Red Silk Carpet #24

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Red Silk Carpet S tephanie Valent The Art Of Underwater Modeling Michael J Rodriguez

Evie Selaty

Monica Haque A C r e a t i v e E v e n t P l a n n e r w i t h L u x u r y F l a i r

Brandon J Minor

Debbie Permoda I was born in an 800 year old city on Baltic Sea. My name is

Irina Nudelman. Kiss & Makeup By‌Noor Khan

Underwater Adventures with Brian Cosgray

My Underwater Adventur es I have this sense of relief when I enter the Underwater Realm. I tend to forget about all of life’s problems and aches and pains. Not that I have any, but I do have a few battle wounds from life in general . I started my Underwater Adventure back in 1997 when a few friends were actually Scuba Instructors and asked me to come out and try it. The technical term for trying scuba is a Discovery Session where the instructor takes you into a swimming pool and puts the gear on and gives you a brief summary of how everything works . After the brief little session, he will take you underwater for a swim to see if it is something you like and would like to go ahead with the training for. Well, after this Discovery, session I was hooked and obsessed like nobody’s business. I found myself reading every book that was out there about diving and then the Big One hit I bought a 8 pack of VHS tapes that had videos of dive destinations all over the world. After going through all those tapes in about 3 days, I started my scuba diving classes, starting from the beginning Open Water, then Advanced, Rescue Diver then finished up with Dive Master. Then I took all the specialty classes after that, Boat Diver, Drift Diver, Dry Suit Diver, Equipment Specialist, Peak Buoyancy, then Underwater Photographer.

After buying my first Housing (film housing) to start shooting all the critters underwater as well as all the landscapes and other divers, I was pretty hooked. I found that I really enjoyed working with other divers and their journeys and adventures underwater. I picked up my first camera in 1979 served several apprenticeships with some commercial photographers working with a med and large format work. I also shot commercial and catalog work for the next 20+ years shooting weddings, portraits, kids, and maternity on the side, as well as models with the local agencies.

It wasn’t until 2010 I started taking interest in fashion work, then why don’t we give it a go underwater. It wasn’t until you tube got really popular that I had learned there are about a dozen UW Fashion photographers in the world why not be the bakers dozen 13th UW Fashion Photographer..


for the past 8 years I have been traveling all over the world, as well as

locally shooting Models, Dresses and Mermaid tails. It wasn’t until I met Kristin Skubina (Mermaid Miss K) on Etsy and I fell in love with her, hand made one of a kind flowy dresses. I just love everything this lady puts out. I said to myself these would be great for underwater. After purchasing at least 15-20 dresses later over the next couple of years from her I haven’t looked at to many other dresses designers other than Bryan K Osborn (Chicago), TJ Horst (OHIO), and Kristin Skubina Hollywood California. To this day I probably have 5 underwater housings 6 camera bodies, and tons of underwater lighting gear. Most of my underwater work is Mermaid Tails and dresses made by Kristin Skubina. I have to be very selective with the models I use for Underwater because it’s not exactly an easy thing to do. There is a lot going on down there. For instance, your facial expressions so it doesn’t look like you are holding your breath. Managing the flow of your hair and the dress and your body language and still try to stay down and not run out of breath. Some people are a natural at it, some have to work at it. Each model must be tested for buoyancy. We need to maintain a neutral buoyancy so that the model can concentrate on the modeling part and what she has to do without struggling the whole time she is under. We establish buoyancy by adding weight to a weight belt on the models waist. Most of the time it’s just a matter of a couple pounds and the proper amount of breath hold. In the mean time, I must maintain a neutral buoyancy myself to compose the image in the viewfinder and maintain focus, because we are both moving. This technique has taken me years to perfect with plenty of practice. My fashion shoots are a mixture of Underwater strobes and Studio strobes on the surface triggered by custom underwater triggers I have made. This has been a lot of trial and error the past couple years, but I think we have it dialed in right now. Upcoming travels, Iceland, Bonaire, and Bahamas for some Underwater Fashion and Artistic Underwater Nudes. I am presently working on a few Coffee Table Books on Siren Mermaids and Underwater Artistic. Brian Cosgray

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Model Stephanie Valent Designer Kristin Skubinna (Mermaid Miss K) Photographer Oceans 2 Photography And Video

Letter from the Founder

“When in Chicago do as the Chicagoans do!” Chicago is where “Sweet Home” began! I know because I remember so many sweet things about this massive city! Riding the tilt awhirl, cotton candy bigger than my head for a nickel, watching the construction on the new Lake Shore Drive and of course, Christmas in the Walnut Room at Macy’s. Sigh. My first diner date at the Bavarian Restaurant down by Union Station, then going to see the Everly Brothers and Connie Francis, among others. Now I’m back for the Field Museum, Carmines, reporting on several events a week at the Drake, Intercontinental Hotel, and doing a tour of the Chicago Theater with the owner! It is such a pleasure to begin wonderful journeys all over the world, reporting, listening, and growing with all of our team members. Wishing we could revamp memories with new ones in different cultures, But we have Wale so we are in good hands, our Mr. Publisher!!! So, welcome Bridget Damper and Raquel Lacour, Beauty Editor and Public Relations, just so you can watch Chicago grow and follow us! Your Concierge,


Letter from the Editor

As time approaches to publish. I think about the amazing people and talent I have had the pleasure to meet & work with over time. I realize how blessed I have been to have the opportunity to cross paths with each and every one of you. I have had the opportunity to meet people who I never imagined meeting. I am humbled to have the position I have with Red Silk Carpet magazine. I have an amazing teacher . Thank you Sandra Smith –Doghmi for all the wisdom and teaching . You are the best! I have learned valuable lessons that will last me a lifetime. Thank you for all the time you invest into people, but most importantly, thank you for the time you have invested in me . You are one of a kind . To my family , thank you for sharing me with the world . I love what I do. To all who have helped me supported me and prayed for me, or been a friend to me over the years, thank you . Thank you to the Red Silk Carpet team, you are all amazing to work with. Thank you for understanding that life is always happening and helping us to capture it to share with our loyal readers. To the Editors , and other team members without you , Sandra and I would never sleep . Red Silk Carpet Magazine has had the honor to publish so many talented people . We are excited to bring you a issue full of amazing moments frozen in time for us to enjoy and share with you . We at Red Silk Carpet hope you enjoy reading this issue , as much as we enjoyed publishing it for you . Shelley Pekala Red Silk Carpet Editor -in-Chief

Bohyme Essential Collection Clip In Extensions Get yours at: w w w. d e b e e s h a i r . c o m


Debbie Per moda Bohyme Hair Specialist Ph: 773-595-6889 We b : w w w. d e b e e s h a i r. c o m P. O . B o x 3 1 1 6 2 C h i c a g o , I L 6 0 6 3 1

MRS. US OF A GLOBE CLASSIC A National Celebration of Woman

50 Years Young

Debbie Permoda Mrs. US of A Globe Classic 2015 Business Owner Designer Wife, Mother, Grandmother

Photo Credits: Photographer: DuVerney Photography Daniel DuVerney Pro Makeup Aritistf: Triphene Johnson Stylist:

Jonathan Abernathy Platinum Images

Gown Designer: D’Jean Collection Debbie Permoda

Model : Debbie Permoda Photographer :

Photographer Sarah Demuth

Model Donavon Markeith Photographer Sarah Demuth

Model Donavon Markeith Photographer Sarah Demuth

Model Donavon Markeith Photographer Sarah Demuth


Evie Selaty Licensed Professional Artist

Meet Evie Selaty, she is a licensed professional artist in Metro Detroit. She has over 9 years of experience in the beauty industry and is an expert in a variety of formats including photoshoots, commercial work, print and weddings. Evie began her career by volunteering on fashion shows and working on campaigns for charity. Eventually, Evie made her way into freelancing.

Her Keen Eye and ability to capture the beauty and vision of whomever is in her chair makes her talents sought after. In 2014, Evie became a business manager for Laura Mercier Cosmetics at Nordstrom and began to sharpen her ability to serve a wide range of needs to her clients. In 2017 she was awarded the highest honor for customer service at Nordstrom. Evie then transitioned into NARS cosmetics and became a certified artist. Working at the counter has allowed Evie to embrace teaching artistry techniques to women.

“Nordstrom's Allstar 2017”

She has worked on set for commercials, photoshoots and music videos for Humons, Green Day and various local talent. Evie was recently Awarded the NARS Excellence in Artistry award 2017, and trained in a workshop side-by-side with the global director of Artistry for NARS. Evie's goal this year is to combine her love of art and travel to expand her artistry portfolio, not only nationally, but globally.

MUA: Evie Selaty Photographer: Ali Saloum

MUA Evie Selaty

MUA Evie Selaty Photographer David Anderson

MUA Evie Selaty Photographer David Booker



MUA Evie Selaty Photographer Ali Saloum

MUA Evie Selaty Photographer Jason Gessert

Model Stephanie Valent Photographer Lize Lucero

Model Stephanie Valent Photographer Miko Klubz HMUA Lauren Cloud

Model Stephanie Valent HMUA Stephanie Valent Photographer Lesa Ferencz

She waits

Model Stephanie Valent Photographer Miko Klubz HMUA Lauren Cloud

Model Stephanie Valent Photographer Miko Klubz HMUA Lauren Cloud

RED Silk Carpet Magazine We are proud to have a dedicated Team to bring you a variety of stories and Information within our industry. We look forward to serving you‌..

Sandra Smith- Doghmi Founder and President

Shelley Pekala

Editor in Chief, RCCI International Director

Crystal Atwood

Asst. Editor in Chief, RCCI Mi. Managing Director

Mikayla Pekala

Advisory Board

Emer Gomez

Creative Director

Santana Cruz

Marketing Director

Bridget Damper

Beauty Editor

Raquel LaCour

Public Relations

Jolene Kunde

RCCI Photo Journalist

Sophia Cin

Senior Editorial Writer

Lorrelei Natke


Meghan Walsh

Fashion & Lifestyle Advisor

Guthrie BonnĂŠtt ATOC

RCCI Media Director Celebrity Photographer w w w. r e d c a r p e t c o n c i e r g e o fc h i c a g o . co m

Elizabeth Vernon is a Chicago original that just moved to LA. She started her comedy career at her all girls catholic school’s prom when she was asked to go on stage and entertain the crowd because the DJ was running late. Her jokes seemed to not have landed well with the nuns and teachers but that didn’t stop Lizzy. She wanted to perfect her comedy by going through all comedy studies of Second City Chicago and later joined The Kates, an all-girl stand up group. Since moving to LA, she has worked in television, modeling, and you can catch her as Black Canary in Injustice Gods 2. She moved to LA to fulfill her passion for acting and comedy and is very thrilled to be a part of a show that is not last minute on a prom night.

Lizzy Vernon

L i z z y Ve r n o n

L i z z y Ve r n o n

Felice Tamara Jackson Born and raised in Chicago, I worked very diligently to grow in to a good writer, author, actress, playwright, writer, director, comedian, and mother of two mother of two beautiful daughters. Recently God blessed me with my first grandchild. While feeling blessed beyond measure with all my gifts and talents bestowed, all praises and glory to our Awesome GOD.

My earliest childhood memories are filled with the desire to work as an actress and writer someday. It all started in the sixth grade when I wrote my very first stage play (Christmas play). My teacher allowed me to direct, and my class performed it. On that very day, I knew I would become a writer & director and my passion has never changed, but grown stronger. My dreams are beyond seeing my face on the big screen or television. I want to work behind the scenes as well as in front of the camera. I want to write novels, and scripts that will have my audience on the edge of their seats from the time they turn the first page, and within the first five minutes of my films. Taking them on a journey of suspense, jaw-dropping, and mind blowing twist, and turns that leaves them breathless and coming back for more. My dream is to be the female Stephen King. It would definitely be an honor to meet him and work side by side with him. He is my favorite author. My mission is to write novels and create films that my fans can enjoy. With my writing, creativity and imagination and a great cast. I know I can achieve anything. From the first day when Tyler Perry became an icon and my role model in my life, I told myself, "I can do that". I have been blessed with this gift and it took off from there and now I am ready to show my talents to the world.

My love for acting started at the age of 28. I wanted to be a model throughout my teen years and 20's and have gotten my feet wet being a part of fashion shows and doing photo shoots but for some reason being a fan of the horror genre, acting became an obsession. I attended Columbia College Chicago (2002 -2006) and from then my love for acting began to flourish. I began doing a lot of improv for my family and friends (comedy skits) and that's when they all told me that I seriously should consider acting and becoming a comedian. My journey as an actress began when I was cast with my first acting role in a stage play, "Bone Salad" where I played a supporting role (Caprice) written and directed by Elizabeth Nonie of Plus Size productions.

I met a great guy on the set (Terrence House) who told me that I had what it takes to write my own stage play. he gave me the title "Sugar Daddy" and that is how my journey as a true writer and actress began. As the writer, director and producer of my very first stage play, "Sugar Daddy" in October of 2010. Second stage play, "Grown Before My Time" in 2011 My third stage play, "A Double Life" 2012 Immediately after becoming a playwright is when I wrote my first two novels "Fatal Fan*Ta*Sees 2012 & Fan*Ta*Sees II Be Mine 4 Ever 2013 which I am now republishing my books due to unforeseen situation. Be on the lookout for my books coming soon.

"Love Betrayal" 2017 Written & Directed by James McFarland "Body Tap Massacre" 2017 Written & Directed by Coquie Hughes "My Vagina, My Voice" 2018 Written & Directed by Marvinetta WoofleyPenn "Boy" 2018 I play the lead and we will be performing the Grand Finale October 26, 2018 Written & Directed by Shuron Denise Ware "Brenda's Got A Baby" & "Twisted Luv" a John West Film comings soon "Brenda's Got A Baby" & "Twisted Luv" a John West Film comings soon I was signed to be the Writer & Director by a major distribution company for an upcoming movie, "Spiteful" by the creator Isiah Dean Doss of Isiah Doss Enterprise Inc. coming 2019.


I have truly been blessed on this journey and there is so much more ahead. I will deliver the messages that GOD want me too through my own creativity.

I dedicate all of my work to my little sister and my only sibling who was my rock. She is now sending me her messages from heaven as I pave the way not only for myself...but helping others along the way.

FELICE TAMARA J Facebook - Felice Tamara Jackson and Iamshe FeliceTamaraj Twitter - Felice_TamaraJ Instagram - Felice_Tamara_J Snapchat - Silhowette27 YouTube - Felice Tamara J

https:/ / m%2F&h=AT3dQUxU3uQ7g6iBXtbfpnrGiG kMHnv9d4pvk8IA1x_NFVsc9yDh2Qgefzn NaMNH5y7DcQfP10kjG4KTp5sFlkThBobw 96aUvSzhhWZRiDcIILlHr5IViFRPf9uH7EjhXUc&s=1

Sherell Brown is an Actress that was born and raised in Chicago. She is currently traveling with the “King of Policy“ stage play written by Jimalita Tillman and directed by Boaz McGee. Sherell had performed in twelve plays, selling out the Harold Washington Cultural Center for the “King of Policy” stage play which holds 1000 seats. “King of Policy” performed seven times this year. Her and the cast members performed in New York City on Broadway which was a sold out show . Their next destination is DC then off to London.

Sherell just starred in her first Indie movie “I'm coming for you .” She was one of the lead actresses Jessica. Written by Felice T Jackson. Sherell started acting in 2016.

She became an extra for a movie “Not Another Black Movie” she was treated like one of the cast members by Jay Davis and from there she knew she wanted to pursue acting. Her first stage play was “Love Em All Monologues.” She stole the show with her personality and crazy monologue written by Felicia T Simpson.

Sherell is an inspiring Director and Writer as well. She has finished writing her first movie and two TV pilots. She had twelve plays in 2017 and filmed two movies and two web series. So far Sherell has filmed on multiple projects and she has a lot to bring to 2018. Playing Janet in the new and upcoming movie “Disconnected” written and directed by Dorean Johnson. Disconnected is scheduled to be out in August 2018, a long with he new web series “The Wood” written and directed by Marcus Davidson and Lawrence Williams coming out late September. She will be playing Candace . Sherell loves smiling and telling jokes. Laughter is her outlet to everything. She hopes to one day work with Jada Pinkett and Gabrielle Union, Lena Waithe, and Ava DuVernay. She would love to write with Tyler Perry Contact info:and star in one of his movies.. FB Sherell Brown IG: sherelltheactress Email:

Meet Brandon J Minor, a 27 year old professional actor, model, and trainer from Maywood IL. Brandon has skills in photography, videography, and massage therapy. Brandon started his professional journey in 2014. He has been featured in a number of Chicago Fashion shows. LOLC charity, I candy, Chicago Greek week fashion shows, just to mention a few. He has received training from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Wallden Productions Theatrical School, and improve stunt acting from Fear City. Brandon has also starred in Bronzeville the Musical, alongside members of Triple Threat, . This has had a deep impact on his theater stage acting career. He has performed in Chicago, Detroit, and soon Washington DC with more cities to come. This was the built up to his star role in "I'm Coming For You" the movie. Brandon did extra work for TV shows FOX Empire and Chicago Fire which lead up to his speaking role on FOX Empire session 4 episode 2 as Hakeems music sound engineer. Brandon Minor is a reoccurring sound engineer on the FOX TV show. He wishes to show thanks to Ms. Margaret Mahdi producer, writer, and director. Mr. Runako Jahi artistic director and personal acting coach. Mr. Ted Williams acting teacher Columbia Chicago. Most of all he thanks his many supporters including his mother Verlinda Spiller, father Robert J. Minor, aunt Annie Byers, and Stepfather Rickey Dodson. Brandon has most recently been selected as an actor in Spiteful the movie so stay tuned. Brandon has been featured in K-Mart, Chobani yogurt, Lacroix, and Gatorade Commercial.

Brandon J. Minor 708.296.0403 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Height: 5’10 Weight: 185lbs Union Status: SAG-AFTRA Eligible Training: Acting Mahdi theatre company Mr. Runako Jahl Improve acting Columbia University Chicago Mr. Ted Williams Improve stunt acting Fear City Hunted House Mr. Bill Hunt Acting & Modeling Barbizon 2008 Ms. Blanca Theater Wallden Productions Mr. Steve Mosley Voice & Diction University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Ms. A. Skinner Film criticism University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Ms. Cheryl Collins Television Practicum University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Mr. Trammel Oral Communication University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Ms. A. Skinner Media & advertising University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Ms. Richardson Electronic Field Production University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Mr. Trammel Launch Direct Chicago Showcase One Source Talent Mr. Jason Van Dyke & Lynn Geiner Filmography: “I’m Coming For You” Eric/ lead actor Ms. Felice Tamara Jackson Television: FOX Empire “Full Circle” sea 4 ep2 Engineer Mr. Craig Brewer & Mr. Eric Haywood Commercial: Gatorade “The Secret to Victory” Supporting/ Football player SAG Chicago Theater: “Bronzeville” the Musical Chicago Theater/ lead actor Ms. Margaret Mahdi “Do I Hear Wedding Bells” Playground Theater Chicago/ lead actor Ms. Felicia T Simpson “Sunflower Seeds” Main Stage Theater /lead actor Ms. Rosette Jarriett & Ms. Leslie Dansby Fear City Hunted House Mr. John Blick Skills: Football, Track & Field, Baseball, Basketball, bowling, Billiards i.e.(table pool), Table cards, Volleyball, BMX Rollerblading, Bicycling, Roller Skating, Videographer, Swimming (lifeguard and CPR), Radio Personality, Video Editing/ Switchboard, Runway Modeling, Motivational Public Speaking, Jet Skiing, Motorcycle, Ice Skating.

Michael J Rodriguez What is it that you love about acting? I’ve always had a desire to be an actor. This goes back to when I was a kid. I quite literally couldn’t watch a program, movie, or TV commercial, without saying to myself, “I could do that,” or “I think I’d make a good actor.” Finally, back in 2006, I began pursuing that childhood dream. Essentially, the opportunity presented itself and I wondered if it was indeed something that I’d actually like to do. Well, I soon realized that not only did I like acting, but I absolutely loved it! It is a passion and a drive that is embedded deep within me. I can hardly explain it. It’s like I’m at home when it comes to being on set and going through the entire acting process; from the first time I get my hands on a script to when it’s finally game time and I actually get to perform on camera. It’s the type of job that will never really feel like work to me; at least, in the traditional sense of the word. Although, as an actor, it’s not easy by any stretch of the imagination. It’s just that, when you’re doing what you love and you love what you’re doing, it really does not feel like work. Like I said, it is tough to explain. But I hope you get the idea.

What is the most difficult part about acting? There are many things that are difficult when it comes to acting, as it is no easy task and there are so many variables to it. What I find to be most difficult, is when one project is completed and I have to wait for the next one. I love the entire process—from reading the script for the first time, to preparing for and deep diving into the script as I sync myself up with the character I’m going to portray, and as I mentioned earlier—to finally being on set and actually filming. So that is what’s most difficult; waiting to work on the next project.

I know that you have taken various acting classes throughout your career. What would you say is the best lesson you’ve learned in acting class? The best lesson I’ve ever learned in acting class was to not act. I know, this sounds very contradictory to me calling myself an Actor. Let me explain. It was my first time in an acting class and we were all provided sides to work on at the beginning of class. When the time came for each of us to go up one by one and act out our sides, I really felt like I was ready. I was off book and I knew exactly what I needed to say and how I needed to say it. He called me up first. I wasn’t very nervous, at first. I delivered my lines and saw some smiles from fellow students and felt like I did pretty good. Well, my acting coach slowly got right in my face and he didn’t look too happy. He stood inches from me, looked me right in the eye, and pretty much shouted “I don’t believe you! Do it again!” Okay, I was now officially nervous. So, I did it again with a bit more intensity. Then he got in my face again and with an even louder voice, he said “I still don’t believe you!!! Now do it again!!!” So, I regrouped and thought really hard as to what he was looking for and then hoped to myself that maybe I’ll get it this time. As I began, he stopped me. He looked at the class and said, “Guys, I know you call yourselves actors, but don’t come up here and “act.” You have to get away from that. You need to come up here and “BE!!!” Wow! It was like a lightbulb for me. I immediately drew from a real-life situation along with the intensity in the room, and I was ready. Then he looked at me and calmly said, “Now, do it again.” So, I did and after I finished, he got right in my face yet again (I’m thinking oh no, here we go again) and shouted, “There!!! Now, I believe you!!! That’s it!! You stopped acting and you simply became.” I have never approached or seen acting in the same way again. It forever changed me and has helped me tremendously in my acting career.

What is your dream role or film genre? My dream role is to play one of the lead detectives on a crime drama. I literally told my oldest son this about a year ago. And as you’ll find out later on in this interview, that dream is about to become a reality. My other dream role is to be an action star as one of the leads in a big budget film like The Lord of the Rings. Both role types would be over the top phenomenal for me.

What project(s) do you have coming up that you’re most excited about? I’ve been cast in a new upcoming TV crime drama series called The Vice Squad. I am greatly humbled and extremely excited about this project. The Vice Squad is based off of real life crime stories as shared by law enforcement officers. The show will be based in six cities and possibly more. The current list includes LA, NY, Chicago, Dallas, Nevada, and Seattle. Each city will have its own series of episodes and they’ll run back to back of one another, beginning with LA. It has recently been announced that the very first program will be a combined LA and NY two hour special. It is quite literally a dream coming true for me. As I shared earlier, I told my son that I wanted to do a program almost exactly like this one about a year ago. He reminded me of our conversation, after I announced to him my family that I booked the part. I will be one of the leads on the NY Vice Squad. It is really all quite surreal for me at this point—I can hardly wait to get started on this exciting journey. If anyone is interested in keeping up with my acting journey and/or with that of the new TV program that I will be in The Vice Squad, please like/follow on social media.

Facebook: Look me up as Michael J Rodriguez and The Vice Squad dEf66E0eIZLKQPqq1iEg3_W4W7G9Pv8LXl6ZZJL3CySCaNKn7BD1MT2 8O_YGw&fref=nf

Acting reel : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / 2 3 6 8 2 0 8 3 1 Instagram: Look me up as Michael J Rodriguez

I’d like to thank Shelley and Red Silk Carpet Magazine, for giving me the honor and pleasure to be interviewed by you. It has been a very humbling experience. I hope you and your magazine have continued success. Blessings. Michael J Rodriguez

Actor : Mike Photography: On Set Tech n ica l Wor k : H a l C u r r y a n d Director of Photography: Jose Editing: Michael J

Rodriguez David Eng David Eng Belmares Rodriguez

Actor: Mike Rodriguez Photography: David Eng On Set Tech n ica l Wor k : H a l C u r r y a n d D avid En g Director of Photography: Jose Belmares Editing: Michael J Rodriguez


Derek Tyler

Photographer :.Stephanie Kewish

Photos By ATOC

Photo By ATOC

Photos By ATO C

Photo by ATO C

The Hawkins Family

Receiving Award at Chicago Gospel Fest In Millennium Park

Photos Photos by ATOC By ATOC

I was born in an 800 years old city on Baltic Sea, Riga Latvia. My name is Irina Nudelman. Grow up I became involved in any creative project possible. Drama Class was the most important, because it helped me overcome painful shyness. At six, I like many others, were asked to recite poetry, only in my case, not a sweet one but an Oscar Wilde play, to everyone’s shock. And like every other girl in Latvia, chorus was a must. A lot of recitals! Especially in Summer Festivals, old Latvian tradition. Growing up under Soviet regime, there were not too many choices to choose from. So, I always felt that it was my responsibility to help people around me, improve their looks. And especially my dearest Godmother Anna. She was my first " victim". I always insisted to rearrange her scarf, change her amber beads to shorter or longer version, add broch, and so on. Thank God, she had patience with me, along with the rest of my loving family. Old and young! Art history was always my favorite subject; right after history of cinema that is still my endless amusement to this day. So Art History faculty was destined for me, and I happily graduated. In the meantime I began modeling to make extra money during college years, and later for fun of it. Seriously addicting business! We didn't make big money though. But to see you face on the cover, was good enough. In the late 1980’s Gorbachev open an Iron Gate to see a world outside regime....and trust me, I was first one, at that gate. Very young, married with my daughter who was only 4 years old, we ended up in Vienna and then Italy, until USA has us. Being the first immigrant in my family, I didn't know anyone, and very limited English skills then. I came to San Francisco, California, two days after the infamous Big Earthquake of 1989. City, that I love so much, and call my home, ever since. I met great people and my favorite job was being the Art Adviser for a Fine Art Gallery. Then Art Director and Curator. And right in heart of the city of San Francisco, on Union Square. For many, many years.

My daughter grew up and became a proud San Francisco native and true Californian. A few years ago we closed the doors of our gallery due to economic change around the city. And I decided to take time off and figure out what I would prefer to do with the rest of my young life. For the first time in years I have time on my hands to volunteer for my favorite charity cases, the Symphony and Opera House. I was welcomed with open arms, and am very proud of what we do for the culture in the great city.

Most challenging was to find my road of work without stopping charity work. The solution seemed to come by itself. Working, as a volunteer for fabulous events with kindness, and most generous people, I realized that they needed my advise, or even help to dress things up for special events. I couldn’t turn them down, and started making one of a kind items by personal request. Realizing that my vision in my sketches was better then my skills, Ha Ha. I start taking classes wherever I could. Three years later, I had a good solid following. I love the idea of elegant effortless dressing along with one or two statement pieces. I enjoy audiences of my age, who love to attend concerts, fine local dining and light travels. When young people address me with special orders and love my jewelry, I am still smitten and fluttered. I try never repeat my pieces and work only with natural stones and wood. I hope my clients old and new, feel energy and love and a good dose of humor in them. Love you All.

www. s h e l l e yp e k a l a . m ym on at . c om Email:

A C r e a t i v e E v e n t P l a n n e r w i t h L u x u r y F l a i r

My name is Monica Haque. I am the President of an organization named SWCE,INC. in New York. I am a married mother of one girl and two boys. I have completed my education in London and also attended Hunter College in New York. I produced and directed my events for several years at the Golden Palace in Parkchester in New York.

Urban Addictions B y… N o o r K h a n

The Marvelous Makeup Hello my name is Rakshya Noor Khan, my beloved friends call me Noor and I own a small salon loft in downtown Naperville called Urban Addiction. I am a licensed makeup artist in the industry for over 10 years now but a stylist since I was able to dress anyone who was willing to let me. Unfortunately I have gone through many storms and dark clouds of my own but always pull through because of my two kids and their unconditional love. Divorce, loss, financial issues and life itself has a lot of things it tends to throw our way but you have to remember we are here to impact other lives such as the people that are around us. I assure you no storm will last forever. After my own divorce 6yrs ago I have decided that my life is going to be full, full of laughter with my family, full of love with my kids and full of inspiration for the women who will come in and out of my life as clients or friends. Women have many roles and every role is important, but within it we have to remember to take care of ourselves and the way we feel as well as our looks because it will impact our self worth. That’s is why the beauty industry is a multi-Billion dollar business.

We have always been fascinated by the way the right shade of red lipstick and high heels can make a woman feel sexy, or the power of a good Smokey eye in the evening. Makeup and dressing has always been a mysterious thing to me, amazing how it can make a person feel in an instant. I grew up around very powerful strong women in their roles, but what I remember as a child are my grandmothers certain shade of Chanel red lipstick, her intoxicating Chanel #5 perfume and how my grandmother always got ready in the morning before tea like she is getting ready to take on the world. I also remember my own mothers’ silk saris with glossy lips sparkling in the evenings and how she turned every head she walked by… fascinating. And, I wanted to create that magic over and over again for myself or someone else, that feeling of power and luxury. I am a makeup artist and this is what I do, I paint over every scar that a woman feels, I carve away the insecurities that she feels, I blend some color into their lives and listen with confidentially to her deepest thoughts and dreams. The outfit, the hair, and the makeup all ties together makes us feel beautiful and enchanting helps us remember who we are as women… beautiful, remarkable, one of a kind creatures. For that moment, and that day I hope the client feels more like herself full of confidence and power. I love my job it has its bad days like every other job but then that one person sits in your chair and you remember why you do what you do as an artist. My inspiration is my dad who follows his dreams through and through and my kids who live their life with vibrancy. -By R. Noor Khan

Urban Addictions

In Theaters Wednesday, November 21st Life has become a balancing act for Adonis Creed. Between personal obligations and training for his next big fight, he is up against the challenge of his life. Facing an opponent with ties to his family's past only intensifies his impending battle in the ring. Rocky Balboa is there by his side through it all and, together, Rocky and Adonis will confront their shared legacy, question what's worth fighting for, and discover that nothing's more important than family. Creed II is about going back to basics to rediscover what made you a champion in the first place, and remembering that, no matter where you go, you can't escape your history. Release Date: November 21, 2018 Director: Steven Caple Jr. Cast: Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson, Wood Harris, Russell Hornsby, Florian "Big Nasty" Munteanu, Andre Ward, Phylicia Rashad, Dolph Lundgren Writer: Sylvester Stallone Producers: Sylvester Stallone, Kevin King-Templeton, Charles Winkler, William Chartoff, David Winkler, Irwin Winkler Executive Producers: Ryan Coogler, Michael B. Jordan, Guy Riedel Distributor: MGM, Warner Bros. Pictures

PRIDE. LEGACY. FAMILY. This fall, there is more to lose than a title. Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures present the official trailer for CREED II. The film, directed by Stephen Caple Jr., stars Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone and Tessa Thompson.

BEAUTI-FUL YOU DESIGNS By Merle Taylor Designer Merle Taylor of Beauti-ful You Designs Multiwear Collections, offers women versatility to transform their look into a skirt, dress, shirt, shawl and scarf in seconds. Her business is unique, because women today are never satisfied with their wardrobe, constantly changing from one item to another, until satisfied with how they look. Merle Taylor was born into a strong artistic and fashion design background. As a child she was taught by Mother and Grandmother how to design, draw, and sew, which has blossomed her into the great creative designer we know today. Attending college at the Illinois Institute of Art in Chicago encouraged her to take her talents to another level of designing, which became the creation of by Beauti-ful You Designs.

Merle has worked in the garment industry designing her unique and extraordinary designs since 2010, thus capturing the attention of many merchants, and consumers who have come to love her diverse limited edition multi-wear design clothing. What’s more the demand has increased hundred fold for her design style clothing with popularity rapidly growing. The mission of Beauti-ful You Designs is to become one of the largest online retail multi-wear clothing store in the nation. Merle’s dreams of supplying customers with beautiful garments that can’t be found anywhere in the clothing Industry , while creating a strong online company that will exceed all of their customer's expectations with every purchase made.


Meeting Philip Maldonado was the highlight of my evening at an Oscar event in 2011. Steve Starr at the camera, Carolina de Athey covering all the bases and twelve more team members from Red Carpet Concierge of Chicago in attendance. Phillip was full of rich history on the film industry and the theater. His charming and passionate personality had me living in Never Ever Land! We are so pleased to have him as the Overall Winner for RCCI’s first Film Festival and take this opportunity to wish him well with his agency Vertical! Our best to you Philip Maldonado! Sandra Smith-Doghmi Publisher Red Silk Carpet

The Louisville Central Community Center (LCCC) hosted their first inaugural fundraiser event called The Trustees of Inclusive Equity (I.E.) Awards Gala on June 19, 2018. This event honored six (6) individuals who have made significant local community impact in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and equity. One such nominee is Ms. Peggy Arthur, MBA, CLCS. Nominee, Ms. Peggy Arthur, MBA, CLCS was the 2017 project leader for BB&T Insurance Services’ annual community service event, the Lighthouse Project. The Lighthouse Project provides associates with up to eight (8) hours to volunteer for a company project impacting the community in which they live by serving a not-for-profit organization. Branch Banking and Trust (BB&T) Corporate allocates funds to initiate the respective projects. Each project has the opportunity to be nominated for the Spirit Award which bestows $5,000 additional dollars to the projects that best symbolize the “spirit” of what the lighthouse project symbolizes. BB&T aims to be a beacon of hope to those we serve as we embrace our mission of making our communities a better place to live and work. Despite being fairly new to the company, Peggy eagerly volunteered. She quickly embraced the project seeking to impact the largest group possible. Going against the norm of working through the busy day keeping one’s head down, Peggy pressed forward leading the way to helping children feel included. She authored eloquent and informed correspondence to the associates, thus building her team of volunteers.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Henry Ford By tenaciously and meticulously organizing our community project, Peggy not only worked to make the young men at the West End School feel included she also drove inclusion in the workplace. She made fellow associates feel included, as they positively impacted the communities in which they served and worked. A part of our community often overlooked due to its crime.

Our team members were extremely touched by this project and involved themselves personally by sharing resources with the school to support their mission. Our agency manager connected the school with one of not-for-profit clients, which seeks to empower families and end the cycle of poverty. One of our associates provided 130 toothbrushes to the lower school and connected the school with an organization that provides a grant of $30,000 for organizations meeting its grant specifications.

The school went on to win the grant. With Peggy’s enthusiasm for these boys she advocated tiredly for the Spirit Award portraying the best possible picture of the amazing organization which aims to become a primer, college preparatory, school that ensures all boys have access to quality education and meaningful learning opportunities. Peggy organized The Good Start for Boys Breakfast which was held on May 9, 2017 at the West End School. The West End School (WES) provides free, private schooling to at-risk, low-income boys from pre-k to 8th grade. The school serves a boarding house for 24 of its middle school students. Additionally, three (3) high school boys reside in the dorm, as they felt the structure the West End School provided them is still needed while pursuing their private high school education. For these students, elementary and middle years are a transitional ‘tipping point’ both socially and academically. At this age, boys are at higher risk for academic failure, truancy, school dropout, suspension, expulsions, delinquency, and incarceration.

Shykera Lampley Shykera Lampley, 18, is a Chicago actress, designer, entrepreneur and model. She first got started Modeling at the age of 12. Since then she has walked in New York Fashion Week, been featured on the hit tv show Empire, had two of her own New York Fashion Week fashion shows, co-owns the cosmetic line Ametrius Cosmetics, and has been promoting the message of anti violence through her clothing line, Woke Fashions. You can also see her featured on other shows and movies such as Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, The Chi, Book of Leah, Hala, and more. After graduating high school as an A honor roll junior, she has been going to cosmetology school to earn her license as a cosmetologist.

Noah Williams Hockey Player Model And Family Man Hi Noah! You are a very busy guy within your short years so far. You are a great hockey player with connections to the Blackhawks. Tell us a little bit about that! Uhh. I don’t know how to say. It’s so much fun. Too much fun! Too much fun! Too much fun! I hit the puck in the net. I am having a new team this time. We also see you on the runway with your talented sister Ramona. How old were you when you began modeling? I was four I think. No, I was three. I did TStar Bash. Is there another hidden talent that you would like to expand in? I don’t know. I want to skate like Mona. I want to jump like Nathan Chen. I saw him at the show. You have a very loving family with King Papa, Queen Lucinda and Princess Ramona. Tell us a little bit about what they do. Queen Lucinda! Hahahahaha! No. She’s Queen Mami! King Papa likes to take pictures and he’s growing tomatoes with Mona and me. Um, Queen Mami makes dresses for Mona. Mona likes to take pictures. She likes skating. She likes to do fashion shows. I don’t like my family. I LOVE my family! If you were in a commercial what kind of product would you like to talk about? I don’t know. Ice Cream! Chahklit and Manilla and Strawbewey!

Parijone', a Chicago Fashion Designer, graduated from the Illinois Institute of Art- Chicago where she received a Bachelors in Fashion Design in 2007. Parijone' is a freelance designer who also specializes in Embroidery. She has participated in several fashion events throughout the Chicagoland area as well as other states. Parijone' continues to grow while creating beautiful designs.

www. s h e l l e yp e k a l a . m ym on at . c om Email:


The fashion of Ivan Donev is ever-changing, consistently captivating and above all, a charismatic carrier of its author’s strong individuality. For the past decade the Bulgariaborn designer has absorbed the complexity of different cultures, waived them through his own struggles and presented them in a chic wearable fashion. “Immersing in different cultures leads to my appreciation of them and the differences that they portray. My cultural sensitivity allows me to broaden my horizons, expand my knowledge and gain confidence by enlarging my experiences. It also creates more ways to connect with those who have different backgrounds,” Donev said. In the last Friday of February, a near-packed art gallery in Chicago caught a glimpse of Donev’s unique mindset as he shared his story of breaking into the fashion world, creating his mark on Italian pret-a- porter industry and staying true to his values. As part of Red Carper Concierge of Chicago Oscars Related Awards 2018, Donev spoke in an intimate evening of talk with curious public at the ARC Gallery of the Windy City’s downtown. The young designer prefaced the discussion with a video of his fascinating fashion show during the Nefertiti International Fashion Festival in Luxor, Egypt. Speaking over the impressive images of high fashion runway amongst pharaohs in the Temple of Amun, we learned that Donev’s fashion fascination has its roots in his childhood when he exercised his vivid imagination over the glossy pages of classic and history books. He recalled his formative years as a time of experimenting with different arts and techniques to harness his creative energy that led to his initial dream to work as a scenographer. “When I was younger I dreamed of becoming a scenographer," shared Ivan. “Unfortunately, at that time, majoring in Scenography was not a available option at Bulgarian universities. I made it clear to my parents that I wouldn’t pursue a college degree just for the sake of getting a degree. Rather, I wanted to study something meaningful that would eventually lead to a successful career.”

His active involvement with music and dance forced him to search for a culture with long standing traditions in performing arts and soon after graduating high school, the young visionary moved to one of the world’s leading cities for fashion, Rome. There, Ivan reevaluated his professional ambitions and began his journey as a student at the International Academy of Haute Couture and Art of Costume KOEFIA – an experience that not only formed his creative instincts but also made him realize his full potential as a strong human being. Facing the high college taxes for international students, Ivan had to work three jobs in order to support himself. His early days in Rome were often marked by the dilemma whether he should spend his money on food or fabric and whether he should undertake the overwhelming responsibility of yet another job or study for a class exam. “Not having enough food became a norm. I am painfully familiar with true hunger and the constant dilemma that it presented when I was forced to choose between textbooks and food, groceries or graduation. I literally had days of not having anything to eat when I was secretly hoping that I would be invited over to a friend’s home for lunch or dinner.” Ironically, the empty stomach created a new type of craving – that of success. Today, the young designer is grateful for his hardships and largely credits them for his accomplishments. Demonstrating maturity well above his actual age, Ivan explained to the audience his philosophy of being able to learn something new every day despite his distractions and long working hours. For example, taking care for an ailing college professor reinforced his love for classical arts, while his work as a personal stylist taught him to look at clothes from a client’s point of view. studies at KOEFIA played an integral role in Donev’s development as a designer. Being exposed to famous names in Italian fashion industry and their unforgiving quest for perfection reinforced the huge meaning of the smallest details in Ivan’s designs. Elegant, poetic, airy, modern and yet timeless, his creations have received international recognition. You can trace Ivan’s artistic background, taste for adventure and his wild fascination with architecture in the intricate elements of his design. They are meant for the strong woman with uncompromised taste, who is not afraid to play up her most vulnerable side. Ivan Donev’s eloquent story about his journey into the fashion world was visually magnified by clothes and head pieces, brought from Rome specifically for the occasion. He eagerly shared his inspiration drawn from various cultures and described the thought behind the creative process.

The convincing versatility of the clothes was shown through separates suitable for different seasons and occasions. The presented looks demonstrated a complex aesthetic, a mix of impeccable craftsmanship and modern cut. “In fashions, versatility opens many doors of possibility through which your uniqueness and personal style will stand out. It provokes your unconventional thinking and dares you to dress in style that you may not have tried before,” explained the designer. The corset of the model is created by silk duchess and is directly inspired by the two staircases leading to art galleries while the dome of the museum in Doha finds interpretation into geometrically complicated intricate collar. To underline its shadows, Ivan used airbrushing techniques. The beautiful design is completed by a jeweled headpiece equally suitable for a modern fashionista, as well as a conservative burka-wearing Muslim woman. “I look at the museum as a mother preserving history - and therefore life – for future generations because art and history are food for the soul. The reason to cover the model’s breasts by sheer see through cream chiffon shirt results from my desire to associate motherhood with the very purpose of the museum. Just like a new mother would breastfeed her newborn into a healthy and vital person, the museum would feed them with essential soul food,” explained Donev. The designer’s versatility and diversity was soon recognized by international fashion experts, critics and public. Debuting his first collection just a year after graduating from KOEFIA, Ivan presents his collection in various countries on different continents. He is the recipient of the “CertiLuxe Award” at Milan Design Week, “World of Fashion” and ‘New Generation” awards at Rome Fashion Week, “Excellent Award for Design” at China Fashion Week, the “Fashion Week” award in Turkey, and the prestigious “Designer of Year – 2018” at the Golden Needle Awards ceremony in Bulgaria. Ivan Donev’s career came full circle when he began to teach new students. As a lecturer at various schools and universities in Italy and Bulgaria, he concentrates on presenting his students with information that would eventually lead to inspiration and new design ideas. Connecting with young people is important to him because it provides him with a sense of responsibility and lends him the confidence to keep pursuing his craft. Caring for and curbing someone’s fresh design perspective and uniqueness brings the designer enormous satisfaction. He also stresses the importance of travelling and the willingness to stay open minded in an ever-changing world.

“It is essential for young emerging designers to familiarize themselves with a broad range of conceptions and study all that can be known about human experiences. Through the knowledge achieved by researching both arts and science, and exploring the diversity of ancient and modern ideas, they can form a perspective about their own path in fashion.” Being able to share his personal life experience, Donev’s goal is to present an uncensored version of his life in Italy and thus motivating students to never give up and achieve their full potential. His captivating stories of the dark side of the fashion world and its endless temptations have important learning aspects; his candidly shared memories of selfdiscovery and self-actualization are a fascinating example of growth and focused mindset. The enormous success of his lectures is evident by the audience’s reaction at the ARC Gallery event. Often taking a conversational shape, Ivan Donev’s message resonated on a deeply personal level and provoked different reactions and questions. Affected by his strong words, the guests engaged the designer with their own experiences in the world of fashion. It became clear that attendees had not only acquired knowledge and understanding of the process of establishing a fashion brand but also caught a glimpse of the inner world of one of the most interesting new names on the European fashion scene. For those who were unable to attend Ivan Donev’s lecture at ARC Gallery, samples of his distinctive designs are on display on his Instagram account @ivandonev_id.



have a technical approach to my art. I like all my straight lines to be straight.

I have found the locations do help inspire a darker alternative edge to my editorial fashion work.


hope that people who

view my art can connect with their own stories set around the scenes I have captured.

Meet Brett Stoddart of Tidy Photography. He has been shooting in earnest for the past 14 years.

His work in abandonment has influenced his editorial and fashion work, creating a rich tapestr y of exciting images that continue to be in high demand.

S toddart's photographs have been published in over 30 magazines in print and online, as well as shown in numerous galleries and museums.

Born in Boston, raised in Detroit, he currently resides in Pennsylvania with his wife and two daughters.

Model Donavan Markeith MUA Photographer Leeric

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