Facebook ads have worked for my clients however you need to have a strategy and good offer in place to generate interest and leads to your business.
Here are the 6 steps to create a lead generating Facebook ad campaign:
1. A great offer: A beautiful ad can’t mask a bad offer. The goal here is to build your email and phone leads so a great ad offer is your irresistible lead magnet. Your lead magnet can be a entry priced product/service and must be something your target audience actually WANTS. Something so irresistible to your target audience that they must take you up on that offer. So irresistible that it’s a no brainer.
2. Write compelling copy: Facebook’s newsfeed are crowded and every post is vying for users attention…Use the AIDA FB Ad formula to write high converting ad copy.
3. Use eye catching creatives: The image, video or visual that you are will be using in your FB Ad. Your creative should be a visual representation of your copy.