June 2018 Advertiser

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Component Manufacturing dverti$er


June 2018 #10227 Page #4

Don’t Forget! You Saw it in the

Advertiser Forum

Anna L. Stamm

An Invitation to Participate



Component Manufacturing dverti$er

Serving the Structural Building Components Industry

Published Monthly Publisher Thomas McAnally twm@componentadvertiser.org


Director of Communications and Marketing Component Manufacturing Advertiser.

Anna L. Stamm 800-289-5627 x 3 anna@componentadvertiser.org


get it—people are BUSY. I know life is jam-packed with all kinds of commitments and time constraints. Sometimes, we just don’t know how we’re going to finish all of the essential things we have to do, much less the optional activities. That’s the primary reason why I don’t take it personally when I ask a question and receive few or no responses. With that being said though, I have an invitation for our readers and I hope some will consider participating. Believe it or not—The Advertiser is turning 10 this year! To mark this milestone, we’ll be doing a feature in an upcoming issue with a look back. And we would love to include comments from our readers, too! A lot of things have changed since 2008, for the magazine and the industry. Through the ups and downs, what has left the strongest impression on you?

Distributed FREE Via e-mail subscription Download PDF or Read on line at www.componentadvertiser.com News of Interest and Advertising inquiries can be submitted to: anna@componentadvertiser.org An Open Forum for many sources. Deadline 20th of each month. Articles, Trade Names, and Logos are the property of their respective owner or creator unless otherwise noted Disclaimer: We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or material that we deem not in the interest of the industry or the Advertiser. The Advertiser is provided “As Is” including typographical errors, omissions, and mistakes both intentional and unintentional.

Please consider sharing a story, an anecdote, or simply a quote about your experience with The Advertiser.

Believe it at your own risk! Copyright 2008-2018

Maybe you received the original 8-page newsletter sent via U.S. mail, or maybe you only discovered us recently. Whether you’ve been flipping through these pages for 10 years or 10 weeks, we’d love to hear from you. What keeps you coming back? What do you look forward to? What would you like more of in the next 10 years? To Participate: Simply send me an email or give me a shout at 800/289-5627 x3. Likewise, if you have any questions, just let me know. Thank you!

Component Manufacturing Advertiser The

Advertiser a division of

JobLine, Inc.


411 Walnut Street #12250 Green Cove Springs, FL. 32043

no reproduction in whole or in part without permission from the component manufacturing advertiser Archive Copies Available On Line www.componentadvertiser.com

PHONE: 800-289-5627

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