Red Silk Carpet #99 Angela Lewis Digital cover

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RSC#99 APRIL 2024

On The Cover

Angela Lewis and Empowered Mornings Show

Michelle Hillery

Mary Beth Kellee

Michael Ungaro

Johnny Depp

Luz Maria Utrera

Billie ellish

Erla Brizeuzus-Pierre

Ann Golumbuk

Ann D’Silva


Angela Lewis and Empowered Mornings Show By Jules Lavallee

©Red Silk Carpet April 2024- All Rights Reserved

©Red Silk Carpet April 2024- All Rights Reserved

Angela Lewis, International Keynoter, Empowerment Expert and Visibility Coach Shares. Voted one of the “Top 50 Empowered Women Empowering Women” by Called2Inspire Magazine, empowerment expert Angela Lewis is a highly sought-after international keynoter, bestselling author, and visibility coach. Highly regarded as one of the most influential voices in motivational speaking, Angela is now on a mission to impact audiences and train individuals and corporations worldwide with her message of encouragement and empowerment, so they reach their highest potential. Angela’s extensive expertise had earned her invitations to speak on major stages across the country. She has delivered dynamic live and virtual keynote speeches for large audiences, including Shawn Fair’s Leadership Experience Tour, Queens Roundtable Symposium, and Sister Leader Conference, to name a few. She is a compelling thought leader and motivational speaker dedicated to supporting women's personal and professional empowerment worldwide. In line with her unyielding passion for helping others succeed, Angela founded “Hot Wife Society” and “I Am a Woman Empowered,” initiatives that provide women opportunities to build confidence, connections, and collaborations through workshops, conferences, personal consultations, and entrepreneurial ventures.

Angela is the founder of the WE Empower Network, a broadcasting and media production company showcasing several talented hosts who are committed to sharing inspirational and motivational content to help others shift their mindsets to win in life. She is also the executive producer and co-host of the groundbreaking Empowered Mornings Show, where the Queens

of Empowerment come together on weekday mornings to get you plugged in and bring some power back into your mornings. Angela has a deep-rooted enthusiasm for helping women use their gifts, talents, and voice. She mentors passionately, guiding her clients with results-proven strategies that provide the visibility and credibility needed for their brands to "elevate and dominate" in the marketplace. She founded WE Shine Media Solutions, a publishing company that has assisted hundreds of women in publishing literary works. She is the visionary of three bestselling book anthologies; I Am a Woman Empowered: Stories of Strength, Resiliency & Triumphs, Woman Empowered 2: Fierce, Fabulous & Free, and The Audacity to be Empowered. These books give women the voice to share their personal stories to empower others. Red Silk Carpet spoke with Angela and her hosts about the Empowered Morning Show.

Angela, You are on a mission to impact audiences and train individuals and corporations worldwide with your message of encouragement and empowerment. Let’s delve into your backstory. Share your background.

The biggest thing for me is seeing other people win. DJ Khaled has a song titled "All I Do is Win," and I love it. It's actually the mantra for the WE Empower Network. Our letters are WEN, so we say, "All I do is WEN, WEN, WEN, no matter what!" That winning attitude comes from growing up as a preacher's kid. My father served a congregation of people, and it was all about spreading the gospel, helping people, and promoting the fact that Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly, which, to me, equated to winning. I came to realize that I

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love edifying people and empowering them to elevate and dominate in their chosen niche or business endeavors. So, my mission is to help as many people as I can to be the best version of themselves and win in every area of their lives. Tell us about WE Empower Network. WE Empower Network is an online media & broadcasting company that was created out of my desire to foster wellness in every area of life: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. I wanted to bring diverse people together who displayed a desire to do the same thing. Initially, I thought about doing a solo show, but quickly realized more value would be given if I had co-hosts. I knew each of these ladies in some capacity and recognized the impact they could bring operating in their own natural gifts. So, I asked if they would be interested in empowering others through an online broadcast and they each said YES! The rest is, as they say, history, or in our case, "herstory." What is Queendom Behavior? Queendom Behavior is a spin-off of the Empowered Mornings Show. We are collectively known as the Queens of Empowerment, and we realized we could bring additional value by showing up and bringing contact outside of social media. I have always wanted to do things bigger, and Queendom Behavior represents elevation on multiple levels. We offer more indepth conversations that may not necessarily be appropriate for morning audiences. This platform allows us to enlarge our territory and expand our reach to other likeminded people in our audience who need empowerment and desire to win in their lives.

Meet Terrye Y. Hicks, Executive Producer of Empowered Mornings

Terrye is an entrepreneur and creative, is a licensed and ordained minister of the gospel. She is the founder & president of Will Call Learning Center, a Christ-centered performing arts homeschool program for K-12th grades. She is passionate about meeting students on their academic levels and helping them to achieve measures of success they never thought were possible by tapping into and applying their potential.

practice what we preach and live out what we say each morning in real time. Our show stands out because it’s centered on our faith in God. We don’t hide that we are believers and love God, but we also don’t beat people over the head with bibles. We simply share what we believe as part of how we provide hope and encouragement and leave audiences to decide for themselves. What we’ve seen over time is that they have discovered we are real, genuine, sincere, and whatever we’re doing, it must work because they can see the fruit, and it makes them want to do it too.

Terrye, the Empowered Mornings Show is filled with laughter, positivity, and truth. What can we find on your show, and how does it stand out from similar shows? This show is all about empowerment. From the topics and the guests to each of our show segments. Audiences know they can tune into The Empowered Mornings Show at any time and receive encouragement, inspiration, motivation, and empowerment— whether through laughter, some sort of entertainment, through education and information, and even through tears. We’re transparent with our viewers and they get to watch us

I love that I get to work with each show and help pull out its greatness to show to the world. I love taking visions and bringing them to life; it’s what I do. I get to do this with each episode of these shows. The shows’ visionary, Angela, has a specific vision of what she wanted these shows to be, and it’s my job during each episode to make sure that vision translates into what audiences actually experience. My personal background is significantly helpful here. I’ve been entertaining and performing for audiences (from tens to thousands) for over 35 years. I attended a performing arts

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based Christian school my entire childhood and attended a church that was known worldwide for its theatrical and musical performances. That fueled my passion and appreciation for the arts. That has led to a life of traveling and performing, acting, singing, and dancing all over the country; writing, directing, and producing my own stage plays and musicals; directing and producing stage plays for others; managing and organizing events for wellknown artists and celebrities; producing events and live shows; producing shows for network television; and working with artists and other creatives to help them bring their visions to life. Lastly, I also own and operate a performing arts based homeschool program for kindergarten through twelfth grades. All of these experiences give me insight, perspective, and the skill to help create the content that our amazing shows produce every time we air. It’s important to us that we show up in a way that’s true to ourselves, represents Angela’s vision, and inspires people with fresh perspective, insight, and creativity. I’m happy that I get to be a part of what makes it all come together.

Meet Dr. Sparkle Taneka Osborne Co-Host of Empowered Mornings Dr. Sparkle Taneka Osborne is an entrepreneur, CEO, Human Resources professional, speaker, encourager, motivator, and graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. Sparkle Taneka Osborne received her Honorary Doctorate from School of the Great Commission Theological Seminary and Lifetime Achievement Award in June 2023. She loves teaching people to sparkle despite what life throws at them. She is a country girl with southern roots and has love and compassion for others. “Sparkle” Taneka Osborne grew up surrounded by family, and that village allowed her to learn valuable lessons about self-worth. It took a village to raise her.

Dr. Sparkle Taneka Osborne, share your background and why Empowered Mornings is a motivational force in women’s lives. I am Sparkle Taneka Osborne, a force of renewal and empowerment, proudly declaring my status as God’s chosen daughter. There was a time when I couldn't fathom being God’s favorite daughter, blinded by my own insecurities and doubts. But through the toughest seasons, like the battle of divorce and depression, I found the strength to cry out to God for help. His response was simple yet profound: "You don’t Love you.“ Initially resistant, I eventually surrendered, admitting that I needed help to love myself. From that moment, a

transformative journey began. Every day, God and I walked together, discussing my worth and identity. He showed me the beauty of nature, teaching me to trust in growth and resilience. We spent mornings in the mirror affirming every part of me, from my eyes to my lips, with love and appreciation. Through this process, I witnessed a remarkable shift in my mindset and perspective. I began to truly love myself and seize control of my own destiny. This journey birthed a ministry within me, "I Love HER," dedicated to empowering women to embrace self-love and live boldly in their purpose. My personal journey, guided by God's love, fuels my dedication as a co-host of Empowering Mornings. Every day, as Sparkle Taneka

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Osborne, I embrace the chance not only to inspire but also to share the overflowing love I've received. Through this Empowered Mornings Show, I spread the life-altering principles of unconditional self-love, emphasizing the profound impact of aligning with God's will. Love transcends mere words; it's a transformative force that everyone must grasp and embrace. God's promises are abundant and unwaveringly true, with over 7,000 tailored specifically for you. Don't let doubt or hesitation prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Embrace the person God created you to be and receive all the promises meant for your life. I Love HER

Meet Regina Hutt, Co-Host of Empowered Mornings By Jules Lavallee

Regina Hutt is an Entrepreneur/Fitness Trainer/Herbalist/Author/ Speaker “Sacred Healing Mind-Body-Soul was birthed out of my life’s journey. The greater the affliction, the greater the gift of wisdom and understanding poured into my intellect for healing. I am a living witness that anything is possible if you believe it. I have 19 years of clinical experience and knowledge in various areas of standardized medicine. I’ve been practicing and studying Holistic Medicine for 10 years. I continually study and I’m very passionate about healing the mind, body, and soul entirely. I am a firm believer in the “each one teach one” mentality. Knowledge is power and “whatever a man thinketh so he is.” I believe in giving back so I served in the community and

spearheaded a volunteer group with Engage Atlanta to beautify local schools. I have a deep passion to help others believe in their beauty and to seek hope no matter what their current reality reflects. That led me to unify a group to volunteer in outreach service at a youth detention center. Mentoring young ladies has always been a passion. My belief system is setting the correct foundation and with necessity tools usually results in a higher rate of success. When we are healthy as a whole being, then we can help the community build as a whole thriving society. “When you give to the least of thee, you are giving unto God” and by faith with a group of women we served and fed five families a month. We walked by faith not by sight! I am a humble servant and not arrogant, therefore I can only give you my truth to the creation of Sacred Healing Mind-Body-Soul

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and how it was conceived. Regina Hutt, what is unique about Empowered Mornings? As a professional podcast host, I am thrilled to showcase the empowering and unique nature of Empowered Morning Show. This one-of-a-kind podcast brings together five inspiring women from various backgrounds who have made a collective commitment to empower their audience. The show's genuine reflections and diverse perspectives make it a truly special platform for uplifting and motivating listeners to start their days on a positive note. Empowered Morning Show sets itself apart by fostering a sense of community and empowerment that transcends boundaries and resonates with individuals seeking to embrace their full potential.

Meet Dior Davis, Co-Host of EMPOWERED MORNINGS By Jules Lavallee

My name is Dior Davis who is the first black woman Luxury Beekeeper to create a unique way to consume honey. I have also been coined as the National American Business Woman for 2024. As a businesswoman, I bring a unique combination of experience, expertise, and passion to the table. I have a proven track record of success in my industry, and I am constantly seeking new ways to innovate and improve. I am committed to empowering and supporting other women in their professional and personal journeys. I believe in the power of mentorship and collaboration, and I actively seek out opportunities to share my knowledge and skills with other women. By lifting each other up and working together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive business community for all women to thrive. Dior, what has inspired you the most about the hosts? I am constantly inspired by the other women I share this platform

with as they continue to pave the way for success and are making a positive impact in their respective industries. Their resilience, determination, and ability to overcome obstacles serve as a source of motivation for me to continue pushing forward and striving for excellence in my own career. I am inspired by their willingness to share their knowledge and support other women in their journeys, creating a culture of empowerment. Angela, what is your mission for Empowered Mornings? At The Empowered Mornings Show, our mission is to inspire, inform, and empower our audience to kickstart their day with enthusiasm, positivity, and purpose. We believe in the transformative power of morning routines and the potential for personal growth. Our show is committed to providing a dynamic and inclusive platform that celebrates diversity and champions the voices of all individuals, regardless of background, age, or

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perspective. We aim to create a welcoming space where every listener feels heard, valued, and inspired to reach their fullest potential. Our goal is to send our audience off into their day with a sense of empowerment, purpose, and the belief that every morning is a fresh opportunity to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. At The Empowered Mornings Show, we are more than just a show; we are a catalyst for personal growth, a source of inspiration, and a beacon of positivity to help you seize the day with confidence, enthusiasm, and empowerment. Tell us about WE Shine Media Solutions. We have three bestselling book anthologies; I Am a Woman Empowered: Stories of Strength, Resiliency & Triumphs, Woman Empowered 2: Fierce, Fabulous & Free, and The Audacity to be Empowered.

Website: LinkedIn: a-lewis-6b5243141 Instagram: gelalewis Facebook: 056166247 Twitter: Facebook is eredmornings IG is weredmornings YouTube is oweredmornings You are on a mission to impact audiences and train individuals and corporations worldwide with your message of encouragement and empowerment. Let’s delve into your backstory. Share your background.

The biggest thing for me is seeing other people win. DJ Khaled has a song titled "All I Do is Win," and I love it. It's actually the mantra for the WE Empower Network. Our letters are WEN, so we say, "All I do is WEN, WEN, WEN, no matter what!" That winning attitude comes from growing up as a preacher's kid. My father served a congregation of people, and it was all about spreading the gospel, helping people, and promoting the fact that Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly, which, to me, equated to winning. I came to realize that I love edifying people and empowering them to elevate and dominate in their chosen niche or

business endeavors. So, my mission is to help as many people as I can to be the best version of themselves and win in every area of their lives.

laughter, positivity, and truth. What can we find on your show, and how does it stand out from similar shows?

Tell us about WE Empower Network and how you joined forces with your amazing and talented hosts. WE Empower Network is an online media & broadcasting company that was created out of my desire to foster wellness in every area of life: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. I wanted to bring diverse people together who displayed a desire to do the same thing. Initially I thought about doing a solo show, but quickly realized more value would be given if I had cohosts. I knew each of these ladies in some capacity and recognized the impact they could bring operating in their own natural gifts. So, I asked if they would be interested in empowering others through an online broadcast and they each said YES! The rest is, as they say, history, or in our case, "herstory."

This show is all about empowerment. From the topics and the guests to each of our show segments. Audiences know they can tune into The Empowered Mornings Show at any time and receive encouragement, inspiration, motivation, and empowerment— whether through laughter, some sort of entertainment, through education and information, and even through tears. We’re transparent with our viewers and they get to watch us practice what we preach and live out what we say each morning in real time. Our show stands out because it’s centered on our faith in God. We don’t hide that we are believers and love God, but we also don’t beat people over the head with bibles. We simply share what we believe as part of how we provide hope and encouragement and leave audiences to decide for themselves. What we’ve seen over time is that they have discovered we are real, genuine, sincere, and whatever we’re doing, it must work because they can see the fruit, and it makes them want to do it too.

What is Queendom Behavior? Queendom Behavior is a spin-off of the Empowered Mornings Show. We are collectively known as the Queens of Empowerment, and we realized we could bring additional value by showing up and delivering content outside of social media. I have always wanted to do things bigger, and Queendom Behavior represents elevation on multiple levels. We offer more in-depth conversations that may not necessarily be appropriate for morning audiences. This platform allows us to enlarge our territory and expand our reach to other likeminded people in addition to our social media audience who need empowerment and desire to win in their lives as well. Terrye, the Empowered Mornings Show is filled with

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Dr. Sparkle Taneka Osborne: Share your background and why Empowered Mornings is a motivational force in women’s lives. (What do you bring to the show?) I am Sparkle Taneka Osborne, a force of renewal and empowerment, proudly declaring my status as God’s chosen daughter. There was a time when I couldn't fathom being God’s favorite daughter, blinded by my own insecurities and doubts. But through the toughest seasons, like the battle of divorce and depression, I found the strength to cry out to God for help. His response was simple yet profound:

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"You don’t Love you." Initially resistant, I eventually surrendered, admitting that I needed help to love myself. From that moment, a transformative journey began. Every day, God and I walked together, discussing my worth and identity. He showed me the beauty of nature, teaching me to trust in growth and resilience. We spent mornings in the mirror affirming every part of me, from my eyes to my lips, with love and appreciation. Through this process, I witnessed a remarkable shift in my mindset and perspective. I began to truly love myself and seize control of my own destiny. This journey birthed a ministry within me, "I Love HER," dedicated to empowering women to embrace self-love and live boldly in their purpose. My personal journey, guided by God's love, fuels my dedication as a co-host of Empowered Mornings. Every day, as Sparkle Taneka Osborne, I embrace the chance not only to inspire but also to share the overflowing love I've received. Through this Empowered Mornings Show, I spread the life-altering principles of unconditional self-love, emphasizing the profound Impact of aligning with God's will. Love transcends mere words; it's a transformative force that everyone must grasp and embrace. God's promises are abundant and unwaveringly true, with over 7,000 tailored specifically for you. Don't let doubt or hesitation prevent you from claiming what is rightfully yours. Embrace the person God created you to be and receive all the promises meant for your life. I Love HER Terrye, as the executive producer of the Empowered Mornings Show and Queendom Behavior, share your background and what you uniquely bring to

the table. I love that I get to work with each show and help pull out its greatness to show to the world. I love taking visions and bringing them to life; it’s what I do. I get to do this with each episode of these shows. The shows’ visionary, Angela, has a specific vision of what she wanted these shows to be, and it’s my job during each episode to make sure that vision translates into what audiences actually experience. My personal background is significantly helpful here. I’ve been entertaining and performing for audiences (from tens to thousands) for over 35 years. I attended a performing arts based Christian school my entire childhood and attend a church that was known worldwide for its theatrical and musical performances. That fueled my passion and appreciation for the arts. That has led to a life of traveling and performing, acting, singing, and dancing all over the country; writing, directing, and producing my own stage plays and musicals; directing and producing stage plays for others; managing and organizing events for well-known artists and celebrities; producing events and live shows; producing shows for network television; and working with artists and other creatives to help them bring their visions to life. Lastly, I also own and operate a performing arts based homeschool program for kindergarten through twelfth grades. All of these experiences give me insight, perspective, and the skill to help create the content that our amazing shows produce every time we air. It’s important to us that we show up in a way that’s true to ourselves, represents Angela’s vision, and inspires people with fresh perspective, insight, and creativity. I’m happy that I get to be a part of what makes it all come together. Regina Hutt, what is unique about Empowered Mornings?

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As a professional podcast host, I am thrilled to showcase the empowering and unique nature of Empowered Morning Show. This one-of-a-kind podcast brings together five inspiring women from various backgrounds who have made a collective commitment to empower their audience. The show's genuine reflections and diverse perspectives make it a truly special platform for uplifting and motivating listeners to start their days on a positive note. Empowered Morning Show sets itself apart by fostering a sense of community and empowerment that transcends boundaries and resonates with individuals seeking to embrace their full potential. You are a Holistic Health and Wellness Practitioner. How are you bringing your insight to the show?

As the dedicated holistic health and wellness practitioner for the Empowered Morning Show, it is my heartfelt mission to spread wellbeing on a global scale. I am deeply passionate about educating individuals on the significance of integrating healthy principles into their lives, encompassing mental, physical, and spiritual dimensions. Through this platform, I strive to empower others with the knowledge and tools necessary to cultivate holistic wellness and achieve a harmonious balance in all aspects of their being. By focusing on mental health, physical fitness, and spiritual practices, I aim to inspire transformation and promote a lifestyle that nurtures not only the body but also the mind and soul. Together, we can embark on a journey towards optimal health and wellness, paving the way for a brighter, more vibrant future.

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Dior, share your background and what you share on the show. My name is Dior Davis, and I am the first black woman Luxury Beekeeper to create unique ways to consume honey. I have also been coined as the National American Business Woman for 2024. As a businesswoman, I bring a unique combination of experience, expertise, and passion to the table. I have a proven track record of success in my industry, and I am constantly seeking new ways to innovate and improve. I am committed to empowering and supporting other women in their professional and personal journeys. I believe in the power of mentorship and collaboration, and I actively seek out opportunities to share my knowledge and skills with other women. By lifting each other up and working together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive business community for all women to thrive. What has inspired you the most about the hosts? I am constantly inspired by the other women I share this platform with as they continue to pave the way for success and are making a positive impact in their respective industries. Their resilience, determination, and ability to overcome obstacles serve as a source of motivation for me to continue pushing forward and striving for excellence in my own career. I am inspired by their willingness to share their knowledge and support other women in their journeys, creating a culture of empowerment. Angela, what is your mission for Empowered Mornings? At The Empowered Mornings Show, our mission is to inspire, inform, and empower our audience to kickstart their day with enthusiasm, positivity, and purpose. We believe in the transformative power of morning routines and the potential for personal growth. Our show is committed to providing a dynamic and inclusive platform that celebrates diversity and champions the voices of all

individuals, regardless of background, age, or perspective. We aim to create a welcoming space where every listener feels heard, valued, and inspired to reach their fullest potential. Our goal is to send our audience off into their day with a sense of empowerment, purpose, and the belief that every morning is a fresh opportunity to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. At The Empowered Mornings Show, we are more than just a show; we are a catalyst for personal growth, a source of inspiration, and a beacon of positivity to help you seize the day with confidence, enthusiasm, and empowerment. Tell us about WE Shine Media Solutions. We Shine Media Solutions was created from a desire to see people tell and share their stories. I believe we all have had life experiences that may be able to help someone else or at the very least let them know they are not alone and shed light on how they can overcome, survive, or thrive under similar situations. Writing is so very powerful, and it is the gateway to other opportunities such as speaking, coaching, acting, producing, directing, and facilitating other projects such as workshops, seminars, conferences, films, and other adaptations. I believe if I shine, and you shine, then we shine together to produce a powerful light that can transform the world.

You have three bestselling book anthologies; I Am a Woman

Empowered: Stories of Strength, Resiliency & Triumphs, Woman Empowered 2: Fierce, Fabulous & Free, and The Audacity to be Empowered. Tell us more! (Are you working on a new anthology?) I am currently working on several anthology projects, one where I am the visionary author and others who have their own visionary author. Hot Wife Hot Life is the one I am doing. Hot Wife Hot Life" is an anthology that delves into the intricacies of married life. Within its pages, readers will find stories that explore the challenges and joys of marital commitment, the importance of faith

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in sustaining relationships, and the beauty of redemption and forgiveness. Through shared stories of love and spiritual growth, this anthology offers a reflection on the sanctity of marriage and the power of God's grace to transform lives. Embark on a journey of faith, hope, and love within the pages of "Hot Wife Hot Life," where the bonds of matrimony become even stronger with God at the center of the relationship. Others I am working on are "Love Language of Grief," "The Devil Thought He Had Me," and another is a beauty industry expose'. Each project allows people to come together to share their experiences pertaining to the chosen topic. It's really powerful when people can come together and have a connection for life through the power of their words. What is your vision for 2024? The focus is really on developing the WE Empower Network brand and bringing along other visionaries who are subject matter experts or change agents and have a message that will empower, inspire, and motivate the world to do what we are doing, which is Winning in life, no matter what challenges we may face. Mindset and attitude can definitely take you beyond your wildest dreams if you get empowered and believe that you are able to achieve anything you put your mind to. Website: LinkedIn: Instagram: lalewis Facebook: 56166247 Twitter:

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