Pulse (2008(2008-09) for string orchestra (4-6, 4-6, 3-5, 2-3, 1-2 – ratio should stay similar) Commissioned by SOCOM (Macedonian Composers’ Association)
Duration: c. 14:00 Notes:
= quarter flat = quarter sharp = three quarter flat = three quarter sharp Accidentals apply to notes within bars until cancelled. Cautionary accidentals are used at times. Where a dynamic marking is preceded by poco, it should be understood as follows:
poco f is softer than f but louder than mf. Dynamics apply to all voices unless otherwise indicated (by text or additional dynamics). The size of a written accent (>) indicates its intensity. Other articulation markings should be treated similarly.
notehead = “white noise”: bow on side of instrument body (near f hole).
Glissandos should begin/end approximately at the points where lines begin/end. All tremolo should be unmeasured. Bow tremolo should be fast and, as much as possible, on the string (closer to the tip when quiet, around the middle when loud). No vibrato should be used throughout. Divisi is not indicated as all the material should be playable without having to be divided between players. However, if some sections are divided in order to make them physically less demanding, the intensity should be maintained. When chords/double stops are notated in more than one voice, this is only done so that notation is clear, and is not an indication of the manner in which they should be broken or separated in performance. Please see performance notes in score/parts for further details.