2014 NRA National Fullbore National Championships

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2014 NRA National Fullbore Championships

Preliminary Draft For use before the final program is complete only.

2014 NRA National Fullbore Championships Foreword 1. The 2014 NRA Fullbore National Championships will be held at Camp Perry, Ohio from 4 August 2014 (Practice Day) through to 10 August 2014 (International and Open Team Matches). 2. The 2015 ICFRA Palma Match and World Championships (Team and Individual) are being held at Camp Perry as well as the 2015 NRA Fullbore Nationals Championships and ICFRA's International Rules will be applied to all those Matches. For that reason, the 2014 Nationals will also be conducted under ICFRA Rules in order to give shooters and Match Managers experience prior to 2015. Generally, ICFRA Rules are close to US NRA Fullbore rules, but there are some differences. Shooters should make themselves aware of them, and ignorance will not be accepted as a defense. ICFRA rules for both Target Rifle and F-Class Rifle can be found at (and downloaded from, if desired) http://www.icfra.com/page4.htm. Some guidance notes form the last part of this match program. 3. ICFRA Targets will be used throughout. They score 5V rather than 10X and have different dimensions at short range. The ICFRA Long Range Target Is almost Identical to the NRA equivalent, and 6 foot frames will be in use in accordance with U.S. practice. For those who use scoring diagrams, these can be found, for Target Rifle only, at http://www.icfra.com/page16.htm. The 2014 Fullbore National Championships are therefore not eligible for National Records. 4. It is planned that these Championships will be conducted using paid markers (target pullers), the cost of which is Included In the entry fees. Open To The 2014 National Fullbore Rifle Championships are open to all competitors. Membership in the NRA is not required, but highly recommended. Eligibility and Categories 1. All Matches will be shot in three Divisions: Target Rifle, F-Class Rifle (Open) and F-Class T/R. A competitor may not move from one to another during the event. 2. The following Special Categories apply: Women, Veterans (over 60) and Under-25. In order for a competitor to be included in any special awards category for which they may be eligible, the appropriate special awards category MUST be indicated on the entry card. Competitors may be eligible for more than one special category. Mark all special awards categories for which you are eligible. 3. International Teams, one team per country, in competition. All team members firing and non -firing, must be from the same country and registered with the Statistical Office. Teams shall consist of no more than 12 firing members, captain, adjutant, 3 coaches or as few as 12 members. There may be only ONE international team representing a country. Further National Teams of 4 firing members may enter in the Open category. 4. Additional International Teams may compete Out-of-Competition. Scores will so reflect Out-of-Competition and will not be eligible for awards. Teams scores will be reflected in the results bulletin as Out-of-Competition. 5. International 4-person Teams for Veterans and Under-25s will take part in the 4-person Team Matches in their own divisions. Teams size as immediately below. 6. Open 4-person Teams, limited only to range capacity after International Teams are squadded. Open team members have no residency requirements. Teams shall consist of no more than 4 firing members, captain and coach or as few as 4 members. Entry Closing Dates 1. Entry forms may be obtained by emailing nrahighpower@nrahq.org and on-line entries are available through https://competitions.nra.org/campperrysignup/. 2. If mailing entries, they must be mailed in time to arrive at Camp Perry before the closing date. NOTE: The postmark will not be used to determine whether or not an entry makes the closing deadline. NOTE: Closing dates for online entries are different than the closing dates for mail in entries. NOTE: The NRA Entry Office, Building 950, will be closed from 12 noon to 1 p.m. every day except individual entry day. Fullbore Entry Closing Dates On site & Mail-in entries Mon., July 28 Online Entries Wed, July 30 Team Requirements Teams may enter under the following ICFRA Fullbore Rule T14; and F-Class may enter under ICFRA F-Class Rule F14. Team Entry Procedure 1. There are two Fullbore Team Matches. Team captains will be required to complete a form listing team name, club or organization, and team captain’s name and competitor number before leaving the Entry Office. Team members need not be listed on the ‘‘OFFICIAL’’ Team Score Card until the first shooter goes to the firing line . 2. There may be only ONE international team representing a country. Additional international teams may enter; however they will be designated as Out-of-Competition teams. Unlimited Open Teams of 4 firing members may enter in the Open category.

3. Team Members Not Firing In Individual Matches: Individuals firing on teams, or acting as a non-firing captain or coach, and who are not entered in individual Fullbore matches, must register in advance for the phase concerned using a regular entry card. Competitor numbers will be issued and special competitor packets made upon request for individuals in this status. 4. Advance Registration: The following information, printed or typed on an 8-1/2 by 11 piece of paper, must be sent to the Stat Office, PO. Box 700, Port Clinton, OH 43452: - Team name, if more than one team is entered, or if a team name designation is desired. - Team Match Number (631 or 632) and name (Commodore Perry Team Match or Mini Palma Team Match). 5. Before a team is allowed on the firing line, the Team Captain must go to the NRA Entry Office, Bldg. 950, pay the team fees and pick up the scorecard.. The Team Entry Confirmation card must be turned in to the NRA Stat Office, or Relay Coordinator on the line, prior to the start of each team match. 6. The closing time for the Commodore Perry Team Match and the Mini Palma Team Match entries will be 2 pm on Wed, August 6. 7. For teams with advance registration only, the Entry Office at Bldg 950 will open at 6:00 am on Fri, August 8 in order to allow such teams to pay their fees and pick up their scorecard and squadding. 8. Team Captains that arrive early may make your team entries without using the Advance Registration, please do so at the NRA Entry Office, Bldg 950. Entry Fees 1. Individual Entry Fees for the Fullbore Matches are package fees and Include the cost of paid target pullers. No housing fees of any kind are included. 2. All Entry Fees Must Accompany Entry Cards, except for those organizations that have made prior arrangements with the Statistical Director. Registration Fees are NOT charged for the following: - Children under 12 years of age. - Volunteers who have been assigned by the Volunteer Coordinator. 3. Entry fees may be paid by check, money order, NRA Award Points, American Express, Discover, VISA or MasterCard. DO NOT send cash. Organizations, which by prior arrangement have had accounts set up for them, must clear their account with the Statistical Office before leaving Camp Perry. 4. Team fees are based as follows: International teams representing their respective countries with twelve (12) firing members per team; all other teams based on four (4) firing members per team. 5. Non-Firing Registration: Any individual, except those individuals who are entered in any of the Fullbore competitive events, or Volunteers, who is present at Camp Perry, must register at the Welcome Center/In-Processing first, then proceed to the NRA Entry Office if they will be on the Camp Perry property at any time (Coach, Captain, Administrative, Support). NOTE: Waived for those persons less than 12 years of age. Fullbore Entry Fees (inclusive of paid pit pullers) Individual Championship $400 Fullbore Team Fees Commodore Perry Team Match (International 12- Member Team) $960 Commodore Perry Team Match (Open or Int'l 4-Member Team) $320 Mini Palma Match (International 12-Member Team) $960 Mini Palma Match (Open or Int'l 4-Member Team) $320 Tournament Conditions Official Bulletin Board The Official Bulletin Board is located at the NRA Building 950. Preliminary Bulletins on all matches and all official notices will be posted on the Official Bulletin Board. Competitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the Official Bulletin Board for official notices and scores. Bulletins 1. Master Bulletin Board: An Official Preliminary Score Bulletin Board will be maintained in Building 950. Match scores will be posted as matches are completed. The time that each preliminary bulletin is posted will be written on the top of the bulletin. Expiration of challenge periods for each match will be posted when all available scores for a match have been posted on the Bulletin Board. Competitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to promptly check the Preliminary Bulletin Board after completion of the day’s matches and call attention to errors within the time specified. 2. Awards Bulletin: Preliminary Awards Bulletins will be posted in Building 950. The Official Bulletin will be published and mailed only to competitors who specifically request a copy. An Official Copy of the final results will be available online after the conclusion of the matches. All requests are subject to the supply of Bulletins on hand. 3. Listings in the Final Results Bulletin will be limited to Award Winners in individual matches and sub-aggregates. Grand Aggregates will be listed with all competitors’ scores by Regular Awards categories. Special Awards categories will be listed by Winners only. Squadding

NOTE: It is the competitor’s responsibility to be present when the assigned relay is called to the firing line. No one will be allowed to set up on the firing line after the end of the 3 minute preparation period. 1. Fullbore National Championships Squadding: Five (5) relays will be used. A competitor’s initial target assignment will be changed each of the four days of the Individual Championship series. When each competitor picks up their entry packet from the Entry Office, there will be a complete squadding ticket issued which will provide squadding for each day. 2. Squads on each firing point will move between yard lines a predetermined number of firing points to the right, with the high end firing points moving to the low end to equalize the effects of any favorable or unfavorable range configurations or times of day. See ICFRA Rule T13.4 and F13.4. 3. Re-Squadding by Squadding Coordinator: The Squadding Coordinator will re-squad competitors only for operational reasons, and as directed by the Match Director. No RE-SQUADDING will be done by the Squadding Coordinator for other reasons. 4. Pit Detail: The Pit Pullers Team Squadding 1. Fullbore International Teams of 12 firing members will be assigned three firing points for all team matches. Open Teams of four firing members will be assigned one firing point. 2. Team Pit Service: Pit pullers will be provided for team matches. 3. All Fullbore Team Matches: Squadding will be drawn at random for the initial start of the match. Between each teams' set of targets, shall be two vacant lowered target to separate the team sets. 4. Teams will be moved between targets as they fall back In accordance with the predetermined pattern designed to equalize out exposure to the weather conditions. See ICFRA Rule T14.1 and F114.1. 5. In the open team matches, Team Captains will report to their assigned firing points when called, about 45 minutes prior to sealing the pits, and turn in their team's Entry Confirmation Card. For the International Team Matches, Team Captains will report to the Match Referee at a time and location specified on the bulletin board in order to conduct the draw. Firing Times 1. Fullbore National Championships: First Relay commences fire at 8:00 a.m. 2. Relay Change-Over Time: In the Fullbore National Championships only 5 minutes will be allowed from the time all targets have been scored until the next relay’s preparation period is started. 3. Lunch Break: There will be a one hour lunch break as specified in the firing sequence for each day's matches. After the lunch break, firing will begin at the announced times, and will continue to completion. 4. Match numbers and days on which they are fired are listed below: Monday, August 4 - Day 1 Practice Day, Fired at 300 600 800 900 1000 yds Tuesday, August 5 - Day 2 Match 641, Match 642, Match 643 Wednesday, August 6 - Day 3 Match 644, Match 645, Match 646 Thursday, August 7 - Day 4 Match 647, Match 648, Match 649 Friday, August 8 - Day 5 Match 631 - Commodore Perry Team Match Saturday, August 9 - Day 6 Match 650, Match 651, and Shoot Off for Top 10 Grand Agg Individuals Sunday, August 10 - Day 7 Match 632 - Mini Palma Team Match Awards Ceremony 1. Fullbore National Championships: 8 p.m., Sunday, August 10. 2. Winners receiving awards on stage during the Awards Ceremony are requested to be attired appropriately for this formal and prestigious affair. Fullbore National Championship Individual Awards Schedule Individual match awards are detailed hereafter with the Fired Match Schedule. Fullbore National Championship aggregate and Sub-Aggregates are as follows: Match 600 - Fullbore National Championship (Aggregate of Matches 614, 615, 616 and 617) Individual Grand Aggregate All Yardages + Shoot Off Under 25 Individual Grand Aggregate All Yardages+ Shoot Off

Veterans Individual Grand Aggregate All Yardages+ Shoot Off Women Individual Grand Aggregate All Yardages+ Shoot Off Sub-Aggregates Match 618 (Aggregate of Matches 641, 642, 644, 647 and 648) Individual Aggregate 300 and 600 yards Under 25 Individual Aggregate 300 and 600 yards Veterans Individual Aggregate 300 and 600 yards Women Individual Aggregate 300 and 600 yards Match 619 (Aggregate of Matches 643, 645, 646, 649, 650 and 651) Individual Aggregate 800, 900 and 1000 yards Under 25 Individual Aggregate 800, 900 and 1000 yards Veterans Individual Aggregate 800, 900 and 1000 yards Women Individual Aggregate 800, 900 and 1000 yards PRACTICE DAY - Day 1 Fired 8:00 AM - Viale Range Monday, August 4 Course of Fire - Not to exceed 10 minutes per shooter at 300 and 600 yds; and 12 minutes per shooter at long ranges. practice, 300 yds., slow fire, prone practice, 600 yds., slow fire, prone practice, 800 yds., slow fire, prone practice, 900 yds., slow fire, prone practice, 1000 yds., slow fire, prone 6 Competitors per target, block time as follows: 300 yds total time limit 60 minutes 600 yds total time limit 60 minutes 800 yds total time limit 72 minutes Lunch 60 minutes 900 yds total time limit 72 minutes 1000 yds total time limit 72 minutes Awards No Awards for Practice Day Match 614 (Tuesday Aggregate) - Day 2 Fired 8:00 AM - Viale Range Tuesday, August 5 Course of Fire Match 641: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 20 minutes, 300 yds, slow fire, prone Match 642: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 21 minutes, 600 yds, slow fire, prone Lunch Match 643: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 23 minutes, 800 yds, slow fire, prone

Match 615 (Wednesday Aggregate) - Day 3 Fired 8:00 AM - Viale Range Wednesday, August 6 Course of Fire

Match 644: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 21 minutes, 600 yds, slow fire, prone Match 645: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 23 minutes, 900 yds., slow fire, prone Lunch Match 646: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 23 minutes, 1000 yds, slow fire, prone

Match 616 (Thursday Aggregate) - Day 4 Fired 8:00 AM - Viale Range Thursday, August 7 Course of Fire Match 647: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 20 minutes, 300 yds, slow fire, prone Match 648: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 21 minutes, 600 yds., slow fire, prone Lunch Match 649: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 23 minutes, 1000 yds, slow fire, prone

Match 631 - Commodore Perry Team Match - Day 5 Fired 8:00 AM - Viale Range Friday, August 8 Open To International 12-person Teams, one per country Additional 12-person Teams may compete Out-of-Competition. Scores will so reflect Out-of-Competition and will not be eligible for awards. Team scores will be reflected in the results bulletin as Out-of-Competition. International 4-person Teams for Veterans and Under-25s Open 4-person Teams, limited only to range capacity after 12-person Teams are squadded. (For eligibility see the previous section "Eligibility and Categories") Team Entry Entry for the Commodore Perry Team Match must be made at the Camp Perry Entry Office, Building 950. Course of Fire Four (4) firing members per firing point. Teams of 12 firing members will be given three adjacent firing points. 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record per firing member, in a block time limit of 85 minutes, 300 yds, slow fire, prone 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record per firing member, in a block time limit of 85 minutes, 600 yds., slow fire, prone Lunch 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record per firing member, in a block time limit of 90 minutes, 1000 yds, slow fire, prone

Match 617 (Saturday Aggregate) - Day 6 Fired 8:00 AM - Viale Range Saturday, August 9 Course of Fire Match 650: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 23 minutes, 1000 yds, slow fire, prone Match 651: 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 23 minutes, 1000 yds., slow fire, prone Lunch Shoot Off - Top 10 Individuals in each division - 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record in a time limit of 23 minutes, 1000 yds, slow fire, prone, 5V target. Shoot Off shall be fired 30 minutes after Match 651 is complete. Match 632 - Mini Palma Team Match - Day 7 Fired 8:00 AM - Viale Range Sunday, August 10 Open To

International 12-person Teams, one team per country Additional 12-person Teams may compete Out-of-Competition. Scores will so reflect Out-of-Competition and will not be eligible for awards. Teams scores will be reflected in the results bulletin as Out-of-Competition. Open 4-person Teams, limited only to range capacity after 12-person Teams are squadded. (For eligibility see the previous section "Eligibility and Categories"). Team Entry Entry for the Mini Palma Team Match must be made at the Camp Perry Entry Office, Building 950. Course of Fire Four (4) firing members per firing point. Teams of 12 firing members will be given three adjacent firing points. 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record per firing member, in a block time limit of 90 minutes, 800 yds, slow fire, prone, 5V target. 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record per firing member, in a block time limit of 90 minutes, 900 yds., slow fire, prone, 5V target. Lunch 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record per firing member, in a block time limit of 90 minutes, 1000 yds, slow fire, prone, 5V target. Awards - Individual Matches 1. Medals - Gold, Silver and Bronze will be awarded to the first three shooters in each division as follows: a) In each single yardage Match (641 through 651) b) In the Grand Aggregate (Match 600 + Shoot Off) comprised of the 4 daily aggregates and shoot off; and for each Daily Aggregate (Matches 614 through 617). For these matches there will also be Special Category Medals in the following categories: Women Veterans Under25 c) In the Sub-aggregates for i. Short Range (Match 618) 300 & 600 yards (Matches 641, 642, 644, 647 & 648) ii. Long Range (Match 619) 800, 900 and 1000 yards (Matches 643, 645, 646, 649, 650 & 651). For these matches there will also be Special Category Medals in the following categories: Women Veterans Under25 NOTES: 1. Place awards (Winner, 2nd and 3rd) will take precedence over all other awards. All competitors, individual or team, are eligible for place awards. Place award Winners are eligible for Special Awards in the same event, provided that they have indicated the Special Awards for which they are eligible on their entry card In the appropriate spaces. Awards - Team Matches 1. Medals - Gold, Silver and Bronze will be awarded to the first three teams in each division as follows: a) Commodore Perry Team Match 631 - International 12-person Teams For this match there will also be Special Category Medals in the following categories of 4-person Teams: Under 25 Veterans Open b) Mini Palma Team Match 632 - International 12-person Teams For this match there will also be Special Category Medals in the following categories of 4-person Teams: Under 25 Veterans Open The Application of ICFRA Rules

This Section provides guidance in good faith, but the Rules as written apply!

Current ICFRA Fullbore and F-Class Rules will govern the conduct of these Championships except as modified within this program. Principal differences relate to the Targets and the time limits for the strings of shots and Team Matches. Check the Match Director’s Bulletins for any modifications of firing conditions. Firearms and Ammunition 1. The specifications for the F(Open) Rifle and Ammunition and F/TR Rifle and ammunition are identical to the U.S. specifications, and the ICFRA Target Rifle specification is as for the U.S. International Target Rifle (1.1 lbs/500g trigger pull) except that: a) A single lens may be used In the foresight provided It does not exceed +0.5 diopter, and this may be used in conjunction with a single lens or variable diopter in the rear sight and b) The bullet weight is specified as "not exceeding 156 grains" for .308 Win and "not exceeding 81 grains" for .223 Rem. Equipment, Shooting Mats, Pads, and Artificial Shelter 1. The height at which equipment on the firing point is considered a windbreak is 12" (300mm). 2. The sling width is limited to 2" (50mm). 3. Both arms below the elbow must be visibly clear of the ground. 4. Shooting mats are permitted for the Fullbore National Championships. 5. Personal wind measuring devices may not be taken onto the firing point - and this includes streamers attached to telescope stands. 6. Umbrellas or other forms of artificial shelter may not be used on the firing point during the conduct of the match. 7. String timings have been laid out in the match program, and will be announced in the range instructions prior to commencing fire on each relay. The delay to shooting after which an additional sighter is permitted is 5 minutes. Targets Fired Targets All fired targets will remain under control of NRA. Target Service 1. Target pullers will be provided for individual and team matches. 2. Target Markers will comply with ICFRA Rule T12 and F12 for Marking and Scoring targets. 3. No one is allowed in the pits unless that individual is a target puller, or unless written permission of the Range Director or Match Director has been obtained and the person is registered at the NRA Entry Office. 4. ICFRA Fullbore 5V and ICFRA F-Class Targets. ICFRA targets are of conventional design, with the Bull scoring 5 and the Central designated "V". The black contains the rings from 3 through V at medium and long range, with the 2 ring additionally included at 300 yards. The dimensions are to be found at ICFRA TR Rules Annex T/D for Target Rifle, and F-Class Rules Annex F/B for F-Class (same as for TR, with a half-diameter ring inside the (TR) V ring with each ring consequently scoring one less point). 5. Shot Location Indicators - The appropriately sized shot hole spotters will be used to show the location of hits; white spotters for hits in the aiming black and black spotters for hits elsewhere. 6. Shot Value Spotters - Value spotters are placed as indicated on the target frame, all of a highly visible color such as fluorescent orange or black. The shooter may request the color they can best see. V ………………………………………….Center Right Side 5 …………………………………………. Bottom Right Corner 4 …………………………………………. Bottom Center 3…………………………………………. Bottom Left Corner 2 …………………………………………. Center Left Side 1 …………………………………………. Center Right Side (same as V) MISS … Both bottom left corner and bottom right corner 7. Challenges. Any challenge against the value marked on a target must be made at once, and before any further shot is fired. Fullbore Challenge Fees (Awards Points are acceptable) Individual Matches (per challenge) $3 Team Matches (per challenge) $3 Register Keeping 1. Competitors will score each other. As the scoring disks are not readily visible to the naked eye under all conditions, competitors must have on their possession a spotting scope or binoculars in order to perform scoring duties. Failure to perform scoring duties can lead to disqualification. 2. The Score Keeper MUST verify the chamber Is clear before the competitor leaves the firing line. The Score Keeper's signature on the score card signifies this has been verified. If the competitor subsequently has an accident discharge, the Score Keeper is also accountable and may be disqualified. Ties 1. A shoot-off will be conducted to determine the winner of an individual match should such unbreakable ties exist. 2. Ties for team matches will be determined under ICFRA Rule T21 and F21.

Use of Scoring Devices No competitor or target puller will use scoring plugs of any kind on a target at any time. The Butt Officer (Pit Officer) per ICFRA FB Rule T12(A) and F12(A), or designee, will plug shots under contention. Scorecards for Fullbore Nationals 1. Scorecards are provided to each competitor in the competitor packet. Upon receipt of the packet, each competitor should check immediately to be sure that a complete set of scorecards is enclosed. Each competitor must make certain that the correct scorecards are used for each day’s firing. 2. DO NOT cross out match numbers and substitute others. Fullbore Championship scorecards are provided in sets, as a booklet. If the cards are removed one by one, there should be no incorrect scorecards used, as the booklet is set up in the order in which the matches are fired. 3. All scorecards which are used in the matches and all team cards MUST BE labeled with self-adhesive labels (supplied in each competitor’s packet). Make certain that you place your current year’s labels on your scorecards before you go to the range. Unidentifiable scores will not be used. DO NOT use felt-tip pens to fill out scorecards. 4. All scorecards must be turned in to a line official within 10 minutes of completion of firing a match. Failure to do so may disallow that score for awards. 5. FAILURE TO USE THE PROPER SCORECARD WILL RESULT IN A SCORE OF ‘‘0’’. NOTE: Competitors who appear at the firing line without scorecards will be required to purchase white duplicate scorecards at a cost of $5 per scorecard. It is the competitor’s responsibility to have the correct change. 6. When signing scorecards, the competitors must remember they are signing for the value of each shot indicated on the card. Each competitor is responsible for their own scorecard. Competitors are reminded that ICFRA Fullbore Rule T10.7 and F10.7 requires the Competitor to turn in the scorecard to the RO, or to some other person designated by the RO, immediately upon completion of firing, as outlined above, when it is completed. Electronic Devices Competitors are reminded that ICFRA Fullbore Rule T6.10 prohibits sound producing or communication devices forward of the ready line including the pits. This also means pagers, cell phones, audible timing devices or any other sound-producing device (except hearing aids.) . ICFRA Fullbore Rule 14.11 permits the wired communication system between any authorized member of the team provided it is restricted to those on the firing point. Any Competitor or Target Puller observed using communication devices in the pits may be disqualified. Challenge and Protest Procedures 1. Competitors and Team Captains wishing to make a challenge or protest are referred to ICFRA Fullbore Rules, Section 12. Persons other than competitors and Team Captains (in team matches only) are not eligible to make challenges or protests. Also, Team Captains may not enter either protests or challenges for an individual competitor in an individual Challenge Period. 2. Scores will be posted in two (2) locations around Camp Perry, to include NRA Building 950 and the National Matches Results Center at the back of Rodriguez Range. These two locations will house the same score printouts for competitors’ review and challenge period. 3. Statistical Office Challenges must be based on the scores posted on the computer printouts at one of the two results centers, and made prior to the expiration of the challenge period posted for each match and aggregate. A competitor who fails to challenge within this time period forfeits the right to challenge. 4. Competitors should check the scores posted in either of the two results centers to verify. Any errors must be reported to the Stat Office prior to closing of the match challenge period. Challenges 1. Each competitor should check the competitor scores as they are posted on the computer printout in one of two results centers. Unless otherwise noted, scores posted are preliminary and do not necessarily reflect the final standings and/or awards won. If you feel your score, class, or category are not correct, it is your responsibility (team captain for team matches) to report this to the Stat Office prior to the close of the posted challenge period for that match. 2. Go to the Challenge Window in Building 950, the Statistical Office. Explain the discrepancy. The Challenge will be processed and corrections made if warranted. 3. It is the competitor’s responsibility to make certain that the scores posted are correct. Failure to check scores within the time limit will result in the penalty of losing the privilege of any further challenge. It is the Statistical Office’s responsibility to correct scores prior to the end of the final challenge period. After the final challenge period, the competitor accepts the responsibility for scores posted. Procedures for Making Range Challenges If the competitor disagrees with a shot value announced by the Scorer or displayed value of the shot, the competitor may challenge the score. ICFRA Fullbore Rule 12.10 (Marking in the Butts) or ICFRA Fullbore Rule 12.17 (Scoring on the firing point) must be used. The use of Messages as found In ICFRA Fullbore Rules Annex T/A shall be utilized when making a range challenge. Message # / Meaning: 1. Firing about to commence. 2. No spotting disc visible.

3. Spotting disc unmistakably disagrees with the signaled value. Check that spotting disc, show LAST shot and signal its correct value. 4. A shot has been fired but no signal has been made. Examine target and spotting disc carefully and signal the shot if found or a miss. (Mark target #) 5. Competitor has challenged for a higher value for his shot. Recheck the shot hole (using a gauge if necessary) and signal the correct value. 6. It is suspected that there is a second shot on the target. Inspect the target for a second shot. If found mark and signal it, if not leave the spotting disc in the original hole. 7. A miss has been signaled but competitor has challenged for a scoring shot. Re-examine the target carefully and signal the shot if found or a miss. 8. The spotting disc appears not to have moved. Butt Officer is to consult marker and confirm that the spotting disc is in the latest shot hole. If successive shots have been very close to each other, the RO to be advised accordingly. 9. Marking appears to be unduly slow. Butt Officer to check and correct where necessary. 10. Finished with target. Patch the target. Half-mast it, or re-rig for the next distance or put away, as the program demands. 11. Stand easy. Lower target, patch out and put target back up. Challenge Period 1. All challenges must be made on the range before the end of the challenge period. 2. Corrections to Preliminary Bulletins will be made at the Stat Office at the Challenge Window within the time period noted. Refiring Any refiring will be at a time and place specified by the NRA Range Director or his designated representative. Protests All protests must be in accordance with applicable ICFRA Fullbore Rules, Section T15. If, after following the procedure specified in ICFRA Fullbore Rules, Section 15, a competitor feels that he or she should file a written protest, the following must be done: NOTE: Failure to follow the following procedures will automatically void the protest. 1. If the incident occurred on the range, state the complaint orally to the Range Officer. If not satisfied, the complainant will be Immediately referred to the Chief Range Officer, who (in accordance with Rule T1.5) will consult with the Referee. - State the complaint orally to the Range Officer on the range where the incident occurred. 2. If the incident was a result of posting or ranking, state the complaint orally to the Statistical Director. If not satisfied, the complainant will state the complaint orally to the Chief Referee. 3. In either situation, Range or Statistical, if not satisfied: Within 30 minutes after the completion of firing for the day, the complainant must initiate, sign and submit a completed Official Appeal form stating all the facts to the Chief Referee or Statistical Office. The forms are available from the Chief Referee or the Statistical Office. A protest fee of $20 is required for each protest. 4. The Statistical Director/Chief Referee will contact the Match Committee. The Committee Secretary will assemble the Match Committee. 5. The protesting competitor should be prepared to appear before the Match Committee, if requested to do so. 6. After the Match Committee has made its decision, the protest will be returned to the Statistical Office. The competitor may pick up a copy of the protest results at the challenge window. If the protest is sustained, the $20 fee will be returned to the complainant. 7. Should a protest require or involve provisional shots under ICFRA Fullbore Rule T15.1, the referee may collect the $20 protest fee, and the competitor will be allowed to fire the shots required to complete the match. The shots comprising that score will be recorded on the back of the scorecard for use of the Match Committee. An Official Protest form must be completed where a re-fire is involved. 8. If the incident to be protested occurs in the pits, the complainant must orally notify the Butts Officer before leaving the pits, who will then notify the Chief Range Officer that a protest is pending. The Chief Range Officer will then notify the assigned Referee. Match Committee A decision of the Match Committee is final. Test/Zero Range - Function Range Facilities will be available to test fire high power rifles that have been repaired during a championship phase. Competitors must furnish their own ammunition. A 50 yd. high power rifle ‘‘sighting-in’’ range with targets suitable for obtaining 200, 300, 600 and 1000 yd basic ‘‘Zero’’ will be available on the Function Range located at the back of Petrarca Range during normal range hours (7:30 AM to 4:00 PM) from July 18 - August 10.

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