Concierge Auctions April/May Catalogue Issue 42

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2 4 | LU X U RY H O M E S I N D E X

THE BIG QUESTION. H O W L O N G W I L L I T TA K E F O R M Y L U X U R Y P R O P E R Y T O S E L L ? Each year, Concierge Auctions researches and provides insights into the most expensive property sales in the most desirable markets in the United States. The sixth edition of the Concierge Auctions Luxury Homes Index analyzes the 10 highest property sales in 56 top luxury markets across the United States to determine the impact that the number of days a high-end property is on the market has on its final sale price.

In this edition, Concierge Auctions’ research shows that even with the highest of luxury sales continuing to take longer to sell than the rest of the real estate market at large, either selling quickly and achieving a higher percentage of original list price or lingering on the market and ultimately selling at a significant discount, they are following similar trends, selling more quickly and achieving higher prices than in prior years. N O W AVA I L A B L E : C O N C I E R G E A U C T I O N S 2 0 2 2 L U X U R Y H O M E S I N D E X . T O R E C E I V E T H E C O M P L E T E C O P Y, C A L L 2 1 2 . 9 8 4 . 3 8 9 6 O R V I S I T L U X U R Y H O M E S I N D E X . C O M .

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