Spring 2016
The quarterly newsletter for the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials
In this issue l COMTO’s Women Who Move The Nation Honorees l View From the Hill Revisited l Highlights of COMTO’s Upcoming National Conference l Chapters on the Move l Members on the Move l Meet Transportation Leaders Cyrill Weems & Clinton Forbes
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From the Chairman
Dear COMTO Family:
s I look back over this past year, I am proud to say that COMTO has weathered a series of challenges that has left our National Headquarters lean, streamlined, and efficient. We have restructured the way we do business, right-sized the national staff, and ramped up our funding outreach. We are now entering what I like to call A New Frontier. COMTO has just come off of an extremely successful Women Who Move the Nation event this past March in Washington, DC, which honored 14 remarkable women in transportation, drew more than 500 attendees from across the United States, and featured special remarks from The Honorable Anthony Foxx, U.S. Secretary of Transportation. That event has spring-boarded us into promoting COMTO’s 45th National Meeting and Training Conference, held July 8 - 12 in Dallas, Texas. There is no better backdrop than Texas for our Conference theme, 21st Century Multi-modal Transportation: The Future is Now. At the Conference, the COMTO National Board will unveil and vote for approval of our new FiveYear Strategic Plan. I’d like to highlight a few points
of interest from that plan: • First is a strong focus on building up our membership. In the next few years, we plan to reach out to a new generation of men and women joining the transportation industry. • Second, we will work to strengthen our DBE and MBE members, and provide them with training, tools, support, and networking opportunities that can lead to new business. • Third, we will continue COMTO’s commitment to introducing our youth to the vast array of careers and opportunities that the transportation industry offers in technology, design, planning, environmental concerns, and more. I would be remiss if I did not note that COMTO’s New Frontier has been enhanced by the hard work and insight of our President, Mioshi Moses, who joined us in June, 2015. She has spent the last year shaping and strengthening the new organizational structure, and we applaud her efforts.
Let’s remember our history, enjoy our present, and plan our future!
From the President
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
n my first year as President and CEO of COMTO, I have had to put aside my long-range visions for our organization in order to laserfocus on the here and now. I am pleased to announce the results of that focus have been effective and positive. • Our restructuring of staffing and a move to new offices has produced cost efficiency • Our relationships with funders has been strengthened and enhanced as evidenced by the complete financial success of our recent Women Who Move The Nation event • Despite the loss of federal funding for the CITY Internship program, COMTO’s scholarship program funding is on track to exceed last year’s • New chapters are in the works in Connecticut, North Carolina, Florida, and Washington • Membership revenue is up, and both HUB and corporate membership dues are up!
This year I set myself the task of visiting or contacting as many COMTO Chapters as possible. Our Chapters are the heart of this organization. These dedicated groups of men and women provide a unique impact on their local communities doing the hard work that shapes our mission. They are connecting with local partners and stakeholders; supporting and
mentoring young people who are interested in careers in the industry; providing the workshops and professional development seminars which result in progress for small businesses looking for contracts. I firmly believe that the job of the National Headquarters is to provide these strong Chapters with support, direction, governmental advocacy, and an aggressive branding program to create national visibility for COMTO. As I turn now to a view to the future of our organization, I am concentrating on the ‘M’ in COMTO. In my vision, that letter means an emphasis on inclusiveness for to all Minorities who make up the colorful mosaic of our national population. The M stands for Multi-modal expansion of COMTO’s efforts to encompass all modes of transportation—bus, rail, maritime, port, highway, and aviation. The M stands for Millennials and a new generation of future leaders who must be part of my brain trust to shape the future. And finally, the M means the establishment of a Movement, a groundswell of support that makes it clear that transportation must be established as a civil right in our country. I will be looking to all of you for help and support for these elements as we continue to grow. Sincerely,
means an emphasis on inclusiveness for all
minorities who make up the colorful mosaic of our national population.
—Mioshi moses
Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx Delivers Remarks at Women Who Move the Nation Awards Ceremony
celebrating women who move the Nation
n celebration of Women’s History Month, COMTO held their 5th Annual Women Who Move the Nation awards ceremony on Wednesday, March 16. COMTO honored 14 women who have achieved extraordinary accomplishments in their careers in the transportation industry during this ceremony which was attended by more than 500. The Honorable Anthony Foxx, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, delivered special remarks at the ceremony. “These 14 phenomenal individuals serve as an inspiration to a generation of young women who want to be engaged and involved in our nation’s transportation sector,” said Secretary Foxx. “They are doing some truly transformative work—leading the charge to innovate and improve our transportation systems across the board, while also further connecting people to opportunity.”
The event was marked by compelling “Fireside Chats” with each of the Honorees. Hosted by CNN Commentator Angela Rye, the Q&A sessions provided the audience with a deeper understanding of the various paths to success that were taken by these Angela Rye, CNN extraordinary women. See photos and titles of the 2016 Women Who Move the Nation Honorees on pages 12 and 13.
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx addresses the attendees.
Diana Mendes, WWMN Committee Member, and Warren Montague, Board Chairman.
These 14 phenomenal individuals serve as an inspiration to a generation of young women who want to be engaged and involved in our nation’s transportation sector.
Jannet Walker-Ford, WWMN Committee Chair, Honoree Polly Hanson and Mioshi Moses.
COMTO President and CEO, Mioshi Moses.
All 14 Women Who Move the Nation Honorees are joined by Mioshi Moses, President and CEO and Board Chairman, Warren Montague.
COMTO | Moving the Nation
view from the hill
Government advocacy on behalf of minority individuals, businesses and communities of color on issues relating to a multi-modal transportation industry is a key component of COMTO’s mission. COMTO’s annual View from the Hill event, held this year on March 15th, drew COMTO members from across the nation to advocate for the concept of Transportation as a Civil Right. Throughout the day members met with Congressmen and federal government transportation officials to spread this new message. Pictured below (back row) from left, Keith Britton of Iconic Consulting Group, Dallas; Phil Washington of Los Angeles Metro
and Rhonda Briggins of Metropolitan Atlanta’s Rapid Transit Authority participate in a panel discussion with (at front) Andrea D. Martin, Sr. Policy Advisor for Congressman Andre Carson (U.S. Representative for Indiana’s 7th congressional district) who hosted the event. Pictured in bottom photo, at right, Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority (MWAA) Board member Brad Mims, Congressman Elijah Cummings staff member Lucinda Lessley, Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) Vice President of Operations Emille Williams, and COMTO Board Chairman Warren Montague are among those participating in Congressional Transportation Committee policy discussions.
COMTO’s “View from the Hill” Government Advocacy Event
comto Board of Directors
National Chair Mr. Warren Montague 1st Vice Chair Mr. Freddie Fuller II 2nd Vice Chair Ms. Dianne T. Mendoza, Ph.D. Secretary/Treasurer Ms. Renee Edwards Chaplain Mr. Lester Woods, Jr. At-Large Member Ms. Tracey Bessellieu At-Large Member Dr. Grady Dale, Jr., Ed.D. At-Large Member Mr. Greg C. Johnson At-Large Member Ms. Tanya Adams At-Large Member Ms. Sharmyn Elliott Former Past Chair Mr. Roosevelt Bradley Council of Presidents’ Representative Mr. Dan Pearsall Council of Presidents’ Representative Mr. Emille Williams Council of Presidents’ Representative Alternate Ms. Meshelle Howard SPRING 2016 | ACCELERATE
COMTO National Conference Chair Landa is Advocate for MultiModal Expansion Conference Highlights
l Transportation Industry Expo: The Expo features booths from companies across all sectors of the transportation industry, and provides an opportunity for industry officials, contractors, and professionals to meet with their counterparts from across the nation.
uben Landa is the ideal Chair of COMTO’s 45th National Meeting & Training Conference. As vice president of Dallas-based K Strategies Group, an award-winning public affairs firm, Landa has developed effective diversity programs for transit projects in the Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and Phoenix metropolitan areas. And, he has been member of, and officer for, the COMTO Houston, Phoenix and Dallas Chapters for more than 16 years. His overarching goal for the National Conference is to help shift COMTO into a true multi-modal transportation organization. “I have worked diligently with our new President and CEO, Mioshi Moses, and our national and host planning committees to create a program filled with a wide range of subject matter touching upon the different sectors of the transportation industry, including rail, heavy highway, aviation and maritime,” he says. The conference theme 21st Century Multi-Modal Transportation: The Future is Now, reflects that goal. Outreach has begun to attract speakers, panelists and attendees that can discuss such topics as “how we develop long range plans for our transportation systems, the delivery methods we use to build our systems, how we procure contracts, and the way we create opportunities for diverse firms in the industry,” Landa notes. Dallas is a model backdrop for this ambitious undertaking, he asserts with a proud grin. “Dallas has the fastest growing light rail system in North America. DFW Airport is the 3rd busiest in the nation. We boast the country’s largest automated toll road systems and we have one of the largest
l DBE Academy: In partnership with the USDOT, the Academy presents USDOT DBE Policy Requirements under 49 CFR Part 26 including the recent changes that agencies have to follow to have a full compliant program. The presenters will also share best practices on implementing a successful program. l We Got Next…Footsteps of the Next Generation of Leadership: An interactive discussion of practical ways to develop young leaders who are looking for the right blend of culture, opportunity, and organization to help them gain strong footing for professional advancement. l Multi-modal Prime Contractors’ Panel: A roundtable presentation on the perspectives and experiences of large general Click construction contractors here to in various transportation Regist er for th arenas including transit, e Confe r e n ce! highway, airports and high speed rail. 6
national conference
COMTO | Moving the Nation
freeway networks in America. And, we are on the verge of building a $12 billion high speed rail system connecting Dallas and Houston—the 4th and 5th largest markets in America, respectively.” Landa is eloquent in his support for both COMTO conference attendance and for membership in the organization. “Part of our Democratic process is to come together and advocate for important causes. COMTO’s purpose is to support the advancement and growth of the transportation industry with the added goal of creating more opportunities for minority transportation officials and contractors throughout our nation,” he says. “The larger our membership is, the louder our voice. The more diverse our membership is, the more effective we are. I believe membership is a worthwhile investment for anyone who wants to be a leader in the industry,” Landa adds. For more information go to: https://comto.org/conference
chapters on the move COMTO Chicago
COMTO Southern California
Women’s History Month Mentoring Program Draws Diverse Crowd
Go Forth with Transportation—Shaping the Future of SoCal
free mentoring event hosted by the Chicago COMTO Chapter in celebration of Women’s History Month drew a diverse crowd of panelists and youth. Panelists included:
he Southern California COMTO Chapter had a well-attended panel discussion with transportation leaders from throughout the region on building and maintaining a strong transportation system. The audience, which included HUBs, DBEs, WBEs, and Veterans and SBEs, learned about current and upcoming transportation projects, set-aside programs, job growth, and contracting opportunities. COMTO Colorado
Leanne Redden, Executive Director, RTA; Bea Hickey Reyna, Sr. DED, Finance Innovation and Technology/CFO, RTA; Julia Patterson, Director, Human Resources, RTA; Tiya Thomas, Director, Labor Relations, METRA; Mae C. Whiteside, PE, Principal of CKL Engineers, LLC; Emily Tapia-Lopez, Director of Strategic Initiatives, HNTB; and Cruz Bernal Albano, President and CEO at BernalAlbano Inc. Photo by Jasmine Jackson. COMTO Jacksonville
Senior Holiday Event Provides Joy to All
or the past two Christmas seasons the COMTO Jacksonville Chapter has provided senior citizens in the community with holiday cheer as part of its outreach program. The Holiday Committee, which included Sherman Rothwell, Marguerite Williams, and Cathy S. Hussain, made the decision that good tidings and joy of the season should be spread among the often-forgotten senior populations! The Committee selected two senior day care centers and arrived with a trolley full of gift bags and cheer. The elder citizens were delighted and in return sang hymns and told stories about the good old days to the Chapter members in attendance.
Eleventh Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament Successful
Pictured, from left are Kevin McDonald, Deputy Director, Foothill Transit; Jarrett Wade, CRO, North County Transit District; Darrell Johnson, CEO, OCTA; Gwendolen Gray, COMTO Chapter President; Phil Washington, CEO, Los Angeles MTA; and Kenneth McDonald, President, Long Beach Transit.
nthusiastic golfers and their support groups numbered more than 125 at the COMTO Colorado’s annual scholarship fundraiser held this past summer in Denver. The event was coordinated by a committee headed by member Jane Donovan, Jacobs Engineering Senior Project Manager for the North Metro Commuter Rail Line. “This event supports our COMTO scholarship program and we consider it one of the most successful of the year,” says Chapter President Daniel Pearsall. Pictured is a COMTO foursome ready to tee off for scholarships! COMTO New York
COMTO New York Celebrates Black History Month
ast month, in a warm and welcoming celebration at the New York Transit Museum, the New York Chapter of the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) commemorated Black History Month by paying tribute to five distinguished public servants who have modeled exemplary leadership and commitment to diversity, equality of opportunity, and a workplace of inclusion. The honorees were: MTA Chairman and CEO Thomas F. Prendergast, Metro-North President Joseph Giulietti, MTA Bus Company President Darryl Irick, MTA Chief Diversity Officer Michael Garner, and NY/NJ Port Authority Chief Operating Officer Stephanie Dawson.
From left: Joel Andrews, Stephanie Dawson, Pamela Elsey, Herbert Lambert, Ronnie Hakim, James Ferrara, Yvette Janniere-Houlder, Frank Mesa, Joseph Giulietti, Stepfone Montgomery, Patrick Nowakowski.
members on the move Emille Williams
COMTO A Members Moving the Nation
s of May 2, COMTO member Emille Williams has joined the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) as Vice President of Operations. Williams was formerly Chief Engineering Officer in the Operations Division of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA) where he led engineering and technical activities for a transit fleet of 1400 buses and 980 utility vehicles. Throughout his more than 20 year career at SEPTA, Williams steadily advanced through several positions.
Beverly Cole
OMTO Atlanta Treasurer Beverly Cole is the author of a children’s story titled Ticker Terra.The book, which is available on Amazon.com, has recently been selected to be featured in the Local Authors section of the Decatur, GA library system. Ticker Terra tells the adventures of KC and Tay, a brother and sister who stumble into a new world. To their surprise, they find that the inhabitants of this new world, The Heartland, are slightly different from them. Well, most of them anyway! But they quickly become friends and form a bonding relationship with the leader, Oni, and thus begin an adventurous journey that will last a lifetime.
Mark E. Gale
OMTO member Mark E. Gale has been appointed Aviation Department Director for Broward County’s Fort LauderdaleHollywood International Airport (FLL). FLL serves as a major economic engine and transportation portal for the region, especially when combined with the Seaport. Gale took over as Director of Aviation for Broward
COMTO | Moving the Nation
County in late March, including leadership of FLL and HWO general aviation airport. He recently left Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) after serving as the airport’s Chief Executive Officer for seven of his nearly 28 years there.
Wynton Habersham
OMTO’s Wynton Habersham, the Acting Senior Vice President of the Department of Subways, has recently been appointed to fill the role permanently. The Senior Vice President of Subways is responsible for planning, directing and controlling the subway and its safe operation. Habersham, a 33-year veteran of NYC Transit, filled the vacancy after Joseph Leader retired in December 2015. Previously, Habersham was Vice President and Chief Officer for Service Delivery. His diverse background in NYC Transit includes a stint as the Vice President of the Maintenance of Way division.
Joanne Brooks
OMTO member Joanne Brooks, Vice President and Counsel of The Surety & Fidelity Association of America (SFAA), has been named by the Maryland Washington Minority Companies Association (MWMCA) as Best Surety Executive for Minority Business. SFAA is a rating, advisory, statistical, and trade association licensed in all states which performs a leadership role in promoting and preserving the use of fidelity and surety bonds to protect public and private interests. Brooks’ new honor was formally announced at the MWMCA 13th Annual 2016 Spring Breakfast Meeting/Business Showcase Expo on May 13.
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y membership in COMTO has provided me
access to build relationships and to work hand in hand with these organizations, and also understand their needs and challenges.
—Cyrill Weems
yrill Weems has always been a cool and foresighted leader. At the University of Wisconsin in the early 1990s, he played football, but backed his play by earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Administration. After college he played defensive back for the Detroit Lions, but kept an eye on a future in construction project management. When he left football in 1998, he began working on the construction of Detroit’s Comerica Park for the Tigers and on Ford Field for the Lions. This work led to an opportunity to spend two years in London, England, working as a project manager and design manager on arenas, buildings, security systems and transportation infrastructure as the city prepared for the 2012 Olympics. He followed that experience with becoming the Director of Construction on a large wastewater collection and treatment program in Baton Rouge for the architectural engineering firm of CH2MHill where he also held the role of Vice President and then with transportation-focused architectural engineering firm HNTB as Associate Vice President. “In all of my projects I have worked with transportation agencies to make sure that we could meet the public needs for new roads, bridges and routes to accommodate the construction logistics and the completed structures,” Weems says. It was a logical move to his current focus on road conditions, bridge design/construction innovation, traffic improvements and roadway utilities as a new Senior Vice President of Infrastructure for Plante Moran CRESA, he notes. As an emerging transportation leader, it is clear that Weems’ calm and collected demeanor has been a key component of his career success. “When supervisors ask me ‘where are we’ (on this project)?, I always have to have a worthy response and a calm, positive attitude to match,” he says with a smile. “When leaders come to me with a description of their construction vision and goals, my job is to be prepared to make it a seemingly effortless reality.” He credits COMTO for significant support in his new transportation role. “I deal with US DOT, State DOTs, Transit Agencies and Authorities, Rail Agencies, Airport Authorities, and Port Authorities on projects,” he says. “My membership in COMTO has provided me access to build relationships and to work hand in hand with these organizations, and also
COMTO | Moving the Nation
understand their needs and challenges.” COMTO has also opened his eyes to the history of minorities and minority contractors in the transportation industry—“I now have a better understanding of where we have been and where we need to go as we work to move the nation,” he notes. He is eager to share his experiences with young people considering a career in the industry. His advice: “Be proactive in identifying opportunities where you can add the most value to your organization and take on the personal challenge to contribute to the success of the organization.”
I now have a better understanding of where we have been and where we need to go as we work to move the nation.
COMTO Supports Cyrill Weems in his New Transportation Leadership Role
emerging leader Cyrill Weems
Icome from a preacher family with a strong work ethic and a commitment to service,” Clinton Forbes says with pride. “It’s in my blood,” Recently selected as Executive Director of Palm Tran, Palm Beach County Florida’s public transportation system, the seasoned transit industry leader adds, “I can think of no better way to serve than to help ensure that people have effective transportation in their community.” Forbes has more than 28 years of experience in the public sector, with 21 of those serving at a senior management level at major transit/ transportation organizations. Most recently, he served as VP of Operations for the Central Ohio Transit Authority, overseeing 900 employees. Prior to that, he led operations for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Forbes spent 23 years working for MiamiDade County government, which included 16 years at the transit authority, and the start of his transportation career with the Metropolitan Planning Organization. “I love what public transportation does,” he says. “It connects people to jobs, to family, to play, to medical care, to education and more. It’s a critical element in enhancing the quality of life for a community.” In his new role, Forbes oversees the entire Palm Tran system, which includes both fixed-route and paratransit operations and 630 employees. His leadership is marked by a special respect for the employees he serves. “I understand that it’s not the 40 foot bus or the Cummins engine that makes an efficient transit organization run, it’s the people,” he notes. That important insight has shaped his servant-leader management style at
every level. His passion for his work makes the day-to-day challenges easier. Clinton shared a quote that he feels epitomizes his feelings for his career: “When you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life.” He passes that wisdom on to young people who aspire to leadership in their careers. “I always urge young men and women to approach a CEO or a leader they admire and ask them ‘How did you do it?’ They will find that most successful people like to share their story and enjoy offering advice. Most are likely to say that success comes when you get prepared, work hard, and build sustainable relationships with supportive people.” In fact, Forbes is quick to point to transportation industry leaders in COMTO who guided and inspired him. “I just want to name a few—Roosevelt Bradley, Nathaniel Ford, Sr., Shirley DeLibero, Phil Washington, Will Scott, and Curtis Stitt have all been important to my journey.” While COMTO has helped Forbes in his career, he continues to give back. Clinton Forbes was recognized with the Best Recruitment and Retention award at COMTO’s 2015 National Meeting and Training Conference for his role in growing the COMTO Columbus chapter from four members to over 50. As soon as he returned to southern Florida as the Executive Director of Palm Tran, he asked, “Where’s COMTO?” When he discovered there was no local COMTO chapter, he established Palm Tran as a corporate member of COMTO, and is on the road to creating a local chapter. “I want to bring COMTO to the many men and women who would benefit from this organization as greatly as I have.”
COMTO’s Clinton B. Forbes is Committed to Service
I love what public transportation does. It connects people to jobs, to family, to play, to medical care, to education and more. It’s a critical element in enhancing the quality of life of a community.
executive leader clinton Forbes
2016 Women Who Move the Nation Award Honorees
Academia Award Honoree Dr. Karen E. Philbrick, Ph.D. Executive Director Mineta National Transit Research Consortium
Advocacy Award Honoree Flora M. Castillo, C.H.I.E Vice President Community & Strategic Engagement United Healthcare
Federal Award Honoree Honorable T. Bella Dinh Zarr, Ph.D., MPH Vice Chair National Transportation Safety Board
Private Sector Award Honoree Margaret O’Meara Vice President WSP|Parsons Brinckerhoff
n i t a r b e l e C Aviation Award Honoree
Deborah Flint Executive Director Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)
Federal Award Honoree
Bryna Helfer, Ph.D. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Engagement U.S. Department of Transportation
COMTO | Moving the Nation
Private Sector Award Honoree Feysan Lodde Founder, Owner Board Member MV Transportation
Public Transportation Award Honoree Valarie McCall, Ph.D. Chief of Government & International Affairs Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Rail Award Honoree Polly Hanson , Chief Amtrak Police Department
State Government Award Honoree Public Transportation Award Honoree Leanne Redden Executive Director Regional Transportation Authority
Grindly Johnson Deputy Secretary of Transportation Commonwealth of Virginia
OMTO is very excited about this year’s class
g n t n e m o W
of honorees.
They are extraordinary
Chairman’s Eagle Award Honoree
Shirley DeLibero Woman Who Moves the Nation Honoree Grace Crunican General Manager San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
Kimberly Avery Regional Engineer for Southwest Michigan Michigan Department of Transportation
woman with amazing
accomplishments who reflect the diversity in modes of transportation in this country.
Posthumous Award Honoree
—Mioshi Moses COMTO President & CEO
Mary V. King
who move the nation SPRING 2016 | ACCELERATE
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COMTO | Moving the Nation
member benefits
he Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) is the nation’s only multi-modal advocacy organization and membership association for minority professionals and businesses in the transportation industry. When you join COMTO, you gain access to an exclusive national network of transportation industry professionals. Through advocacy, information sharing, training, education, and professional development, COMTO is helping to prepare the next generation of transportation professionals and organizations. l Access fellow transportation industry professions in our exclusive online community l Participate in our National Meeting & Training Conference for opportunities to network, share, and learn
l Attend events and meetings hosted by your local COMTO chapter l Benefit from COMTO’s advocacy on behalf of the transportation industry l T ake an active role with elected officials by participating in COMTO’s annual View from the Hill, and meet face-to-face with key legislators and policymakers l L ooking for a job? Have a job opening? Post and search jobs and resumes though COMTO’s Career Center l S earch for open RFPs and other announcements For a complete list of membership benefits and annual fees, and to submit an application, click here: http://www.comto.org/membership
Join COMTO Today!
hen you join COMTO, you
gain access to an exclusive national network of transportation industry professionals.
Accelerate is a quarterly newsletter published by the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO)
COMTO Mission Statement To ensure a level playing field and maximum participation in the transportation industry for minority individuals, businesses, and communities of color through advocacy, information sharing, training, educational and professional development. 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20009 202.857.8065 info@comto.org | www.comto.org Articles may not be reproduced without the publisher’s written permission. Publisher: Mioshi Moses Editor: McMillon Communications Design: Gloria Marconi © 2016 All Rights Reserved
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COMTO | Moving the Nation