) GREEN DOUGLAS FIR LONG LENGTHS FOB Portland, OR Green 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2
22' 515 470 520 590
24' 495 470 510 585
26' 580 515 530 560
28 575 550 535 570
LAYMAN'S LUMBER MARKET HOTWASH is a product of Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite... Matt Layman, Publisher PO Box 905, Belmont, NC 28012 Phone or Text: 336-516-6684 Email: matt@laymansguide.org www.laymansguide.org Join Matt Layman on LinkedIn
PHONE: 800-289-5627
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FAX: 800-524-4982
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #46
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
North American Softwood Lumber Price Summary
Matt Layman, Publisher
Week #08
SYP MSR 2x4 2400f 2x4 2100f 2x6 2400f 2x6 2100f 2x8 2400f 2x8 1950f 2x10 2250f 2x10 1950f 2x12 2250f 2x12 1950f SYP Visual 2x4 SelStr 2x4 #1Dns 2x4 #2Dns 2x6 SelStr 2x6 #1Dns 2x8 SelStr 2x10 SelStr
R/L 473 460 401 384 470 447 451 420 528 505 R/L 485 468 410 370 355 400 429
8' 405 400 300 305 380 380 400 370 505 500 8' 375 355 290 340 320 365 355
MSR R/L SYP vs SPF 2x4 2400F 2x4 2100F 2x4 1650F 2x4 #1 SYP 2x6 2400F 2x6 2100F 2x6 1650F
Chicago SYP SPF 503 470 490 435 420 450 431 490 414 470 440
10' 425 420 365 345 475 445 440 405 485 485 10' 440 430 380 355 340 415 400
12' 430 420 375 365 475 445 425 395 480 460 12' 455 445 395 370 355 405 405
Niagara SYP SPF 518 480 505 445 430 465 446 500 429 480 450
14' 465 445 410 370 465 440 420 395 480 460 14' 480 460 405 350 335 400 420
16' 525 515 425 425 460 435 475 440 565 525 16' 540 520 460 370 355 385 520
Minne SYP SPF 508 460 495 425 410 455 436 480 419 460 430
All SPF prices reflect Western Canada origins and include 3-4 18 & 20's combined on each car. MSR SPF KD19% R/L Western Mill BC Atl 2x4-2100f 380 455 2x6-2100f 415 490 MSR SPF KD19% R/L Eastern Mill Niagara Atl 2x4 2100f 415 435 2x6 2100f 455 475
FOB MILL 7/16" 23/32" T&G
SE 225 375
SW 230 375
Chi 435 470 Chi 405 485
Central Atlantic Canada Canada
NC 225 350
MA 225 375
20' 545 515 480 455 550 530 540 515 675 640 20' 510 490 420 445 430 435 390
Detroit SYP SPF 513 465 500 430 415 460 441 485 424 465 435
SYP Stud SPF-W Stud SPF-E Stud Hem Fir #2 Fir Larch Stud Green Fir #2
Wk 8 325 210 300 255 230 260
Wk 7 320 205 300 255 230 260
Wk 6 320 205 300 250 240 260
Last Year 390 300 400 310 340 310
8' 450 425 425 8' 450 390 360
10' 425 390 425 10' 400 350 350
12' 380 425 425 12' 400 425 375
14' 375 400 375 14' 375 375 350
SYP East 4x4 #2 4x6 6x6 West 4x4 #2 4x6 6x6
R/L 408 418 417 R/L 406 387 361
16' 425 425 425 16' 415 375 360
East Std Prem West Std Prem
R/L 442 840 R/L 515 883
8' 450 775 8' 500 800
10' 450 750 10' 525 800
12' 450 750 12' 500 775
14' 400 650 14' 450 775
16' 450 1000 16' 550 1025
Year-By-Year Lumber Volatility The last 13 years...the next six weeks change. 2x4#2 SYP, SPF, HF, GDF Composite FOB Mill
18' 515 485 455 415 500 485 475 440 565 530 18' 560 540 470 400 385 410 395
Friday February 26, 2016 Page 3
EC 215 330
WC 195 330
Week # Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
9 271 399 419 359 267 222 182 285 294 273 414 389 340
14 265 393 417 340 254 233 195 315 282 282 420 363 331
Chg (6) (6) (2) (19) (13) 11 13 30 (12) 9 6 (26) (9)
LUMBER MARKET HOTWASH is a product of Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite... Matt Layman, Publisher PO Box 905, Belmont, NC 28012 Phone or Text: 336-516-6684 Fax: 888-811-6917 Email: matt@laymansguide.org www.laymansguide.org TWITTER.com/Laymansguide Join Matt Layman on LinkedIn
PHONE: 800-289-5627
Read/Subscribe online at www.componentadvertiser.com
FAX: 800-524-4982
Careers in the Truss, Wall Panel
and Engineereed Wood Components Industry
JobLine Hiring Zone Job Opportunities Available Candidates
JobLine.com, inc.
JobLine.com, inc.
job opportunities available Outside Sales | Truss Designer South ID: J12759 https://goo.gl/fq1ILV Truss Designer/Plant Manager in Training South ID: J12758 https://goo.gl/urU6hH EWP Designer Mid-Atlantic ID: J12757 https://goo.gl/OmZO8n Building Materials Estimator Location: Colorado ID: J12756 https://goo.gl/6DX8y0
Job Hunting?
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Outside Sales - Truss/Multifamily Location: Midwest ID: J10542 https://goo.gl/Ok6caz
Production Manager - Truss/Panel Location: Upper Midwest ID: J12719 https://goo.gl/kpGScK
email: mail@thejobline.com or call Thomas McAnally for Personalized Service
Candidates seeking jobs: theJobLine.com, Inc.
The JobLine specializes in recruiting and placing professionals in the LBM, Engineered Wood Products, Truss, Wall Panel, and Modular industries. A s t h e C a n d i d a t e ’s intermediary, our process is unique, doesn’t require a resume, and only presents a you to an employer if you approve. All you need to do is create a JobLine Candidate Profile. It’s easy and on line. Just click on the New Candidate tab at the top of the page. Take your time and be thorough. It’s a tool for your future! You can create, save, and update at any time. You can also specify your job, location, and compensation goals. Our Recruiters are personally committed to helping you find opportunities that fit your goals.
To register as a New Candidate, visit www.thejobline.com and click on the New Candidates tab. Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #48
Estimator - Loose Materials Location: Colorado ID: J10671 https://goo.gl/2lWiYD Outside Sales - LGS Truss Location: Texas ID: J10652 https://goo.gl/JtWDqK Truss Designer Location: New England ID: J12734 https://goo.gl/5RxHJW Design Manager - Truss/Panel Location: KY/IN/OH area (Confidential) ID: J12727 https://goo.gl/20eyyY Light Gauge Steel Truss and Wall Panel Designer Location: Colorado ID: J12732 https://goo.gl/opquFX Light Gauge Steel Truss and Wall Panel Designer Location: Texas ID: J12731 https://goo.gl/GtzQ3l Outside Sales - Truss/Wall Panel Location: Dakotas ID: J12729 https://goo.gl/pPPOuQ Truss Designer - Single Family Tract Location: AZ ID: J12702 https://goo.gl/7LD4kE
Truss Designer Location: New England ID: J12735 https://goo.gl/WyyL6e
Single and Multifamily Truss Designer Location: Minnesota ID: J11697 https://goo.gl/X5v13F
Estimator - Truss/MiTek Location: Northern California ID: J10543 https://goo.gl/Ue9dlA
Multifamily Wall Panel Designer Location: Midwest ID: J11691 https://goo.gl/vaKiIe
Truss Designer - MiTek Location: Northern California ID: J12743 https://goo.gl/qBuFDN
Senior Designer - Truss Location: North Dakota ID: J11685 https://goo.gl/Hfz5k7
Truss Designer Location: Midwest ID: J10663 https://goo.gl/xIJ6HK LGS Truss Designer | Wall Panel Designer Location: Midwest ID: J12754 https://goo.gl/M3J9pp Truss Designer / Senior Truss Designer Location: Southwest ID: J11689 https://goo.gl/2g48EG Production Manager - Truss Location: South/Southwest ID: J12752 https://goo.gl/23GTPl Outside Sales - Truss Location: North Carolina ID: J12746 https://goo.gl/GTxL2P Truss Designer Location: Texas ID: J12726 https://goo.gl/GL4VTo Truss Plant | Production Manager | Supervisors | Foreman Location: MD ID: J12728 https://goo.gl/LlFPe2 Truss Designer with Panel and EWP/I-Joist experience Location: Northeast ID: J12724 https://goo.gl/xMTJ14 Multifamily Truss Designer Promotion Opportunity Location: South ID: J12718 https://goo.gl/7rY7ZP Truss Designer Location: Northeast ID: J11700 https://goo.gl/LTaHCB
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Is your JobLine Candidate Profile Presentation Ready? Request a Go to Meeting on-line conference to review your current JobLine Candidate Profile. We can show you areas to improve, what’s hurting your chances, and how to improve your message. The content is still all about you, but with this new tool, we can show you how to make it tell your story better. See why we say “It’s like having a first interview”.
Attention Employers TheJobLine searches year around for candidates that meet our employer ’s requirements. With our state of the art website, multiple job board subscriptions, truss designer testing, and the JobLine candidate profile, we have the tools to do the job right, Guaranteed! I have been doing this for over 23 years. Because of my reputation for Strict Confidentiality, I am the go-to Recruiter for our industry. Put me on your team and I will show you how having theJobLine as your “Recruiter Down the Hall” can solve your hiring needs.
Don’t miss the perfect employee! Talk to me today! 800-289-5627 x1 Send email to: twm@thejobline.com See What I can do for You!
Inside Sales / Truss Designer Location: Midwest ID: J10500 https://goo.gl/znL3xZ
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JobLine.com, inc.
EWP Designer | Estimator | Inside Sales Experienced with AutoCAD, iLevel, TJ Beam, and TJ xPert software to produce framing layouts for TrusJoist engineered wood products. Responsible for working with builders and retailers to create the most cost effective solution for their project. Creating quotes from layouts. Calculate gravity loads and sizing wood products to support the load. Understanding the IRC building code for wood-framed structures. Explaining structural framing details to builders and salespeople. Training other designers in load development and design software. Relocation: VA ID: C14506
Available Candidates Truss Designer | Wall Panel Designer Wall Panel Designer | Remote Wall North Carolina Panel Designer 5 years truss design experience - focused Experienced candidate in the design and on floor and roof trusses and connectors. production of a variety of commercial wall I designed trusses and engineered wood panel jobs; small single and multi-unit retail beams for many residential, commercial, structures, medical care facilities, assisted multifamily, hotels, and developments. Once living structures and multi-unit multi-level the design was completed I would provide a apartment and hotel buildings. Coordinate detailed estimate/quote to the customer, and panel designs with truss and EWP designers assist in the final price negotiations. Once as well as loose material estimators for accepted a detailed cutting and stacking list supplying complete framing packages. was provided for the builders in the shop. Prior whole house design using AutoCAD. I provided technical support as needed to Current in MiTek's Sapphire. Some truss builders. Jobsite visits were required from design experience but focus is wall panels. time to time for updates problem solving etc. I spent some time training a couple of new people over those years. MiTek, AutoCAD, Relocation: MD I-Joist software experience, not on Sapphire. ID: C14505
Remote Truss Designer
Remote Truss Designer
As Design Manager: Managed a design staff of eight people ensuring that workload was distributed and projects were completed in a timely manner. Worked with production manager and dispatcher to insure that work was prioritized accordingly. Trained new employees and coached existing technician in the use of MiTek design software and encourage them to use problem solving skills to come up with value engineered design solutions. Tracked incident information relating to design and fabrication issues so that management could focus on areas where process improvements or additional training are needed.
Design Roof and Floor trusses from blueprints. Engineer and send to production finished designs along with placement schematic and hanger info. Additionally, I had to engineer LVL beams for floor truss schematics. Has been out of design since the crash, but scored "Average" with only a Jobber. Considering average equals 15 years of experience, he should be able to get back up to speed quickly. Prior MiTek, some Alpine and Truswal, CAD, I-Joist, Beam, and Microsoft Office software experience.
As Designer: Designed roof and floor trusses on both tract homes and high end custom work. Interacted with both salespeople and customers on a daily basis to provide accurate layouts and truss designs. Relocation: OR ID: C14497 Designer/Production/Estimating/Inside Sales - Truss/Loose Lumber 6 years truss industry experience. 3 in design using MiTek and 3 in production, starting as a builder, stacker, sawyer, forklift operator, then into supervision and production manager. Started learning design, estimating and inside sales 3 years ago. All at the same company. Is working toward an engineering degree. Software includes MiTek 20/20 & eFrame, Optiframe, and CadWorks. Products include Floor and Roof Trusses, and loose lumber. Thom's Notes: We tested this candidate and his results confirm a solid 3.5 years skill level but he only had a Construction Master, no software. Not easy with only 3 years experience. I think this candidate is a hidden find! Relocation: AZ, CA, CO, NV, OR, WA, AB ID: C10879 PHONE: 800-289-5627
Relocation: IN, KY, NC, OH, TN, USA South, VA, WV ID: C13446 Truss Design/Estimating Truss Estimator/Designer. - Intermediate. Candidate has 10 years industry experience and 10 years experience in this position. Products include floor trusses and roof trusses. Markets include single family, single family custom, multi-family, light commercial, and agriculture. Primary duties include design, layout, optimization, and takeoff. Secondary duties include checking others work, repairs, customer service, inside sales, field measurements, software maintenance, training, and filling in for the Design Manager as needed. Software experience includes MiTek and I am willing to learn new software. Education: High School Graduate and Associates degree in Arch Tech. Compensation desired $50,000: Salary. Motivating factors: advancement, compensation, benefits, and job security. Relocation: AB, USA - ALL States, AZ, BC, Canada - Eastern, CO ID: C10132
Prior experience: Design wall panels (some roof and floor trusses) for residential developers, multifamily, hotels, and assisted living buildings. I had regular contact with the builders, engineers, and architects. Once the design was completed I would provide a detailed estimate/quote to the customer, and assist in the final price negotiations. Once accepted a detailed cutting, stacking diagrams and other paperwork was sent to the manufacturing shop. Thom's Notes: Although the candidate has been out of the truss design job since 2007, he has remained in an architectural design, teaching and designing, and his test results show. Scored above average, faster than average, and only used a calculator and CAD. He is one of the best retread candidates I have seen this year. Txt: C14465 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Truss Designer | Truss Design Manager | Estimator | Estimating Manager Relocation: IL, IN, MI, OH Manage the design/engineering & estimating departments. Supervising 3-8 designers in roof and floor truss design/ engineering and I joist design. Coordinate truss repair drawings and timber truss designs. Personally manage large builder accounts. MiTek Sapphire, prior Alpine, Keymark, TeeLok. This candidate will work remotely and has some relocation areas acceptable. Txt: C14456 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1
Tell Them You Saw it in the
Component Manufacturing dverti$er
Serving the Structural Building Components Industry
Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com Read/Subscribe online at www.componentadvertiser.com
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #49 Design/Operations Manager Truss/Panel - Wood/Steel As Operations Manager: Responsible for all aspects of a major component manufacturing facility, including: profit/loss accountability, budgeting, inventory control and compliance with company policies in all facets of the facility's operations. Recorded a 4% profit, based upon sales, within three months of assuming the leadership position. Responsible for a staff in excess of fifty persons including: engineering, sales, office, delivery and production personnel. As Design Manager: Directly supervised and managed the engineering department staff of eight. Department was responsible for creating engineering and layout drawings for all orders. Scheduled and reviewed all work to ensure it was completed within company guidelines. Led the conversion to MiTek 20/20 design software and MiTek MBA for order entry and quoting. Responsible for the setup and implementation of updated Quality Control program and established design and training standards for engineering staff and lead production personnel. Worked closely with manufacturing to facilitate the assembly and erection processes through the layout and design of components. Relocation: MI, USA - Eastern, USA South, MD, VA ID: C11927 Senior Truss Designer + Panel/EWP/I-Joist/Framing Package Candidate has 15 years industry experience, 4-5 years experience in this position, and 10 years in subordinate positions leading to this position. Products include floor trusses, roof trusses, wall panels, I-Joists, EWP, hardware, and complete framing packages. Markets include tract, single family, single family custom, multi-family, and light commercial. Primary duties include design, layout, optimization, cutting/production documents, and takeoff. Secondary duties include checking others work, customer service, inside sales, software maintenance, network administration, training, and filling in for the Design Manager as needed. Software experience includes MiTek, Truswal, Comsoft/IBS, TJ Expert, AutoCAD, and I am willing to learn new software. Relocation: CA, TN, WA Txt: C10199 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Plant/Location/General Manager-Truss Relocation: AZ Over 20 years experience including P&L responsibility for a truss manufacturing facility producing $18M, multiple shifts, 150+ employees. Very stable with a career track from Production. Computer literate, Microsoft Office. Txt: C11270 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 FAX: 800-524-4982
JobLine.com, inc.
JobLine.com, inc.
Time To Hire? We’re here when you need help! visit: www.thejobline.com
email: mail@thejobline.com or call Thomas McAnally for Personalized Service
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL! Truss/Wall Panel/Management Plan direct & control daily operations of wall panel & floor panel division. I Provided a complete plant layout and directed the installation and start-up of a 2004 PanelPlus wall panel line. Evaluate productions, plan and manage budgets and direct QC inspections. Provided wall panel designer training & developed design, production & quality control guidelines. Oversee the analysis of data and information and report to upper management. Provided Site supervision & training for home builders and framing contractors. Lead the planning, pricing, scheduling, administration, implementation & installation of all products, floor panels, wall panels, roof trusses & building materials. A typical 2 story house w/basement (1600 +/- sq./ft.) would be erected in 2-5 days ready for shingles. 20 years experience including Outside Sales, coordinating Estimating, Sales, Design, Production, Delivery and Administrative functions of the truss plant with builders, engineers, architects, home owners, project managers, contractors and store managers. Established work schedules, created designs, layouts and Cad drawings as needed. Supervised up to 3 designers, including training new designers. Coordinated schedules, manufacturing, delivery, billing and job sign off. Resolved problems including collections as needed. Proficient with MiTek, OptiFrame, and Microsoft Office software. Relocation: AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, CO ID: C11220 Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
800-289-JOBS www.thejobline.com
Hiring Zone - Available Candidates Production Manager/Designer/EstimaPlant/Location Manager tor - Truss/EWP/Beams/I-Joist Floor & Roof Truss/Wall Panel Relocation: Virginia Relocation: USA - ALL States Overview: Overview: As Designer: Problem solving with Started in production, working as a builder, incomplete or questionable plans. sawyer, and forklift operator for 16 years. Verification of roof and floor systems As a working shop supervisor he trained including beam adequacy as specified by 10-20 production workers over 2 years. As architects or engineers. Liaison between production manager, he trained, evaluated company suppliers and customers to local and suppervised 25 to 35 production area codes compliance inspectors and plans employees. Responsible for reporting of examiners. Development, manipulation, and lumber inventories and purchasing of plates modification od estimating subroutines in and hangers. Maintained production levels computer software to ensure profitability to meet customer's needs. Increased roof of work. Maintenance of all default and and floor production and lowered labor rates variable software was kept up to date from through hand-on training and leadership a codes standpoint. Hardware order and for 7 years. For the last 5 years he has been inventory control. Taking and verifying responsible for production operations of field dimensions. Verification of contract entire plant. Accountable to owner for the necessities and criteria for commercial productivity and profitabilityof the plant. applications in private, state, and federal In charge of all day-to-day operations areas. This includes contract negotiations, of production, inventory management, addenda, plans changes, and documents worker supervision and OSHA regulatory for proper design, manufacture, and compliances. Hired, trained, evaluated delivery of products. Company quality and managed a work force of 40 people, control representative to TPI (Truss- including 2 supervisors At one time had 3 Plate Institute). Including inspections, for shifts. Led company to 28.4 million BFT of verification of product to national standards. production at 94.1 BFT per man hour. Estimate, Design, optimize, layout and when necessary consult with production Compensation: $70-80K and shipping on orders for wood roof Txt: C11504 to 406-210-1226 trusses, floor systems, and accompanying or call 800-289-5627 x1 beams and hardware. Software: BC Framer, Truss Plant/Location/General Manager FASTBeam, I-Joist, MiTek, Simpson, TJ Truss and Components Plant Manager with Beam, Microsoft Office. over 15 years of experience in the truss Txt: C12286 to 406-210-1226 industry who is looking to apply knowledge or call 800-289-5627 x1 gained while continuing to develop and Production/Design/Location Manager - grow within the management sector. Truss/EWP/Package As Plant Manager: Create programs to Design and manage all truss operations. motivate employees to achieve peak purchase all lumber and plates. Arrange productivity. Hire, train, discipline and payment and shipping. Troubleshoot every terminate employees. Order lumber and all aspect including machinery. Implemented production materiel. Coordinate weekly our OSHA safety plan and requirements. production, sales and safety meetings. Print invoices and remove material from Research cost on purchasing new equipment. active inventory using peach tree software. Attended monthly city council meetings to Set up new customer accounts and validate ensure codes were followed. Oversee credit references. Design wood and steel development of truss fabrication facility. joists and headers. Assist customer project Ensure compliance with Cal OSHA and problems for the best economical and Dot. Oversee shipping and optimize freight costs. Responsible for training leads and practical solution. supervisors on company policy’s. Program Prior: Truss design and supervise. Purchase and operate computerized equipment. building material. Arrange billing and shipping from start to finish. From the Proficient with Microsoft Programs, Excel, small detached garage to the large apartment Word, Outlook, ERP software Team growth and development through complex, I have done them all... Relocation: CA effective feedback and ongoing mentorship Excellent communication skills ID: C12276 Experience working with: Metal, Polymer Attention Employers Blends, Components, Finished Product We have over 1,000 Assembly, Clean Room, etc. registered Industry Professionals. Tenacious, Professional, Detail-Oriented, All Job Searches are not public! Strong Sense of Urgency We can search behind the scenes Lean Manufacturing Certified, Kaizen to find the right candidate for your opportunity. Trained, Fork lift Certified Relocation: Arizona, Arkansas, California, See what I can do for you! Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, New Mexico, Thomas McAnally Texas, USA - ALL States 800-289-5627 x1 Txt: C10500 to 406-210-1226 twm@thejobline.com or call 800-289-5627 x1 Read/Subscribe online at www.componentadvertiser.com
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #50 Designer/Remote Designer - Truss Relocation: Georgia Design and engineer roof and floor truss systems for residential, commercial and multifamily applications using Alpine AutoCAD design software. Communicate with builders, architects, and engineers to obtain initial truss design and follow up to ensure proper delivery and instillation and repairs if needed. Responsible for design, engineering, repairs, installation guides, job quotes and pricing takeoffs for some of the company's largest customers. Inspection of truss installation, placement and loading conditions at specific job sites in order to ensure customer satisfaction. Txt: C12154 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Outside Sales/Technical - Truss Relocation: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, USA Western, Utah, Wyoming, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas. 35 years construction experience, 25 in truss sales. Sells Trusses wholesale. Sells Trusses to Builders and Owner Builders and service the account through Design, Pricing, Production, Delivery, Installation, and problem solving. Also service National accounts which involves solving all the in-field problems. Dealing directly with the project Supervisor on missing trusses, damaged, missing plates, trusses don't plane, don't work, design errors, bad deliveries, dealing also with the building inspectors, and project engineers. Compensation: Mid $30's base plus commission. Txt: C10234 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Design Manager/Senior Designer - LGS Relocation: New Jersey, New York Overview: As GM: Restructured, organized and currently managing the truss department for the company. Estimating and overseeing all truss estimates valued between $20,000 - $2,000,000. Designing and supervising truss designs for all running projects. Managing projects including supply only and installations. Inventory control including ordering and maintaining approx. $200,000 stock material. Coordinating with Engineers and Architects on design/builds, loading and calculations. Sales coordination through proposal follow-up's, customer design meetings and jobsite tours. As Estimator/Senor Designer: Estimating and design of truss projects. Project management. Coordination of third party engineering, subcontractor installations and material ordering. Always learning and looking for more efficient and economical business practices. Helped restructure the department to become accountable and more profitable. Txt: C12165 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1
FAX: 800-524-4982
M ACdverti$er
Th e
omponent OMPONENT
anufacturing ANUFACTURING
Safety First!
Don’t Don’t Forget! Forget! You Saw it IN in THE the YOU S AW IT
Safety Meeting Topics From State Fund CA.
Safety Is In Your Hands
Construction work is hard on the hands. Along with the wear and tear of using tools and handling heavy, sharp-edged or coarse equipment, hands are exposed to weather, chemicals, dirt, solvents, fuels, grease, cutters, etc. While your hands are one of the most used part of the body, they are also the most mistreated. Many injuries to the hands can be prevented if you first think about what you’re asking your hands to do then make sure they’re protected. Wear proper hand protection Leather gloves can protect your hands in many jobs. They can provide protection when handling rough or abrasive materials and give you better gripping power. They can also protect hands from sharp objects, thorns, and cutting tools. Some gloves are especially designed to protect the hands from solvents, petroleum products, and many agricultural chemicals. To work best, gloves should fit correctly. Overly large gloves can interfere with work or get caught in moving parts, putting your hands in danger. Hand protection can also include specific creams applied before work to guard against dermatitis causing grease, paint, chemicals, etc. A good hand lotion can soothe and moisten dry or cracked hands after a job. Keep hands out of harm’s way Recognize the hazards of the job whether working with sharp objects, cutting tools, chemicals, pinch points or rotating equipment. Follow safety procedures, even if you’ve gotten away with short cuts before. Even though a job may have its own hazards, basic safety principles should always be remembered. • Think through each job before you do it, then work carefully and deliberately. • Keep your hands away from rotating equipment and never use your hands to stop rotating parts. • When lifting a load, check for protrusions, nails, splinters, screws, metal banding, broken glass, etc. • Watch your fingers and hands when lowering heavy loads; they could get pinched. • Keep your hands away from loads being moved mechanicaly. • Never use you fingers to test the temperature of gases, liquids or machinery. • If you do injure your hand, get prompt treatment and report it to your supervisor. Your hands are like finely crafted tools of amazing strength and dexterity. They are your most valuable tools. Protect them and keep them safe.
st March 1rd 2016 March 23 ,, 2012 #09200 #05136 Page PAGe #51 #37
Adverti$er dverti$er La seguridad está en sus manos
El trabajo construction causa un impacto tremendo en las manos. Además del desgaste y deterioro por el uso de herramientas y la manipulación de equipo pesado, filoso o áspero, las manos están expuestas a la intemperie, a productos químicos, suciedad, solventes, combustibles, grasa, cortadoras, etc. No obstante que sus manos quizá sean las partes del cuerpo más frecuentemente utilizadas, también son las más maltratadas. Se pueden prevenir muchas lesiones de las manos si primero se piensa en lo que se requerirá que ellas hagan y entonces asegurarse de proporcionales la protección apropiada. Use protección manual apropiada Los guantes de piel pueden proteger sus manos en muchos trabajos. Pueden proporcionar protección al manipular materiales ásperos o abrasivos y le brindan mayor poder de sujeción. También pueden proteger las manos contra objetos puntiagudos, espinas y herramientas de corte. Algunos guantes tienen diseños especiales para proteger las manos contra los solventes, productos de petróleo y muchos productos agroquímicos. Para mayor eficiencia en el trabajo, los guantes deben ajustarse correctamente. Los guantes demasiado grandes pueden interferir con el trabajo o pueden quedar atrapados en partes en movimiento y poner en peligro las manos. La protección de las manos también puede incluir cremas específicas que se aplican antes de realizar el trabajo para protegerlas contra grasas, pinturas, productos químicos, etc. que producen dermatitis. Una loción de manos de buena calidad puede suavizar y humectar las manos resecas o agrietadas después del trabajo. Proteja las manos contra el peligro Reconozca los peligros en el trabajo al manipular objetos puntiagudos, herramientas de corte, productos químicos, puntos de aplastamiento o equipo giratorio. Siga los procedimientos de seguridad, incluso si utilizó procedimientos rápidos sin ningún percance en el pasado. Aunque cada trabajo tiene sus propios peligros, siempre deben recordarse algunos principios básicos de seguridad. • Estudie detenidamente cada trabajo antes de realizarlo, después trabaje cuidadosamente y deliberadamente. • Mantenga alejadas las manos de equipos giratorios y nunca use sus manos para detener el movimiento de partes giratorias. • Al levantar una carga, verifique que no tenga protuberancias, clavos, astillas, tornillos, flejes metálicos, vidrios rotos, etc. • Cuídese los dedos y las manos al bajar cargas pesadas, ya que podrían quedar atrapados. • Mantenga las manos alejadas de las cargas que se mueven por medios mecánicos. • Nunca use los dedos para probar la temperatura de gases, líquidos o maquinaria. • Si se lesiona una mano, obtenga tratamiento oportuno e infórmelo a su supervisor. Sus manos son herramientas finamente diseñadas con increíble fortaleza y habilidad. Ellas son sus herramientas más valiosas. Protéjalas y cuídelas.
The evaluations and/or and/or recommendations recommendations are are for for general general guidance guidance only only and and should should not not be be relied relied upon upon for for legal legal compliance compliance purposes. purposes. They The above above evaluations They are are based on the the information information provided discussed. We We do do not not make make any any warranty, warranty, expressed expressed or or based solely solely on provided to to us us and and relate relate only only to to those those conditions conditions specifically specifically discussed. implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards. implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards. PHONE: 800-289-5627 online at www.componentadvertiser.com FAX: 800-524-4982 PHONE: 800-289-5627 RRead/Subscribe EAD/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982
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March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #52
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
News and Articles of Interest
Tales of the Tried and True
New Rigid Connector Angles for CFS The Simpson Strong-Tie® RCA rigid connector angle is a general-purpose clip angle designed for a wide range of cold-formed steel construction applications. The clip can be used with header/sill connections to jamb studs, jamb stud reinforcement at track, u-channel bridging, stud-blocking, bypass curtainwall framing and more. The L-shaped rigid connector angle is designed with pre-punched holes for fastener attachment to help save time and labor on the job.
Classic or old? Broken in or broken down? Seasoned or rusty? It all depends on your perspective. Sometimes your favorite equipment is your oldest equipment – but how old is it? And how does it compare to others’ go-to machinery? Let’s find out! In the coming months, we hope you’ll share your thoughts and tales, anecdotes and antidotes, and maybe a picture or two.
For more information, go to strongtie.com/cfs.
2015 Wood Design Package now available in print The American Wood Council's (AWC) 2015 Wood Design Package is now available for purchase in printed format. The document set contains the 2015 National Design Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction, with Commentary and 2015 Supplement: Design Values for Wood Construction, and the 2015 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) with Commentary. The 2015 Wood Design Package brings together all required elements for design of wood structures in one comprehensive document. It includes design information for wind and seismic conditions, sawn lumber, structural glued laminated timber, structural-use panels, shear walls and diaphragms, poles and piles, I-joists, structural composite lumber, structural connections (nails, bolts, screws), and cross-laminated timber. Both the NDS and SDPWS were approved in Sept. 2014 as American National Standards and are designated 5 and ANSI/AWC SDPWS–2015, respectively. They are both referenced in the International Code Council's 2015 International Building Code. “Through their reference in the International Building Code, these standards allow traditional and engineered wood products to be more easily used in the United States,” said AWC Vice President of Technology Transfer John “Buddy” Showalter. “To make these code-referenced standards the most user-friendly they can be, we have developed supporting publications such as commentaries to ensure continued widespread acceptance of wood in construction.” For more information, call 202-463-2766 or email publications@awc.org. PHONE: 800-289-5627
To kick us off, here’s a short story from south Florida. Truss Guy: Company: Subject:
Branden Baird Chambers Truss, Fort Pierce, FL Clary Saw
The old piece of equipment that still has its place at Chambers is a classic Clary saw. Make no mistake, she is temperamental. When taking a picture, it’s best to sneak up on her, since she might not take kindly to being photographed. Some days, she purrs like a kitten; other days, not so much. When you need a short web though, she’ll take care of you. A new linear saw might have trouble going below nine inches, but not our girl. Making a floor truss? Well, then, start warming her up. It’s alright that she has a mind of her own sometimes. Sound familiar? To tell us how your tried and true machinery still does the job right, simply send an email to: anna@componentadvertiser.org. Feel free to write your own story, or tell us a tale and we’ll capture the highlights. Photo courtesy of Wood Truss Systems
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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
Calendar of Events
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #53
MARCH 2016 March 2 – 3 March 3 March 4 – 5 March 8 – 11 March 12 – 14 March 16 March 21 – 26 March 22 – 24 March 23 March 30 – 31 March 30 – 31 March 31 – April 3
Structural Building Components Assoc. (SBCA) Open Quarterly Meeting Missouri Truss Fabricators Assoc. (MTFA) Chapter Meeting American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) Spring Conference & Trade Show NFBA Frame Building Expo Western Wood Products Assoc. (WWPA) Annual Meeting SBCA of the Carolinas (SBCAC) Chapter Meeting ICC Educode Mass Timber Conference Midwest Wood Solutions Fair Lumbermen’s Assoc. of Texas & Louisiana (LAT) Annual Convention Atlantic Builders Convention (ABC) Associated Building Material Distributors Annual Member & Supplier Convention
Fort Worth, TX TBA North Myrtle Beach, SC Indianapolis, IN Rancho Mirage, CA Phone & Internet Las Vegas, NV Portland, OR Minneapolis, MN San Antonio, TX Atlantic City, NJ Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
APRIL 2016 April 4 – 6 April 5 – 7 April 7 – 8 April 13 April 18 – 19 April 21 April 26 April 27 – 29
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Assoc. (NLBMDA) Legislative Conference International Wood Products Assoc. (IWPA) World of Wood Convention Panel & Engineered Lumber International Conference & Expo (PELICE) Georgia Component Manufacturers Assoc. (GCMA) Chapter Meeting Intex Expo Truss Manufacturers Assoc. of Texas (TMAT) Chapter Meeting & Golf Tournament Northwest Wood Solutions Fair MSR Lumber Producers Council (MSRLPC) Annual Workshop
Washington, D.C. Austin, TX Atlanta, GA TBA New Orleans, LA Spring Branch, TX Portland, OR Minneapolis, MN
MAY 2016 May 3 May 3 – 5 May 16 – 18 May 17 May 18 – 19 May 19 May 19 – 21
SBCA of the Capital Area (SBCACap) Chapter Meeting and Golf Tournament Manufacturing & Technology Conference & Expo (M&T Expo) Structural Design Topics in Wood Construction Seminar at Virginia Tech Bay Area Wood Solutions Fair Structural Building Components Assoc. (SBCA) Open Quarterly Meeting Alabama Component Manufacturers Assoc. (ACMA) Chapter Meeting American Institute of Architects (AIA) Annual Convention
TBA Rosemont, IL Roanoke, VA Oakland, CA
Whitefish, MT TBA Philadelphia, PA
JUNE 2016 June 9 June 22 – 23 June 30
West Coast Lumber & Building Materials Assoc. Annual Associates/Dealers Golf Tourn. Pacific Coast Builders Conference (PCBC) Truss Manufacturers Assoc. of Texas (TMAT) Chapter Meeting & Skeet Shooting
July 12 July 13
Northwest Truss Fabricators Assoc. (NWTFA) 33rd Annual Golf Outing Georgia Component Manufacturers Assoc. (GCMA) Chapter Meeting
Fairfield, CA San Francisco, CA Austin, TX
JULY 2016 Mukilteo, WA TBA
AUGUST 2016 August 9 August 10 – 11 August 18
Western Component Manufacturers Assoc. (WCMA) 11th Annual Golf Outing Structural Building Components Assoc. (SBCA) Open Quarterly Meeting Alabama Component Manufacturers Assoc. (ACMA) Chapter Meeting
Oregon City, OR Providence, RI TBA
Don’t see your event? Increase attendance and participation by listing your industry focused events here!
E-mail details and event web-link to Anna@componentadvertiser.org. We can’t guarantee space for all events, but all industry related events will be added on a space available and interest to our reader priority. PHONE: 800-289-5627
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August 22 – 26
Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
World Congress on Timber Engineering (WCTE)
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #54 Vienna, Austria
SEPTEMBER 2016 September 14 September 14 – 16 September 14 – 17 September 15
Texas Wood Solutions Fair Construction Suppliers Assoc. (CSA) Annual Conference & Expo National Council of Structural Engineers Assoc. (NCSEA) Structural Engineering Summit Truss Manufacturers Assoc. of Texas (TMAT) Chapter Meeting & Golf Tournament
Houston, TX Biloxi, MS Orlando, FL Grand Prairie, TX
OCTOBER 2016 October 6 – 7 October 12 October 12 October 13 October 18 – 21 October 26 – 28
Florida Building Materials Assoc. (FBMA) Gulf Atlantic Building Products Expo Georgia Component Manufacturers Assoc. (GCMA) Chapter Meeting SBCA of the Capital Area (SBCACap) Chapter Meeting Mid-Atlantic Wood Solutions Fair Building Component Manufacturers Conference (BCMC) METALCON
Kissimmee, FL TBA Herndon, VA Philadelphia, PA Knoxville, TN Baltimore, MD
NOVEMBER 2016 November 2 November 5 – 7 November 17 TBA TBA
Central Florida Wood Solutions Fair APA – The Engineered Wood Assoc. Annual Meeting Alabama Component Manufacturers Assoc. (ACMA) Chapter Meeting NAFCD + NBMDA Annual Convention Western Building Material Association (WBMA) Annual Convention
Orlando, FL Bonita Springs, FL TBA Chicago, IL Portland, OR
JANUARY 2017 January 10 – 12
NAHB International Builders Show (IBS)
Orlando, FL
JUNE 2017 June 14 – 16
Southern Forest Products Assoc. (SFPA) Forest Products & Machinery Equipment Expo
Atlanta, GA
Don’t see your event? Increase attendance and participation by listing your industry focused events here!
E-mail details and event web-link to Anna@componentadvertiser.org. We can’t guarantee space for all events, but all industry related events will be added on a space available and interest to our reader priority.
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Register Here: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/sdtwc/index.html If you need assistance, please call Virginia Tech Continuing and Professional Education at (540) 231-5182 See more at: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/sdtwc/registration.html#sthash.7z8MtwDJ.dpuf
PHONE: 800-289-5627
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Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the
March 1st, 2016 #09200 Page #55
The Last Word... Are You Ready For Management?
Now is the time for you to prepare to move up in management. Over the last 20 years, dozens of plants formerly run by “hands-on” owners are now run by managers. During the recent recession, many management candidates left our business. And in the next 10 years, most of us baby boomers will be retiring. Compounding these shortages is the increasing sophistication of plant equipment and computer systems. You can answer these challenges, if and when you are ready. Here are a few guideposts: Step 1: Master your current discipline: In the plant, you should know and have applied “lean”, “just-in-time”, and “kaizen” methodology. You will benefit if you have worked in one of the 150 plants using paperless workflow or understand shop office management. But the best indicator is hard evidence (i.e., measurements) that show that your individual effort has increased output. In the design office, be the best optimizer in truss layout and design. Ask for the most complicated jobs, and do them without sacrificing output metrics. Be conversant with engineering principles of forces, moments and shear. Take SBCA training courses, college courses, and all the internet truss training available. Become the best inside sales person. In sales or customer service, keep asking customers, “What can we do better?”; “How was our service?” Your satisfied clients will become your best advocates. Your value will be based upon what they pay you over and above the competition. Step 2: Self-evaluation: Ask mentors, peers and family to help you evaluate your strengths and shore up your shortcomings. Look at your past leadership successes, even in seemingly unrelated areas like sports or your home life. Don’t neglect how you profited from “menial” jobs. (I think restaurant work is the best preparation for customer-facing work). Step 3: Step out of your comfort zone: Ask for assignments in unfamiliar areas. Designers get out in the plant. Plant people understand what designers do. Sales people get close to both plant and design people. All of you go out and solve jobsite problems. Learn “why” and work to improve processes that involve more than one area of your company. Step 4: Earn it before you ask for more responsibility: After you have a demonstrable record of achievement, ask your boss, “What is in my future?” Then follow his direction. If you are told to persist in your present role, or even to assume a less attractive role (as I once was), say “I can do that”. But also be proactive, asking for the chance to do what you think you may do best, AFTER you do what’s best for your employer. In the interim, ask if you can “shadow” a manager in your desired role. Or ask to be considered for internal or external management training programs. If you are taking these steps, and doing your best without result, be patient. The time may not be right. Know that your actions speak much louder than your words, and that your good work will follow you. Conversely, poor performance is quickly telegraphed around our small industry. But don’t ever give up. You can learn even from the most unfortunate circumstances, as I had to do. Go find a role that better suits your strengths. Great management jobs are available today, and more will be available tomorrow. Joe Kannapell - Senior VP MiTek Industries, Inc. www.mii.com PHONE: 800-289-5627
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Component Manufacturing Advertiser
March 1st, 2016