Concealed Carry Checklist 1: Proper Training, Complete Training, & Certification All concealed carry training (even if it’s not required to apply for a permit) should start with a comprehensive introductory course. Many online concealed carry courses are available to fulfill certification requirements. After you’ve completed an online concealed carry course or an in-person multi-day course, you should plan to take advantage regular training to hone your skills. Accuracy in split second situations is all about muscle memory embedded technique. Developing the instinctive response to react, reach, draw, and fire a concealed carry pistol in a stressful must-shoot situation requires all of the training you can get. Even if you can only train online, you should take advantage of as many refresher training and continuing education concealed carry classes as possible.
2: Mindset Is Everything Your decision to carry concealed is, above all, a mindset decision. The moment you choose to receive a concealed carry permit or take a CCW certification course, you are deciding to protect your life and the lives of the people around you. With that responsibility comes the responsibility to train and the responsibility to adjust your mindset so you can instinctively react appropriately in high stress situations. When you start to adapt to a concealed carry mindset the first thing you should always consider is that the best decision you can make is to deescalate any potentially dangerous situation.
3: Understand The Laws Where You Live And understand the laws where you plan to travel! This goes beyond understanding when you can legally shoot or knowing which states recognize your concealed carry permit. Multiple jurisdictions and states around the country do not allow you to brandish your pistol. Other jurisdictions have laws and ordinances against printing. In some states, there is a requirement to immediately notify police that you are carrying concealed if you are stopped. Failure to follow legal concealed carry requirements when you are traveling can result in an easy enough to make mistake costing you your CCW permit.
4: Don’t Carry if You Can’t Carry Regularly When you get your concealed carry permit, you’re making a commitment to carry regularly for two reasons.First, it’s your duty to be properly prepared. At any moment, in any place, and during any situation you and the people around you can face a potentially deadly threat. Having the ability to carry and not being prepared for these situations defeats the purpose of obtaining a concealed carry permit to begin with. Second, you need to carry frequently in order to adapt to the feeling of carrying a pistol.
Many new CCW holders develop anxiety when they first carry concealed. Walking out into public with a hidden, loaded, and ready firearm tucked in a concealed holster can create a hyper awareness that’s difficult to turn off. From discomfort to constant worry about your pistol, the best way to overcome the frequent fear that accompanies beginner concealed carriers is to carry more frequently. Over time and with practice, you’ll become more confident, comfortable, and capable with your firearm. But that feeling will never come if you’re always leaving your gun at home. Develop your training, qualify to carry concealed, get your CCW, practice, and once you are confident enough to carry, carry everywhere to get comfortable with your pistol.
5: Practice With The Ammo (And Gear) You Plan To Carry Shoot, drill, and practice with the same ammo you’ll use in a self-defense situation. When it comes time to defend yourself and react in a split second, you’ll want absolutely every single element of your concealed carry strategy and reaction to be exactly the same as it is in practice. From the clothing between you and your pistol to your holster, draw, and recoil— every element should be the same each and every time. Carrying concealed can’t help anyone if you are shooting inaccurately because of inconsistency between practice and real-world carry. Plus, when you make a mistake and lives are at stake, you’re likely to hit innocents or miss your target if your mistakes hurt your accuracy.
6: It’s Your Responsibility To Be Aware One of the first steps you should take is to learn the NRA’s Unaware-Aware-Alert-Alarm cycle from a certified concealed carry instructor. Learning this situational awareness strategy (and other awareness plans) should be the first step you take in a continuing education program. You need to know what’s going on around you. You need to be aware of your surroundings. And your reaction to your surroundings needs to become instinctual. The idea beyond hyper awareness in all situations is to widen your response when a dangerous situation arises. Studies show that when we react to danger, our brain automatically starts to shut down our ability to concentrate on multiple things at the same time. When it’s time to shoot in a selfdefense setting, this automated reaction will work against you. Developing and training constant awareness helps override this natural stress response. As a result, you’ll be able to make better decisions.
7: Practice, Practice, & Practice Some More The theme of this entire checklist is to learn, practice, learn more, and keep practicing. Carrying concealed is a responsibility and right you need to take seriously. The only proper way to fulfill that right and responsibility is to be prepared when the time to use your concealed carry pistol to protect yourself, your family, or those around you arises. With enough practice, you can instinctively train your mind and body to react quickly and effectively to neutralize threats. Absolutely no one is born to react quickly in high stress situations. Accuracy and action under pressure are learned traits you develop through proper concealed carry education and practice.
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