250% clean water In Nepal, our water and sanitation programme reached over 40,000 people.
47,000 blankets distributed in the six months following the earthquake in Haiti.
Our work with the Batwa community in Burundi has resulted in an increase of 250% in school enrolment.
HIV Our aim is to reduce HIV incidence and to minimise the impact of HIV and AIDS among people living in extreme poverty.
Annual Report & Accounts 2010
Sierra Leone babies were delivered in Concernsupported Health Units in Sierra Leone.
After the flooding approximately one-fifth of Pakistan's total land area was underwater.
20 million Concern undertook its biggest ever emergency response after the flooding in Pakistan affected 20 million people.
shelter provided for 58,000 people after the earthquake in Haiti.
In Timor Leste, 83% of people we work with are now food secure with over 92% of households eating three times a day.