New Life Marbella

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€27, 000permont h

Pr ogr am Dur at i on 30days

Av .del asCumbr es,s/ n,Edf . El vi r i aBusi nessCent r e,LocalB3,29604Mar bel l a New Li f eMar bel l a Gues t sr ec ei v et hei rownr oomswi t hens ui t es .Ther ehabhas mul t i pl et er r ac esal l owi nggues tt os i tandr el axwi t hv i ewsoft he s ea,Spani s hc oas t l i ne,andac r os st heMedi t er r aneant onor t her n Af r i c a. NewLi f eMar bel l ai sl oc at edonSpai n’ sl ux ur i ousAndal us i a r egi on.Thear eak i s s est heMedi t er r aneanSeaandof f er sv i s i t or s ac ul t ur al ex per i enc el i k ef ewot herpl ac esi nSpai n.Thec ent er ’ s namei sr at heraptasNewLi f eMar bel l as i mpl ypr ov i desc l i ent s wi t hanewl i f eandf r es hs t ar t .Ther ehabf oc us esonbes pok e behav i or al ment al heal t ht r eat ment sandaddi c t i onr ec ov er yf or c l i ent ss eek i nganendt ot hei rl i f es hat t er i ngi s s ues . Thel ux ur yr ehabof f er sc l i ni c al l ypr ov ent r eat mentpr ogr amst hat s uppor tgues t st hr oughoutt hei rs t ay .Thepr ogr amswor kt oheal c l i ent semot i onal l y , phy s i c al l y , andps y c hol ogi c al l y . Ex pec t medi c al s t af fgett ot her ootofeac hc l i ent ’ saddi c t i onandment al heal t h pr obl em,andawi der angeofaddi c t i onsar et r eat edbyt her ehab.

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

Cl i ent sr ecei ve24/ 7suppor tf r om t her ehab’ sst af f .Ther ehab’ sl ocat i ont akesguest sout oft hehust l eandbust l eoft hei rdai l yl i vesandput st hem i nar el axi ngbeachset t i ng.

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

Thet r eat mentf aci l i t yi sagoodl ocat i onf orbusi nessmenandwomen,execut i ves, CEOs,cel ebr i t i es,andot heri ndi vi dual sl ooki ngf oradi scr eetl ocat i ont or ecoverf r om addi ct i onandment alheal t hpr obl ems.

Al cohol Anxi et y Benzodi azepi nes Bi pol ar Chr oni cRel apse CoOccur r i ngDi sor der s

Tr eat ment Cocai ne Codependency Depr essi on Ecst asy( MDMA) Her oi n LSD,psychedel i cs

Opi oi ds Per sonal i t yDi sor der s PostTr aumat i cSt r essDi sor der Pr escr i pt i onDr ugs Synt het i cDr ugs Tr auma

Ther api es 1on1Counsel i ng Ar tTher apy Cogni t i veBehavi or al Ther apy Di al ect i calBehavi orTher apy

Gr oupTher apy MassageTher apy Medi cat i onAssi st edTher api es Mot i vat i onalI nt er vi ewi ng

Goal Or i ent edTher apy SoundTher apy Sur fTher apy Twel veSt epFaci l i t at i on

Af t er car e Out pat i entTr eat ment Fol l owupdays Abi l i t yt oCal laCounsel or Fol l owupSessi ons( i nper son) Al umniEvent s&Get Toget her s Fol l owupSessi ons( onl i ne) Dr ugScr eeni ng Onl i neAf t er car e Fami l yFol l owupCounsel i ng Out pat i entTr eat ment

Pr i vat e,Onl i neAl umniGr oup Pr of essi onalReent r ySuppor t Recover yCoach Ret ur nVi si t s SoberLi vi ng

Awar dedSt at usasaLux ur yCl as sRehabbyWor l dsBes tRehabMagaz i ne www. wor l ds bes t . r ehab

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