Issu ue 1 October O 2 2015
Out a and About A t This s month me eet Tamsin Mosse M our new Activityy Plan Mana ager. Her role will be e to oversee e the develo opment of n ew activities and events in the P Park as part of the HLF funding. Wha at attracted you to the role? r I love the outdoorss and I love art, put them t togethe er and this ro ole summed up both h. Wha at are you m most looking g forw ward to? Gettting out and abou ut, meeting in ndividuals an nd orga anisations wh ho might wan nt to work k together on n things for mutual m bene efit. Two hea ads are alwa ays bette er than one. Bigg gest challen nge? I’d love to do something with tthe lake! At th he mom ment there arre a lot of health and safety issues around usiing it in so ome way beccause it isn’t clear what’s undernea ath the waterr. It would be great to o create a community proje ect to find outt. Time e team goes underwater may ybe?
What is yo our guiltiest pleasure? Watching Made in Che elsea. I want to sto op but can’t.
Tamssin’s firs st month h Tamsin e explains “A Alongside the excitting new Welcome W Centre a and pathwa ays currentlyy being cre eated we’re pla anning to in ntroduce more ou tdoor oppo ortunities visitors to enjoy.” e for our vi We alread dy offer groun nds tours, Forest Sch hool fun and big outdoor weekendss which have proved very y popular so o there’s definitely scope for more. Ideas so fa ar include orrienteering, geocachin ng, spotter tra ails as well as looking g at ways to work w more closely witth brownie, guide g and scouting g groups
Tamssin Mosse: Activity Plan Manage er
Do you have ideas for tdoor activiities at outd Com mpton Verrney? Aree you an orrganizer off a locaal group su uch as a broownie pack k or ub and wou uld garrdening clu likee to discuss s a potential visi t? If soo please get g in touch h witth Tamsin.. Contact dettails below w.
Hea ad Groundman’’s Tour
at did you w want to be when Wha you were growiing up? A F1 1 racin ng car driver. Things didn’t pan out; I put offf learning to drive d until I was 35.
Family Actiivities in the Parrk
T. 01926 645 6 539
Tamsin M Mosse, Activity Plan Manager E. E