Glass Bead Jewelry: Master Artworkthrough the Ages The major components of glass are lime and soda, silica (sand quartz) or potash. To create colors the basic ingredients that are added are different minerals like black manganese, pink and red gold and blue and green irons. The addition of calcium or tin colors makes the glass opaque. There are more and more diverse types of glass beads available in the market. They all have different names and different production methods. Different Styles of Glass Bead Making
Below are some styles that are created by different production methods: Lamp Worked Beads: This is one of the processes that are made by a home artisan. To make the lamp worked beads, some basic tools are needed. They are the torch flame that runs on propane, rods that are made of steel and coated with kaolin substance called bead release. This helps you to take the lead off the rod after it’s formed. Murano glass bead jewelry is often created using this method. Cane Beads: A hollow pipe is used to collect molten ball of glass as it is difficult to make beads. Air blows down the pipe to form bubbles in the ball of molten glass. Then patterns or colors are added to the glass and hot glass is starched or drawn out. Bubble inside the glass is then elongated and forms a long tube with a hole running throughout its length. Then it is designed according to the desired thickness and then cut into sections. Subsequently, the rough edges are smoothenedby tumbling in sand. Pressed Beads: These types of beads are made by using hinged steel moulds mounted on tongs or machineries. To form the bead hole, the mould has a wire. The mould is squeezed on the hot glass and at the time of releasing, the excess glass from the edges is ground either by tumbling or hand. This method is primarily used for creating difficult and complex shapes such as flowers, leaves and animals.