Concept Communications Group
Concept Communications Group Ltd (CCG) are one of the country’s leading digital print organisations and provide an ‘under one roof’ solution for digital print and cross-media communications.
It’s time to go digital That’s the message from Concept Communications Group but you’ve probably been hearing it a lot lately.
More than 350 corporate customers use solutions from Concept Communications Group Digital printing has redefined the way that communication professionals speak to their audience. Through variable creative personalisation and other innovative solutions, whilst delivering on the established parameters of speed, perfect colour and ultimate quality. This book will take you on a journey through these parameters and demonstrate how CCG deliver on each and every one.
Additionally you may be interested in web-to-print ability or even our variable data response marketing solutions, particularly with the advent of digitally printed direct mail and it’s fit in our ‘greener’ print world. Let’s not forget, in this heady world of technical solutions, that people are fundamental to the end game and the team at CCG is critical to the service we offer our customers. With 20 experienced personnel you can be confident in our ability to perform.
So heads up, the digital printing revolution has unleashed a whole new creative palette of possibilities for the agency, retail, and corporate community. We hope this book serves to inspire you.
Go Digital
Paul Hale
Colour is attitude, motivation, inspiration, power and influence Red is the only option for a true Ferrari fan and non-whites at Wimbledon just isn’t tennis, colour is embedded with every human emotion through countries and causes, companies and brands. Coupled with strong design and relevancy, colour is a key ingredient in the recipe that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Increases persuasiveness and motivation by 80%* Increases reader’s comprehension by 73% and recall by 82%* CCG utilise HP Indigo digital presses with 7 colour reproduction; market leading technology providing vibrant, consistent, high quality print.
(*source. Martz Motivation, Loyola college, Case & Co, Bureau of Advertising USA)
Seeing is believing Printing with HP IndiChrome can accurately reproduce 97% of the PANTONE速 colour range - over 20% more PANTONE速 colours than conventional litho or digital printing.
Personalisation Does traditio nal direct m ail allow you to talk to your cust omers with releva nce? Will the 97-8 % non resp onse rates traditional d typical of irect mail to date remain for much lo nger as corp an option orates proa to their soc ctively resp ial and env ond ironmental responsibili ties? Digital print is the only ta ngible med 1:1 commu ia which allo nication to an audienc ws true manipulatio e th n of informa rough the st rategic tion and im this ‘variab ages. With le creative’, the advent personalisa a fine art. of tion has ind eed becom e
We Variable Imagery Research clearly shows that the incorporation of different images for different audiences within a direct mail campaign can uplift response significantly. *
*(34% uplift – Lloyd James Group)
Images that catch the eye
Fast. Faster. Fastest. Customers require faster print production as a key part of a quality service. Through continual investment in leading edge technology and a customer focused workflow, CCG can offer the vital speed advantage. Having this technology is one thing, but we know it’s our people that ensure we deliver, they are the reason we can achieve our primary goals: to produce first class products and to satisfy our customers.
33% of jobs demand a 24hr turnaround. Not a problem for us.
It’s not all black cats and broomsticks. Dynamic variable digital printing, a dark science?, Witchcraft even? How would you describe the unexplainable? At CCG we don’t see ourselves as masters of illusion but more followers of innovation. Marketers and information providers are always looking for new and innovative ways to deliver their message and we can help. Digital printing provides the high standards of quality, colour, speed and personalisation which have become the ‘toolbox of innovation’ for communication in today’s educated and noisy marketplace.
Personalisation, Quality and Creativity can come together for a whole new level of true 1:1 communication.
Login to Web-to-Print Web-to-Print (W2P) is a powerful marketing solution without the need for marketing experience, it allows brand control whilst empowering local marketers in their campaign orientation. Marketing and POS campaigns can be pre-designed and controlled by the head office to ensure corporate identity is robustly adhered to. Authorised users are granted secure access to the corporate branded marketing collateral from any PC, anywhere. Digital print, point-of sale, advertising templates, presentations, even SMS messaging and email campaigns can be accessible to the approved user - on demand. The user can add content in permitted areas to meet their local marketing needs. That’s it. In summary; one contact only, brand integrity assured, secure and ISO quality controlled production hub with all ordering and proof approval activity recorded for your management information needs.
Web-to-Print? Common sense really‌
W2P. See another world of print.
Excessive waste, harmful products and abusing electricity. A few of the things that really go against our grain.
As a responsible company we intend to grow and develop in a sustainable manner. However, we recognise that our operations have an impact on the environment and we are committed to reducing this. Even in a testing economic climate CCG believe that maintaining a commitment to formal accreditations such as FSC & ISO14001 is critical to adopting best practice across our sites. Environmental credentials are central to our business plan and are catalysts which drive process review and environmental awareness. The CCG proposition Environmental printing is fundamental to our business offering, print only what you need when you need it, print it efficiently and make it individual.
After all its OUR environment.
Concept Communications Group Units 11 & 12 Birchanger Ind Est Stansted Road Bishops Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 2TH t: f: e: w:
+44 (0)1279 757333 +44 (0)1279 758323