Gambia Senegal Newsletter for Concern Universal

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October 2012

*** CU & WFP Cash Transfer to Draught Affected Population *** ***Women in Micro-enterprise Success Stories*** ****Oxfam America Emergency Food Crises Response***

Concern Universal & WFP Cash Transfer Pilot to Draught Affected Population WFP and USAID has funded a Cash Transfer pilot project for recipients of humanitarian assistance - the first of its kind in the Gambia for WFP. Concern Universal was asked to assist due to its previous experience with cash transfers, although this project involved a significant increase in scale. The cash transfer pilot project is implemented by Concern Universal in 2 districts (Tumana and Jimara) of the Upper River Region (URR) of the Gambia where 20,000 people benefited. CU worked with its implementing partners (WASDA and NACCUG) to disburse cash directly to the beneficiaries.

The reason for such is to reduce the impacts of the emergency food crisis caused by the 2011 crop failure which made them food insecure. The cash transfer was introduced by WFP to replace the general food distribution (for the remaining 2 months of the EMOP). Where markets are functioning cash transfers are seen as the preferred approach in humanitarian response.

The Cash Transfer took the form of two phases; the first transfer was conducted in October while the second one will be in November 2012. An amount of D5, 484,040.00 was disbursed to 2600 families.

Upon completion of the first phase, a post distribution monitoring was conducted in order to gauge the impact of the cash transfer as well as compare with the general food distribution. In the findings, it was indicated that 98% of the beneficiaries spend their cash on food items while 11% was spend on non-food items (school bills, medical bills and maintenance of farming implements). It was also indicated that the cash transfer have a multiplier effect in the various communities thus leading to a positive growth of the local economy. These findings gave a good signal that the objective of the project was met since the cash transfer was introduced by WFP.

Concern Universal, Ousman Dan Fodio St., PO Box 2164, Serrekunda. Tel: (220) 4494473 Editor: Husainatu Kargbo

Selection of Photos during the Cash Transfer Words of appreciation from WFP WFP extends it sincere appreciation for the tremendous support that CU provided during the Cash transfer. They also cherished the smooth relationship that has been established between the two organisations (WFP & CU). WFP country office is deeply honoured and delighted to work with CU in the fight to eliminate and improve livelihoods.

Staff of Concern Universal and NACCUG

Quotes from some of the beneficiaries

WFP County Rep, Concern Universal Director, WFP Advisor

“I don’t have to go into the hustle of preparing my donkey and cart to come to distribution site to collect rice and oil. Only have to ride my bicycle to and receive to cash in no time.” Male cash transfer recipient.

“I usually feel ashamed carrying rice and oil on my cart to the house.






coming home. Now my sense of dignity and pride has returned to me





RECEPIENT) “Before the cash transfer, we Disbursement In Progress

had no food in stock for the family - my husband struggled daily in search of food for the family. He got support from his

You can follow us on you tube for a complete video coverage of the event please link below:

relatives in Basse. In fact my husband went up to a point to pledge his only horse cart as collateral




just to ensure there is food available for the family. Now Concern Universal, Ousman Dan Fodio St., PO Box 2164, Serrekunda. Tel: (220) 4494473 with this money we bought Editor: Husainatu Kargbo coos,






balance of money was also used

Success Stories from Women in Micro Enterprise Funded by Australian Aid (AusAID) MARIAMA FATTY:

She attended the food processing training in Kafuta with many other farmers from the surrounding villages. The training was successful and timely because we at times get discourage when we cannot sell our produce and have to dump or give away to other people. She trained her community on the skills gained from the training and they hope to continue practicing these skills as a business. They realized that more income can be generated with processed vegetable stuff than when they are sold raw.

After attending the training late last year, we developed a new production plan in which we grow different crops and produce at different times. I harvested a lot of cabbage, bitter tomatoes and tomatoes which I sold at a better price than ever before, for example:

FARABA-SUTU VILLAGE Nyima’s story: NYIMA DARDOE from the above village attended a similar training activity held in Sifoe. During a follow up visit to the village yield by the Potential field extension worker, she narrated Potential yield her story as follows: The training we attended in Sifoe boosted my knowledge in vegetable production, plant protection and marketing. During the past years, I did gardening at the same time with other women which always led us to bad marketing because the market is over supplied with the same types of produce at the same time.

 Cabbage 25 head pans sold at D300.00 per head pan.  Bitter tomato 15 head pans sold at D500,00 per head pan.  Tomato 10 head pans sold at D300.00 per head pan. The training increased my awareness and income and that of the other women in my group. We cultivated our garden earlier, collected and applied farm yard manure and timely sprayed crops against insects and disease as we learned at the training. The women in my village garden have seen the impact of our training. Part of the income I realized from growing vegetables is being used to feed my family. In addition, I bought a refrigerator which makes the ice blocks I sell within the community. As a result, I have increased earnings, able to contribute to the cultural ceremonies held in my village, pay my children’s school fees and save a little with the Credit union as a form of security fund.

Concern Universal, Ousman Dan Fodio St., PO Box 2164, Serrekunda. Tel: (220) 4494473 Editor: Husainatu Kargbo

Oxfam America Supports Concern Universal on Emergency Food Crises Response Project The main goal of this project is to reduce the impact of malnutrition causes due to the effects of the food crises that aroused from the 2011 crop failure. For this reason, Concern Universal will implement the project with its local partner-TARUD in the Kombo South district of West Coast Region and targeted 441 affected families in 15 villages. The project will focus on two main components: I) to reduce food insecurity of the most affected households and through the provision of cash transfer for improved access to food and ii) to improve public health by providing them with WASH materials. Hygiene kits were distributed to 441 families from 15 villages. At each distribution point, demonstration of the fixing of the Tippy-tap was done by the community mobilisers before the start of the actual distribution. The tippy tap is a local home-made hand washing facility that allows you not to come in contact with the water container when washing your hands. The community mobilisers will also conduct radio programmes to further sensitize beneficiaries on the proper and regular used of the Tippy-taps as well as treatment of drinking water using bleach. This will also include the encouragement of breastfeeding mothers on the importance of six month exclusive breast feeding. CASH TRANSFER The objective of the cash transfer is to reduce the food insecurity of the most affected households through the provision of cash for improved access to food. The cash will also give the beneficiaries choices to be able to purchase varieties of food for the household. CU contracted NACCUG to disburse cash directly to the beneficiaries; where each of the 441 beneficiaries received an amount D2000 which amounted to D882000. A second phase of the distribution will take place end of November, to be preceded by a post distribution monitoring.

Concern Universal, Ousman Dan Fodio St., PO Box 2164, Serrekunda. Tel: (220) 4494473 Editor: Husainatu Kargbo

Watch Out for our next Edition on Micro- Gardening Technology. What is it all about? The Microgardening technology introduced in Africa by FAO from South America in 1999, is a soilless technology adapted to areas where land is an issue (terraces, balconies, yards, etc.). It consists of growing vegetables on 2 1 or 0.5 m tables made of recuperated wood. Other materials can be used (recuperated tyres, pipes, etc.).

Materials needed

Plants are supported by 2 different types of substrates (solid and liquid). The solid substrate consist of a mixture of groundnut shells (60 %), rice husks (20%) and gravels (20%); as to the liquid substrate referred to as hydroponie, it is based on water with a floating plate with holes where plants are retained by a piece of sponge placed around the collar enabling the root system to be dipping within the water. Plants are maintained pest and disease free through organic pesticide preventive spraying and fertiliser applications based on daily supply of nutrient solutions (macro and microelements) and weekly applications respectively for the solid and liquid substrates.

Different types of stands (solid substrate)

Hydroponie Plants adapted to this technology are various, from fruit and leafy vegetables to roots and tubers (Over 20 species).



Cucumber Lettuce

Sweet pepper


Potential yields: 2

Under appropriate care and practice, yields can reach a minimum of 5 kg/1m table or more (fruits/roots/bulbs/leaves) and 200 bundles for mint in hydroponie (1/2 table), 2-5 fold as high as compared to conventional vegetable growing.

Other benefits attached to the technology: Healthy vegetables (organic), reduced drudgery, etc., which makes it usable by vulnerable people and those living with disabilities.

Concern Universal, Ousman Dan Fodio St., PO Box 2164, Serrekunda. Tel: (220) 4494473 Editor: Husainatu Kargbo

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